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This paper contributes to the new interest in technological change in semi-industrial countries by examining technological capability in the machine-producing sector in Singapore. The difficulties involved in conceptualizing and measuring technological capability in less developed countries are discussed and the case study material is then presented. Particular attention is paid to the role of government promotion in the development of technological capability. In this connection the present study provides a useful contrast with the position in Hong Kong studied in an earlier paper. While both Singapore and Hong Kong have instituted a near-free-trade regime, there is a far greater degree of government intervention in the former than in the latter case. By contrast the governments of both South Korea and Taiwan have granted selective protection in order to encourage some kinds of domestic machine production. The paper ends with some critical comments regarding the Singapore government's policy towards the machine-producing sector.  相似文献   

Jue Wang 《Research Policy》2018,47(2):399-412
Government is one of the determinants for innovation capacity although its role and degree of involvement in innovation is debatable. Government intervention can be vital in supporting R&D and innovation as market alone cannot provide adequate incentives for knowledge production. Degrees of government intervention, however, vary in different economies and range from directive intervention by actively advising industrial policy and investing in selected areas, to facilitative intervention by creating positive environment and providing public goods for industry. This study uses Singapore and Hong Kong as two cases to explore the influence of government intervention on innovation performance. Singapore is known for strong government intervention while Hong Kong is famous for its positive non-intervention policy that minimizes the power of government in influencing the market. The comparison shows that innovation activities in Singapore are largely policy driven and dominated by big players, while in Hong Kong industry innovation is less active but the local industry has a dynamic innovation base contributed by small firms. Using a difference-in-differences analysis of USPTO patents filed by Singapore and Hong Kong, we find evidence for the effectiveness of government intervention on enhancing the technological significance and scope of innovation. The findings could shed light on the implication of government involvement in innovation.  相似文献   

在扩展型贸易引力模型的基础上,利用浙江省出口贸易总额较大的14个国家(地区)2003-2010年间的面板数据,使用Eviews5.0进行了贸易引力模型的多元线性回归分析。分析结果表明,浙江省对欧洲、美国、新加坡与中国香港等市场"出口饱和",在原有的出口结构基础上没有太大的提升空间。而对中国台湾省、日本、韩国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚等国家则"出口不足",尚存在较大的开发潜力。  相似文献   

2007年3月27日至28日全球知识产权保护与创新论坛在北京举行,来自中国、美国、欧盟、日本、韩国、新加坡、印度、香港、台湾等国家和地区的近500名政府官员、企业家、专家、学者兴会。  相似文献   

为研究不同来源国的FDI对我国企业的技术效率溢出效应,本文以中国1998-2012年的省际面板数据为样本,选取资本、劳动和CO2作为投入,结合使用一阶段SFA和面板门槛技术开展了经验分析。结果表明:(1)韩国&新加坡投资和其他国家投资的溢出效果大于G7投资和港澳台投资,并且除了港澳台投资外,其他来源国的FDI在沿海地区的溢出效应均大于内陆地区;(2)良好的市场化程度和人力资本水平,能够通过直接刺激和间接传导的双重渠道去提升我国企业的技术效率水平;(3)在门槛效应分析中,G7投资在市场化程度和人力资本水平上的门槛取值最高,而韩国&新加坡投资仅需要较低的门槛取值就能够最大程度地提升技术溢出的效果。该结论意味着各省份在引进外资时,既要杜绝低水平外资的引进,也要避免对高水平外资的盲目崇拜,可以因地制宜地采取梯度式引进法,以此来保障其对内资企业技术效率的平滑式和跨越式双重激励。同时,还应当注重提高我国市场化程度和人力资本水平,增强它们对技术效率直接和间接的双重促进。  相似文献   

费自芬 《科教文汇》2012,(32):23-23,25
泰国作为第二次世界大战后亚洲经济发展较为迅速的国家之一,是继香港、新加坡、韩国和中国台湾亚洲“四小龙”之后的另一只“小龙”.在这个佛教备受推崇的国家,研究其高校德育的发展经验对于我国的德育改革有着重要的参考意义.因此本文以佛教文化作为切入口,对泰国高校的德育历史及发展现状进行研究,从而为我国高校的德育研究提供参考与帮助.  相似文献   

王华  白延红  徐剑刚 《预测》2003,22(3):17-20
本文以泰国、韩国、香港和新加坡等国或地区为研究对象,利用误差修正模型检验在资本项目开放下,不同汇率制度与货币政策独立性之间的关系。结果表明,在资本项目开放下,实行更为灵活汇率制度的国家或地区享有更多的货币政策独立性。这对我国有参考意义:将来我国资本项目开放,若要享有更多的货币政策独立性,应实行更为灵活的汇率制度。  相似文献   

基于技术异质性,利用共同前沿理论研究2006-2017年浙江省不同性质企业的科技创新效率差距、技术差距、变化趋势和效率损失根源.研究结果表明,(1)2006-2017年间,浙江省不同性质企业的科技创新效率均值较低.外商投资企业、港澳台商投资企业和内资企业的科技创新效率均值依次递减,差距较小.(2)内资企业的技术水平反映...  相似文献   

利用微观企业数据,通过技术创新的投入指标、产出指标、效率指标和基于DEA的Maluquist生产率分解指标,对我国不同所有制企业的技术创新能力进行分行业测度。研究发现:(1)私营企业在大多数行业中的技术创新投入和产出处于优势;国有企业在垄断竞争行业的研发投入和产出相对较多,但在竞争性行业却很少;外资企业和港澳台企业的技术创新投入和产出刚好与国有企业相反。(2)港澳台企业、集体企业、外资企业和私营企业在竞争性行业的创新效率远高于国有企业,不同所有制企业在垄断竞争行业中的创新效率差异不明显。(3)竞争性行业中公有制企业"技术追赶"效应略好于非公有制企业,"技术创新"效应略逊于非公有制企业;在垄断竞争行业在公有制企业和非公有制企业的"技术追赶"效应和"技术创新"效应的差异不明显。  相似文献   

Can Huang 《Research Policy》2009,38(5):813-828
In this paper we characterize the extent of economic integration between Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (HKMT). We do not find, for the period of 1999-2003, consistent evidence that economic activity on the part of HKMT-funded companies contributed to productivity growth in Guangdong domestic manufacturing firms. Furthermore, HKMT-funded companies were less active than Guangdong domestic companies in pursuing research and development (R&D) and innovation activities. Given that HKMT-funded companies in Guangdong are dominated by companies from Hong Kong, we end by linking our results to a discussion of recent innovation policy actions, both in Hong Kong SAR and Guangdong province.  相似文献   

1998年香港特区政府提出创新科技发展战略,而如今作为其中核心要素之一的数码港计划却备受争议与批判.基于创新研究的三螺旋模型,试图从大学-政府-产业共生关系的视角对新加坡科学园项目与香港数码港计划进行比较研究,并尝试揭示出相关的政策含叉.  相似文献   

回归以来,澳门科技创新取得了长足进步,科研投入力度逐渐加大,高水平研发成果逐步涌现,创新科技产业发展迅速。作为典型的国际自由港以及大湾区四大核心城市之一,澳门与全球市场尤其是葡语国家具有历史的、广泛的联系,经济运行模式、商业运作准则与国际惯例接轨,在促进粤港澳大湾区创新资源高效配置、建设国际科技创新中心方面发挥着重要作用。然而,澳门科技创新与成果转化也存着土地资源不足、产业结构单一、高端创新资源不足等问题。下一步,澳门应以大湾区穗深港澳科技创新走廊重要支点、珠三角西岸区域科技创新成果转化基地、中葡科技交流合作重要平台作为战略定位,营造鼓励科技创新与成果转化的社会氛围,集聚科技创新资源,进一步发挥在粤港澳大湾区国际科创中心建设中的作用。广东应进一步完善粤澳跨境科技创新合作机制,携手澳门集聚国内外高端科技创新资源在大湾区内转化,推进粤港澳大湾区建设综合性国家科学中心和区域性创新高地,形成国际科技创新中心,把大湾区打造成为引领全国高质量发展的重要动力源。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the innovation financing policies for entrepreneurial development of Singapore and Taiwan, the first tier countries/newly industrializing economies (NIEs) in Asia. In particular, the study focuses on the venture capital and capital market funding policies. The study has shown that the government intervention model is successful in Singapore and Taiwan as a result of having clear cut agencies responsible for carrying out policy implementation. Both countries also have stock markets for high-tech industries with flexible market-entry regulations to support technology development. The study offers empirical reasons on effective innovation financing policies to support the national economic development.  相似文献   

宋炜 《软科学》2016,(8):34-37
利用2008~2014年间两位码分类的中国工业分布滞后面板数据,在中间品三维框架下估计了中国工业技术差距对工业全要素生产率的效应。结果表明:随着中间品使用效率快速提升、生产成本日益减小和创新能力的逐渐强化,美欧日韩FDI对工业全要素生产率改善的贡献度越来越大,而我国港澳台地区FDI对工业全要素生产率改善的贡献呈递减之势。只有积极制定和实施以低效率外资退出为主要内容的差异化引资战略,善于利用外资的退出效应释放新的制度红利,才是提升中国工业国际竞争力的根本保证。  相似文献   

毛捷  杨晓兰 《软科学》2002,16(1):23-28
从二战结束到20世纪80年代末的40多年中,东亚地区的经济保持了持续的高速增长。日本、“四小龙”(韩国、台湾、香港、新加坡)、东盟四国(泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾)等国和地区经济的先后腾飞,引起了人们对东亚经济研究的极大兴趣。然而20世纪90年代初以来,日本泡沫经济的破灭、1997东南亚金融危机的爆发等,使人们对东亚模式产生了质疑,不少文章指出和批评了东亚模式中存在的不足和缺陷。但东亚各国和地区并未止步不前,东亚模式仍然充满生机,本文旨在通过阐析20世纪90年代初以来东亚产业区域转移出现的新特点及其原因,借鉴其经验和教训,以期对我国产业调整和升级起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

通过梳理香港?在金融环境、科研、产业链提升、进出口贸易以及合作平台方面对深圳创新活动的支持作用,探讨深圳创新城市建设中的香港因素,对未来粤港澳大湾区的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

National innovative capacity in East Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The innovative capacity of a country is the basic driving force behind its economic performance; it provides a measure of the institutional structures and support systems that sustain innovative activity. Recent work, such as that by Furman, Porter and Stern (FP&S) frames a concept of national innovation capacity measured by patenting rates, and estimates its institutional sources for a group of 17 OECD countries. In this present paper, we extend and modify the FP&S approach by applying it to five “latecomer” countries from East Asia, none of which was included in the FP&S study. First, we reproduce the FP&S methodology in relation to the five East Asian countries, gathering comparable data over a comparable (but truncated) time period. While our results are in broad agreement with the findings of FP&S, we document some important differences for latecomer East Asian economies: a smaller number of national factors matter, and there seems to be an important (though subtle) role for public R&D expenditure. These findings have important implications for successful catch-up strategies. We supplement these aggregate findings with firm- and institution-level data from Taiwan, where the breakthrough to innovation has arguably proceeded farther than in any other East Asian country. In these ways, we shed light on the process through which a latecomer country is able to close the gap with the more developed countries, by channeling resources towards the raising of its innovative capacity.  相似文献   

港澳与台湾入境旅游流时间特征对比及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游流时间特征研究是旅游地规划、市场营销和景区容量管理的基础。本文以港澳和台湾入境旅游流为研究对象,应用快速样本聚类法、基尼系数、季节变动指数和年际变动指数对1997年-2010年间港澳和台湾入境旅游流的季节性变化和年际变化进行了定量分析和研究,得出以下结论:①港澳和台湾入境旅游流的季节性均不强,其中台湾入境旅游流季节性相对较强。港澳和台湾入境旅游流季节分布模式均呈"四峰"型,但是港澳入境旅游流季节分布曲线呈现明显的"双W"型,台湾入境旅游流季节分布曲线则呈现明显的"双M"型;②港澳和台湾入境旅游市场仍是我国入境旅游市场的主体,但是其占中国入境旅游市场的份额呈下降趋势;③中国入境旅游业的发展受国际旅游环境和国内旅游环境的双重影响,其中外国人入境旅游市场受国际危机事件的影响更显著,港澳和台湾入境旅游市场受中国大陆危机事件的影响更显著;④港澳台入境旅游流季节性变化受自然因素影响不大,主要受制度因素影响。制度因素中的公共假期因素是影响港澳和台湾入境旅游流年内季节变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Over the final two decades of the 20th century, a number of formerly industrializing economies and historical imitator countries achieved levels of innovative capacity commensurate with or greater than those of some economies that were historically more innovative. We investigate the factors that enabled such emerging innovator economies to achieve successful catch-up while some historically more innovative countries experienced relative declines in innovative productivity. We focus our analysis on the estimation of a production function for innovations at the world's technical frontier. Based on the results of this analysis, we classify countries into categories reflecting their historical levels of innovative capacities and develop counterfactual indices that identify the factors that correspond to long-run improvements in innovative roductivity. These exercises suggest that the development of innovation-enhancing policies and infrastructures are necessary for achieving innovative leadership, but that these are insufficient unless coupled with ever-increasing financial and human capital investments in innovation.  相似文献   

儒家文化圈内的文化差异及其对组织间合作的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球一体化程度的加深,来自于不同文化背景的企业相互间的交往与合作越来越多。本文基于GLOBE项目的数据和理论框架,分析了中国大陆与儒家文化圈内其他国家、地区的文化差异,包括文化现实差距和文化价值观差距。研究发现,韩国与中国大陆的文化差距最大,台湾地区与中国大陆的文化现实距离小但文化价值观距离大,香港地区与中国大陆的文化距离则是文化现实距离大但文化价值观距离小,日本与中国大陆在文化现实和文化价值观上比较均衡。最后,本文以一家中国船运公司与其他国家和地区的组织合作的经历为例,分析了一些特定维度在跨文化组织沟通中的影响与应对策略。  相似文献   

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