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权利是民主政治的基础性变量,对于权利观念的理解始终是所有政治哲学理论的核心问题。与以往学术思潮不同的是,在哈贝马斯看来,权利既非自由主义者眼中以单一主体为基础的“人权”,也非共和主义视域下以公共主体为依归的“人民主权”,而是一套以“主体间性”结构为载体、兼顾私人自主与公共自主的综合体系。这种全新的权利观念超越了传统学说的偏狭立场,蕴含着极强的理论价值,对于现实社会体制的改革与发展亦具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Research-based spin-offs (RBSOs) have become an important aspect of the technology transfer process. Emanating from what is conventionally a non-commercial environment, RBSOs pose major challenges if they are to realise their potential to meet the objectives of their founders and the parent research organisations (PROs) from which they emerge. An important issue is to understand the heterogeneity of RBSOs. This paper reviews the literature on RBSO typologies to develop a taxonomy of RBSOs. We identify common themes in relation to these typologies in relation to (1) spin-off creation and (2) spin-off development. The dimensions that differentiate between firms are the type of resources, the business model and the institutional link. We identify gaps in current typologies in order to propose avenues for future conceptual and empirical research.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of research cooperation between firms and Public research organisations (PROs) for a sample of innovating small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The econometric analysis is based on the results of the KNOW survey carried out in seven EU countries during 2000. In contrast to earlier works that provide information about the importance of PROs’ research, we know the number of firm/PRO collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. This allows us to study the determinants of firm collaboration with PROs in terms of both the propensity of a firm to undertake R&D projects with a university (do they cooperate or not) and the extent of this collaboration (number of R&D projects). Two questions are addressed. Which firms cooperated with PROs? And what are the firm characteristics that might explain the number of R&D projects with PROs? The results of our analysis point to two major phenomena. First, the propensity to forge an agreement with an academic partner depends on the ‘absolute size’ of the industrial partner. Second the openness of firms to the external environment, as measured by their willingness to search, screen and signal, significantly affects the development of R&D projects with PROs. Our findings suggest that acquiring knowledge through the screening of publications and involvement in public policies positively affects the probability of signing an agreement with a PRO, but not the number of R&D projects developed. In fact, firms that outsource research and development, and patent to protect innovation and to signal competencies show higher levels of collaboration.  相似文献   

郝建军 《现代情报》2016,36(11):154-157
科学研究是高校自治中的重要内容,也是自治程度最高的领域。同政府信息公开相比,学术科研信息适用推定公开原则的范围较窄,其是否公开涉及的因素更多,公开范围的确定和划分更加复杂。从学术科研信息公开范围来看,美国大学信息公开制度主要从信息公开时间节点、信息种类、所涉利益的轻重缓急等多个维度出发,制定了一套易于实施操作的分类划分标准,很好的处理了学术自治与信息公开之间的矛盾,在保证信息公开的同时维护了相关利益者的权益。通过案例分析,对美国学术科研信息公开制度进行了深入探讨,对信息分类方法、标准和原则等进行了讨论,为我国学术科研信息公开提供有益经验。  相似文献   

Nowadays the governments of industrialised countries, in the presence of reduced public resources, have to assign clear objectives to public research laboratories to increase the competitiveness of firms. The purpose of this article is to analyse the public research bodies of the National Research Council of Italy in order to pinpoint the main typologies operating in the national system of innovation (NSI). This research shows four main types of research institutes as drivers of NSI. The results can supply useful information to policy makers on the behaviour of these structures and on their strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

以中山大学热带病防治研究教育部重点实验室为例,分析实验室通过健全科普管理体系、规范化和专业化科普资源及品牌化科普活动等机制,运用开放交流、社区教育和社会服务等方式,开展具有特色的科普活动,将科研成果以科普信息的方式传播给大众,提高公众的科学素质,增强热带病疾病防控的实效。为进一步完善科研实验室面向公众开放,开展科普活动的相关形式、制度和管理提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the existence of an Open Regional Innovation System (ORIS model). This model is characterised by the firms’ adoption of an open innovation strategy, which overcomes not only the boundaries of the firms but also the boundaries of the region.Using data collected in a sample of life science firms, our research provides the evidence that the Emilia Romagna RIS has evolved towards an ORIS model, where firms’ innovation search strategy, despite being still embedded in local nets (involving several regional public research organisations - PROs), is open to external-to-the-region research networks and knowledge sources. It also shows that innovation openness influences significantly the firms’ innovative performance.  相似文献   

Geographic clusters confer advantages to collocated firms, in particular access to local know-how. This article argues that the access to local know-how is contingent on the extent to which inventive activity is concentrated in the cluster. We draw on sociological theories of generalized exchange to argue that contrasting logics of exchange emerge in geographic clusters that have opposing effects on the extent to which firms benefit from collaborating with local organizations and source local knowledge. A longitudinal data set of 1903 firms engaged in nanotechnology research is used to examine the relationship between firm co-authorships on scientific articles with firms and public research organizations (PROs) and firm inventive performance. Results indicate that when cluster-level firm inventive concentration is high, collaborations with local firms are associated with lower inventive performance. We also find that firms source less local knowledge for their own inventions when firm inventive concentration is high. In contrast, concentrated inventive activity among PROs increases the positive relationship between collaborations with local PROs and firm inventive performance. Results also show firms source more knowledge from local PROs when local PRO inventive concentration is high. The findings suggest that inventive concentration both helps and hinders spill-over of cutting-edge knowledge.  相似文献   

由于公益类科研院所是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,新时代探究公益类科研院所创新管理切合时代发展需要。当前我国公益类科研院所创新管理面临管理自主权弱化、学术自治权虚位、科技服务效益不足和管理工具理性不够等实践难题;新公共管理理论框架下推进我国公益类科研院所架构重构、权力回归、机制共融和工具借鉴成为破解实践难题的有效路径。  相似文献   

国家公共财政新型科学技术投入体系初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对现行国家公共财政科技投入体系存在基金设立分散、缺乏顶层设计、难以统领全局、效率低下等弊端,本文建议增设公共产品类科研的资金投入的拟成果购买制,使拟成果购买制、课题制和事业拨款制三制一体相互协同、取长补短、互为补充。并建议将国家自然科学基金转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金,以兼并利用公共财政特别是中央财政分散设立的大多数科技基金;将国家自然科学基金会转型并扩充为国家科学技术基金会,统筹公共财政对科技的资金投入、资源配置和管理。本文认为新体制具有统领全局、优势互补、提高效率、促进政府科技行政管理与科技资金专业化配置之间的分离以及促进项目、成果和专家的统一管理与全国共享等优越性。  相似文献   

The role of the public sciences in supporting the growth of new industries with radically innovative technologies has varied between countries that encourage different levels of reputational competition and intellectual pluralism and flexibility. These two characteristics of public science systems help to explain: (a) significant differences in the degree to which research is coordinated across universities and similar organisations to solve common problems and, (b) the ease with which new intellectual goals and approaches are developed and incorporated into research programmes to deal with new kinds of problems. They thus help to account for continuing differences in the rate at which public science systems produce highly novel intellectual innovations and deal with a variety of problems.These characteristics of public science systems are in turn affected by four major features of the institutional frameworks governing the production of public formal knowledge in different countries. These are: the extent of state delegation of employment and resources control to scientific elites, concentration of intellectual and administrative control within research organisations, the stability and strength of the hierarchy of research organisations, and organisational segmentation of research goals and labour markets. Together these features help to explain major differences in competition and pluralism between public science systems.  相似文献   

2001-2011年行政管理研究热点、主题及方法演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高端鸿  宗乾进  袁勤俭 《现代情报》2013,33(2):95-100,104
基于CSSCI数据库,采用知识图谱理论与方法,可视化展示2001-2011年我国行政管理学科的研究热点、主题演化、研究方法演化。结果表明:(1)研究热点集中在:行政管理与公共管理、电子政务、服务型政府、政府职能、和谐社会、民族与宗教、地方行政、体制改革、村民自治九个领域;(2)研究主题由理论政策研究向实践性研究转变,且呈现出多角度、多领域的特点;(3)研究方法的种类持续增加,定量研究方法越来越得到关注。  相似文献   

This study investigates how business research scholars’ internationalization strategies influence their research performance and how this relationship is moderated by the availability of different knowledge-based resources. The authors analyze citations to journal articles authored by business research scholars with German affiliations and examine how the number of citations is determined by international collaborations and a researcher's knowledge resources in terms of language skills, research experience, and foreign market knowledge. The results demonstrate that the augmentation of complementary knowledge resources (i.e., when researchers lack language skills and foreign market knowledge) positively influences the performance of a collaboration-based internationalization strategy (i.e., collaborations with international researchers). The collaboration-based strategy also improves performance for less experienced researchers, but this advantage diminishes with increasing research experience. The findings provide further insights into drivers of scholars’ research performance and have practical implications for science policy.  相似文献   

大数据时代科研管理信息化对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王小霞 《科研管理》2019,40(10):282-288
科研管理信息化是提升科研管理水平的重要途径之一。本文就目前科研管理信息存在的问题。通过探讨适于研究院所发展的科研管理模式、科研管理信息系统的功能以及科研管理信息系统在科研管理创新中的作用及效果,提出大数据时代研究院所科研管理信息化建设创新的几点思考。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of technology development and adoption is rapidly changing the effectiveness of scientific and technological policies. Complex technologies are developed and disseminated by networks of agents. The impact of these networks depends on the assets they command, their learning routines, the socio-economic environment in which they operate and their history. In this new environment, scientific and technology policies should: (1) foster interactions among agents (whether public or private), (2) increase the effectiveness of public research, extension and funding institutions, (3) give sufficient freedom to researchers to set their research programs, and (4) monitor the quality of research (rather of research outputs). The evolution of innovation networks is analyzed looking at the development and diffusion of zero tillage (ZT) in Brazil.  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles that publicly funded research play in the process of combinatorial drug discovery. It is shown that firms rely heavily on public research knowledge and, even more so, on education in organic chemistry, genomics and biochemistry. Publicly funded research also led to the creation of dozens of chemical-based companies, provided firms with an access to a larger network of innovators and generated important instruments and methods that are being used throughout the value chain of combinatorial drug discovery. The effects of public research, however, often look different depending on whether one sees them through the prism of larger or smaller firms, EU15 countries or the US, universities or other PROs.  相似文献   

龚红  彭姗 《科研管理》2021,42(2):121-129
传统的双元悖论认为高校中的科学研究与成果转化两者不可兼得。为了研究高校科学研究与成果转化之间的关系,本文基于双元性创新的动态视角,运用面板负二项随机效应模型,以2009—2016年间64所教育部直属高校为样本,进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:高校过去在科学研究成果上的表现,正向加强了当前时点的成果转化;当外部竞争程度越高时,这种边际作用将会增强,但是对于更知名的高校来说,这种边际作用将会被削弱。此外,成果转化的商业化渠道对两个不同时间点的科学研究成果产生了积极的中介作用,使高校科学研究与成果转化之间形成了良性的动态循环。 〖HT5”H〗关键词:  相似文献   

Christian Zellner   《Research Policy》2003,32(10):1881-1895
The paper argues that a substantial proportion of the wider economic benefits to society from publicly-funded basic research is associated with scientists’ migration into the commercial sector of the innovation system. Rejecting a reduction of the research process to the propositional knowledge it produces, a set of hypotheses on the value of different types of knowledge is derived. The hypotheses are tested with empirical data obtained from scientists formerly employed by the Max Planck Society (MPS), one of the main organisations for basic research in the German innovation system. Findings indicate that rather than applying latest theoretical insights, scientists mainly transfer elements of knowledge that underlie complex problem-solving strategies in basic research.  相似文献   

中组部“18号文”造成“官员”独立董事强制辞职,进而导致上市公司政治关联丧失,现有研究只考虑对股价的影响,却没有以此为契机研究政治关联丧失对企业创新的影响。采用沪深A股上市公司2012~2016年的数据,在使用数据包络分析法(DEA)计算企业创新效率的基础上,通过双重差分的方法研究此政策导致的政治关联丧失对企业创新效率的影响,结果发现:政治关联丧失对非国有企业创新效率产生显著负面影响,主要因为财政补贴减少的同时承担了更多负税,即使研发投资更多,但专利申请数量和营业收入均未明显增加;政治关联丧失对国有企业研发人员配置具有提升作用,但未对创新效率产生显著影响。研究结论对厘清政治关联丧失对企业创新的作用具有积极意义。  相似文献   

科研信息化基础环境是在科研信息化劳动工具中,满足共享需求、提供共享服务、支撑科研活动的软硬件系统和信息化环境。它涵盖了以硬件设施为主的"硬"服务环境、以软件和数据为主的"软"服务环境,以及包括协同工作环境、运维平台在内的运行管理和服务环境。文章简要综述了国外科研信息化基础环境建设的最新进展,阐述了我国国家科研信息化基础环境的发展现状,通过近年来中科院在科研信息化基础环境建设中的实践与经验,分析了我国国家科研信息化基础环境建设中的不足,并针对问题提出了关于我国国家科研信息化基础环境发展的建议。  相似文献   

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