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The effects of a prose passage's physical structure and semantic organization upon free recall performance was investigated. Passages, describing characteristics of fictitious countries, contained either five or nine paragraphs on attributes of the countries. Results showed that Mandler's in J. L. Cowan (Ed.), Studies in thought and language. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1970] organizational limits could apply to prose as well as word lists and could be used to explain previous discrepant results in semantic organization research. Results showed differences in the distribution of materials interacting with type of semantic organization to produce differences in recall. Different learning strategies imposed by the passage's semantic organization were also found.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect that systematically loading story presentations with criterion information has on the recall of abstract and concrete prose. Results indicated that aal plus picture presentations were most effective for the learning of both abstract and concrete content. Furthermore, the loading of additional detail into visual presentations resulted in greater recall than with simple pictures and also provided a greater supplementary effect to oral prose.  相似文献   

本文以地域文化为切入点 ,从阴柔婉约的格局氛围、浪漫诗性的传达和清隽淡远的神韵风骨等三方面透视吴越文化对“白马湖散文”的深层次影响 ,以期从地域文化和文学的关系上诠释该流派的成因及艺术特质、美学风范等。  相似文献   

In an experiment with 109 undergraduates, we examined the effect of mood, cognitive style, and cognitive ability on implicit learning in the Artificial Grammar (AG) and Serial Reaction Time (SRT) tasks. Negative mood facilitated AG learning, but had no significant effect on SRT learning. Rational cognitive style predicted greater learning on both tasks, but this effect on SRT was mediated by cognitive ability. SRT, but not AG learning was significantly correlated with Math and English scores on the ACT. These findings confirm and contradict previous research. The association of negative mood and rational cognitive style with AG confirms that AG learning is facilitated by systematic, bottom-up processing. However, the lack of converging evidence for the SRT task suggests that the tasks involve different aspects of implicit processing. Theoretical explanations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments compared context and depth-of-processing strategies applied to the learning of short aurally presented prose passages. In the first study, contextual orientation led to significantly higher recall than a continue-paragraph condition, and both strategy groups performed significantly better than a nonstrategy control group. In the second experiment, continuing paragraphs was superior to generating contextual theme statements, with both strategies again superior to the controls. These results were discussed in terms of the ways in which processing demands effect memory for connected discourse.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the age of viewers and the gender of the narrator in a film, and to examine the interaction between these two variables. Subjects in second and fifth grades were randomly assigned to two treatment groups. One group watched a film narrated by a female and the other watched the same film narrated by a male. As subjects watched the film, the experimenters measured their visual attention to the program. Recall of story ideas was also measured, using a multiple-choice test. The results indicated that the gender of the narrator influenced the recall of second-graders, but did not influence the recall of fifth-graders. Results suggest that older children pay greater visual attention to a program than younger children. Implications for developing audio-visual materials for children are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of matching learners' cognitive styles with science learning activities on science knowledge and attitudes. Fifty-six elementary education majors who were identified as Sensing Feeling types on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator participated in this study. The Sensing Feeling type is predominant among elementary school educators. The subjects participated in either nine science activities matched to the learning preferences of Sensing Feelers or nine science activities mismatched to their learning preferences. These mismatched activities were geared toward the learning preferences of Intuitive Thinkers, the dominant type among scientists. Results revealed no significant differences between matched and mismatched groups in knowledge of the material presented or overall attitude toward science and toward science teaching. Comparisons made subsequent to the hypothesized analyses did suggest that cognitive style may affect reactions to certain specific learning activities. The immediate reactions of forty non-Sensing Feeling types who also experienced the treatments were compared to those of the 56 Sensing Feeling subjects. Certain activities which were rated by judges prior to the onset of treatment as being particularly well-matched to the Sensing Feeling style did receive significantly more favorable ratings by the Sensing Feeling subjects than by other types. Conversely, the Sensing Feelers gave significantly lower ratings than other types to certain activities which, according to independent judges, were strongly mismatched to the Sensing Feeling style.  相似文献   

论散文翻译中的风格再现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风格是散文艺术生命力的重要体现,能否在译文中尽可能地再现原文的风格是散文翻译成败的关键。散文的风格体现在散文的韵律、意境和情感中,译者应该深刻理解原文的风格特点,准确把握原文语言形式中的独特的风格印记,以合乎译入语语义结构的句法尽可能将原文的风格再现出来。  相似文献   

建安文人的傲才视物是时代造就的共同特征,建安散文风格的通脱任气,自然引发不同作家散文风格的差异。大体说来,建安的社会动荡与文人们的直面人生有一致性,文人在崇尚实用中使散文贴近社会政治和自我心性,相应表现出自然质朴的风貌。同时,文学传统的惯性对建安文人的影响也是深刻的,文人好典雅的趣味与之融合,又使建安散文有了华美厚重的一面。  相似文献   

Research examining the contribution of pictures to young children’s recall of prose materials suggests that pictures can be used to facilitate the recall of information presented in prose passages. Can the positive effects found with young children be extended to older learners? If picture effects are present, are they durable over time? Data collected from two experiments conducted with college students provide evidence for an affirmative answer to both questions.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education -  相似文献   


Students were asked to rank instructors, who differed by age, gender and political leaning, by their expected helpfulness, and how much a student expected to learn. Students selected older instructors as those from whom they would learn the most, but chose young instructors as the most helpful. Overall, male instructors were preferred over female instructors, especially when emphasis was placed on learning. The political leaning of the instructor was a discriminating factor in humanities classes, with liberal instructors preferred over conservatives. The preferred age, gender and political leaning patterns were distinctly different for instructors who were helpful, and from those from whom students thought they would learn the most, indicating a dichotomy between perceived helpfulness and learning. The stereotypic images of instructors did not differ significantly by the students’ own gender and academic major, except for male students ranking conservative instructors higher than females. Students do have stereotypical images of instructors based on the instructor’s age, gender and political leaning.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to identify possible individual differences effects on school mathematics performance and feelings of difficulty (FOD). Cognitive ability (general and domain-specific), affect (anxiety and achievement need), age, and gender were considered the main sources of individual differences. The effect of the testing experience (i.e., the repeated exposure to the testing situation) was also taken into account. Two hundred forty three subjects, of both genders, from 13 to 15 years of age were tested with three task batteries: the cognitive ability, the affective battery and the school mathematics battery. Ratings of the difficulty of each of the mathematics items were also collected. A second testing of the affective battery, mathematical tasks and FOD was effected one year after the first. A series of path analyses and ANOVAs were performed on the data. It was found that ability directly influenced performance whereas both ability and affect influenced FOD. Feelings of difficulty were also influenced by performance. Age differentiated FOD only at the 2nd testing. Gender interacted with both person and task characteristics and had an effect on FOD but not on performance.  相似文献   

“五四”———四十年代 ,伴随着中国作家世界眼光的获得 ,在创作技巧层面上 ,不断追求文学的本位和审美的多样性 ,出现了叙事文本学的新变化 ,即散文诗化小说的生成、发展 ,导致小说形式的多元化格局。散文诗化小说的“反小说”规范的操作 ,完善现代小说的理论体系 ,也使现代小说迈上丰富发展的广阔道路 ,并为后来小说创作提供了文本参考。  相似文献   

陶然近三年的散文创作充分表现了他文体意识的自觉。他高频度、高密度地把意识流引进了散文创作领域。这不仅是作家创造力的再一次释放 ,也是多元共生的散文创作方法探索的一个新向度。这种探索的直接效果是文本的外在形态的快节奏、跳跃和不连贯。这又是与作家面对困惑时的不安、焦灼的内在世界相契合的。因此 ,陶然在形式上的探索并不是孤立的、为形式而形式的。他建构了一个散文文本外在形状与内在意蕴互为表征的对应图式  相似文献   

This paper assesses the value of three learning style tests when used to examine the design of educational materials for teaching computer science at a distance. The paper presents three studies where three different learning styles were used to discriminate preference and performance in different contexts. The studies indicate that the Learning Style Questionnaire and the Group Embedded Figures Test are of little value. However the Cognitive Style Analysis proved useful in discriminating performance on imagery‐rich materials in a simulated learning context. The paper argues that it may be necessary to match the theoretical basis of learning style with the context in which it is used in order to gain useful information. On the whole the studies showed that the value of learning style tests may be limited.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated two possible sequences in which biochemical theory and the clinical applications of such theory can be presented to pre-clinical medical students. The dependent variables were the students' cognitive preferences and their ability to recall the contents of the instruction. Seventy-two students were randomly allocated to either a Theory-to-application or an Application-to-theory condition. The results indicated that the Application-to-theory sequence of instruction produced a significantly greater preference for being taught the specific facts of pre-clinical medical science, as opposed to being taught about the clinical applications. However, this was achieved at the expense of a significantly reduced ability to actually recall the theory which was taught.  相似文献   

The relationship between cognitive style and academic achievement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field independent students are generally expected to perform better academically than those who are field dependent, and this is particularly marked in distance learning where students learn without the traditional support offered in conventional instruction. In this paper two studies of the relationship between field dependence and academic learning in the context of distance learning are reported with Bachelor of Health nursing students in Hong Kong. In both studies field independent nurses performed significantly better than field dependent ones. Some implications of these findings for distance learning are discussed.  相似文献   

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