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A qualitative study probing the connection between a high school English teacher’s lived experience and beliefs about teaching students identified as having a disability using interview story method was undertaken. Struggles with family quickly emerged as a dominant storyline in the participant’s discussion of her beliefs about teaching such students. The teacher’s value of diversity in students, regardless of disability/ability status, evolved from family relations. The narrative also illuminates the importance of persistence and compromise in preserving and developing relationships that extend to colleagues and students. Lessons learned from gathering the narrative are also discussed.  相似文献   

In an East Asian context heavily influenced by Confucian ideas on principles for living and behaving, ‘face’ plays a significant role in Vietnamese people’s thinking and behaviour. In the context of education, Vietnamese teachers’ concerns of saving face in classrooms have been implicitly taken for granted but not yet seriously examined in academic research. The paper addresses this gap in the research literature by presenting the results of interviews with 15 lecturers in a Vietnamese Teacher Training College. It is argued that the concepts of face and saving face are significant to the participants and their ideas of saving face are largely influenced by traditional Confucian standards in education. In particular, teachers are believed to save face by upholding the belief that they represent an unquestionable source of knowledge, maintaining a ‘noble distant image’ in relations with their students, and receiving respectful behaviours from their students. These beliefs could be one source of resistance to educational reforms regarding interactive pedagogies in Vietnamese higher education. It is argued that teachers’ concerns of saving face in Vietnamese classrooms deserve more attention from educational planners and researchers.  相似文献   

Previous research asserts the connection between teacher beliefs and behaviors in the classroom. However, using broad, general constructs collected in teacher self-reported surveys has provided neither clear connections between beliefs and behaviors, nor explanatory power between connected or disparate beliefs. This research examines teacher beliefs from a collection of beliefs perspective that acknowledges a multitude of beliefs coalescing to shape practice observed in the classroom. In this research, qualitative research methods including interviews and classroom observations were used to examine one teacher’s navigation through programmatic change to collect data regarding the teacher’s beliefs central to shaping praxis. Based on the methods employed, two central beliefs emerged (i.e., motivation is key to learning and the teacher’s role as interpreter). While these specific beliefs are interesting and informative, they are understood in this qualitative study as specific to this individual. So, care is taken not to overly extend the importance of these specific beliefs beyond this teacher, but instead to understand the implication that beliefs have on praxis, as well as how beliefs support or compete in their foundational support of instruction.  相似文献   

Nearly 700 US journalism and mass communication faculty (all teaching personnel) reported their perceptions of student email use via a web‐based survey. This nationwide study focused on the content of email sent by faculty to students, email’s effectiveness, and email’s effect on student learning. Comparisons were made based on faculty gender, rank, age, and ethnicity. Findings suggest that despite statistical differences, when gender, rank, age, or ethnicity are considered, faculty are not in the habit of sending course materials like syllabi, project instructions, and lecture notes to students personally via email. Moreover, faculty tend to find favor with email communication and its effectiveness as a tool of teaching. The results of this survey coupled with previous research by the authors and other scholars suggest faculty ought to embrace the technology and develop positive ways to incorporate email, as well as other technology, into the educational process.  相似文献   

Faculty in U.S. colleges of agriculture are encouraged to internationalize their classroom curricula, but further research is needed to determine how to best prepare faculty. This study explores the transferability of the technological pedagogical content knowledge model (TPACK), originally used for technology integration, to our proposed model, the global pedagogical content knowledge model (GPACK), for the effective integration of global concepts into content-specific courses. Interviews from eight program participants of a yearlong faculty development program imply combined faculty training in global issues, pedagogy, and content, rather than in an exclusive knowledge area, may more adequately prepare faculty for classroom internationalization.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of context-based inquiry teaching within a humanistic perspective on science education by studying pre-service teachers’ beliefs about inquiry and their implementations of inquiry in their context-based teaching sequences. Therefore, five pre-service teachers enrolled in a university undergraduate course called ‘Inquiry-based chemistry education II’ (5 ECTS) were involved in an empirical case study. The pre-service teachers’ implementations of inquiry were studied from their reports on self-designed context-based inquiry teaching sequences for students age 13–15, and their beliefs by interviewing them after the course. The results indicate that the most frequent aspects of inquiry, which were implemented, were that inquiry (i) includes a context, (ii) is a way to act, (iii) is a way to think, and (iv) includes source/information evaluation and argumentation. The pre-service teachers’ beliefs about inquiry were shown to reflect manifold aspects of inquiry, such as the difficulty in explaining it. However, this difficulty in encapsulating inquiry into a clear-cut definition is not necessarily an impediment to inquiry-based teaching. Furthermore, inquiry is inherently context-bound, and context-based teaching requires extra-situational knowledge from the context and not only declarative knowledge from science. This should be considered to support effective professional development.  相似文献   

This research focused on teacher communication behaviour as an influential factor in students’ educational experiences. This study examined students’ perceptions of emotion (involving teachers’ emotional support, students’ emotional work and students’ positive emotional valence toward class and teacher) as influenced by a variety of predicting variables: perceptions of teacher affinity-seeking as well as teachers’ positive behaviour alteration techniques, verbal immediacy and teacher online presence (involving the three factors of instructional design, organisation facilitating discourse and direct instruction). Relying on survey data collected from undergraduate and graduate students across disciplines enrolled in course offerings at a large public university, quantitative analysis examined relationships among existing factors previously studied in educational and communication research. Although this study uncovered multiple significant relationships between variables in the data set, students’ perceptions of their teachers’ verbal immediacy and presence in their instructional design were found to be most predictive relative to students’ emotions in online classrooms. Ultimately this project addresses and emphasises the need to more fully examine students’ emotions and related social experiences with virtual teachers and course content in higher education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the views of students enrolled at a small United States Midwestern community college toward learning mathematics, and to examine the relationship between student beliefs about mathematic learning and educational experiences with mathematics using Q methodology and open-ended response prompts. Schommer’s (Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 495–504, 1990) multidimensional theory of personal epistemology provided the structural framework for the development of 36 domain specific Q sort statements. Analysis of the data revealed three distinct but related views of learning mathematic which were labeled Active Learners, Skeptical Learners, and Confident Learners. Chi-square tests of independence revealed no significant differences based on gender. Additionally, there was no evidence for differences based on level of mathematics completed, age, or college hours accumulated. Student’s previous experiences in instructional environments, however, were closely associated with beliefs. Results are discussed in view of the implications for establishing learning environments and considerations in implementing Standards-based curricula in higher education.  相似文献   

An important aspect of metacognition, one potentially affecting much of students’ academic efforts, was tapped in this study. College students’ beliefs about their academic motivation were elicited systematically using ethnographic interviewing. We reasoned that students are very conscious of their decisionmaking regarding academics, and thus, they would be able to report on many of the factors affecting their academic motivation. In general, the students reported that many factors affect their academic motivation, specifically, many more factors than have been considered in previous theoretical analyses of academic motivation, with students perceiving that interactions between motivational factors often are critically determinative of academic efforts and achievement.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to identify the factors that could be used for quality assessments of the placement centres used by the University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Education. To achieve this, a multiple case study method (bachelor’s degrees in Education, Social Education and Social Work) was used, which was based on a survey methodology. A questionnaire, which identified seven quality criteria, was applied to 291 placement centres. An analysis of the placement centres’ average quality scores revealed that most of them had high scores for consideration of the training activity, tutor–student ratio, type of placement, capacity of providing career opportunities, the centre’s tutoring, the tutors’ tasks and the coverage of the competences. We considered it necessary to improve the definition of quality placement plans, and the recognition of the tutor’s work at the centre; therefore, this paper proposes an instrument to measure and assess the quality indicators described, aiming at improving the placements system at the University by better connecting universities and centres.  相似文献   

Peers, family, mentors and the media may influence students’ attitudes towards chemistry and their intention to enrol in tertiary chemistry courses. In this paper we report on an investigation of the perceptions students hold about their associates’ attitudes towards chemistry and chemists. Data were gathered from interviews with 37 tertiary chemistry students, for whom chemistry had differing roles in their degree. The data suggest that although many of the students’ associates subscribe to stereotypical images of chemistry and chemists, students’ choices of enrolment are predominantly based on their own previous experiences.  相似文献   

Caring, as a universal human phenomenon, should permeate elementary, secondary and tertiary level instruction. The practice of teaching, especially at the tertiary level, is not only substantial and procedural but relational as well. To teach with a heart is the essence that makes teaching a form of caring. When teaching is viewed as a form of caring, teachers become relational geniuses in their own right. This study is an attempt to segment Filipino college students’ views (n=1000) of their teachers’ caring behavior and their orientations as cared-for individuals. The identified clusters of teacher roles that indicate caring behavior imply that acts of teaching become acts of caring depending on how the teachers, theefficient cause of education, perform their ordinary tasks in the context ofextraordinariness. Such extraordinariness spells out a big difference in the way teachers practice the so-calledsingle loop caring or caring visibility anddouble- loop caring or caring presence. The former refers to teaching from the heart while the latter pertains to teaching with a heart. Interestingly, the extent to which teachers’ caring behavior is felt and experienced by the students positively shapes their orientations as cared-for individuals.  相似文献   


Adjunct faculty use in higher education has been on the rise since the 1970s, with adjuncts teaching 58% of United States community college classes. Yet, adjuncts are consistently excluded from the professional development opportunities offered to their full-time counterparts. For institutions to ensure their students are receiving the best education possible, it is vital to provide resources, access, and points of engagement that enable adjunct instructors to build collegiality. Mentoring is an effective way for institutions to support their adjunct population. I highlighted points of consideration for mentoring programs within higher education by examining the implementation of a mentoring program at a community college in the United States. The purpose of my qualitative case study was to document adjuncts’ experiences while entering a new mentoring program.  相似文献   


This study examined how cultural values and teacher beliefs influence Chinese and Spanish university teachers’ acceptance of ICTs by combining Hofstede’s cultural values theory with technology acceptance theories. Four hundred and twenty-five university teachers from China and 385 teachers from Spain participated in the study. The proposed research model was tested by using samples from both countries and the multigroup analyses were performed to test moderating effects of cultural variables. Results confirmed the validity of the model in both samples and the effects of cultural values on the adoption of ICTs, and significant differences were observed between the two samples.


The ability to express oneself clearly in both a mother tongue and a foreign language is a foundation principle of the new national curriculum in Estonia. Therefore, research was conducted to determine whether there was a possible relationship between English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of effective teaching and the contextual evaluation of the school. The aim of this article is to describe the relationship between the perceptions of school climate and effective teaching among EFL teachers. The study revealed that EFL teachers’ perceptions of the school climate correlate to some extent with their perceptions of effective teaching practices, with some differences between teachers of Estonian-language schools compared with those of Russian-language schools. The research also highlighted that senior management should place more emphasis on creating a cooperative school climate for developing a learner-centred teaching approach as one of the foundation principles of the new national curriculum.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - As an emerging learning method, mobile technologies allow students to gain knowledge via both formal and informal learning. In spite of the...  相似文献   

Socrative is an online assessment and student response tool that provides opportunities to increase student engagement in the classroom. We used Socrative as an online homework completing platform to increase students’ exam scores in physics. To explore the relationships among factors and the educational effectiveness of Socrative, data from 85 undergraduate students’ final and midterm grades, and their responses to an attitude survey were used. The ANCOVA results demonstrated that the use of Socrative positively influenced students’ exam scores and a fairly significant correlation was found between students’ attitudes toward Socrative and final exam scores. Moreover, the results of the survey showed that students have moderately positive attitudes toward the use of Socrative as an online homework assignment platform. This empirical study indicates that the use of Socrative can go beyond engaging and motivating students and can be used as an online homework completing tool.  相似文献   


In recent decades, a constructivist view of learning has triggered a change in teaching-learning environments (TLEs). Teacher-centred TLEs have been replaced by student-centred ones where the teachers’ approaches to teaching are more learning- than content-focused. Previous research exploring the relationship between student-centred TLEs and the quality of learning has shown contradictory results. Previous studies also indicate that various elements of TLEs may influence students’ learning. This study explored course-level types of elements, enhancing or hindering, related to TLEs, which the course students described. The TLEs of the courses varied because the teachers adopted different types of approaches to teaching. The data for this study were collected through semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students (N = 33) from three compulsory courses. The interviews were designed so that students could describe their perceptions of the course as well as their learning experiences and processes. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results revealed that when the teacher employed a consonant learning-focused approach to teaching, the students perceived almost all elements of the TLE as enhancing. When the teacher’s approach to teaching was identified as dissonant, the students perceived several elements of the TLE as hindering. This study revealed that inclusion of student-activating teaching-learning activities is important when designing TLEs, but that it is also crucial to design elements which guide and structure students’ learning.

Abbreviation: TLE: teaching-learning environment  相似文献   

This study explores two higher education-based language teacher educators’ teaching beliefs and how they implemented their beliefs in classroom practice. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews and classroom observation, the findings revealed the teacher educators’ multiple and complex beliefs, which were derived from their past experiences and continued to be shaped and transformed through their professional work. The study also shows that while the participants tried to act in accordance with their beliefs in their teaching of teachers, they encountered some contextual obstacles (e.g. the ‘publish-or-perish’ system) which resulted in the gap between their beliefs and practice. Through their continuous reflections and agentive work, the teacher educators tried to close the gap and facilitate their students’ learning to teach. This study concludes with some implications for current teacher education and higher education on how to promote language teacher educators’ cognitive learning and continuous development.  相似文献   

This study examines success factors in online learning from the instructors’ perspective. Academic success comprises not only student satisfaction and good grades, but also perception of learning and knowledge transfer. A systemic model of inputs–process–outputs of learning was used. A total of 322 online teachers from four different universities and countries were used to study factors of attainment. Findings suggest that: (i) instructors from the University of Peking and the Autonomous Popular University of the State of Puebla reported learner factors as the most important for students on online courses, (ii) instructors from the University of New Mexico perceived institutional factors as the most important for establishing effective online learning and (iii) instructors from the Open University of Catalonia reported outcome factors as the most important for learners in online courses. Compared with other research results in online learning, instructors in this study generally reflect a greater concern about the content, social presence, instruction and their interactions than about technological matters.  相似文献   

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