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普通本科英语专业建设的探索实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专业建设是高等学校实现人才培养目标的主体工程。普通本科英语专业的建设立足于经济全球化浪潮和中国加入WTO后对复合型人才的社会需求,开启“宽口径、厚基础”的人才培养模式,充分利用教学系统技术的理论框架,完成英语专业建设的需求分析、目标设定、教学设计、实施和评价的全过程。完整而成功的创新经验为电大新世纪的转型实验提供了个案的支持。  相似文献   

In this article, we compare two recent university reform projects: the Korean Brain Korea 21 project and the German Universities Excellence Initiative. We describe and compare both projects’ goals, selection processes, and preliminary outcomes. While the Korean project is characterized by a relatively high level of political intervention and can be seen as mainly a human resources development program with clearly defined strategic goals, the German tradition of university autonomy is also reflected in the reform project analyzed here. The project goal is more vaguely defined for the German project, but lies mainly in the field of research capacity building. Another key difference is the time horizons in both projects and the resulting incentives for publication and chosen research projects: while the Korean projects are evaluated on a yearly basis, the German projects have a longer time horizon for evaluation. A preliminary evaluation shows that both programs have succeeded in increasing publication output in the respective countries. However, an analysis of the quality of the new publications by, for example, their citation numbers, remains to be done in the future.  相似文献   

学科建设与研究生教育是研究型大学建设的重要任务,二者相辅相成。但在高校发展中,学科建设与研究生教育的协调发展存在实践困境,表现在价值取向分歧、目标迷失、功能错位和制度藩篱等方面。为此,要从办学理念、办学行为和管理评价机制等方面着手,内涵建设,协同发展,推动学科与研究生教育协调发展。  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of teacher education became a major thrust of a Center for Excellence in teacher education when the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) established the project in 1986. A major accomplishment in the project was realized when the Accreditation Plus Model was amalgamated for the project's evaluation approach. A-Plus! Thorough study of existing evaluation approaches were convincing. No one approach seemed capable of doing the task. At the same time it seems ludicrous to create a new evaluation approach to add to the existing 40 or so models.As an evaluation form, Accrediatation Plus has a long history. It goes back to 1895 when staff members of the University of Michigan tried to determine the quality of secondary schools to decide whose graduates ought to be readily admitted into the University of Michigan. At the start (in the late 1890s), accreditation focused on program evaluation. The evaluation need in the work of the Center for Teacher Education Evaluation was the same—the quality assessment of education programs.The idea of eclecticism moves in the same general direction. By recognition that accreditation is not the be all and end all in evaluating teacher education programs, the Center keeps open the use of any/all the existing models in an application of the Accreditation Plus Model. Eclecticism means selecting what appears to be the best in various doctrines, methods, or styles. It also means being composed of elements drawn from the various sources. In selecting A-Plus as the evaluation approach for the project, we capitalize on a long and effective history supplemented by the best of the current crop.Figure 1 represents the evaluation of teacher education using the accreditation approach. It describes the model's components and in some places, the relationships of those elements. The Center's staff is working to detail further the elements of the accreditation approach to evaluation. Questions and comments are welcomed as we move further with this work.now on Sabbatical  相似文献   

Three major evaluations of innovative projects designed and implemented in the US during the 1960s and 1970s provide models for the design and analysis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects. Large in scope, sophisticated in design and explicit in reporting, the three evaluations were: an analysis of major factors in “change agent” projects conducted by the Rand Corporation; an evaluation of Follow Through, a program to continue supporting “disadvantaged” children in elementary school; and a multi-year evaluation of the Comprehensive School Mathematics Program, a multi-grade project designed to change mathematics instruction and, at the same time, develop suitable assessment tools. Each of the studies provides a model of how ICT projects, both those in place and those in the design stages, may be evaluated in order that important questions — “What happened?” and “Why?” and “To what effect?” — can be answered. The three evaluations stress the importance of defining project characteristics, working from clearly defined practices, assessing fidelity of implementation, studying the multiple reactions of all the stakeholders, and conducting assessments of pupil progress at appropriate times and with appropriate measures. The models can serve ICT educators as guidelines as they look for complex, meaningful and educationally sound ways of determining the impact of ICT on all stakeholders.  相似文献   

This review paper focuses on likely reasons for the rhetoric-reality gap in the use of educational information and communication technology. It is based on the assumption that the present challenges being experienced with educational ICT might be avoided in the future if we look at the current challenges from a different perspective, by revisiting past research to gain insights from the history of innovations in educational technology. Seven major lessons emerging from the review could inform future directions so that the future does not simply replicate the disappointing results achieved thus far. We argue that the vision for ICT has been unrealistically ambitious, and review reasons to justify this point of view. We suggest that setting more attainable goals, based on the actuality of educational contexts, might be a more pragmatic way to go in a future of constantly changing educational technology.  相似文献   

In the proposed integrative competence-based counselor education model, the four major areas of counselor training are defined as theory education, skills training, experiential activity, and practicum experience. For each area we suggest specific objectives, possible courses, appropriate methodologies, and directions for evaluation. The formulation of behavioral curriculum goals and the construction of performance criteria for each aspect of the program are essential for the effective implementation of the model. The distinctive contribution of the model lies in its provision of (a) a series of conceptual definitions and objectives, (b) a sound framework for integrating traditionally conflicting counselor education approaches and for systematizing the student's educational experience, (c) a built-in means for the transfer of training to professional placements, and (d) stimulation of research in the many problem areas to be found in counselor education.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在修订以往《教师ICT能力框架》的基础上,对标《2030年可持续发展目标》,制定了囊括18项教育ICT能力的《教师ICT能力框架(第3版)》。作为指导教师使用ICT的职前和在职培训工具,很多国家和机构结合当地实际对该框架内容进行了调整,以便实现教师专业发展目标。本研究采用内容分析和文本分析方法,梳理了联合国教科文组织《教师ICT能力框架》的演变脉络,从能力框架开发原则、内容架构、实施案例和资源开发三个维度,深入解读这一能力框架,并提出落实能力框架,需要政府、师范院校、在职教师专业发展机构、骨干教师和校长的强有力领导。构建符合我国国情的教师信息技术应用能力框架,要出台基于“循证实践”的教师信息技术应用能力提升政策;利用智能技术助推课程动态评估;加强教育资源生态系统整体建设;分层制定科学的教师ICT能力提升计划。  相似文献   

Many decades after the introduction of ICT into classrooms there are still unanswered questions about the impact of technology in the long and short term on students’ learning, and how it has affected simple and complex learning tasks. These are important for (a) forming government policies; (b) directing teacher education programmes: (c) advancing national curricula; (d); designing or reforming classroom implementation and (e) analysing costs and benefits. While a plethora of studies has been conducted on the effects of ICT in education, major policy and methodological problems have precluded an unambiguous answer to such questions as:—“Does the way in which ICT is implemented have a major/minor impact on students’ knowledge and understanding?” and “Does the impact affect the surface or deep structure of students’ thinking and acting?” To date we have had no large-scale longitudinal studies of ICT’s impact in education such as we have in the form of studies of earlier major curriculum development projects. Nor have we had many comprehensive studies of the complex interactions between various types of ICT implementation and the effects of other factors such as school-based interventions, socio-economic status and school expenditures which have been shown to have a greater impact on education compared with other previous innovations in education. Furthermore we do not know if previous research studies have used research methods that matched learning objectives to instruments/procedures. Many previous studies are vague as to the actual measures used but we can infer that standardized tests were a frequent measure. In other instances, ad hoc analyses, with criteria that may have varied from analyst to analyst and were not “blind” analyses were certainly used to measure “success.” All of these limitations and uncertainties and many more point to the need for a thorough, rigorous, and multifaceted approach to analysing the impact of ICT on students’ learning. This paper draws on previous research evidence to identify relevant research strategies to address the gaps in our knowledge about ICT and students’ learning explained above.  相似文献   

本文以北京城市学院法学专业的人才培养方案的改革为实例,在明确应用型法学教育面临的主要问题的基础上,从明确专业办学思想和指导方针、确立更具体的人才培养目标、构建立体化的人才培养维度,推进无限接近实务的教学方法、探索多元化的考试评价方法等五个方面探析了应用型本科法学教育实现的路径。  相似文献   

Teacher education institutions conduct information and communications technology (ICT) courses to prepare preservice teachers (or initial teacher education candidates) to support their teaching practice with appropriate ICT tools. ICT course evaluations based on preservice teachers’ perception of course experiences are limited in indicating the kinds of ICT integration knowledge or technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) preservice teachers have gained throughout the course. Preservice teachers’ ICT course experiences was found to influence their intentions to integrate ICT but its influence on their TPACK perceptions, if better understood, can inform teacher education institutions about the design of ICT courses. This study describes the design and validation of an ICT course evaluation instrument that examines preservice teachers’ perceptions of ICT course experiences and TPACK. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed on survey results collected from a graduating cohort of 869 Singapore preservice teachers who had undergone a compulsory ICT course during their teacher training program. These preservice teachers were being prepared to teach the different subject areas at primary, secondary, and junior colleges (or postsecondary institutions for 17–19 year olds) in Singapore. The regression model showed that preservice teachers’ perceived TPACK was first influenced by their perceptions of course experiences that supported the development of intermediary TPACK knowledge components such as technological knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge. The methodological implications for the design of ICT course evaluation surveys and the practical applications of survey results to the refinement of ICT course curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

基础教育信息化可持续发展的战略思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前我国基础教育信息化发展取得了巨大成绩,然而在体制、机制、设施、标准、培训、资源等方面面临困难,而核心问题主要在宏观政策、财政投入与教育体制三个方面。文章认为,要实现教育信息化可持续发展,除国家应保证有效投入外,充分调动内、外部力量,实现教育信息化发展评估的制度化与透明化,构建基于内外互动的教育技术应用支持服务体系是今后促进教育信息化发展的努力方向。  相似文献   

在社区教育培训领域,项目开发是项目设立的依据、项目实施的起点、项目效益的源头。只有明晰项目开发内涵,识别项目开发模式,才能洞悉各种项目执行问题的形成机理,增强项目开发意识和能力。以地方开放大学打造社区教育品牌的项目开发实践为基础,梳理出在我国具有典型性和代表性的指令型开发模式的特征。考察发现:基于科层式权威的指令型开发模式的确能够部分实现项目预期目标。因此,对这种模式不要简单地否定与排斥,而是可以通过寻求升级统筹层次、扩容开发主体、重视开发指导等可行路径,消解其学习成果难认定、服务覆盖不全面、需求识别不清晰等缺陷,推动模式实现转型。  相似文献   

智慧教育是信息时代我国教育发展的必然选择和重要趋势,是破解教育发展难题的创新举措.当前,我国教育信息化水平的显著提升,各种智慧技术的逐步成熟,教育信息化经费的持续增加以及良好教育信息化政策环境的逐步建立,为发展智慧教育提供了强有力的支持.我国智慧教育的发展要结合国情大力实施大变革战略、科教融合战略、协同创新战略和无障碍战略.七大发展路径包括:建设智慧教育公共服务平台;无缝接入智慧城市系统;实施ICT应用能力提升工程;实施教育信息无障碍工程;建设智慧教育示范区;打造智慧教育产业链;建立智慧教育研发基地.  相似文献   

An evaluation of an interactive media-based science education project is reported. One of the unique features of the evaluation is the application of a general program evaluation which stresses the assessment of contextual/environmental factors. The rationale is that without adequate facilitation and support from the context, large scale projects would have limited impact on education reform. The model was applied to a major, National Science Foundation funded, science teacher education project at Vanderbilt University. The findings revealed that a number of factors must come together for project success. They are: an environment conducive to innovation and development; strong administrative interest and commitment to further the cause of the project; faculty interest and commitment to be actively involved in the project and to integrate project ideas into their own practices. In addition, strong technical support is vital for research and developments efforts in technology-based science education projects.  相似文献   

This mixed methodology action research study examined the impact of a curricular innovation designed to provide an authentic science inquiry learning experience for 15 secondary science teacher candidates enrolled in a master’s level initial certification program. The class investigated the question “How can peak autumn color in New England be determined?” The project goals were to help teacher candidates acquire the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary to foster learning through inquiry in their respective content areas as defined by teacher preparation professional standards. Though the teacher candidates were successful at identifying a likely answer to the question, the project failed to achieve its learning goals. Reasons for the project’s failure and implications for the science education community are discussed.  相似文献   

西方修辞学是西方人文教育的重要组成部分,其具有重要的教育功能和悠久的教育历史.西方修辞学在维系西方社会运作中起着至关重要的作用.对于英语专业学生而言,了解和掌握西方修辞学的基本理论和基本方法是其认识西方以及和西方打交道的必要工具,对英语专业学生日后从事工作有着重大的帮助作用.但目前我国英语专业的修辞学教育却存在种种不足之处,发展修辞学教育必须改革学科建制等方面的不足之处.在英语专业课程中设置西方修辞学课程不仅是一种需要,也是一种趋势.  相似文献   

幼儿教育的重点是思维的开发。数学是思维的科学,数学教育在发展幼儿思维方面扮演了重要角色。《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》对幼儿园数学教育的目标进行了界定,要在具体的教育实践过程中有效达成数学教育目标,需要教师、社会、家长几方面的有效配合。  相似文献   

This article describes the Adult Career Education Counseling Project, a special demonstration project funded by the United States Office of Education, Division of Occupational and Adult Education. The major goal of the project is to develop a competency-based individualized instructional training system for guidance personnel wanting to work in adult education settings. The article explains the rationale, development, and process used in identification of conceptual areas that were developed into modules currently being pilot tested prior to final revision. Once the total training system has been developed, adult education and counseling and guidance programs may use these materials to design a counseling and guidance program unique to local program or institutional goals and objectives.  相似文献   

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