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西塞神舟会以其独特的送瘟神的形式与其他三个端午习俗一起成为世界非物质文化遗产,它活化石般完好地保留着楚地先民在恶(五)月祭祀、驱邪、祈福、纳祥的某些生活印迹,展示了端午节俗的原始自然属性。前人留下来的古籍文献、历史传说、地理环境为梳理神舟会的源流脉络提供了很好的佐证。  相似文献   

民俗文化的产生和发展与世道人心的需要有着很密切的关系,民俗文化在历史发展中产生变迁,民俗文化对人的心理调节发挥着很大的作用。  相似文献   

在现代意识与传统观念激烈碰撞的现代社会中 ,哈尼族民俗文化 ,亦在各种观念的相互激荡中发生改代变异。本文从哈尼族物质消费文化、家庭婚姻观念、道德价值观念等方面分析了哈尼族现代异变的特点 ,并初步提出促进哈尼族民俗文化发展的基本途径  相似文献   

青苗会是一种民间自发组织,以加强田间管理、保护庄稼为主要目的,主持相关仪式,举办乡村活动,协调村落内外关系。在其传统社会功能逐渐弱化的当下社会,传统青苗会的保护与生存,必须要积极适应新的生存环境,主动完成现代转型。最可行的保护形式就是保护“文化生态”的完整。“文化生态”势必发生改变的背景下,在改善民生、保证民众享有现代化权利基础上,激励保留传统。青苗会适应时代,积极与新时代相融,与民众、村落发展相契合才是根本。探索新的策略,吸引民众主动融入青苗会,激发、强化与民众民俗生活的关联性,再次将根扎入民间生活。这样,青苗会在乡土社会长期以来树立的社区权威会重新焕发生机,会在强化社区认同、传承民族文化、整合乡村社会秩序方面继续发挥作用。  相似文献   

论客家生态民俗文化的哲学意义及现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客家生态民俗文化在物质文化、精神文化、制度文化等方面均有体现。从本质上来说,客家生态民俗文化是儒家"天人合一"观在特定地理环境中的继承与发展,并与当地区域经济发展和环境保护形成良性互动。对于中国的现代化而言,包括客家生态民俗文化在内的土著文化具有自身独特的价值,是中国可持续发展的重要支持力量。保护和发扬土著文化最关键的是要坚持文化多元化的方针,坚决抵制文化霸权主义。  相似文献   

民俗作为民众群体中自行流行、传承的不成文的规矩,一种模式化的活世态生活相,是人类生活中产生最早、约束面最广的行为规范,也是最具人文精神的文化范畴,蕴含着先天性的德育内容。本课题通过对民俗文化教育现状进行调研,分析中国民俗文化的现代德育价值尺度,探讨民俗文化教育的具体形式和策略。  相似文献   

现代消费者的消费心理对现代广告设计具有极其重要的影响。本文分析了现代社会消费群体的消费心理,并对如何发挥现代消费心理对现代广告设计的正确影响作用作了研究。  相似文献   

孙素海  戴佳妮 《考试周刊》2013,(63):130-131,126
本文立足奥林匹克文化的内涵,从青奥会设立的精神出发,对现代奥林匹克文化认同进行了探讨,认为青奥会文化的不断积累将会不断完善奥林匹克的文化体系。青奥会作为国际奥委会完善奥林匹克运动的重要组成部分,将会通过协调自身和奥林匹克运动其他组成部分之间关系,促进奥林匹克运动可持续发展。  相似文献   

人类学纪录片凭借其纪实和以人为本的特点,在记录和传承民俗文化方面发挥着特殊作用。羌族人类学纪录片不断记录和传承着羌族民俗文化,其选取典型的文化符号祛魅抽象神秘的羌族文化,通过突出人性价值的柔性传播为不同文化背景的大众理解羌族文化提供可能性,利用精美的视听语言修饰羌族文化本体从而引起大众共鸣。羌族人类学纪录片借助人物和家庭等内容完成象征符的生产与表达,让大众在共通意义的空间内观照自身、理解羌族文化和了解中国社会发展。  相似文献   

后稷是一位兼具人与神的双重品格的传说人物,在中华文化的历史上有其独特的传承方式,正统的稷祀文化一直有着重要的历史地位.但其在民间的记忆也是后稷文化传承不可分割的重要组成部分,对地方知识体系的构建有着不可忽视的作用.本文将对后稷神话传承于山陕民间的隐性资源所构建起的文化和谐系统予以民俗理论的观照,探寻其对建设社会和谐文化的积极意义.  相似文献   

中国本土心理学研究的反思与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1980年迄今,中国本土心理学研究仅有十几年的历程,其间,虽然在研究理念上有所转变,但存在的问题依然很多。文章旨在论述本土心理学研究的兴起及理论依据的基础上,探讨我国本土心理学研究的现状及存在的问题,并提出了今后我国本土心理学应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

林语堂的<京华烟云>之所以获得巨大成功,就是因为他运用现代英语展示了源远流长的中国传统文化:这部巨著以现代英语为载体,以恢宏的气势描绘了一幅中国社会历史风俗长卷;塑造了一系列栩栩如生的人物形象,特别是女性形象浸透了中国传统巾帼的神情风韵;一个"道"字更是力透纸背,穿越历史的时空隧道成为牵引众多事件和人物的主线.  相似文献   

近代安徽自然灾害极其频繁。在全部救灾主体中,政府居于最关键的地位,扮演最重要的角色。近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治,既有兴修水利、农业推广、植树造林以及储粮备荒、兴办农村合作事业等防灾减灾的措施,也有赈济灾民、蠲免赋税等救灾赈济之举,些措施对保障灾民的生活和经济的恢复和发展是起到一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

苏东坡寓惠时期的事业政绩、功德文望和嘉言懿行, 已和惠州的朴野山水、淳良的人心和丰富的民俗文化缠环糅合在一起, 构成了独特奇异的东坡寓惠文化现象, 所谓东坡惠州两相成。开发和利用这种文化, 对于弘扬传统文化精蕴, 以文促商, 推进惠州文化产业建设, 提升惠州知名度, 繁荣惠州现代经济具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Research lauds the benefits of parent involvement in the schools, yet many schools and communities have not achieved desired levels of involvement. Underlying expectations and methods soliciting parent involvement may be rooted in cultural misperceptions. This study, based on Epstein’s (1987) Overlapping Spheres of Influence model, explored the ways and extent that community members, school staff, and Samoan families interact regarding a public middle school. Qualitative research methods (interviews and observations) involved parents, teachers, administrators, and community agency members and officials in participatory action research. Findings displayed a base of cultural differences regarding parent involvement: Samoan parents were expected to participate in school events and assist children with homework, yet Samoan culture has historically divided the parents’ responsibilities from the teachers’ responsibilities. Parents identified their responsibilities for children’s spirituality and discipline and viewed academic matters as solely the responsibility of teachers. The school’s new activities, parents’ shifting focus, and community members’ diverse actions are demonstrating a start of change. This research supports the need for school personnel to understand the cultural roots of minority families’ parent involvement practices. Marianna F. Valdez is a Ph.D. Candidate in Community and Cultural Psychology. She completed her M.A. degree at the University of Hawaii and B.A. degree at Tulane University. Her research interests involve the development, implementation, and evaluation of culturally appropriate community programs, especially related to the public school setting. She is most interested in understanding and representing emic perspectives to drive action research, informed by culturalist approaches and mixed methods. Peter W. Dowrick is Professor of Disability Studies and affiliate graduate faculty in Psychology at the University of Hawaii. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Auckland, ATCL at Trinity College London, M.Sc. at the University of Auckland, and B.Sc. at the Victoria University of Wellington. He has wide experience working with people marginalized by culture, disability, mental health, and other considerations. His consultation on prevention and intervention extends to 31 states and 21 countries. His overarching contribution has been in the concepts of feedforward and creating futures, applied in situations of personal safety, serious mental illness, social behavior, sports and recreation, daily living, literacy, academic skills, health, housing, management, and jobs, among others. Ashley E. Maynard is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Hawaii. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles, M.A. at the University of California, Los Angeles, and B.A. at the University of Virginia. She studies the interrelationships of culture, contexts of child development, and healthy cognitive and social development of children. Based on a socio-cultural paradigm, the theoretical question that lies at the heart of her research program is the ways in which a variety of culturally based activity settings influence adaptive pathways of development for children and families. She teaches courses in Developmental Psychology and Culture and Human Development.  相似文献   

Lesson Study is a form of professional development where teachers collaboratively design research lessons and improve instruction using the evidence they have gathered on student learning and development. This article reports on a professional learning team’s enactment of Lesson Study in an elementary school. A methodological approach informed by Cultural-Historical Activity Theory was adopted to study teacher learning practices that provided affordances to teacher learning, practices that produced disturbances to teacher learning, and underlying systemic contradictions revealed by the disturbances. The findings suggest implications for enhancing school-based professional development through Lesson Study.  相似文献   

大学战略管理中的领导:角色、挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学的战略管理要求大学领导既是战略策划者,又要在战略的执行和实现中发挥指挥者的作用。多方利益的平衡、大学领导的多重角色、大学组织的特性、领导者的战略思考能力和知识结构等,都对领导角色提出了挑战。针对这些挑战的对策和建议是:发挥领导的能力和位置优势,为发展大学的愿景进行战略性思考;合理选择战略决策方式;坚持以战略规划所确立的使命与愿景作为资源配置决策的最终标准和依据;选择合适的中层管理者并合理授权。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to present theoretical tools for understanding the dynamics of change and learning during the emergence and development of environmental management activities. The methodology consists of a historical analysis of a case of biogas production that took place in the Southwest region of Finland. The theoretical tools used helped to see how the content of an activity guided the historical emergence and change of an EM activity. The practical implication of the paper is that environmental solutions should not be restricted to the adaptation of a system, but should also include the possibility of constructing a new activity, with a new object and means of production. The paper is original in presenting theoretical tools for grasping the content of learning in environmental management activities.  相似文献   

婚约为债法及亲属法上之契约,在我国古代占有很重要地位,具有强大的法律约束力。近现代的新文化思想改变了旧婚约制度,并分别体现在南京国民政府时期和红色革命根据地的亲属法和婚姻法中。台湾地区现行婚约制度基本上传承了南京国民政府的婚约立法精神,而大陆对婚约问题不做明文规定,有其积极意义,但也造成现实中大量的婚约纠纷无法可依,不利于法制建设。传承近现代法文化思想,借鉴台湾地区立法经验,制定并完善我国婚约制度。  相似文献   

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