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科学素养被认为是21世纪公民生活和工作所必须具备的关键能力的核心,而培养学生的科学素养就成了教育的重要使命之一,如何测评学生的科学素养也因此成了研究的重点。本文试图通过介绍欧洲经济合作与发展组织的“国际学生评价项目”对科学素养的界定和评估框架,为评价学生的综合能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中美科学教育标准比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了阐述我国和美国科学课程标准的异同,将主要从中美科学课程标准的整体框架、课程理念、内容标准、教学标准和评价标准五个方面进行比较和分析,从而得出有利于我国科学课程改革及科学教学的启示。  相似文献   

The Education and Human Resources (EHR) Directorate at the National Science Foundation has been examining its role in supporting the development of new approaches to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. This article explores what it means to be scientifically literate, what it takes to become a learning organization, how the EHR Directorate is working towards becoming such an organization through rigorous self-study, and how EHR can best manage its large portfolio of awards that support investigations in STEM education to enhance their collective value to researchers, policymakers and educators. Several elements of the self-study process are described, and the implications for the Directorate as well as for the field of researchers in science education are explored.The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

本文献主要回顾了自1989年以来小学科学课程的发展以及在科学课堂中应用ICT的研究。文章讨论了ICT对小学科学课程中教师与学习者的角色关系、教师的专业知识、程序技能和科学内容之间的平衡、形成性评价的应用等方面所产生的影响。此外,还提供了一套目前ICT被应用于促进优秀科学教学方式的批判性评估。最后,作者提倡要对ICT的各种应用以及它们对促进小学科学课程中儿童的学习有何种促进潜能开展系统研究,并为那些旨在促进儿童小学科学学习经验的软、硬件开发者提出了建议和启示。  相似文献   

占小红  杨润  杨笑 《中学教育》2021,18(1):92-103
随着知识经济时代的到来,教育竞争越来越激烈,影子教育系统也不断扩张,尤其是在中国、 韩国等东亚国家,但其时间投入如何影响学生的核心素养却不明晰,尤其是针对我国基础教育阶段影子教育的实证研究比较缺乏,科学领域的影子教育研究更是鲜见,导致政府干预科学影子教育缺乏指导依据.基于中国与韩国PISA2015的测评数据,在充分考虑...  相似文献   

PISA2015科学素养测试结果于2016年底正式公布后,受到社会各界的广泛关注。研究者从OECD在线公布的数据库中选取中国四省市与新加坡的有关数据,对两个经济体15岁在校生的科学素养表现进行比较分析,并通过多水平分析探讨影响学生科学素养的关键因素。结果发现:中国四省市学生在科学素养测试总量表及各分量表上的成绩均非常显著地低于新加坡学生,分差在32.82~43.29之间,效应量达到中等强度;中国四省市学生在工具性动机上得分非常显著地高于新加坡学生,但在科学乐趣与科学自我效能得分上非常显著地低于新加坡学生;在影响因素方面,家庭经济、社会和文化地位、科学乐趣、科学课纪律氛围、教师中科学教师的比例等因素对两个经济体的学生成绩具有显著正向预测效应,但考试焦虑、工具性动机、教师探究式教学等因素表现出显著的负向预测效应。中国四省市要有意识地借鉴新加坡教育经验,改革与完善科学教育,具体建议有:(1)进一步推动课程与教学改革,重视探究式教学与学生批判性思维的培养;(2)加强学校人力资源管理,提高教师专业水平;(3)关注学生非认知表现,激发学生科学学习的内部动机。  相似文献   

芬兰政府颁布的《学前教育国家核心课程》被认为是世界上最优秀的课程标准之一。该课程标准是在特定背景下颁布的,具有以下特点:立场明确,保护儿童权利;内容丰富,发展幼儿个性;信任儿童,鼓励自由表达;注重环保,培养审美能力;强调互动,侧重发展性评价等。其对中国幼儿园课程开发的启示包括:坚持主体性原则,打破狭窄的课程定位;坚持整合性原则,树立开放的课程观念;坚持发展性原则,重视创新的课程架构等。  相似文献   

This paper investigated the change of the Junior Secondary School Chemistry Curriculum (JSSCC) in the P. R. China over the period from 1978 to 2001. Document analysis was employed as the research method and data were collected from various versions of teaching syllabi, textbooks, and teachers' reference books published during this period. The changes of the purposes and content of the JSSCC were traced in the view of scientific literacy, which incorporates both subject matter and companion meanings in the light of the concept of ‘curriculum emphases.’ It was found that subject matter had been increasingly enlarged in its breadth but its requirements gradually decreased while companion meanings at different levels of this curriculum had been increasingly added from 1978 to 2001. On the basis of these findings it was concluded that the JSSCC had experienced a transition from being more elite to more future citizenry oriented during the period under study. Two implications of this study for science curriculum research were discussed.  相似文献   

21世纪芬兰经济快速发展,产业结构发生变化,第三产业比重持续上升并成为国民经济的主导产业,加上社会经济与科技的进步,芬兰政府意识到改革基础教育课程的重要性。芬兰在课程理念、课程内容、课程管理、课程设置、师资建设等方面都进行了改革。具体包括:尊重天性,培养终身学习的能力;重视科技与外语课程;课程管理分散灵活,实行"不分年级制";增加课程设置的弹性;整治教师队伍,为课程改革提供师资保证;政府为基础教育课程改革提供财力保障。改革虽然取得了一定的成果,但是其中也存在一些问题,例如,忽视学生学习自觉性的引导,对性别造成的学习差异不够重视,缺乏统一客观的课程评价标准等。芬兰基础教育课程改革的经验与教训启示我们:要注重课程设置的公平性;增加课程设置的弹性;提高师资队伍质量,使其具备配合国家课程改革的综合素质;建立全面而严格的基础教育课程改革评估制度;为学生提供多样化的选课方案以及课程指导制度。  相似文献   

Kathryn Ross 《Literacy》2006,40(3):171-178
Both Kerala and Finland have made notable achievements in the realm of literacy: Kerala has one of the highest rates in the developing world and Finland ranks first in literacy among developed countries. Both also share a cultural history of granting women a high status in their respective societies. Using Kerala and Finland as examples, this paper explores the status of women in highly literate societies in both the developing and developed worlds, looking not only at the historical circumstances in which these conditions developed but also at the outcomes associated with them. This paper argues that literacy rates and female status are interconnected: each impacts on the other, as high female status contributes to improved literacy rates and educational and life opportunities, while high female literacy rates result in increased social standing for women. Such synergy produces outcomes beneficial to a society, regardless of its developmental status.  相似文献   

通过对我国小学职前科学教师对科学探究的理解存在问题的分析,提出了形成教师教育共同体,构建新型的课程体系,反思探究活动以及评价体系的建立等方法,旨在为未来我国职前小学科学教师的培养带来一点启示.  相似文献   

汪霞 《教育学报》2003,(7):45-49
本文着重探讨了 1994年普通高中课程改革以后 ,芬兰普通高中课程评价的基本举措和特点 ,分析了国家级行政管理、省级行政管理、地方行政管理、校级行政管理的权限和方式、方法。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explain the difference between the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 reading results for Finland and Estonia using characteristics of teaching and learning, and characteristics of the overall development of these countries. PISA data were collected via a reading test and student questionnaires from 4,729 students in Estonia and 5,810 students in Finland. Regression analysis made it possible to identify the speed of the rise in PISA scores in relation to the selected variables. The speed was multiplied by the value of the variable to calculate the effect of the variable. The effects of the joy of reading and the diversity of reading materials were greater in Finland, but the effects of metacognition and online reading activities were greater in Estonia. The countries had different values for several indices of development, and this was concordant with the difference in the PISA scores.  相似文献   

This article reports empirical work conducted by three university teacher education providers into how a major revision of the science curriculum in England, the How Science Works strand, has been translated into practice for 14–16 year olds in schools. Data were collected from pre-service teachers about their understanding, experiences, perceived challenges and resourcing of How Science Works during their final school experience. The results indicate that implementation of How Science Works in schools lies on a spectrum between two extremes referred to as creative implementation and restricted implementation; a recognition that success with this new approach requires a fuller engagement in higher order thinking skills; and that the importance of differentiation is paramount if all pupils are to connect with the new curriculum. The article concludes that support is needed for major transitions in pedagogy with both serving and trainee teachers. This needs to start with teacher education and encompass teacher development, with greater involvement both in school and university programmes.  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来,美国青少年科学教育的核心价值和首要目标就开始向科学素养的培养目标转化。通过“2061计划”、国家科学教育标准、SIS教育等改革活动,极大地推动科学素养目标的达成。  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed the gradual implementation of integrated science curriculum at the junior secondary level in China. However, in most provinces of China, the implementation is not as successful as expected. Challenges were reported, yet without fine-grained investigation, with respect to science teachers' instruction on integrated science. In this study, we aim to detect major problems by investigating the instruction of integrated science at the secondary level. Classroom observation focused on the teacher and student verbal behavior, teachers' competency of instructional organization, their presentation of instructional content, and the organization of learning activities. Findings revealed that students were provided with limited opportunities for participating and engaging in learning as science teachers were dominant in classroom talk. Teachers emphasized on the integration of knowledge within one subject (within-subject knowledge), but not the integration of knowledge between subjects (cross-subject knowledge), resulting in the unsuccessful instruction of the integrative content. What is more, teachers were inadequately competent in designing and delivering science, technology and society content, scientific inquiry and scientific experiments, which also affected the quality of instruction on integrated science.  相似文献   

Kindergarten reading and writing curricula in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eufimia Tafa 《Literacy》2008,42(3):162-170
The aim of this study was to examine whether the current literacy programmes in European Union kindergarten curricula support and enhance young children's reading and writing development. This study investigated whether the kindergarten curricula of 10 European countries: Britain, Belgium, France, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Sweden set appropriate goals for young children's acquisition of literacy, provide methodological guidelines that support children's active engagement in reading and writing activities, provide a print‐rich classroom environment, emphasise the communicative nature of reading and writing and use play in the learning process. The comparative data analysis showed that European kindergarten curricula seem to support and enhance young children's reading and writing development, and that early literacy acquisition is based on the principles of the new perspective of the emergence of literacy.  相似文献   

当代西方综合理科课程的基本理念及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合理科课程在西方国家已经经历了大的约半个世纪的历程,并将得到越来越多人士的广泛赞同。它在理论和实践上都基本形成了完整的体系,对我国实现素质教育有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this essay we explore the role played by the conceptual structure of science in scientific literacy. It is shown that the taxonomy of scientific concepts elucidated by Karplus is a basic structural characteristic of science, and provides a natural means forengaging, as distinct from merely learning, scientific content. Special attention is given to the idea scientific model as being fundamental to the discipline and therefore essential to scientific literacy. The relationship between scientific models and common misconceptions is developed.Based on the second of two talks given at the Paedagogische Hochschule, Ludwigsburg, Germany, in November 1988.  相似文献   

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