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This article emphasises two major themes that address the influence of the Asian American Movement: (1) encouraging students to broaden the discourse on race and ethnic relations by redefining categories and challenging prevalent assumptions; (2) an increased tolerance and frequency in course offerings that examine and centralise the histories, literature and political underpinnings of Asian Americans and ethnic (i.e. Japanese) specific communities, which has equipped students to engage in discourse and community action. Countering dominant narratives through unification and education is the means by which Asian American students fought for representation and fair treatment.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):112-126

The world over, drastic transformation of higher education systems is presenting universities with significant opportunities and challenges. Accordingly, universities need highly effective decision-making systems through which they can adopt the decisions they need to reap the opportunities whilst avoiding the challenges associated with transformation. At Makerere University (MU), Uganda, however, decision-making is ineffective, which is affecting the university’s ability to respond to the opportunities and challenges its transformed environment is presenting. Informed by the propositions of Systems Theory as they apply to organisational decision-making, therefore, decision-makers’ perceptions of the university’s decision-making process were surveyed to ascertain whether there is cooperation, hierarchy, order and feedback among the units involved in the process. It was found that although the process is hierarchical, it is marred by uncooperativeness, disorder and poor feedback mechanisms. To enhance decision success, therefore, MU is urged to review its decision-making process to ensure that the units involved therein operate synergistically.  相似文献   

19世纪剑桥大学经历了从古典教育堡垒向科学教育中心转交的改革历程.经过身主进行科学教育的探索、政府督导下科学教育基础的建立、科学教育的繁荣三个历史阶段,剑桥大学的管理、教学体制、教师队伍、科学研究等方面都发生了根本性的变化,剑桥大学发展成为以科学教育为鲜明特色、教学与科研两翼齐飞的世界一流学府.总结剑桥大学19世纪改革的历程和经验,对我国高等教育的改革与发展具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The restructuring of Hungarian higher education according to European expectations has resulted in fundamental changes. Due to the intensifying market and the decreasing number of applicants, institutions are interested in ensuring the necessary number of students. The objective of the study is to identify those schools where the greatest interest in the courses offered by the University of Szeged can be expected. The selection was based on spatial and temporal analysis of submitted applications using geographical information system methods. The results can contribute to attracting the necessary number of students and to developing a sound basis for future educational planning.  相似文献   

民国时期的师范教育和教育科系呈现了不同类型大学共同举办的多元格局,复旦大学教育学系 是综合性大学文学院下设教育学科的代表。复旦大学教育学系经历了酝酿萌芽、蓬勃发展、动荡存续三个 阶段。其因地制宜、因校施策,走出了具有自身特点的探索发展之路。复旦大学教育学系师生规模适中,教 师质量较高,课程务实精要,管理严格规范,注重理论与实践结合,学生校园活动丰富,彰显了复旦大学的理 念和传统,是复旦大学学科结构的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在大力提倡教育改革的今天,很多人认为教育史研究巴失去其生存价值.其实不然,教育史研究不仅可以使我们以历史的视角去审视今天的教育改革,而且可为教育改革提供智力支持.因此,越是在教育改革进行得如火如荼的时代,我们越需要冷静地反思过去,总结经验,充分认识教育史研究在当代教育改革中的独特功能,使其更好地为教育现实服务.  相似文献   

论述了我校面对教育改革应加紧数字化图书馆建设:以丰富的、高品质的馆藏和新的服务标准,为素质教育开辟有效途径。  相似文献   

学生自治作为西南联大学生的管理方式,既是联大民主精神的重要体现,也是影响联大学生生活与学校发展的一条重要脉络。西南联大学生自治会是最能代表该校学生自治面貌的学生组织之一,其内部结构主要由权力机关、执行机关、监察机关构成。通过对联大学生自治会的分析可以看出,联大学生自治具有组织性、自发性、相对独立性、发展性和兼顾性的特点。同时,其自治在服务学生学习和生活、促进学生个体发展、协助学校发展建设、维系联大民主精神、改良当地社会风气方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Brandon大学是加拿大著名的教学型大学,办学方式灵活多样,拥有人性化的教学管理模式,在教学方面,以学生为本,采用个性教育与共性教育相统一的人才培养方案。在对Brandon大学其经营、管理、教学育人等理念进行考察研究的基础上,为了提高学生的综合素质,结合我校的实际情况,应积极推行本科通识教育、改进教学方式,建立高效科学的内部教学评估体系。  相似文献   

章就目前高校体育教学中存在的问题进行透析,并运用对比分析的方法,就《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的实施为体育教学改革所带来的巨大机遇,提出面向全体学生、灵活施教的教学改革思想,以培养身体、心理健康发展和社会适应能力全面提高的优秀人才。  相似文献   

Many countries design and implement school change with a focus on the fundamental reconfiguration in the structures of schooling. In this article, we examined the relationship between principal leadership and teacher resistance to school reforms driven by external interveners. For an empirical analysis, we took advantage of extensive data derived from 967 teachers and 32 principals in Korean vocational high schools that are now experiencing school reforms launched by the government. Our results revealed the importance of human aspects of school changes and reforms, in particular, driven by the external intervener. We first showed that a principal's initiative leadership is significantly related to the reduction of teacher resistance to change, in particular on the emotional and behavioural dimensions. Not surprisingly, teachers showed a higher level of resistance when their schools participate in the government-driven reform. Finally, teacher resistance depended upon characteristics of teachers as well as principals. These findings provide some useful policy implications for facilitating successful school reform efforts. Foremost, school reformers are advised to rethink the school change model design in a way of fully capturing human aspects in the reform process.  相似文献   

高等教育募捐:美国加州大学的做法与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在总结美国加州大学教育经费募捐和运作经验的基础上,剖析加州大学募捐成功的内外部条件。对照其成功经验和我国高等教育捐赠现状,我们可从中得到启示.为我国高等教育融资管理改革提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

阿尔托大学是由芬兰政府主导、在整合全国教育资源基础上组建而成的创业型大学。阿尔托大学努力构建知识创新能力、创业能力和人才培养能力,以提升国家竞争力;组织保障、战略引领、要素支持与基于设计工厂的创新平台等,则为学校的发展提供了有力的支撑。其创业型大学发展范式为我国建设创业型大学提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   

加强大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高校的发展和不断扩招,大学生弱势群体的绝对人数也在不断上升。做好大学生弱势群体的思想政治教育工作,促进他们健康成长是高校思想政治教育工作者面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,在世界教育改革的大背景下,杜威、孟禄、克伯屈等哥伦比亚大学知名教育家来华,与其中国弟子们联袂主导了一场有组织的群众性的现代教育改革运动。在这场蔚为壮观的运动中,他们对中国教育的方方面面进行了深入思考和探索,不仅促使教育观念发生重大转变,现代学制得以建立,教育教学改革也屡有尝试和新创,最终形成了现代教育的基本格局,并促使中国教育体系开始由近代向现代转型。而这一由中美两国著名教育家携手主导构建中国现代教育的过程,也给后人留下了丰富的经验与宝贵的教训。  相似文献   

中国政府与大学的关系:历史与变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从中国历史的不同时期考察中国政府与大学的关系,表明:新时期政府与大学之间的根本冲突已经不复存在,政府对大学的控制表现较为强调大学对政府的实用价值,强调大学为国家和社会服务的作用,而忽视大学自治权力对大学发展的重要作用。符合时代要求的创新型人才和有自主知识产权的高精尖科学技术是政府与社会对高等教育的需要,在保证高等教育质量方针的贯彻与实施情况下,政府必然愿意赋予大学更自由的学术环境。但是这一过程是大学与政府问的博弈,需要经过较长的历史发展过程。  相似文献   

本文试图从民国大学院、大学区制的兴衰说起,分析我国目前高等教育区域化中存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

普林斯顿大学的发展历程、教育理念及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过260多年的发展,普林斯顿大学从一所宗教教育机构成为世俗的世界一流大学,一直坚守小而精的办学传统,形成了自己独特的教育理念。它崇尚"为国家服务,为社会服务",通过营造一种平静的环境,致力于质量而非数量上的追求。普林斯顿大学的经验对我国建设世界一流大学具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

The evolution of Italian universities in terms of growth, economic sustainability and reforms can be interpreted in the light of the élite, mass and universal access categories defined by Martin Trow. The findings from this analysis show that although the number of enrolled students and funding problems propel the Italian university system towards the universal access stage, activities and functioning mechanisms are lagging far behind, since they are still involved in the transition from the élite to mass stage. Interpretation of the changes since 1980 on the basis of the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm and the notion of diversity allows identification of the reasons for this discrepancy as being mostly related to backwardness in terms of ideas and values rather than a lack of management techniques.  相似文献   

文章从民族院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课入手,分析了《思想道德修养与法律基础》课目前上课的现状及存在的问题、成因,就民族院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课如何改善教学效果提出几点对策建议,以期达到民族院校大学生对这门课程真心喜爱、终生受益的教学目的。  相似文献   

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