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由于少数民族学生学习英语是作为第三语言进行学习的,所以难免会遇到很多困难与问题。该研究以问卷调查为基础,结合访谈、课堂观察,分析维吾尔族大学生学习英语过程中遇到的困难,并分析其产生的原因,以期对提高维吾尔族双语大学生的英语水平有所帮助。  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis acknowledges both phonological processing deficits and serial naming speed deficits as two dimensions associated with reading disabilities. The purpose of this study was to examine these two dimensions of reading as they were related to the reading skills of 29 Spanish average readers and poor readers (mean age 9 years 7 months) who met the criteria for either single phonological deficit (PD), double deficit (DD), or no deficit. DD children were the slowest readers and had the weakest orthography processing skills. No significant differences were found between PD and DD groups on word and pseudoword reading. Word reading and reading comprehension skills were average or above average in the three studied groups. As in previous studies in transparent orthographies, word reading was not a salient problem for Spanish poor readers, whereas for the DD group, reading speed and orthographic recognition skills were significantly affected.  相似文献   

The double-deficit model has been examined primarily in relation to reading. We investigated whether children classified according to the double-deficit model would exhibit differences in other neuropsychological domains. Children referred for learning problems (N = 188), ages 7 to 11, were classified by double-deficit subtype. Only three of the four groups predicted by the model could be identified. There were no group differences in IQ or attention problems. The three groups showed different neuropsychological profiles, involving functional domains other than reading and language. Differences also emerged in nonverbal low-level information processing. The double-deficit group was generally most severely affected. The double-deficit groupings identify children with different neuropsychological profiles and variation in the efficiency of basic online information processing, extending beyond the oral and written language domain.  相似文献   

Correlations between the WISC-R Full, Verbal, Performance, and Freedom from Distractibility Scale IQs, WISC-R subtest scaled scores, and Wide Range Achievement Test Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic standard scores were computed for a sample of 114 children (64 boys, 50 girls), aged 6 to 16 years, who were referred for psychological evaluation because of academic or learning difficulties. The Full Scale IQ, Verbal Scale IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility IQ correlated moderately with the three achievement area standard scores (rs of .48 to .59). However, the Performance Scale IQ correlated minimally with reading and spelling scores (rs of .26 and .27), but moderately with arithmetic scores (r = .40). The results support the concurrent validity of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis of dyslexia posits that reading deficits are more severe in individuals with weaknesses in phonological awareness and rapid naming than in individuals with deficits in only one of these reading composite skills. In this study, the hypothesis was tested in an adult sample as a model of reading achievement. Participants were parents of children referred for evaluation of reading difficulties. Approximately half of all participants reported difficulty learning to read in childhood and a small subset demonstrated ongoing weaknesses in reading. Structural equation modeling results suggest that the double-deficit hypothesis is an accurate model for understanding adult reading achievement. Better reading achievement was associated with better phonological awareness and faster rapid automatized naming in adults. Posthoc analyses indicated that individuals with double deficits had significantly lower reading achievement than individuals with single deficits or no deficits.  相似文献   

"学困生"已日益成为高校中引人关注的一个特殊群体。为了更有针对性的做好帮扶工作,本文在"学困生"转化中引入萨提亚家庭治疗理念,从系统观、家庭观、人性观三个角度分析了适用性,并通过一则帮扶案例,来探索萨提亚家庭治疗在高校"学困生"转化中的应用,从而对工作方法进行深入的思考。  相似文献   

Identification of children who exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBDs) has been prioritized in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region including Oman. Research showed that cognitive attribution processes are biased and defective in atypical populations such as students with learning disabilities (LD). The current study examined the relationship between school-based attributions including academic and social attributions and the display of EBDs in students referred for having LD and typically achieving students. The Student Academic Attribution Scale (SAAS), Student Social Attribution Scale (SSAS), and the Arabic version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (A-SDQ) were administered to 135 typically achieving students and 89 students referred for LD. The participants were all females from middle school. Stepwise regression analyses showed that academic and social attributions were more predictive of EBDs in students referred for LD compared to typically achieving students. The attribution profile of students with LD reflected negative symptoms that lead to the display of internalizing and externalizing EBDs. The study findings are discussed in relation to how schools can utilize the cognitive process of attribution to support students with EBDs.  相似文献   


After a discussion of the main concepts used, the differing policies and practices in a selection of countries are examined briefly. Research studies comparing the academic and social outcomes of integrated and segregated education do not offer unequivocal conclusions: as much depends on the kind of educational programme as on the setting. An examination of the conditions for effective integration shows that successful programmes place emphasis on some or all of three key features, viz. the curriculum, team teaching and support personnel. Research on attitudes towards integration leads to the conclusion that teachers are broadly positive in principle but less so in practice. But if teachers are given adequate support and improved skills, then a segregative tradition can be modified.  相似文献   

对河北省高等职业院校学生进行调查分析,发现高等职业院校学生存在着学习动机不明确、学习方法不科学、学习心理不健康等问题,对此解决对策为:引导学生明确学习动机;培养学生自主学习意识;改变教育理念,改进教学方法;成立心理咨询机构,使学生树立积极向上的人生观和价值观。  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis: a comprehensive analysis of the evidence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The double-deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia proposes that deficits in phonological processing and naming speed represent independent sources of dysfunction in dyslexia. The present article is a review of the evidence for the double-deficit hypothesis, including a discussion of recent findings related to the hypothesis. Studies in this area have been characterized by variability in methodology--how dyslexia is defined and identified, and how dyslexia subtypes are classified. Such variability sets limitations on the extent to which conclusions may be drawn with respect to the double-deficit hypothesis. Furthermore, the literature is complicated by the persistent finding that measures of phonological processing and naming speed are significantly correlated, resulting in a statistical artifact that makes it difficult to disentangle the influence of naming speed from that of phonological processing. Longitudinal and intervention studies of the double-deficit hypothesis are needed to accumulate evidence that investigates a naming speed deficit that is independent of a phonological deficit for readers with dyslexia. The existing evidence does not support a persistent core deficit in naming speed for readers with dyslexia.  相似文献   

相比重点高校的大学生,一般本科类院校的学生面临的就业形势更加严峻。学生职业素质能力欠缺明显、职业生涯规划意识不够、校内外实践平台缺乏等是不容忽视的关键因素。从提高学生自身职业素质能力、加强职业生涯规划意识导向、面向就业市场及重视搭建校内外实践平台等方面,提出了应对一般本科类院校大学生就业难问题的对策。  相似文献   

目前,经济困难学生的心理健康水平不容乐观,普遍存在自卑、焦虑等不良心理特点,必须对这一特殊的群体进行针对性的心理健康教育,核心内容包括认知纠正、压力管理训练、人际关系训练。  相似文献   

当代大学生学习动机浅议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习动机是大学生学习的原动力,当代大学生学习动机呈多样性,多层次的特点,其中有些动机是积极的,健康的、有些动机则是消极的,造成学生学生动力不足的原因是多方面的,作为高校教育工作要针对这些情况,适时地采取一些行之有效的措施,最大限度地调动广大学生的学习积极性,培养学生良好的学习动机。  相似文献   

高校中的经济困难学生因为家境的贫寒在求学道路上比其他人面临更多的困难和压力。这些困难与压力,既有来自经济上的异常拮据,也有来自心理上的沉重负担。“贫困”,成为这类学生心中“沉重的痛”。“助学解困”不仅要有经济上的援助,更需要有心理上的“扶助”。如何挖掘这一群体本身的力量,发挥和利用群体动力来有效地促进个人心理和人格的成长,是本研究的一个尝试。  相似文献   

The article describes the endeavours of three further education tutors to improve their ability to work effectively with students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties. The tutors sought the assistance of researchers at Oxford Brookes University who were developing a Communication Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) as a means of helping teachers to direct their own professional development. The CSQ gives tutors valid and reliable feedback about how they tend routinely to interact with learners. This may be used in a process of reflection, preferably with colleagues, leading to action to improve teaching and learning.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to investigate the double-deficit hypothesis (DDH) in an orthography of intermediate depth. Eighty-five European Portuguese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia, aged 7 to 12, were tested on measures of phonological awareness (PA), naming speed (NS), reading, and spelling. The results indicated that PA and NS were not significantly correlated, and that NS predicts reading fluency (but not reading accuracy and spelling) beyond what is accounted for by PA. Although the majority of the children with developmental dyslexia have double deficit (62.4%), some children have a single phonological deficit (24.7%) or a single NS deficit (8.2%). Children with a double deficit were not more impaired in reading fluency, reading accuracy, and spelling than both single-deficit subtypes. In conclusion, the findings of the present study are partially consistent with the DDH and provide evidence for the multifactorial model of developmental dyslexia. Implications of the DDH for an orthography of intermediate depth are emphasized.


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