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Sun  Wei-Ling  Valenzuela  Angela 《The Urban Review》2021,53(4):708-732
The Urban Review - This work selects a political cite in which the state policy reform occurs to examine reasons and underlying ideologies for some consensus on the debates regarding the need to...  相似文献   

The Urban Review - The purpose of this article is to make an overlooked source of knowledge accessible to school teachers and administrators in order to challenge the prevalent discourse of...  相似文献   

Behavior issues in the classroom directly relate to the teaching style and the type of interactions between the teacher and students. In particular, Latino/a students need to be engaged in the curriculum content if they are to be successful, both academically and emotionally. If this does not occur, then behavioral issues will arise, which will then feed into the school-to-prison pipeline theory.  相似文献   

Academic Care: Building Resilience, Building Futures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, the author explores the ways in which several schools in the New South Wales Independent sector have created learning teams to develop the pastoral capacity of schools. The focus of the work in schools, through the Community Change Project, has been on learning and psycho-social development as the domain of all teachers, in all classrooms. The project has led to the development of the notion of Academic Care. Academic Care involves enhancing student learning and well-being through pedagogies and processes that are sympathetic to student needs and embedded in learning experiences.  相似文献   

半个世纪以来,联合国教科文组织发布了一系列重要的、里程碑式的教育文件。从学会生存、学习的四个支柱到共同利益、社会契约等理念的提出,既呈现了联合国教科文组织作为全球教育领导者的全球性思维和全球视野,也体现了其一贯坚持的人文主义传统,并在传承中创新。面对全纳教育危机、学习的贫穷、学习的非认知能力培养以及新冠肺炎疫情加剧的教育危机等,联合国教科文组织在2021年11月发布的《共同重新构想我们的未来:一种新的教育社会契约》报告中提出,要为教育构建一份新的社会契约,通过契约精神维护与践行"教育是一项共同利益"。  相似文献   

This article examines the complex connections between literacy practices, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and disadvantage. It reports the findings of a year-long study which investigated the ways in which four families use ICTs to engage with formal and informal literacy learning in home and school settings. The research set out to explore what it is about computer-mediated literacy practices at home and at school in disadvantaged communities that makes a difference in school success. The findings demonstrate that the 'socialisation' of the technology--its appropriation into existing family norms, values and lifestyles--varied from family to family. Having access to ICTs at home was not sufficient for the young people and their families to overcome the so-called 'digital divide'. The article concludes that old inequalities have not disappeared, but are playing out in new ways in the context of the networked society.  相似文献   

现行农业税存在种种弊端,废除它是历史的必然。但废除农业税并不意味着农民不再向国家交纳任何税收,可改农业税为耕地使用税,既体现了税收公平、普遍征收原则,又符合现实的需要。  相似文献   

博客新闻在传播形态与传播特点上的创新之处,部分地改变了以往互联网新闻的形态,拟由此产生了对自媒体新闻的过度崇拜,以及对博客新闻反主流传播的过高预期。但是,博客新闻在现实中的传播状况远未达到具有影响的传播力度,倒是其自身的局限和存在的悖论,终结了自恋般的博客新闻崇拜。作为一种正在上升势头中受到普遍崇拜的新的传播形态,博客新闻无法完成人们过高预期的任务。其中的症结在于:博客新闻首先存在着新闻精神、发布身份和发布权利的尴尬,更加重要的是,博客作为"自媒体"或是"新媒体",其发布过程的监管缺位,使得自身的公信力在实践中必然存疑。  相似文献   

在现代市场经济条件下,典价在银行利率决定下有一个浮动空间,这个空间中,采取典权方式,对于资金需求者和房屋使用需求者而言,是双赢的局面;同时,典权也可以作为一种合法的避税手段,在中国现实社会中,还可以满足人们多种不同的需要。从物权法体系上看.缺乏典权制度,物权法内容是不完整的,不规定典权,只会造成人为的法律漏洞.不利于法律对社会生活的调整。  相似文献   

废除科举是历史发展和东西方文明冲突的必然结果。它促进了西方教育制度和现代科学技术在我国的传播和发展,推动了传统学术的转型,使得新式知识分子得以形成。但也应看到,历史上的科举制度在选拔人才、打破权力垄断、促进社会公平和推动儒学的传承等方面起到了重要作用。理性总结科举制度的功过是非,对今天的教育发展具有启示和借鉴作用。  相似文献   


Futures education is an important area for educators of the gifted who are interested in leadership potential for it develops those skills which students can use to meet the issues and challenges of today's and tomorrow's world.  相似文献   

1905年,科举制度废除后,学堂教育迅速发展,但由于科举制度的断然废除导致了社会承受能力的提前到来,引发了相应的社会危机,加上兴办学堂社会动员的失当导致了大量的社会弊病,从而严重地削弱了变革的影响,造成了社会的普遍弱化,最终也加速了清政府的衰亡。  相似文献   

英国政府废除殖民地奴隶制度是英帝国及其殖民地历史发展、演变的结果。英属西印度奴隶制种植园经济在英国市场享有的垄断地位与自由贸易的发展取向背道而驰,注定了奴隶制度的没落;福音主义思想和自由主义政治经济学的传播,逐渐改变了政治家和公众对奴隶制的态度;西印度在英帝国内经济地位的下降,有助于打消政治决策者废除奴隶制度的顾虑。  相似文献   

各国证券市场的发展状况不同,相关市场表现也大不一样,股指期货应用的套利机制、风险控制机制也各不相同,在全流通时代,利用现有规则对我国的股指期货进行套利分析十分必要。  相似文献   

随着军事技术的急速发达,战争已成为全然脱离了现实及人们的感情的行为,能于瞬间夺去无数宝贵生命,将人们热爱的乡土破坏殆尽,连顾及牺牲者及家属的余地也都不容许。在以核武器为巅峰的巨大暴力体系支配下,人不被当作有生命的存在,而只不过是可以任意摆布的物件罢了。以池田大作先生1982发表的“关于裁军和销毁核武器的建议”来探析其废除核武器的缘由及实际行动。  相似文献   

杨军 《天中学刊》2007,22(6):117-121
1807年,英国议会通过禁止奴隶贸易的法令,延续数百年的罪恶买卖在英国被宣布为非法,延续数十年的英国废奴运动取得阶段性成果。1833年,英国正式废除奴隶制。对英国的废奴运动及其成功的原因,在不同的时期,学术界有着从不同角度出发的各种解释,如从道义上、经济上、文化上等。当前,人们更倾向于某种复杂的、多种因素共存的理论路径。  相似文献   

土司制度在元明清三朝曾普遍推行于我国大西南各民族地区,为多民族国家稳定,边疆安全,各民族和睦做出过积极贡献.但土司到底终结何时?在学术界一直存在着争议,不同的学人曾经提出过多种见解,推动并深化了对这一课题的认识.本文在前人研究的基础上,立足于国家行政体制的整体性和民族文化的整体性,通过对土司制度实质的剖析,认定辛亥革命才是土司制度终结的标志.  相似文献   

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