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other,the other,others,the others与another1.I don’t like this shirt,so I want tosee some.(2003年,宁夏中考)A.other B.the otherC.others D.another2.Mr White has three children.Oneis in London,and are in anothercity.(2002年,北京宣武区中考)A.the other B.otherC.the others D.others3.If you want to book a round-tripticket,you’ll have to pay$30.(2003年,安徽省中考)A.more B.otherC.the other D.another4.Two foreigners are in the readingroom.One is Jack and is Peter.(2005年湖南省中考)A.other B.an…  相似文献   

董明义 《初中生》2015,(21):19-22
一、考查形容词、副词原级的用法 例1(2014年南充卷)—I think English is as____as maths. —I agree with you. A.more interesting B.most interesting C.the most interesting D.interesting 解析:表示A与B在某方面程度相同或不同时,用形容词原级.表示A与B在某方面程度相同时,句型结构为:A…+as+形容词或副词原级+ as+B.如:Jim is as tall as his sister.表示A与B在某方面程度不同时,句型结构为:A…+ not as/so+形容词或副词原级+as+B.如:This skirt is not as/so cheap as that one.上题意为:“我认为英语和数学一样有趣.”选D.  相似文献   

对形容词、副词的比较等级的考查,是全国各地每年中考英语命题的热点之一,其中经常考查的要点有以下八个。本文结合近几年全国部分地区的中考英语试卷,对这八个要点作一归纳总结,希望能对同学们的学习有所帮助。1.表示A与B在程度上相同时,可以用“as 形容词或副词的原级 as”结构。表示A不如B时,可用“notso...as”结构。例如:①Thehorseisoldandcannotrunasfastasitdid.(2003年武汉市)(这匹马老了,不能跑得像以前那样快了。)②Johnnydoesntsingquitesowellastheotherboysandgirlsinhisclass.(2003年广州市)(约翰没有他班上其他同学唱得…  相似文献   

纵观历年各地的中考英语试卷,笔者发现对宾语从句的考查是测试的热点之一。为帮助同学们掌握宾语从句,本文拟结合近几年中考题对宾语从句的考点进行归纳分析,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。一、考查宾语从句的连接词【典型考题】1.—D o you know I could pass theexam?—Sorry,I’ve no idea.(2003山西省)A.that B.whetherC.what D.w hich2.She said she w ould leave them essage on the headm aster’s desk.(2002厦门)A.that B.w here C.which D.what3.—C ould you tell m e?—She is a student in E ton School.(2005河南省)A.…  相似文献   

How do you get information from an article as much and fast as possible while you are reading? It is a very important thing for us——Chinese readers. Reading is an important element in our English study. Mastering reading skills will help increase our reading speed and comprehend what we read. Now several reading skills are to be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

交际用语是中考的考点之一。现以全国部分省市的中考试题为例,谈谈其中的命题热点。热点一、打电话(Making phone calls)[试题再现]①—May I speak to Tom,please?—.A.Yes,I am B.I8m speakingC.Yes,you may D.This is Tom speaking(2005年哈尔滨市)②—Hello.May I speak to  相似文献   

历年高考试题都有对省略句方面的考查题目,尤其是对交际英语中的简略回答,动词不定式结构的省略及状语从句中的省略更为突出。下面笔者结合高考试题对这三种省略现象进行归纳总结。一、交际英语中的简略回答在情景交际中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中相同的某个或某些句子成分。1.—Can I speak to Mr Wang,please7—7(2005全国卷Ⅰ)A.Who are you B.I’m WangC.Speaking D.Are you John析:选C。speaking是This is Mr Wangspeaking.的省略形式。2.—Would you like some more tea7—,please.(2005全国卷Ⅱ)A.No more B.Just a lit…  相似文献   

江西省2001年中考英语“单项选择”题如下(试题原序号不变):25.is my brother.Do you like to play with? A.You;you B.She;her C.He;him D.I;me26.The sign“BUSINESS HOURS” can be seen in a A.shop B.school C.park D.museum  相似文献   

在初中英语学习中,if是要重点掌握的词语之一,在全国各地历年中考英语试题中,也是一个重要的考点。笔者拟对2004年全国部分省市中考英语试卷中带有if的考题作一归纳和简析,供同学们学习时参考。【试题精选】1.W e ll go to visit Tian A nm en Square it doesn train tom orrow.A.if B.as soon as C.w hen D.since2.I am waiting for m y friend.,I will go swim m ing alone.A.If he doesn tcom e B.Ifhe won tcom eC.Ifhe w illcom e D.Ifhe is com ing3.I wonder it is w orth.A.that;reading B.if;readingC.that;to read D.wh…  相似文献   

同学们,为了方便你们摸清中考的导向,“中考链接”栏目帮大家复习7~9单元中出现的中考知识点,并将考例加以链接,以帮助同学们系统复习,轻松备考。[真题搜索]1.-What’s on the plate?-There_______some eggs and cakeson it.(2005北京海淀区)A.is B.are C.was D.were2.-Hi,young lady!____?-Yes,I’m looking for a Mother’s Day’spresent.(2005年锦州市)A.What do you want to doB.What can I do for youC.Can I help youD.Can you give me a hand3.-Would you like to help me with mymath?-________.(2004山西省)A.Yes,I’d…  相似文献   

一、打电话(m aking phone calls)1.(全国卷Ⅰ,21)—Can I speak to M r W ang please?—A.W ho are you?B.Im W ang.C.Speaking.D.A re you John?2.(广东,22)—This is Tara Patelfrom Cotton H ouse in K idder-m inster.Could I speak to M r Sm ith,please?—A.H ello!B.Im M r Sm ith.C.W ho are you?D.Speaking.答案与简析:1.C2.D以上两题均考查打电话时的交际用语。用英语打电话和用汉语打电话在习惯表达方式上有着明显的不同。按英美国家的习惯,接听电话时问对方“是谁”,常用“W ho is that(speak-ing/calling)?”,…  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.H e prefers books at hom e rather thanTV.A.to read;to watch B.reading;watchingC.to read;watch D.reading;to watch22.—D o you m ind if I keep pets in this building?—A.I’d rather you didn’t,actually.B.Of course not,it is not allowed here.C.Great。I love pets.D.No,you can’t.23.W hen we entered the room,we all found it.A.beautiful decoratedB.beautifully decoratedC.being beautiful decoratedD.being beautifully decorated24.The m eeting proceeded in friendlya...  相似文献   

【考点1】What would you do if you had am illion dollars?(p.26)【直击中考】1.—How many people are there in Changsha?—About six______.(2005长沙)A.million B.millionsC.millions of2.Bill Gates gets four______(百万)e-mailsa day.Most of them are not important.(2005包头)【答案与解析】1.A2.million。million的意思是“百万”。在英语中,hundred(百),thousand(千),million,billion(十亿)和具体数字连用时,后面不能加-s;表示大约数时,后面要加-s,并和of连用。【考点2】He doesn’t know w hat tow ear.(p.27)【直击中考…  相似文献   

一、请判断下列每组句子中的哪一个为正确的口语表达形式。请问你找谁?A.“M ay I know who you are looking for?”is Chinese English.B.“M ay I know who you are calling for?”is right.(电话中)你好,我是Jane。A.“H ello,I'm Jane.”is a word-for-word translation from C hinese.B.“H ello,This is Jane.”is right.在商店A.“Can I help you?”is right.B.“W hat do you wantto buy?”is C hinese English.当别人夸奖你时,你回答——A.“Thank you very m uch.”is right.B.“I did notdo so w ell.”is not the r…  相似文献   

在英语中,祈使句常用来表达请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等意义。从近几年部分省市的中考试题对祈使句的考查来看,其考查热点主要集中在以下几个方面:热点一、考查“祈使句的基本句式”①as carefully as you can and try notto m ake any m istakes.A.W rote B.W rite C.To write C.W riting(河北省)②Study hard,you are sure to have a good resultin the exam.A.or B.and C.for D.but(天津市)③There goes the bell.H urry up,you llbe late for class.A.and B.that C.or D.but(南京市)④—to give the letter to M r W ang.I…  相似文献   

[中考考点链接1]would like的用法 1.—Would you like some more? —______I’m full(2004年济南市中考) A.Yes please B.I’d like to C.No,I wouldn’t D.No,thanks 第1题,应答句中“I’m full”(我饱了),  相似文献   

历年中考英语试卷都有对特殊疑问句的考查,笔者将 2003-2004 年全国部分地区中考英语对特殊疑问句的考查作如下归纳,供同学们学习时参考。1.— do you go to Hong Kong? —Sorry,Ive never been there. A .How long B .How often C .How far D .How soon (2004年天津市) 2.—I wont go with you to the muntains next week. — ? A .Why not B .How C .Why don't D .For what (2004年武汉市) 3.—Its a nice car. have you been in it? —Just from here to Shanghai. A .How far B .What C .How much D .Which (2004年十堰市)…  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分, 共 115 分)第一部分: 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)(略)第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分)第一节: 单项填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)21. On New Year1s Eve, New York City holds an outdoor which at-tracts a crowd of million or more people.A. incident B. event C. case D. affair22. —Look at that lady on the stage. She1s already forty.—You are joking. She doesn1t look .A. so B. it C. that D. this23. —Have you read this book?—Yes. But that one is worth reading. I…  相似文献   

代词是初中英语学习中的一个难点,也是中考英语的考查热点之一。为弄清代词的基本含义和用法,现以2005年全国部分地区的中考试题为例,对其考查热点进行分类、归纳,供同学们学习时参考。[热点一]对人称代词和物主代词的考查[试题精选]①—Paul,do you know the man standing at the door?—Yes,he is one of friends.A.I B.me C.my D.mine(吉林省)②—Whose English-Chinese Dictionary is this?—ItBs.My parents bought it for my sister and me.A.hers B.ours C.mine D.theirs(陕西省)③—Excuse me,is this watch?—No,itBs not…  相似文献   

英语冠词分为不定冠词a,an和定冠词the两种形式。冠词的用法是初中英语中的一个语法项目,也是中考试题的一个考点。本文以近几年全国部分省、市中考试题为例,归纳分析中考冠词的考查热点。一、考查不定冠词的基本用法(一)不定冠词主要用在单数可数名词之前。a用在以辅音(指读音不指字母)开头的词前,an用在以元音开头的词前,表示某类人或东西中的一个。例如:1.I think you have dropped“r”inwriting“m erry”.(2004烟台市)A.an B.a C.the D.不填2.The elephant is useful anim al tohum an.(2004金华市)A.a B.an C.the D.不填3.This …  相似文献   

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