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英语写作教学中主要流行成果法和过程法两种教学方法,这两种方法各有利弊.成果法以行为主义理论为基础,强调刺激——反应的过程;过程法理论基础是交际理论,重视学习者之间的相互合作.分析和研究这两种不同的教学方法有助于针对性地实施写作教学改革,改进英语写作教学方法,进而提高英语写作教学水平和教学质量.  相似文献   

Establishing operational cutoff scores has traditionally been performed in two phases: (a) obtaining estimated cutoff scores based on expert judgments and (b) establishing the operational cutoff. The estimation phase involves selecting a method, collecting the data, and analyzing the results. In the second phase, the estimated cutoff score may be accepted or it may be adjusted after considering other pertinent information. This article provides an introductory review of several features of selected methods available at each of the two phases. Features of selected methods for estimating cutoff scores and methods for adjusting the estimated cutoff scores are discussed, and tentative recommendations for method selection at each phase are provided.  相似文献   


In this article the results from two studies on essay writing are contrasted. One uses a qualitative method and the other a quantitative one. The qualitative study is rich in detail but, for those of a quantitative disposition, it lacks sufficient quantitative information. We are not told, for example, what proportion of the students involved are men or women, traditional-entry or mature, and what disciplines they are studying. The quantitative study provides details of this kind, but it does, however, have problems of its own. Internal inconsistencies in the data reveal that the validity of some of the findings is questionable. The article concludes by suggesting the necessity for combining - or sequentially chaining - different methods in research of this kind.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gather evidence to examine the validity of alternative methods for assessing the spelling achievements of students in Grades 2–7. Students in Grades 2, 3, 5, and 7 took both a dictation spelling test and an objective spelling test. Scores from the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills were available for nearly all students. Comparisons among item formats centered on difficulty, content coverage and efficiency, reliability, relationship with dictation scores, the influence of context, and relationship to overall achievement. Overall, no single objective format stood out above the others, but some demonstrated superiority to the dictation format on several dimensions.  相似文献   

在企业产品研发中存在大量的文本知识,如何有效地利用这些文本知识非常重要。文章提出了基于知识来源的产品开发过程模型并对各阶段所涉及的知识进行分析,介绍了基于数据挖掘构建产品研发知识地图的步骤,并以汽车研发应用为例,对数据挖掘在企业产品研发中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

毛泽东的书法艺术在现代书法史上独领风骚,堪称大家。其书法的用笔特点主要是:藏露结合、中侧并用、方圆兼得、轻重变化、牵丝映带;其线条风貌主要是:粗犷、刚劲——立体感与力感的融合;飞动、柔雅——动感与情感的交织;轻快、疾涩——节奏感与呼应的贯通。  相似文献   

国内外各大高校院所都非常重视数据仓库与数据挖掘课程的开设,尤其是在大数据环境下,数据挖掘的重要性更加凸显。本文详细分析了数据挖掘课程产生的背景,确立数据挖掘课程在计算机及相关专业的定位,梳理数据挖掘课程的理论方法与内容体系,强调注重理论与实际应用项目的结合,对指导数据挖掘课程的教学改革与创新具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

数据挖掘与知识发现的技术方法及应用(上)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
数据挖掘是一项崭新的技术,文章介绍数据挖掘的概念及其产生的背景;数据挖掘的基本方法,并且概述了几种常用的数据挖掘方法,即分类和聚类分析。  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that students with dyslexia struggle with writing because of a word-level focus that reduces attention to higher level textual features (structure, theme development). This may result from difficulties with spelling and/or difficulties with reading. Twenty-six Norwegian upper secondary students (M = 16.9 years) with weak decoding skills and 26 age-matched controls composed expository texts by keyboard under two conditions: normally and with letters masked to prevent them reading what they were writing. Weak decoders made more spelling errors and produced poorer quality text. Their inter-key-press latencies were substantially longer preword, at word end, and within word. These findings provide some support for the word-level focus hypothesis, although we found that weak decoders were slightly less likely to engage in word-level editing. Preventing reading did not affect differences between weak decoders and controls, indicating that their reduced fluency was associated with production rather than reading difficulties.  相似文献   

针对传统的数据频繁项集挖掘技术无法快速有效地获取不确定数据中有价值信息的缺点,通过分析不确定数据产生的原因和当前已开展不确定数据挖掘的相关工作,在结合传统频繁项集挖掘算法的基础上,提出需要明确不确定数据特点,运用几种比较高效的新方法来进行不确定数据的频繁项集挖掘,从而为后续做更深入研究奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

We present a method for assessing science inquiry performance, specifically for the inquiry skill of designing and conducting experiments, using educational data mining on students' log data from online microworlds in the Inq-ITS system (Inquiry Intelligent Tutoring System; www.inq-its.org). In our approach, we use a 2-step process: First we use text replay tagging, a type of rapid protocol analysis in which categories are developed and, in turn, used to hand-score students' log data. In the second step, educational data mining is conducted using a combination of the text replay data and machine-distilled features of student interactions in order to produce an automated means of assessing the inquiry skill in question; this is referred to as a detector. Once this detector is appropriately validated, it can be applied to students' log files for auto-assessment and, in the future, to drive scaffolding in real time. Furthermore, we present evidence that this detector developed in 1 scientific domain, phase change, can be used—with no modification or retraining—to effectively detect science inquiry skill in another scientific domain, density.  相似文献   

Essay and multiple-choice scores from Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in American History, European History, English Language and Composition, and Biology were matched with freshman grades in a sample of 32 colleges. Multiple-choice scores from the American History and Biology examinations were more highly correlated with freshman grade point averages than were essay scores from the same examinations, but essay scores were essentially equivalent to multiple-choice scores in correlations with course grades in history, English, and biology. In history courses, men and women received comparable grades and had nearly equal scores on the AP essays, but the multiple-choice scores of men were nearly one half of a standard deviation higher than the scores of women.  相似文献   

Data mining methods have drawn considerable attention across diverse scientific fields. However, few applications could be found in the areas of psychological and educational measurement, and particularly pertinent to this article, in test security research. In this study, various data mining methods for detecting cheating behaviors on large‐scale assessments are explored as an alternative to the traditional methods including person‐fit statistics and similarity analysis. A common data set from the Handbook of Quantitative Methods for Detecting Cheating on Tests (Cizek & Wollack) was used for comparing the performance of the different methods. The results indicated that the use of data mining methods may combine multiple sources of information about test takers' performance, which may lead to higher detection rate over traditional item response and response time methods. Several recommendations, all based on our findings, are provided to practitioners.  相似文献   

随笔文写作是学生反思自我,建构自我的平台,是学校叙事辅导中的一种方便而有效的方式。实验结果表明,在教学活动中以学生随笔本为辅导媒介,通过师生平等对话、交流和相互评价等一系列活动,可以促进学生在写作兴趣、挫折承受力、自信心、交往能力方面的显著提高。  相似文献   

作为实际实验教学的重要补充,基于互联网平台的虚拟仿真实验教学实践过程中生成了大量的学生学习行为数据。为了研究虚拟仿真实验教学与实际实验教学成绩的关系,识别虚拟仿真实验教学中的新行为模式,利用数据挖掘技术对化学化工虚拟仿真实验教学过程数据进行了分析。通过研究虚拟-现实实验成绩之间的相关性、因果性以及学习时间对成绩的影响,发现理论学习、实际操作成绩与偏重于流程训练的简单虚拟仿真实验项目的相关性较小,与机理型复杂虚拟仿真实验项目相关性较大;虚拟仿真实验的开展对实际实验均有不同程度的促进作用。  相似文献   

基于高校课堂教学质量评价系统的数据挖掘方法与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要对如何利用SQL SERVER对高校课堂教学质量评价系统中的数据进行挖掘展开论述,给出了挖掘环境的构建、挖掘结构的创建以及采用Microsoft决策树和关联规则建立挖掘模型的实施步骤.  相似文献   

张爱玲的散文呈现生活本真,也呈现她独特性情的本真、对生活生命独有认识的本真。同时,气盛言宜,语出自然,无意求工而无不工,达到了现代白话散文“行云流水”的至高境界。  相似文献   

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