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This article examines information policies implemented during the administration of President Ronald Reagan. Of special interest is an analysis of OMB Circular A-130 and the assumptions that underlay its mandates. In addition, a rhetorical analysis of articles from the period is undertaken to examine the assumptions authors used in their defense of or arguments against U.S. federal information policy of the time. Finally, an analysis of the budget of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the number of items distributed to depository libraries, and the sales of the Government Printing Office (GPO) is made to determine changes as a result of the implemented policies.  相似文献   

This article examines the proposal for restructuring of the National Archives of New Zealand using the functional model in which policy advice and service delivery are separated, a public sector reform principle in widespread use. The proposal results from a report in 1994 by consultants, McDermott Miller Ltd., commissioned by the Treasury and the Department of Internal Affairs. Its contents, recommendations, and later amendments are examined in some detail. Particular attention is paid to the effectiveness and appropriateness of the model for a public archives agency, and the constitutional and legal implications.  相似文献   

This article is based on a symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, and sponsored by the Library, University of California, Berkeley; the Librarians Association of the University of California (Berkeley Division); and the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. The author examines government information controls in the context of the constitutional and statutory tradition of open access to government information in the United States. He discusses the restrictive climate in which the Reagan administration views public access and warns that restrictive national security policies may actually curtail economic growth, retard defense programs, and undermine the Constitution.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1983, President Reagan issued a National Security Decision Directive which, among other provisions, mandated that present and future Executive Branch employees and contractors having access to classified information or sensitive compartmented information, the latter being a kind of intelligence data, sign one of two types of nondisclosure agreement. Previously, these types of agreements had been used for the most part only in the intelligence agencies. This article reviews the law which has developed around the prepublication review requirement of Central Intelligence Agency agreements and examines the contracts mandated by the new National Security Decision Directive, identifying issues raised by these agreements in light of the body of case law dealing with the C.I.A.'s system of censorship. With regard to the prepublication review requirement, the focus here is limited to former rather than current officials of the government.  相似文献   

Federal information policy is a tangled web, woven over many decades and one which tends to trap information, rather than making it easily available. Although some of the difficulty has been caused by a lack of coherence and by some confusion among members of the Congress, the principal difficulty recently has been the lack of trust exhibited by the Reagan administration. If the United States is to regain its economic and technological health, a well-thought-out and administered Federal information policy will be the cornerstone to those ends. An informed electorate can help by assisting Congress with ideas regarding needs, both present and future. Together with an informed administration, we can, and must, create the Federal information policy that meets all our needs without jeopardizing our national security.  相似文献   

The Ronald Reagan Library, located on a rugged hilltop in southern California, is the newest facility in the National Archives's system of presidential libraries. Five American presidents gathered at the library for its dedication on November 4, 1991. The library's collections of textual, audiovisual, and museum objects are the largest holdings of any presidential library. Under provisions of the Presidential Records Act (1978), the library has made available for research over 7 million pages of its 47 million pages of records. The main museum exhibits depict the life and presidency of Ronald Reagan, with an emphasis on photographs, gift items, and multimedia presentations. Exhibit highlights are a full-scale replica of the Oval Office and a section of the Berlin Wall. Events at the library have included visits by Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher. The first two years of operation have provided the Reagan Library with a solid foundation for future expansion of collections management, exhibits, and programs.  相似文献   

目前,高校图书馆的图书缺藏现象普遍存在,文章指出了造成这一现象的五个主要原因,提出高校图书馆应合理增加购书经费;与书商建立有效合作制度;完善图书借阅制度,提高图书馆员的职业素养;建立“摇篮书屋”、“爱心书屋”等特色书屋;制定科学、稳定的图书采访政策和选书标准;杜绝盗版歪风,提倡正版善本等补缺策略.  相似文献   

This article briefly outlines case law as it has evolved to allow “reasonable” searches under the Fourth Amendment. Drawing parallels between drug testing, airport searches, and drunk driver roadblocks, it suggests conditions under which drug testing should withstand judicial scrutiny. The Reagan administration's program is reviewed in terms of those criteria and with a view toward privacy. The article concludes that the program can be implemented legally with a significant caveat that agencies will have to design their own programs with great care.  相似文献   

This essay identifies the American Western myth and the myth of the birth of the nation as political myths depicted by Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan in their 1964 and 1980 presidential campaigns respectively. While Goldwater and Reagan rely on the Western myth through 1964 to “define” America and promote political beliefs, Reagan joins the Western myth with the myth of the birth of the nation after Goldwater's resounding defeat to provide a rhetorical ground for moderating his political views and broadening his audience. In the essay, a model of political myth based on form and function is described and then applied to three addresses, one by Goldwater and two by Reagan. Analysis of the speeches reveals a symbiotic relationship between the Western myth and the birth myth that joins individuality with community in a heroic tale of America's growth as a nation. It also shows that Reagan's rhetoric expresses this symbiosis while Goldwater's does not.  相似文献   

Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is the cable industry's education foundation and has been active in the fields of media and information literacy for more than fifteen years. This article explains media literacy and its connection to information literacy, details CIC's work in these areas, and describes related resources available on CIC's Web site (http://www.ciconline.org). Finally, the article examines digital citizenship, a new term encompassing teaching youth about Internet safety, media and information literacy, and digital ethics that is generating attention in education policy circles.  相似文献   

This study focuses on United States press coverage of U.S. cigarette exports to Taiwan and Korea and examines whether there was congruence between U.S. foreign policy objectives and the direction of the news coverage. This study reveals that most mainstream U.S. newspapers followed the government's foreign policy objectives in reporting the issue of U.S. cigarette exports to Asia. Mainstream U.S. newspapers packaged cigarette export policy and talks into a trade issue characterized by fair trade and ethnocentric framing; this framing highlighted economic themes while suppressing or omitting health-oriented events or opinions. The United States press low-toned its critical voice when the United States vigorously pursued cigarette trade talks with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, and raised its critical voice against already implemented policy once all trade agreements were finalized. Based on qualitative analysis, this study examines several key aspects of U.S. newspapers' coverage of these trade talks.  相似文献   

在进行了国内外调研和馆内外调查的基础上,分析了原读者规则存在的法制意识不强、重管理轻服务等问题和内容滞后、过时等缺陷,提出了制定符合国家法律和时代要求的创新型图书馆读者规则应以"服务主导"为方向,符合合法性、可行性、统一性和人性化的原则,并重点提出了增加读者的权利和义务、改变严厉生硬的措词、强调违章处理中的教育责任及根据图书馆事业的发展及时增删相应规则等修改方案。  相似文献   


The future of research libraries will be shaped by broader developments at research universities in the areas of creating, sharing, disseminating, and curating knowledge. Universities face fundamental policy choices in all of these areas that have been recast by developments in information technology. This article discusses trends in digital scholarship practices across the humanities, science, and social science disciplines and examines implications for academic institutions and their research libraries as a means of framing these policy choices.  相似文献   

Much of information policy is focused on establishing the parameters of information access—ensuring or limiting access to certain types of information. Given how central information access is to virtually every aspect of society, policy can be seen as one of the most significant forces influencing the information society. Recent events, however, have fueled changes in the ways that some governments use policy to shape access, none more significantly than the United States. This paper examines the meanings of and relationships between policy and access, as well as their key roles in society and democratic participation. Following an examination of the historical and social impacts of policies about access, the article analyzes the perspectives of the Bush administration on how policy should shape information access as an illustration of the relationships between policy and access. The paper examines the issues raised by the Bush administration’s views on access and policy and the implications of their policies for the United States, for the global information society, and for research related to information. Ultimately, the paper raises questions about the extent to which information policies about access can be used for overtly political purposes, what might be described as “information politics,” without significantly altering the meaning of information access in a society.  相似文献   

This article examines public librarians' experiences with attempted censorship, including their dismay, anger, and disappointment with fellow librarians and their professional organizations, which those under attack found apathetic in safeguarding user rights and protecting their jobs as library professionals. Some of these librarians became the activists who campaigned for the creation of the American Library Association's (ALA) legal defense machinery, along with other primarily young progressive librarians, who pushed forward their own agenda. This study highlights these public librarians' struggles, which made the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) and ALA leading professional organizations in championing intellectual freedom. The study focuses on cases that shaped ALA's policy that led to the establishment of a defense mechanism for librarians in the late 1960s and 1970s. It also examines the extent to which ALA upheld the organization's professional credo and its members' rights.  相似文献   

The provision of public Internet access and related networked services by public libraries is affected by a number of information policy issues. This article analyzes the policy dimensions of Internet connectivity in public libraries in light of the data and findings from a national survey of public libraries conducted by the authors of this article. After providing a summary of the study methodology and findings, this article examines key policy issues that include the nature of sufficient bandwidth and broadband, the perpetuation of the digital divide of Internet access in libraries, the role of libraries as e-government access points, the complexities of funding Internet access, the impacts and contradictions of filtering, and the chilling effect of homeland security legislation in public libraries. This article concludes with a discussion of how examining these policy issues can lead to a better understanding of public libraries and the Internet access they offer within the context of public policy.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenge of creating a collection development policy for a century old historical library which in the last decade was rebranded as a Presidential Library.  相似文献   

Growing interest in Federal agencies' management of information technology (IT) has prompted an examination of possible causes for problems in managing information technology. Members of both the Executive and Legislative Branches believe the problems result from ineffective OMB policies. Recent research shows, though, that agency management problems have resulted, in part, from the ineffectual application of OMB policy by agencies. This article examines what factors support or impede agency application and enforcement of IT management policy.  相似文献   

OMB A-130     
The Federal Office of Management and Budget issued its Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources" in December 1985. The Circular marked a continuation of the Reagan Administration's effort to systematically reduce the flow of information from the federal government. The impact of thc Circular is discussed both in terms of its effect on federal government information gathering and reporting programs, and the reference service offered by libraries.  相似文献   


Academic libraries with public access computers are faced with the challenge of balancing patron privacy rights with accountability and system security. What should libraries do when a patron uses a public Internet connection to send harassing email messages or hack into a remote network, or into the library's own system? This article examines the conflicting values of privacy and security. It examines patron authentication as a security measure and the safeguards that should accompany such a system. Several options are offered for addressing this dilemma. A summary of university appropriate use policies is presented with recommendations and a sample policy statement.  相似文献   

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