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Technologists seek to advance practical applications of science while scientists seek to advance knowledge which may or may not have a practical application. Firms with a stronger basic science focus, e.g. biology and chemistry, seek to advance their scientific knowledge foundation in addition to developing and selling innovative products. Firms with a more highly applied science foundation (medicine, engineering, etc.) prioritize the development and sale of innovative products. Combining an Absorptive Capacity (AC) approach with Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) this study explores and explains how firms gain knowledge and perform given their scientific focus.Findings indicate that firms with a stronger basic science orientation are less profitable than firms with a stronger applied science orientation. Applied science firms had more acquisitions and cooperative organizations but both types of firms were more likely to acquire other firms in their quest to build knowledge stores rather than partner. Partnerships with universities were more prevalent among basic science firms than with applied science firms.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of contemporaneous peer effects in driving an academic's involvement with industry. Specifically, we examine the influence of workplace peers and personal collaborators and how these effects are moderated by the career age of the scientist. Moreover, we look at situations in which both types of social influence are incongruent and the academic is faced with “dissonance”. Based on survey data of 355 German academics in the field of biotechnology and publication data from the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), we find that the scientist's involvement with industry increases with the orientation of the scientist's department toward industry (“localized peer effect”). This effect turns out to be moderated by the scientist's age, such that the localized peer effect decreases with age and finally turns negative for very senior scientists. Moreover, we find that a scientist's involvement increases with the industry orientation of the scientist's co-authors (“personal peer effect”), irrespective of the scientist's age. In case both types of social influence are incongruent, younger scientists will revert to localized norms while more experienced scientists will orient themselves more toward their personal collaborators.  相似文献   

In the era of “alliance capitalism”, the increasing number of strategic technological partnerships (STPs) has been mainly recorded in the science-based fields, of which information and communications technology (ICT) is a leading sector. The establishment of STPs has also characterised the European ICT industry. The growing technological interrelatedness and the need to acquire capabilities in related fields have been identified in the literature as major explanations for the increase in corporate technological co-operation. This paper investigates the role of corporate technological specialisation factors in the conclusion of STPs in the European ICT industry by carrying out a dynamic analysis. Accordingly, the patterns followed by corporate technological partnerships in the industry in question are investigated since the late 1970s. Based on US patent data granted to the world's largest firms as well as STPs data, the results of the econometric analysis are consistent with the view that the more similar partners' technological portfolios are with one another, the easier it is to absorb each other's capabilities.  相似文献   

We studied the commercialization strategies of young biotechnology companies in the United States building on previous studies by assuming that commercialization also includes intermediate forms like hierarchical or bilateral cooperation. Our hypotheses are derived from the Resource-Based View, Transaction Cost Economics, and Property Rights Theory. The results show that the propensity to integrate is related to the appropriability regime, direct capabilities, financial resources, and synergies between the products. Our results show that the Resource-Based View and Property Rights Theory contribute a great deal to explaining commercialization strategies, whereas Transaction Cost Economics explains less.  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is a striking example of the disconnect between the location of knowledge creation and its commercial development. I argue that national technological performance in biotechnology is critically affected by institutions governing scientific careers, which shape the professional identities and boundary-spanning activities of research scientists. I test this in a comparison of the United States and France. Drawing on fieldwork and analysis of patent data, I compare institutional frameworks and estimate models of forward patent citations. The models show that entrepreneurial firms are associated with high-performing innovations in this sector whereas large established firms perform poorly in both countries, and highlight the importance of institutions in creating country-specific combinations of human capital with organizational capabilities.  相似文献   

A systematic review of empirical research on knowledge and growth in small firms is reported. The findings cover how human and social capital, organizational systems, and knowledge networks combine to facilitate or restrict growth. Findings highlight the situated, complex and idiosyncratic nature of small firm growth and the tensions between this experience and a prevailing view of knowledge in the existing research as a codifiable and transferable asset. A need for supplementary small firm heuristics (to age, size and sector) and epistemologies (to knowledge as an asset) and research approaches are identified to better investigate this diversity.  相似文献   

郑风田  辛本胜 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):486-489
日本的生物技术产业从过去默默无闻到如今居世界前列,产业发展速度令世界震惊。通过描述日本为发展生物技术产业所采取的一系列政策措施和制度改革,探讨日本生物技术产业快速发展的原因,揭示日本生物技术产业现存的问题,从而为我国生物技术产业的发展起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of specialist knowledge providers as sources of information in the innovation activities of manufacturing and service firms. Specialist knowledge providers are consultancies, private research organisations and the public science-base (i.e., universities and the government research laboratories). These may be engaged by firms in co-operative arrangement for innovation or as informal sources of information. We find, as anticipated, that amongst other factors specialist knowledge providers are more likely to be engaged by firms with more open approaches to innovation, those with high levels of absorptive capacity, those with greater social capital and networking capabilities, as well as by those with deeper commitments to innovation. Overall, the use of specialist knowledge providers tends to complement firms’ own internal innovation activities and to complement other external sources of knowledge. Moreover, the individual types of specialist knowledge providers tend to complement rather than substitute for one another. Beyond this we find significant differences in the types of specialist knowledge providers used by manufacturing and service firms. Although service firms are more likely than manufacturers to use specialist knowledge providers, they are more likely to engage consultants, whilst their links with research-based organisations, including the public science-base, are weaker. We ask whether there is a case for increasing the extent to which the public science-base undertakes activities that are relevant to innovation in the services.  相似文献   

中国生物技术产业国际竞争力分析与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物技术产业必将成为21世纪的主导产业,其发展对中国经济社会发展具有极其重要的意义。中国面临大幅提升生物技术产业国际竞争力的历史机遇,并且当前具备了一定的实力。在影响我国生物技术产业国际竞争力诸决定性因素中,我国在科学技术基础、投入力度与投融资机制、人力资源、政策、产业布局与结构等主要因素方面各具竞争优势与劣势。应当根据上述因素,借鉴生物技术产业发达国家有关政策和做法并结合我国具体国情制定相应政策,全面提升我国生物技术产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

为了解国际生物技术研究开发安全管理现状,通过文献调研、分析与综合、比较研究等方法,对当前国际生物技术研究开发活动存在的安全问题及其监管进行较为深入的分析,发现当前生物技术两用性问题日益严重,国内外对此开展一定研究并采取相应的管理措施。并总结这些管理措施具有有法可依或有章可循、但管理模式存在差异,管理对象类型不同、管理范围有宽有窄,对于特殊研究开发活动多以许可方式严格管理,设有特定的安全管理机构等特点,以期对我国构建生物技术研究开发安全管理体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Andrea Fosfuri   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1599-1614
This paper empirically investigates two important determinants of international activity through wholly owned operations, joint-ventures and technology licensing, namely country risk and intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection. Using a comprehensive database on investments in chemical plants during the period 1981–1996, we show that higher levels of country risk are associated with less activity into recipient economies. The analysis also suggests that international activity with smaller resource commitment tends to be preferred in countries with higher levels of risk, and that multinational investment is more responsive to changes in risk conditions than indigenous investment. After controlling for several country characteristics, we do not find IPRs protection playing a significant role in fostering international activity or conditioning its mode.  相似文献   

During the last decade, intellectual capital (IC) and intangible assets have been widely considered as critical tool to deliver successful business in an intensive-knowledge environment. Accordingly, the main goal of this paper is therefore to develop and prioritize the most important indicators of intellectual capital in knowledge-based industries. Based on an extensive literature review, a valid and reliable questionnaire was designed. In order to data gathering, it was sent out to participants from both academic and university who qualified well in pharmaceutical practice. In order to exact prioritization of indicators, fuzzy TOPSIS technique as a MADM model was used. The fuzzy TOPSIS results revealed participants remark high concerns especially about knowledge and skills of managers and employees regarding to human capital, high concerns particularly about positive climate, ratio of investment in R&D and numbers of R&D projects according to structural capital, while considering the relational capital, more attention was paid to customers and strategic cooperation such as alliances and licensing.  相似文献   

朱灏  邹萍 《科研管理》2016,37(5):1-9
在大跨度时间范围内,考察钢铁业国际转移和钢铁技术平台创新之间的关系。发现的主要规律是,钢铁冶炼技术处于持续变革之中,钢铁技术变革需要本地钢铁业的支撑。钢铁技术创新中心位于传统钢铁业大国,革命性的技术平台创新通常实施于新兴地区,推动异域的钢铁业形成和提升,从而引发钢铁业的国际转移。传统技术无法抗衡新技术的冲击。我国已经成为钢铁生产中心,需要加速钢铁技术创新,以延长我国钢铁业寿命。创新不仅要寻求差异化,而且要技术配套,在满足产品多样化的市场需求的同时紧盯技术平台转型的发展方向,以钢铁技术平台创新推动我国钢铁业的转型和提升。  相似文献   

【目的】 分析影响作者对科技期刊忠诚度的因素,寻找提高作者忠诚度、提升科技期刊质量的对策。【方法】 基于社会资本理论,构建社会资本、沟通效率与作者忠诚度的结构方程模型,通过网络问卷调查《中国细胞生物学学报》的作者群体,采集数据,运用AMOS 17.0检验结构方程模型。【结果】 研究结果表明,结构维度的社会资本通过沟通效率间接提高作者忠诚度,关系维度和认知维度的社会资本不但直接提高作者忠诚度,而且通过沟通效率间接提高作者忠诚度。【结论】 科技期刊应加强与作者的沟通与交流,推动编辑与作者之间建立有效的信任关系,并在办刊宗旨和学术风格方面与作者形成一致的观点。  相似文献   

This study explores the initial public offering (IPO) and financing of biotechnology start-ups in Japan. Using a unique data set, we find that biotechnology start-ups initially backed by venture capital (VC) firms and those originating from universities are more likely to go public within a shorter period. Moreover, we find that neither staged financing nor syndication by VC firms is associated with higher IPO value relative to investment. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the timing of IPOs does not depend on equity market conditions in the biotechnology industry, whereas IPO value tends to depend on equity market conditions. We discuss the factors that explain these findings, which contradict findings in previous studies of VC investments.  相似文献   

The concept of the National System of Innovation (NSI) has been applied in order to analyze the interrelation of institutions and technological development. It has been diversified as a growing number of studies recognized the emergence of autonomous innovation systems at various territorial levels. Focusing on German biotechnology, this article takes an alternative perspective arguing that functions of the NSI became part of a multi-level governance system. By proposing a multi-level approach, which directs on the dynamic reconfiguration of NSIs towards the subnational as well as the international level, we are trying to bridge the gap between innovation system approaches that analytically highlight one specific territorial level only.  相似文献   

One of the most commonly observed features of the organization of markets is that similar business enterprises cluster in physical space. In this paper, we develop an explanation for firm co-location in high-technology industries that draws upon a relational account of new venture creation. We argue that industries cluster because entrepreneurs find it difficult to leverage the social ties necessary to mobilize essential resources when they reside far from those resources. Therefore, opportunities for high tech entrepreneurship mirror the distribution of critical resources. The same factors that enable high tech entrepreneurship, however, do not necessary promote firm performance. In the empirical analyses, we investigate the effects of geographic proximity to established biotechnology firms, sources of biotechnology expertise (highly-skilled labor), and venture capitalists on the location-specific founding rates and performance of biotechnology firms. The paper finds that the local conditions that promote new venture creation differ from those that maximize the performance of recently established companies.  相似文献   

基于产业集聚的高技术产业创新能力研究/FONT   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周明  李宗植 《科研管理》2011,32(1):15-21
    摘要:对经典的知识生产函数进行改进的基础上,构建了综合考虑研发经费和知识存量的知识生产函数,并将高技术产业集聚下知识溢出因素和政府支持力度引入该函数,以1998-2006年中国高技术产业相关统计数据,利用空间面板模型分析方法,从产业集聚的视角对区域高技术产业技术创新能力进行了实证分析,分析结果表明:考虑了研发经费和知识存量的知识生产函数能够比较准确地揭示高技术产业知识生产的投入产出关系,省域内的产业集聚因素和省际间的知识溢出显著影响区域高技术产业的创新产出。    相似文献   

姚瑶  徐燕 《科研管理》2014,35(10):33-40
产业位势与社会资本虽在企业创新理论中受到广泛重视,但尚未在中国经济背景下得到实证。从网络理论视角来看,他们实际分别反映了企业所处网络体系的高度和广度,并在企业创新过程中发挥着重要作用。通过对上海、浙江两地高科技企业的问卷实证,本文分析产业位势与社会资本如何影响创新意愿对创新绩效的积极性。结果发现,由于社会资本的高成本性以及高产业位势滋生的自大效应,使他们对高创新意愿企业带来积极作用同时,也造成了负面作用。更为重要的是,数据显示,社会资本与产业位势的不均衡发展更将使得创新意愿越强的企业,业绩越糟。它们的协同发展与配合,才是创新型企业的培育之道,过高的创新意愿,并不能带来企业成功。  相似文献   

石秀华 《科技创业月刊》2007,20(6):60-61,64
钢铁行业是高消耗、高能耗、高污染排放的行业,是建设以“减量化、资源化、再利用”为原则的循环经济的重点行业。湘钢现阶段能源消耗和利用状况略好于国内重点钢厂平均水平,与国内、国际先进水平相比仍存在较大的差距。通过制订和实施能源消耗与循环利用战略,湘钢能源消耗和利用状况有望得到较大的改善。  相似文献   

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