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高校教师必须提高素质才能符合社会发展和教育改革的新要求。自我修养是高校教师提高自身素质的主要途径,其中思想道德素质更是自我修养的主要内容。高校教师应该理论联系实际,知行统一,根据自身特点,在社会实践和教育教学过程中,依靠自我教育取得进步。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s there was considerable discussion of the moral dimension of teaching instigated largely by the Office for Standards in Education (1994) and School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (1995, 1996a, b) discussion papers. Although there was widespread acceptance among educationists, the inspectorate and the teaching profession that there was a moral dimension to teaching, differences were apparent in the perceptions of the significance of this dimension and the implications of it for schools. On the one hand, many teachers acknowledge the moral dimension of teaching, they recognize that teachers from time to time have to deal with controversial issues and have an obligation to respect the rights of children. However, they tend to see this dimension as peripheral to the main business of teaching and learning and not something which will influence how they are judged as professionals. Some recent perspectives on Personal and Social Education, such as the emphasis on personal competence or the self-esteem movement, have contributed to the marginalization of moral concerns in favour of a skills or therapeutic approach. This paper supports the view that teaching is inevitably a moral enterprise and that teachers need to be encouraged to see themselves as autonomous moral agents whose decisions have a fundamental impact on pupils' personal development.  相似文献   

The present study is a retrospective exploration of the process of self-esteem enhancement in 23 women, 9 culturally Deaf and 14 hearing, for purposes of both individual and group comparisons. A qualitative design was used to examine material from in-depth interviews to generate themes relating to the ways these women describe the concept of their self-esteem and how they have enhanced their own self-esteem. Both groups of women described self-esteem in conceptually equivalent terms, with most in each group identifying themselves as "capable." A distinction was found in the specific words used by each of the two groups. Of the top eight rank-ordered themes, five were similar in importance for both groups. Deaf women were more likely to report education as a factor in self-esteem enhancement, and to cite language and communication as a critical component in self-esteem enhancement. No hearing women reported on those factors. Implications for social work with culturally Deaf women, self-esteem work with women, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-six mothers whose children had been abused were interviewed and compared with 36 mothers matched for social class and ethnic background. The abuse group mothers had lower self-esteem than the comparison mothers as judged by their desire that their children should not grow up to be like themselves or their partners. They were also less likely to discuss their problems with other people. They were less likely than the comparison mothers to have been brought up by their own parents. They had significantly more negative feelings than the comparison mothers towards their fathers when they were children and these negative feelings persisted into adult life. It is important that emphasis on treatment programs for these mothers should be placed on building up self-esteem and skills in interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

Total raw self-esteem scores of 1303 children, including Chinese children in Britain and Hong Kong and White British, were assessed by using the Self-esteem Inventory developed by Coopersmith (1967). Across all samples, the results show little differences between children of different ages, whereas statistically significant differences occur in the independent variables of ethnic groups, gender and educational aspiration. Despite the social disadvantages that the UK Chinese may face, they have significantly higher self-esteem than their Hong Kong Chinese counterparts, but have little differences from their White peers. This indicates that they are likely to have positive feelings and academic confidence in being themselves and as part of the host society. In contrast, Hong Kong children tend to have low levels of self-esteem, which may be caused by the more self-effacing and modest values in Chinese culture, a traditional authoritarian style of education or highly competitive pressures created by schools, families and society.  相似文献   

现代德育主张激励学生“自尊、自爱、自立、自信、自强”,能主动地反思自己,能进行自我激励。主动地学习,并养成良好的行为习惯和较强的自制力。在班级管理中,应该以学生为主体,突出学生的“自为性、自主性、能动性”,由学生自订成长目标,自析成长环境,自寻成长动力,自开成长渠道,自研成长方法,自评成长效果,在活动情境中促进学生的体验内化,营造一种健康、高效的课堂环境,满足师生彼此的需要。  相似文献   

Adolescents who have attended “bicultural and trilingual” primary schools followed by Dutch-speaking secondary schools were questioned at the end of their school careers. The focus of the questions was on their emotional and cognitive links with the various language and ethnic groups in Brussels with which they are currently interacting. At the same time, they were asked to evaluate their schooling and to draw up a future program for themselves and their children, indicating the role they would assign to education. Finally, the value and internal coherence these individuals ascribed to what outsiders would regard as cultural hybridism was examined.  相似文献   


This study investigated the experiences of, and interactions between, participants of a Forum theatre workshop, which addressed the issue of the refugee child at school. Staged by a UK theatre company, whose actors had, in their own lives, experienced being homeless and/or refugees, the workshop was investigated as it was performed in three London secondary state schools. Findings revealed that the workshop was highly relevant to the students, reflecting moral dilemmas which they faced in their everyday lives, as they encountered refugee students at school. This interactive workshop gave them the opportunity to try out moral behaviour, which could potentially be applied to real-life situations. Students felt that the workshop enabled them to put themselves "in other people's shoes", both the fictional characters in the workshop as well as actual people they knew at school. The homeless and refugee histories of the actors themselves intensified the reality of the workshop experience. The Forum theatre workshop aimed to encourage the students to become moral agents in their own lives. However, its ability to do this was limited by the lack of both moral reflection upon the issues raised, and guidance in appropriate moral action following the workshop. This absence of follow-up relates to the fact that the workshop was perceived by teachers as a drama activity, and no attempts were made to address its moral content which, teachers felt, belonged to the domain of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) in the National Curriculum for England.  相似文献   

自我道德需要的出现是社会道德需要实现的前提,是主体道德修养的动机和道德发展的内在动力。激励主体的自我道德需要要确立个人主体地位,充分发挥个人的主体性作用,制定适宜的道德目标,深人道德实践,使主体面对真实的道德冲突。  相似文献   

The transition between Junior High School and High School (respectively “collège” and “lycée” in the French system) results in new academic demands to which the pupil tries to respond by mobilising new adaptive resources. This study deals with one of these resources — self-esteem — which, as a result of a qualitative change in the young person’s evaluation of him/herself, takes on its full meaning during adolescence. At the end of Junior High School, 208 good pupils (126 girls and 82 boys) were asked to fill in questionnaires about global self-esteem and self-evaluation in domains related to school (“with peers”; “in the school work”; “in the family”). Using two different techniques (questionnaires and interviews), their coping modalities (emotions, mental strategies and active strategies) were recorded when they found themselves facing a “first academic difficulty” at school. The difficulty took the form of a sudden, noticeable drop in performance in a subject in which the pupil had previously been successful. A multiple regression analysis revealed the low predictive power of contextual self-evaluation (including self-evaluation related to school) on functional and dysfunctional factors. On the other hand, global self-esteem contributed significantly to the prediction of these factors and to the sequential ordering of coping modalities in time.  相似文献   

Homeless parents of young children face many stressors that erode their self-esteem. This article articulates these stressors and how they negatively impact homeless parents and their children. Strategies for helping parents empower themselves and their children are explained.  相似文献   

Contemporary western society is characterised by an individualistic model of the person. Conceptions of socialization insist more on self expression and development than on the individual’s submission to social requirements. Values concerned with individual responsibility and self-realization guide educative actions. The article analyses the influence of parental education on internality and self-esteem in the child with particular attention to how parents lead the child to become responsible (commitment). Two hundred parents (from contrasting social backgrounds) answered a questionnaire on internality and a question on self-esteem. According to their social background, the parents adopt educative practices which induce more or less responsibility in the child. Leading the child to accept responsibility in daily life encourages the learning of internality, but family education has little influence on self-esteem. How subjects “positioned” themselves, i.e., how they placed themselves a variety of measures was examined. Some preferred to position themselves in the centre of the scales while others placed themselves on the extremes. There was a correlation between the positioning of the parents and that of the children.  相似文献   


In this article, I argue that sanctions based upon emotional well-being or upon self-esteem are insufficient for motivating consistently moral behaviour, and furthermore, that they reduce ultimately to hedonism. I argue that this is also the case even in the hypothetical event that all moral action results in heightened self-esteem, and all immoral action results in lower self-esteem. Along the way, I compare self-esteem as moral sanction with the concept of telos, that is, an objectively-given moral purpose, in order to show that moral sanctions can be based upon self-interest without collapsing into hedonism.  相似文献   

Summary Research has documented the positive effects computers have on children's self-esteem. Computers can also play an important role in enhancing each child's sense of self. Storytelling, journals, and books about the self provide valuable avenues to help children express their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and dreams. With teacher guidance, each of these activities affirms the children's identity and helps them better understand themselves. For children to have high self-esteem, they need to feel a sense of belonging. In an inclusive environment, teachers use computers to build a classroom identity by graphing class information, recording classroom activities, and/or creating class books. Each of these activities not only helps to build a class identity but enables each child to develop a framework of herself or himself in relationship to the world.  相似文献   

明代中后期,江南文人收藏和鉴赏古书、字画、玉器、铜器、瓷器等各类文物的风气极为兴盛。他们注重古代器物的艺术特色和文化内涵,崇尚古朴典雅、自然含蓄的审美趣味,与同道好友共赏秘藏,吟诗作跋,成为其精神生活的重要组成部分。面对日趋险恶的生态环境,江南文人蜷缩书斋,痴迷文物,意在躲避尘世喧嚣和政治漩涡,以精神生活的快感缓解现实感受的创痛。然而,他们并未远离世事,通过清与浊、雅与俗的刻意区分,极力排斥权贵、富商,而士人群体的自觉意识也因此不断被唤起。他们藉以保留了几分自尊、自信,持守了知识阶层的道德节操,没有完全屈从于权力和金钱的淫威。  相似文献   

There are many notions about the nature of morality, and many publications on the moral dimensions of teaching. However, despite much discussion, researchers still know little about how teachers view morality or themselves as moral agents, let alone the extent to which these views are linked to their teaching practice. This study of two primary school teachers' beliefs and practices as they relate to morality is based on open-ended interviews and classroom observations. The goal is to gain an understanding of how teachers view morality and their own moral agency, as well as how researchers might discuss these issues with them so that they can critically assess their own views and practices. The data suggest that teachers' beliefs are complex and diverse, and may provide insights into investigating and discussing the moral dimensions of teaching.  相似文献   

教师德性相对于教师道德,主要是指教师在教育教学过程中,不断自我修养,自我陶冶,自我充实,自我价值实现的过程。教师德性超越了教师道德的群体性,把“德”指向了群体中的个体。教师德性的提升有助于教育工作的改善,有助于学生道德的进步,素质教育需要教师德性的提升,而教师德性的成长,又与教师的自律度、理解度、宽容心、责任心的提升密切相关。  相似文献   

自我价值感权变性研究是对过去着眼于自尊高低性的自尊研究的补充和拓展.个体将自我价值感建立在权变领域中,权变领域的成功能增强自尊,失败会降低自尊.人们会自我监督在这些领域中的行为,努力想要做好.这种对自尊的追逐会带来很多消极后果,如影响自我调节、人际关系和心理生理健康等方面.自我价值感权变性的研究尚存不少争议,比如是否人人都有权变领域、权变性结构以及和自尊的关系等问题都需要进一步厘清.  相似文献   

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