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This article surveys the history of compulsory education for soldiers’ career advancement in the British army. It begins with an examination of the organisational context before analysing the rationale, syllabus, teaching and assessment of soldier education. It concludes that for members of the army education organisation their self‐perception as soldiers and educators is of crucial importance; that the justifications for soldier education have been debated constantly between the ‘liberal’ and ‘utilitarian’ groupings within the organisation; and finally that significant work remains to be done in this nexus between British military and educational history.  相似文献   

本文阐述了整体教学法的基本理论和实施过程,介绍了整体教学法在讲学"The British Isles"阅读课的具体应用.教学实践证明,整体教学法很适合高中英语阅读课的课堂教学.  相似文献   

DSinceMayflowercarriedthefirstgroupofBritishpeopletotheAmericanContinent,theEnglishlanguagewastakenthere,t00.Thesepe0ple,theyescapedfromtherestricti0nsandpunishment0ftheOldW0r1dandcamet0this1andtobuildupafreeanddem0craticNewWor1d.Everythingwasnewtothem-An…  相似文献   

This paper establishes and explains the important role of the Conservative Government of 1959–1964 in supporting the raising of the school leaving age in Britain from the age of 15 to 16. This was a significant and high-profile national issue that generated much educational, social and political debate around conflicting priorities during this period, and was emphasized in both the Crowther Report of 1959 and the Newsom Report of 1963. The Treasury was strongly opposed to the proposal due to its high financial cost. There was a large element of electoral opportunism involved in the Conservative Government’s approval of raising the school leaving age (ROSLA), announced in January 1964, but it also highlighted deeper complexities and reservations in Conservative attitudes to ROSLA as well as a long-term ambition to consolidate education as a Conservative issue.  相似文献   

England is the oldest nation of industry revolution and the earliest industrialization country in the world. With colonization system breakdown and economic giant, the United States, Germany, Japan etc. rising, today of England had already lost former days of elegant appearance. The disadvantageous vocational education is one of essential factor for England economy decline post-war. After the Second War, the student source of vocational education in England is shortage and its quality is not high; "The comprehensive high school exercises" make the vocational education almost lost exhaustively. The reform measure of variety vocational education in the recent years also did not receive the obvious result. The fall behind and dilatoriness of vocational education make engineering technician and technique worker who are on-the-job near the machine seriously missing, ultimately lead to economic comedown in England. England emphasized literacy education and neglected the occupation education. This is an important reason that resulted in this kind of condition. Under this situation, it caused directly its economy develooment dilatoriness.  相似文献   


At a time of continuing concern about the nature and meaning of doctoral education in the United Kingdom, this paper outlines the moves by an increasing number of universities towards ‘part‐taught’ doctorates. Focusing on the new degree of Doctor of Education now offered by over seven British universities, the paper outlines the differences between EdD and PhD in education, and questions the need for any differentiation. Arguing that the ‘statistics of failure’ in doctoral education in the United Kingdom continue to mount a challenge to universities in the United Kingdom, the paper argues for a refocus on process as well as product, where the goal should be on learner empowerment and transformation, rather than on the misassumptlons that doctoral study is primarily an ‘academic apprenticeship’. Finally, the paper indicates an agenda to establish doctoral programmes and structures capable of developing and fostering creative talent whether the individuals undertaking doctoral study are going to become professional researchers or researching and scholarly professionals.  相似文献   

Private Schools and Public Policy: International Perspectives. Edited by William Lowe Boyd and James G. Cibulka. Pp. vi, 363. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press, 1989. £11.95, ISBN 1–85000–447–1 fc. Education Policy Perspectives

Thomas Arnold Headmaster: A Reassessment. By Michael McCrum. Pp. viii, 157. Oxford University Press, 1989. £17.50. ISBN 0–19–211798‐X.

Primary Understanding: Education in Early Childhood. By Kieran Egan. Pp xvi, 287. New York, London: Routledge, 1988. £25.00. ISBN 0–415–90003–4

Towards Democratic Schooling: European Experiences. Edited by K. Jensen and S. Walker. Ppxii, 199. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1989. £10.95 (paperback) £27.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–335–09567–4 (paperback) CP335–09568–2 (hardback).

The Ethics of Educational Research. Edited by Robert G. Burgess. Pp x, 236. Index. Lewes, East Sussex: The Falmer Press, 1989. £25.00 hardcover; £9.95 flexicover. ISBN 1 85000 297 5 hc;‐ 1 85000 298 3 fc. Social Research and Educational Studies Series: 8.

The Educational Insiders: a study of the Society of Education Officers 1971–88. D. A. Howell. Pp x, 240, Index. Harlow: Longman Group U.K., 1989. £25 limp bound. ISBN 0 582 05920 8.

Multicultural Education in a Global Society. By James Lynch. Pp. xxi, 191. Index. Lewes: The Falmer Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 1989, £9.95 flexicover ISBN 1 85000 558 3

Research Papers in Education Volume 4: Number 3; October 1989 (Festschrift for Jack Wrigley) pp. 94. Windsor: NFER‐Nelson, 1989. ISSN: 0267 1522

The Changing Secondary School. Edited by Roy Lowe. Pp 233. Index. The Falmer Press, 1989. £9.95 paper, ISBN 1–85000–556–7 pbk; £20.00 cloth, ISBN‐555–9.

The Search for Enlightenment: The Working Class and Adult Education in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Brian Simon. Pp 334. London: Lawrance and Wishart, 1990. £19.95. ISBN 0 85315 683 2.

Literacy and Popular Culture: England 1750–1914. By David Vincent. Pp xii, 362. Index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. £32.50/$49.50 hardcover. ISBN 0–521–33466–7.

The Social Contexts of Schooling. Edited by Mike Cole. Pp ix, 251. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press, 1989. £25.00 cloth, £9.95 Paper. ISBN 1–85000–450–1, 1–85000–451‐X (pbk)

Working with Parents. A Whole‐school Approach. By John Bastiani. Pp x, 140. Windsor: NFER‐Nelson, 1989. £8.50 paperback. ISBN‐7005–1183‐Ofc. Parents and Teachers, Volume 3.

Industry, Children and the Nation: An analysis of national identity in school textbooks. By John Ahier p.p. 203. Index. Falmer Press, 1988. No price given. ISBN 1 85000 408 0.  相似文献   

Much of children's attitude to gender is developed in their home. For children from a Hindu background dharma (right conduct) involves all aspects of life. It includes family and ritual responsibilities and they are largely gender‐specific. This article is based on research among 8‐13 year‐old Hindu children of Punjabi and Gujarati origin in Coventry [2] [2] The Hindu Nurture in Coventry Project and the Punjabi Hindu Nurture in Coventry Project, both parts of the Religious Education and Community Project, directed by Robert Jackson, were made possible by generous funding from the Leverhulme Trust. The Punjabi Hindu Nurture in Coventry Project focused upon children in two low caste communities, namely the Valmikis and being conducted among children in other faith communities as part of the Religious Education and Community Project with funding from the Economic and Social Research Council ‘Project number R000 232489’. View all notes. I contend that gender is significant in the religious involvement of both boys and girls. This article draws attention to areas of their experience as young British Hindus in which their gender is decisive and examines these in relation to the role expectations enunciated by the children.


British Character It’s not surprising to see that America and Britain have a greatdeal in common.But,on the other hand,there may be manyaspects they are alike,but there are indeed a few keydifferences.For example,people often describe Americans withthe words like friendly,informal,directive,assertive,pragmaticand some others,while adjectives associated with the Britishcharacter include:conservative,gentlemanly,reserved,classconscious,law abiding,principled,believing in order andtradition,and open to compromise.  相似文献   

A student is studying British English.He wants to know:Can I have atalk with Americans? Can they catch me? Learners of English often ask-what are the differences between British English and American English?  相似文献   

This paper explores how teachers respond to the requirement to promote ‘fundamental British values’ (FBV) to their pupils. It offers a preliminary analysis of data drawn from interviews with teachers and (mostly lesson) observations in schools. It argue that, first, the policy cannot be understood without a consideration of the multi-layered context in which it is being enacted in schools. Second, it locates the policy to promote FBV as a liberal nationalist one and considers some of the problematic issues that arise from this philosophy. Third, it turns to schools and teachers to consider their reactions and responses. It is concluded that teachers and schools in this research often did attempt to neutralize potentially exclusionary readings of the policy and were effective in absorbing the requirement to promote British values. However, doubt is cast on the policy’s ability to meet its aims and the paper also raise concerns about the limited amount of time given to pupils’ engagement with the values.  相似文献   

Each nation has its own unique national characters.British are known as conservative,gentlemanlike,reticent,etc.While Americans are thought to be independent,outgoing,optimistic and democratic.A comparative study of the geographical and historical factors of these two countries will objectively cast a light on the differences of their national characters.  相似文献   

Treading in the footsteps of past generations, Ontario policy advisers journeyed throughout the United Kingdom in the summer of 1966 to directly understand the educational reforms that were being undertaken in that country. On their return, these consultants brought back a number of innovations for discussion with their parent committee in the hopes of possible adaptation by the province. When their final submission was tabled two years later, the ‘Hall-Dennis Report’ (as it became popularly known) went on to reflect the tone for education in the province for a generation. This study examines the impact that Britain’s educational policies in the 1960s, and especially the ‘Plowden Report’ of 1967, may have had on the recommendations found in the Hall-Dennis Report. As well, it ties these two reports to the longstanding legacy of British influence on the Ontario education system 1 1A first version of this work was presented at the History of Education Society Conference, held in London, 26–28 November 2010. Thanks are expressed to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for its support of this endeavour. .  相似文献   

现代社会,泡吧似乎成了年轻人娱乐休闲的必修项目。泡吧时与朋友聊些什么?该怎么与陌生人“搭讪”呢?不妨借鉴一下英美的“Bar Chat”。  相似文献   

Spain suffered a severe political and moral crisis in the final years of the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Pedagogues and politicians belonging to the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE), or those close to it, did not consider it possible to regenerate the country without attending to education and Britain was the model to be followed. Many important figures of the ILE were declared anglophiles and therefore open to incorporating British education in Spain. This research reveals the roots of this preference for Britain on behalf of two of the key figures of the ILE: one of its most relevant founders, Francisco Giner, and his close collaborator, José Castillejo. The article then describes how the educational approach of the ILE found its answers in Britain. The paper ends with some reflections on the scope of the British reference.  相似文献   

Pedagogically aimed craft education was established around the same time as the school-based system of formative education, under the term Sloyd. This refers to a pedagogical system of manual training that promotes general child development, through the acquisition of the technical skills employed in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, knitting and the making of useful objects by hand. The purpose of Sloyd was to employ craft as a tool in general education, in order to build the character of a child, encouraging moral behaviour, greater intelligence and industriousness. The Sloyd pedagogy reached Iceland towards the end of the nineteenth century: during the years 1889–1938, 38 Icelanders had attended Otto Salomon’s teacher-training school in Nääs in Sweden, in order to learn Sloyd. These students became pioneers of the pedagogical craft in Iceland and their influence was significant in the development of the still-existing school subject.  相似文献   

Recent research on student learning in higher education has identified clear associations between variations in students’ perceptions of the academic environment and variations in their study behaviour. This study investigated a general theoretical model linking students’ demographic characteristics, perceptions and study behaviour with measures of outcome, and in particular, compared three accounts of the causal relationship between perceptions and study behaviour. Data were obtained from 469 postgraduate students at six British business schools. Path analysis was used to assess the causal relationships among the students’ age and gender, their scores on the Course Experience Questionnaire, their scores on the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory and their ratings of general satisfaction with their programmes. This yielded evidence for the causal efficacy of most of the paths identified in the general theoretical model. In particular, as in the case of students taking more traditional academic subjects, there exists a bidirectional causal relationship between variations in students’ perceptions of the academic environment and variations in their study behaviour.  相似文献   

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