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My Friend     
<正>Tom King is my good friend. He works hard at his lessons. He is one of the best students in our class. He likes basketball and football. We often play together.There are four people in his family. His father worked on a farm three years ago, but now he is a manager of a company in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher of a college and his brother is a worker. The Kings have been in Beijing for three years since they came to work in China.One day, Tom and I went fishing by the river near our school. Half an hour later, Tom caught four fish and I caught five. Tom said to me,"You are good at fishing.""Thank you. You  相似文献   

College athletics is currently in the midst of a building boom in which universities are competing with each other to reach an always-increasing standard of lavish athletic facilities. While these facilities are costing in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, little research is examining the return on investment for athletic programs. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of new athletic facilities on recruiting rankings for Power Five football and men's basketball programs. Data was collected on athletic facilities newly constructed or renovated from 2005 through 2015 at Power Five NCAA Division I programs. Using LSDV fixed effects regression models, results found a lack of significant improvement within football and basketball recruiting rankings following the completion of new athletic facilities, but some significance in the two years before the project was completed. Significant control variables also highlighted the effects that coaching changes can have on recruiting.  相似文献   


Community college administrators face a dilemma in the implementation of placement policies regarding college algebra students. Extensive literature devoted to this subject has been generated in the last 100 years without consensus. Furthermore, faculty opinions of the current placement policies contribute to the presence of a discrepancy in the interpretation of placement models used in policy generation. Utilizing a statistically derived and analyzed model in conjunction with faculty and administrator interviews, a new interpretation of the results generated by placement models in terms of the type of prediction generated may assist in the generation of future placement policies. This new interpretation serves to resolve the discrepancy by redefining the capabilities of the statistical model within the context of the faculty and administrator views of current placement policy.  相似文献   

高校是培养人才的重要基地。积极培养和吸收符合条件的大学生入党,是高校各级党组织一项经常性的重要工作,也是加强基层党组织建设的一项重要内容。为了确保党员发展工作积极稳妥地进行,各级党组织必须在完善机制、严格程序、讲求实效等方面踏踏实实做好工作。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查及统计分析,判断出大众化教育背景下大学生的主要择业心态。在国家实行"双向选择,自主择业"的大学生就业制度改革后,大学生的择业心态发生了一系列复杂的变化。  相似文献   

高职院校职业发展教育中"导生制"的应用,对于促进高职学生的就业与发展有着很强的实践价值。高职院校职业发展教育中"导生制"的运行模式主要包括选聘、培训、管理和考核四个环节。实践中只有通过加强制度建设、规范运行管理、建立激励机制等方式,才能保障"导生制"的有效运行。  相似文献   

瞿佑在杭州、南京、周府、保安、北京都留下了足迹,一生交游极广。章在宏观考察瞿佑每个时期的交游的前提下,尽可能微观地考清交游的生平事迹。  相似文献   

I'm a graduate from a professional high school and started to work just last year. Introspective by nature, I like to spend my time listening to music and reading books, and have had little contact with boys. I hadn't met any I liked even after I reached twenty-two. I didn't feel there was anything wrong in that, but my parents got worried and found a boyfriend for me. He's a college graduate, works as a dispatcher, and is of medium stature. At first I was happy to go to the movies with him and walk in the streets. But after a month or so, I felt as though I were with a colleague. He is quite knowledgeable in his own profession, but he doesn't know much about life. I often found his company uninteresting and unexciting. So I wanted to part with him. When I talked to my parents, they strongly disagreed and kept saying how much better his conditions were as compared to mine. I realized how much concern they felt for me, so I didn't insist. But all my subsequent efforts only brought me pain, and I simply couldn't feel the least bit of love for him. During this impasse, his father fell ill and had to have an operation. Before the operation, he had a discussion with my father and requested that our relationship be confirmed. I had a quarrel with my father, but finally gave in and, with a heavy heart, accepted money and a pair of earrings.  相似文献   

In the Urban Teacher Fellows (UTF) program, Student Support Specialists are responsible for recruiting, advising, and supporting students on the teacher pathway, beginning at the community college and continuing through the four-year university degree and credential programs. This is a program designed specifically to address serious concerns about the success of community college students in transferring to universities and completing teaching credential programs. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (2013) reports that only 25.4% of the 2007–2008 statewide cohort transferred to a university after four years. This qualitative study, conducted by us as participant-observers of the UTF program, describes one of the strategies currently in use that may increase opportunities for community college students to successfully navigate this challenging transition. In particular, it presents findings on the role of the UTF Support Specialist based on interviews with the first two Support Specialists in the UTF program and a survey of the first cohort of students to work with them. Our study shows that this long-term scaffolded relationship evolved throughout the pathway program in response to students’ needs. Starting as a mostly technical role, it became a family-like role; and finally, it became a smaller role as students themselves took on those support activities for each other. Based on these findings, our recommendations are to identify and select Support Specialists who are reflective and caring and to carefully plan for the challenges of long-term, cross-institutional student support.  相似文献   

方东树是桐城派中期重要代表作家,一生曾四次南下广东,客居时间十年之久。其间,他积极投身广东的书院教育,以文会友,勤奋著书立说,传播桐城派文学思想,为广东的教育发展作出了积极贡献。通过对方东树诗文集、方志及其他名家文集等文献的解读,梳理方东树在广东主讲书院和传播桐城派文论思想的具体情况,探讨其在教育上的成就,揭示其在传播桐城派文学理论和扩大桐城派影响等方面的作用。  相似文献   

平行志愿,作为高考改革的重要内容,其推行效果与影响一直备受关注。平行志愿的推行,对高校产生了全方位的影响:大小年的波动现象基本消失,招生趋于稳定;生源竞争的加剧,鞭策高校切实提高人才培养质量和社会声誉;强化了高校之间的等级分化,使得大学排行榜日益受追捧;录取新生成绩扁平化,给高校人才培养带来了挑战;投档比例的缩减,也限制了高校的招生自主权;考生报考地域倾向性增强,加剧了高等教育区域发展的不平衡格局。  相似文献   

随着学院教学改革力度的加大,整个学院的教学运行管理水平得到进一步提高。结合自身多年教学运行管理实践,认识到教务处作为学院教学管理职能部门,一方面跟紧学院教学改革的步伐,不断提高管理意识,另一方面结合本部门的特点,不断完善各项教学运行管理工作。善于总结经验,不断创新与提高,以教师为主导,以学生为主体,以教学资源为依托,组织协调相互配合,保证教学工作运行稳定、有序,教学质量不断提高。  相似文献   

桂林师专联通模拟销售公司至今已成立三年,其在培养市场营销专业学生职业技能、促进就业方面发挥了重要作用。为促进校企合作的进一步发展,文章总结了市场营销专业实训基地暨中国联通模拟销售公司合作的内容、方式、效益以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

实行自费招生制,是高等学校全成本收费的过渡方法,是高等教育国际化及其市场化的必由之路,也是高等教育更趋公平公正的必然选择。因此,我们必须重新认识市场经济体制下的高校收费观,尽快建构高校收费多元化格局,以适应国际高等教育经济发展趋势。  相似文献   

高校网上录取系统的数据处理是高校招生工作中非常重要的工作.文章基于AutoIt软件,以较低的开发成本设计实现了高校招生辅助管理系统,提高了数据处理的效率,为其他类似的信息收集与处理的需求提供了新思路.  相似文献   

近年来人才租赁业在我国有了跨越式发展,成为我国劳动力市场实现人力资源柔性化管理的必要途径。我国的人才租赁业务在近几年才得到有关政府部门的认可,租赁正成为与招聘同样重要的人才服务方式。人才租赁可以使企业降低成本,提高企业效率,把企业从繁琐的事务中脱离出来,节约资源,将有限的资源集中到创造核心竞争力的业务上去。本文基于人才租赁业的现状,结合我国特有的实际情况,以人才租赁运营模式作为研究对象,旨在探讨总结人才租赁产生的原因及人才租赁运营模式存在问题和风险,指出人才租赁风险的本质,从而提出具有针对性的解决方法和对策,使人才租赁在宏观调控形势和市场竞争环境下取得长足发展,以更好地适应时代的需求。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods research study offers insights and explanations into gender imbalance in the college readiness program, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID). Over 200 schools that have been implementing AVID for more than 4 years across the United States participated in this study. Three years of archived historical data pertaining to school demographic information and AVID certification information was accessed and analyzed to examine recruitment and retention of male and female students over time, as well as student enrollment in rigorous curriculum. Our research indicated that at the high school level, gender disparity became most apparent in the 11th and 12th grades. Results indicated that schools that struggled to recruit and retain boys continued to enroll AVID students, both boys and girls, into rigorous advanced placement curriculum at comparable rates as schools that did not struggle to recruit and retain boys in the program. This indicates that once in AVID, boys and girls are provided equal access to rigor; however, recruiting and retaining boys in AVID continues to be a challenge for AVID schools. Research participants indicated that academic identity, peer and family support, leadership and mentoring opportunities and male role models influence male participation in AVID.  相似文献   

John Olav Myklebust is Professor of Sociology at Volda University College in Norway. In this article, he discusses his analysis of data emerging from a longitudinal study of 494 young people with special educational needs who have been followed over a period of six years. This analysis focuses on the attainments of these students during their time in upper secondary education and asks whether placement in special or ordinary mainstream class groupings is more beneficial. The results indicate that students receiving special support in ordinary classes obtain vocational or academic qualifications more often than students in special classes. Professor Myklebust pursues his analysis by looking at the influence of a number of other variables, including assessments of functional level, family stability and gender. He concludes that the relationship between attainment and placement in an ordinary classroom does not change, even when these variables are taken into account, and argues that his findings provide further support for the inclusion of learners with special educational needs in ordinary mainstream classes.  相似文献   

“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作自1999年试点以来,受到了广大求学者和用人单位的欢迎,累计至2005年10月,云南电大开放教育试点本、专科共招生达12万余人。因此,从社会用人单位和毕业生的视角,对开放教育试点人才培养模式及其质量进行调查、审视和评价成为一件十分必要和重要的工作。  相似文献   

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