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社会认同包括群体认同和个人认同,群体认同具有复杂性和多样性的特点,社会成员群体属性越多,所拥有的社会资源就越丰富,上行流动的可能性就越大;社会距离是群体成员区分群际关系的心理边界,是描述群际差异的重要指标,群体间的社会距离存在相交、相切和相离三种关系;社会学家不能仅仅停留在对群际认同特点的描述上,更应该通过对群际社会距离的研究,预测群际关系走向,减少群际矛盾和冲突,寻找建立和谐群际关系的策略。实现群际和谐是社会认同研究的终极目标。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了农民工群体在面临群际不平等时其集体行动、求助倾向和接受外群体帮助行为倾向的心理机制。研究发现,农民工群体的不同行为倾向受不同因素的影响。社会行动支持与内因通过群体愤怒这一中介变量影响农民工群体的集体行动倾向;社会行动支持、外因、向心度和内因显著预测了农民工群体的求助倾向;社会行动支持和外因显著预测了农民工群体接受外群体的援助倾向。作为中国急剧变化的社会环境下所产生的一个特殊群体,农民工群体在面对群际不平等时其行为倾向的心理机制与西方已有集体行动路径迥然不同,具有自身的行动特点。  相似文献   

增强民族间群际接触意愿对于促进各民族交往交流交融至关重要。对少数民族(n=294)与汉族(n=340)大学生的问卷研究发现,跨民族友谊可以通过降低群际焦虑增强群际接触意愿。跨民族友谊数量增强接触意愿的效应在汉族与少数民族间不存在显著差异,而友谊质量增强接触意愿的效应在民族间存在显著差异。对于少数民族,随着群际共同命运水平的提高,群际焦虑对于群际接触意愿的负向预测作用减弱;对于汉族而言,群际共同命运在群际焦虑的中介效应中的调节作用不显著。本研究通过中观和宏观水平影响因素的结合,为增强民族间群际接触意愿和跨民族友谊的推进提供实证依据。  相似文献   

教育是个体形成社会认知的重要途径,在教育情境下群际知觉偏差的典型表现之一是刻板印象的内-外群体效应。它筑造了群际交往的壁垒,影响了群际关系的和谐与稳定。本文认为,可以从消除归因偏差、增进群际接触、抑制类别化认知、调节社会期待、树立无偏信念等多个视角,消除这一群际认知偏差。  相似文献   

社会网络视角下的农民工迁移行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会网络作为一种视角来研究农民工的迁移和流动行为运用地比较成熟,它对农民工迁移者迁移信息的收集、迁移决策的作出、迁移过程的顺利进行以及在城市的现代化背景环境下的生存乃至发展都有着较好的解释与运用。本文在关于农民工迁移的社会环境和社会背景下,回顾了有关于社会网络的相关理论,试图解释社会网络在农民工迁移过程中发挥着一系列持续、稳定、有效的作用。通过社会网络对农民工迁移前的支持作用分析以及农民工迁移后社会网络的主动建构两个主要部分来说明社会网络之于农民工迁移行为的影响。  相似文献   

褚凤英 《中国德育》2007,(12):53-56
从交往视角来看,思想政治教育活动是教育者与教育对象之间的一种交往活动,二者在活动过程中以共同的活动客体为联结纽带,结成"主体—客体—主体"的主体际关系。交往活动是思想政治教育过程中主体际关系生成的内在根源,交往范畴是重新审视思想政治教育者与教育对象关系的新视角。  相似文献   

新疆区内初中班(以下简称“内初班”)是新疆维吾尔自治区基础教育领域的一种办学模式,主要吸收疆内农牧地区少数民族为主、品学兼优的小学毕业生赴经济条件较好的疆内城市中学就读初中。以北疆1所城市中学为案例学校,以该校1个内初班的各民族学生为主要研究对象进行追踪研究,历时1年,通过深度访谈、参与式观察等方法,探索该班级学生的族际接触和族际交往过程。研究发现,内初班各族学生持积极的族际接触态度,在族际交往中可以形成跨民族的亲密关系、冲突关系和其他关系。随着交往程度的不断深入,族际交往性质由基于能力、品格等的认知性交往发展为基于陪伴、分享等的情感性交往。高质量族际关系的形成以超越认知的情感联结为标志,族际友谊具有普遍性和稳定性。民汉混合编班形式为学生族际交往提供了认知接纳环境,混合住宿环境为学生族际交往创造了情感联结机会。  相似文献   

社会交换作为互动的一种重要手段是人们所特有的相互往来关系的一种.分析了社会交换的地位作用、实质及特征,对人际和群际交换关系进行比较研究.中国社会正处于熟人社会、身份社会向陌生人社会、契约社会的转型过程中,传统的人际、群际交换关系发生了变迁,在描述变迁趋势的基础上讨论了变迁引发的一系列问题.  相似文献   

种族偏见引发的社会问题已经引起社会和研究领域的关注。然而,已有的研究刚刚兴起对青少年种族偏见形成的重视。整合已有的研究,本研究从友谊质量和群际接触两个因素阐释了影响青少年种族偏见形成的心理机制。基于群际接触的理论,讨论了对青少年种族偏见的干预策略。  相似文献   

近年来,城市农民工群体内部的代际分化已经形成,新生代农民工成为农民工群体的主力军。这一群体在城市社会的融入过程中形成了自己的特点,即目标明确,但困难重重;幸福感增强,但幸福指数不高;行为消费更倾向于城市化,但支出增加;法律意识增强,但维权意识有待提高;受教育程度提高,但专业技能培训不够;创业热情高,但失败率也高。因此,要加强新生代农民工城市社会融入的对策研究,实现他们由城市"边缘人"向城市市民的转化期盼。  相似文献   

Interpersonal rejection and intergroup exclusion in childhood reflect different, but complementary, aspects of child development. Interpersonal rejection focuses on individual differences in personality traits, such as wariness and being fearful, to explain bully–victim relationships. In contrast, intergroup exclusion focuses on how in‐group and out‐group attitudes contribute to social exclusion based on group membership, such as gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and nationality. It is proposed that what appears to be interpersonal rejection in some contexts may, in fact, reflect intergroup exclusion. Whereas interpersonal rejection research assumes that victims invite rejection, intergroup exclusion research proposes that excluders reject members of out‐groups to maintain status differences. A developmental intergroup social exclusion framework is described, one that focuses on social reasoning, moral judgment, and group identity.  相似文献   

Intergroup Attitudes among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: A Causal Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To examine the influence of ethnic idenilty and intergroup contact on adolescents' attitudes toward other ethnic groups, we studied eighth and eleventh graders from 2 predominantly non-white school districts. Surveys completed by 547 adolescents from 3 ethnic groups (133 African Americans, 219 Latinos, and 195 Asian Americans) assessed in-group and out-group attitudes, out-group interaction, out-group contact, and ethnic identity. A causal model suggested 2 pathways leading to positive out-group attitudes. In one pathway, ethnic identity increased with age and predicted positive in-group attitudes; these attitudes contributed to positive out-group attitudes. In a separate pathway, ethnic diversity outside of schcool led to more out-group interaction in school, which in turn predicted positive out-group attitudes. The results support developmental and multiculturalism views of intergroup relations.  相似文献   

Social Categorization and the Formation of Intergroup Attitudes in Children   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
The study was designed to test several hypotheses derived from intergroup theory concerning the effects of the presence of a novel social category on the formation of intergroup attitudes. Elementary school children (N = 61; aged 6–9) were given measures of classification skill and self-esteem and assigned to 1 of 3 types of school classrooms in which teachers made: (1) functional use of "blue" and "yellow" groups assigned on the basis of a biological attribute, (2) functional use of "blue" and "yellow" groups assigned on the basis of a random drawing, or (3) no explicit groups (despite the presence of blue and yellow groups). After 4 weeks, children completed measures of intergroup attitudes and behavior. As predicted, the functional use of color groups affected children's attitudes toward group members, with children showing consistent biases favoring their own group. Children with higher levels of self-esteem showed higher levels of intergroup stereotyping.  相似文献   

The effects of individual and group performance on children's evaluations of themselves and in- and out-group were examined. 128 girls and boys aged 3, 5, 7, and 9 years were randomly assigned to alleged "fast" or "slow" teams and asked to make various self, interpersonal, and intergroup evaluations. These showed strong developmental changes. Intergroup comparisons were made as early as 3 years, and this age group was sensitive to the relative standing of their team. However, the 5-year-old children showed markedly high self-evaluations, very strong in group bias in their evaluations of the 2 teams, and a high level of group cohesion irrespective of their own team's alleged performance. Gender differences were observed in self-evaluations after team assignment (boys responding more than girls to their team's alleged performance). The implications of these findings for recent work based on cognitive-developmental and social identity theories are discussed.  相似文献   

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