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人居健康对住宅设计的几点要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,健康问题是全人类关注的问题,人类时时刻刻都在致力于改善人类健康状况的努力之中,而对于住宅产业为人类所提供的居住环境而言,和人类的日常生活密切相关,其健康性能如何,对人类健康的影响非常大.因此,对于住宅设计者而言,怎样才能为人类提供一个健康的居住环境,是其必须研究的问题.可见探求人居健康对住宅设计的要求这一问题是十分必要的.文章以人居健康的内涵为出发点,结合以人为本的住宅设计思想,探讨了人居健康对住宅设计的几点具体要求.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题已成为社会、学校、家庭的严峻课题,它不依赖于知识的传授,而强调在现实环境中的实践、适应、表现和自我调适.校园环境是大学生生活的主要场所,对大学生心理健康的影响是巨大的.因此,研究与大学生心理健康相关的校园环境建设,是大学心理健康教育应对挑战、增强科学性和实效性的一个重要切入点.  相似文献   

自然环境愈来愈引起世界各国的普遍关注,环境污染不仅吞噬着人类绿色家园,而且直接危害着人类.大气污染,水污染、土壤污染着已构成对人类健康的重大威胁,这是世纪警钟.  相似文献   

绿色马克思主义是当代环境伦理问题与马克思主义相结合而产生的一股学术思潮,其在当今世界受到广泛的关注和重视。文章以对绿色马克思主义的简单介绍为起点,从其对马克思主义的现代新发展、环境伦理学的理论新完善以及研究环境问题的制度维度新探索三个方面分析绿色马克思主义的新视野,揭示出其对制度与环境问题的更深层次的批判。  相似文献   

论网络环境下大学生的心理健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,学界关于网络环境下大学生心理健康教育的意义作了较多理论探讨,但是多从重要性和负面影响等方面进行研究,忽视了网络本身的工具性特征,割裂了传统心理健康教育与网络环境下心理健康教育的有机联系。因此,文章结合网络对大学生心理的深层次影响,通过对网络环境下心理健康教育的优势进行分析,提出了建设新型教师队伍,建立网络心理互助组织,加强计算机伦理教育等针对网络环境下大学生的心理健康教育的基本思路。  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - The goal of this research was to explore cognitive, self-determined learning and autonomous motivational effects in the context of a mobile science exhibition...  相似文献   

影响大学生心理健康的因素很多,其中学校环境是一个非常重要的方面。本文探讨了学校环境对大学生心理健康的影响,并提出了相应的策略,以期为教师和教育管理工作者提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

The present study examined the association between students’ perceived general learning environment and their thinking styles (a specific term for ‘intellectual styles’). Seven hundred and fifty-two undergraduates in Shanghai responded to the Thinking Style Inventory-Revised II and the Inventory of Students’ Perceived Learning Environment. Results indicated that students’ perceived learning environment statistically predicted their thinking styles beyond gender, grade, major, and socio-economic status. Specifically, constructivist-oriented teaching, as well as peer morale and identities, were mainly associated with thinking styles that are characterised by cognitive complexity, nonconformity, autonomy and low degrees of structure (known as Type I styles), while clear goals and coherence of curricula mainly statistically predicted thinking styles that are characterised by cognitive simplicity, conformity, authority, and high degrees of structure (known as Type II styles). Student–student cooperation, the nature of assessment and assignments and learning facilities also statistically contributed to thinking styles to varying extents. The implications and limitations of the present findings are discussed.  相似文献   

论网络环境中高校心理健康教育工作的创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络环境以其无限量的信息资源、迅捷的传播方式、即时双向的参与性和突破时空限制的全球性,成为高校师生获取各种知识和信息的重要来源和渠道,成为高等教育发展的一个重要的思想文化高地。它给高校心理健康教育工作带来挑战和发展机遇,创新高校心理健康教育工作已成为一个亟待解决的重大理论课题和现实课题。  相似文献   

通过对当前地球生态环境已遭受严重破坏这一事实的论述,提出了培养青少年一代环境素质的重要性,以及着重需要培养的几个方面,即激发学生的环境意识,传授初步的环境科学知识,形成正确的环境价值观。教师要在自然科学的教学中渗透这些教育任务。  相似文献   

图书馆教育职能的一个重要方面是环境育人,良好的人文环境不仅能够减轻大学生的心理压力,而且能在潜移默化中陶冶情操、增长才智,培养他们健康向上的人生态度,提高抵御和应对挫折的能力。因此,立足高校图书馆的教育职能和服务职能作用,分析了图书馆人文环境对大学生心理健康的引导作用,并从不同侧面就创建基于大学生心理健康的图书馆人文环境提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

现代科技的迅速发展对传统的伦理道德观提出了挑战,管理与伦理相互结合的态势已日益突显。从科技进步的角度来揭示伦理所具有的管理价值以及如何实现伦理在管理过程中的重要作用.不仅具有学术价值.而且也具有实践意义。  相似文献   

This study developed, validated, and utilized the Technology Integrated Classroom Inventory (TICI) to examine technology-integrated science learning environments as perceived by secondary school students and teachers. Using technology-oriented classroom climate instruments and considering the science classroom’s characteristics, TICI was developed. More than 1,100 seventh through ninth grade science students validated the instrument, revealing eight scales: technological enrichment, inquiry learning, equity and friendliness, student cohesiveness, understanding and encouragement, competition and efficacy, audiovisual environment, and order, with alpha reliabilities ranging between 0.69 and 0.91 (0.93 for the entire questionnaire). In measuring actual and preferred learning environments, TICI results indicated that both students and teachers ranked equity and friendliness highest. The largest actual–preferred discrepancy was order (students) and inquiry learning (teachers). TICI offers additional utilities for technology-enriched science leaning environments.  相似文献   

中国保健食品行业的发展几经周折,从发轫伊始的市场热捧到后来的门庭冷落,再到如今的行业新生,保健食品行业从不成熟逐渐走向成熟。目前中国保健食品行业的竞争环境越发激烈,但其发展前景却令人期待。  相似文献   

本文从环境与健康的角度,阐述阅览室空气不良对人体的危害。而提高环保意识,营造绿色阅览室环境,将对提高阅读效果、促进读者身心健康起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

论公共健康伦理在公共健康危机管理中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共健康伦理在公共健康危机管理中的作用主要表现在:公共健康危机发生前,能够有效廷缓、防止公共健康危机发生;公共健康危机发生后,能够减少危机带来的损失.发挥公共健康伦理作用,必须建立与时代相适应的公共健康的思想道德体系,必须努力提高个体的道德水平.  相似文献   

Collaborating closely with a 10th-grade science teacher, we designed a Web-based learning environment (Web-LE) to improve student motivation to learn science. Factors believed to enhance intrinsic motivation (challenge, control, curiosity, and fantasy) were integrated into the instructional design of the Web-based learning tool. The Web-LE was implemented in the teacher’s 10th-grade classroom as a three-day student-centered learning activity. Data collection methods included individual student interviews, teacher interviews, motivation questionnaires, and observations. This study revealed multiple forms of evidence that the Web-LE and the associated learning activity improved student motivation. This study illustrates the benefits of educational researchers working closely with teachers using design-based research methods to successfully solve instructional problems and identify reusable design principles. Design principles for the integration of intrinsic motivation factors into the development of similar Web-LEs are presented as well as directions far future research.  相似文献   

关怀伦理与心理健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理问题产生的根源在于有效关怀的缺失,而心理健康教育的本质与根本目标即是关怀。关怀伦理是由西方女性主义伦理学家提出的,是以“关怀”为中心,强调人与人之间的情感、关系以及相互关怀的一种伦理理论和原则。关怀伦理与心理健康教育之间有着内在的联系,在关怀理念、关怀情感、关怀关系、关怀方式等方面对其有重要启发。  相似文献   

Bildung is a complex educational concept that emerged in Germany in the mid eighteenth century. Especially in Germany and Scandinavia conceptions of Bildung became the general philosophical framework to guide both formal and informal education. Bildung concerns the whole range of education from setting educational objectives in general towards its particular operation in different school subjects, among them science education. In more recent years, the concept of Bildung has slowly begun to be used in the international science and environmental education literature. This paper presents a systematic analysis of the international literature concerning the use of the concept of Bildung, with a view on its meaning in and for science education. At least five versions based on or closely connected to the tradition of Bildung can be identified: (a) Von Humboldt’s classical Bildung, (b) Anglo-American liberal education, (c) Scandinavian folk-Bildung, (d) democratic education, and (e) critical-hermeneutic Bildung. These different understandings of Bildung are discussed in relation to their historical roots, educational theory, critique, and their relation to philosophies of science education, such as different visions of scientific literacy. Based on critical-hermeneutic Bildung, the paper theoretically develops views of critical-reflexive Bildung as an educational metatheory. It is connected to ideas of transformative learning, sustainability education and a Vision III of scientific literacy. Finally, some implications of critical-reflexive Bildung for teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨学习动机与家庭环境间的关系,用学习动机量表和家庭环境量表进行问卷调查,结果发现大学生的学习动机存在着年级差异,并且家庭环境能够影响到学生的学习动机.在分析大学生学习动机差异和家庭环境对学习动机影响的基础上,尝试提出几点培养大学生学习动机的家庭教育策略.  相似文献   

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