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地域风习的形成受着自然环境与人文环境的双重影响。在人文环境中,家族因其融合了政治、经济、社会文化等多种人文要素,尤其值得关注。家族迁徙、家族中的望族、望族中的名人,他们对地域风习的形成有着不同的作用;而地域风习相对固定后,又成为一种可以影响家族发展的文化控制力。本文以宋代宗泽家族为中心,对其与义乌风习的关系试做探讨。  相似文献   

近年来 ,学术界不断讨论中国传统科技问题。主要论题有 :中国古代有没有科学 ?为什么近代科学没有产生在中国 ?中国传统文化主要是儒家文化对科学有什么样的影响 ?是阻碍还是促进 ?关于这些问题 ,在讨论“李约瑟难题”时 ,则有较多的涉及。李约瑟在深入研究中国的科学技术史中发现中国古代科技相当发达 ,特别是在十五世纪以前 ,中国科技遥遥领先 ,是西方所望尘莫及的。但是在十五世纪以后 ,世界近代科学没有产生于中国 ,却产生于西方 ,觉得不好理解 ,成为他的难题。因此称为“李约瑟难题”。这个难题成为诸多科学史界以及文化界人士关注的问…  相似文献   

科技创新与创新文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的本质在于探索客观世界的结构、相互作用和运动变化的规律,在于发现新的现象、新的物种,创建新的理论和学说;技术的本质在于创造新的工具、工艺与方法,用以改造客观世界,实现人类自身确定的目标。 科学技术是人类创造性劳动的结晶,它改变了整个世界,也改变着人类自身和人类社会的文明进程。  相似文献   

道义、滋味和技艺--中国古典文学思想与新世纪文学理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
站在新世纪的大门口来谈论文学理念这样的问题 ,似乎有点不合时宜 ,因为生活所赋予人们的对话热情已经不在这种非趋利性质的方面 ,而文学研究界本身也有点失去了对理论问题的兴趣 ,不管其原因是什么 ,事实就是这样。如果说当今的文学创作 (有时是制作 )形势和研究 (有时是操作  相似文献   

春秋礼乐文化的解体和转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文叙述了春秋前期礼乐文化的一般状态 ,而后集中讨论春秋后期礼乐文化的危机和演变。论文强调 ,在春秋后期的政治危机中 ,人对礼的关注从形式性转向合理性 ,礼文化的重点由“礼乐”转向“礼政” ,礼作为政治秩序原则的意义在政治理性化的过程中突出出来。而思想家的关注的焦点 ,不再关注那些华丽典雅的仪典文化 ,而更关注现实生活世界的混乱与安宁。  相似文献   

In recent years, microfinance – the suite of financial products offered to the poor – has been widely adopted in international development policy. Organizations around the world have replicated this model successfully. This essay takes the comparative case more explicitly to read against the tendency to understand microfinance as the globally institutionalized and realized norm, and local unruly credit economies as the exception. We go beyond comparing credit in India and Paraguay in order to illustrate how comparison is actually central to the banking practices of microfinance. Moreover, it is the collaborative anthropological project that helps to show this, allowing not only for empirical grounds of comparison, but also raising theoretical and methodological questions of comparison itself. In juxtaposing microfinance in our two fieldsites, we find that as credit proliferates globally, so do the comparative projects both of borrowers and lenders in the disparate worlds of Kolkata and Ciudad del Este. At the same time, these were constrained by the global financial comparisons between countries made by investors. Ethnographic methods are vital for understanding how microfinance becomes part of a wider repertoire of financial strategies used by women while simultaneously offering the grounds for women to undertake their own acts of comparison.  相似文献   

When cynical distance and ironic posturing have become the prevalent means of relating to public life, political humour is no longer considered subversive. It has been argued that both in Russia and the United States, ideology has co-opted satire, meaning that citizens can consume outrage passively through various satirical media products, thereby displacing outrage and abstaining from more active forms of resistance. This articles explores the twenty-first century potential of irony and cynicism to disrupt and subvert through parody, be it in the form of political satire or ironic protest, examining how similar paradigms are expressed across different geographical contexts.  相似文献   


This article explores practices of representation and role stabilization in an emerging innovation ecosystem in Beirut, Lebanon. With little local track record of software startup activity, any overt practices of venture or business process representation were of immediate utility. The two moments explored, a pitch session at a mentorship committee meeting and a startup founding competition, capture parts of the nascent topology of a venture development setting in the making. In both, pitches for software products were at the heart of the productive process, and this paper argues that these moments of performative representation were not surplus to the process of founding a startup, but rather are crucial productive elements in themselves. Early-stage software development consists of a constant oscillation between making and modeling. The interdependence of writing software code, stabilizing social platforms for work and industry development, and finding specialists who could relate these tasks was crucial to the development of this business ecosystem in Lebanon. It was a system in motion, built of code and confidence. The circulation of information crucial to decision making within a single project required distinct practices of publicity, which in turn required articulatory platforms.  相似文献   

黄薇 《中国文化研究》2006,11(3):150-157
本文通过对《野草》封面图像语言符码的考释,探寻鲁迅与中西艺术文化的历史关联性。文章认为:最早阐释《野草》意义内涵的是与这本书共时存在的书面图像,颜色和构图成为文本精神的象征表达和形象展示。在启蒙事业中鲁迅与中西艺术文化发生广泛的历史联系。经由鲁迅参与制作的书籍图像传播广远,是建构现代中国思想和艺术文化的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

金敏 《文化交流》2013,(1):12-15
吴越人以舟师主水上作战,以步兵主陆上作战。步兵作战以近体格斗为主,这样短兵器就显示了威力。剑,锋利、短小,便于随身携带,既可用于装饰,又可防身杀敌,故古人常有佩剑的风习。剑,对吴越人来讲,更是一种不可缺少的格斗武器。  相似文献   

戏梦人生——论张爱玲《色·戒》与李安《色·戒》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张爱玲的小说<色·戒>因李安电影版<色-戒>的上演引发诸多争议.本文以为,<色·戒>有两个层面的意义消解:个人主义的爱欲对革命和国家主义的正当性的消解;人生如"戏"对男女爱欲和生活现实的消解.小说冷静内敛、不动声色的叙述之下是反讽的灰色基调,突出的是小说家张爱玲对人性弱点和困境的冷静观察,对男女"心理事件"本质的洞察.  相似文献   

This article examines the communication networks within and between science and technology studies (STS) and the history of science. In particular, journal relatedness data are used to analyze some of the structural features of their disciplinary identities and relationships. The results first show that, although the history of science is more than half a century older than STS, the size of the STS network is more than twice that of the history of science network. Further, while a majority of the journals in the STS network are connected by weak ties, about half of the history of science network consists of strong ties. The history of science network is thus more cohesive than the STS network. The relatively strong cohesion within the history of science network is associated with comparatively high degrees of intra-disciplinary communication, but comparatively weak ties to only a few related disciplines. The analysis also shows that very few members of the history of science cliques are situated on the shortest path between both specialties. Moreover, given the relatively impermeable nature of the history of science network, the latter partially depends on STS to reach some of the neighboring disciplines.  相似文献   

中国古代早期的珠玉崇拜和水崇拜联系在一起。神话中的珠意象往往伴随出现水及水族动物 ,索珠、赠珠神话的神灵角色都是水神。早期的玉神话和水崇拜密不可分 ,玉和水的渊源极深 ,玉神话突出表现水的润物功能。早期珠玉神话沿着优美的方向发展 ,出现众多女性神灵。到了后来 ,珠玉出现阴阳之分 ,受到传统哲学的影响。神话中的珠玉意象往往寄托先民的长生之想 ,而珠玉作为美饰意象则是后来的事情。  相似文献   

儒、释、道与李、杜、王   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
睿宗以后的盛唐时代,儒、释、道同兴并举,不分先后的局面不仅以皇帝诏书的形式确定下来,而且在诗歌领域中也得到了最为集中、最为充分的体现道家、道教思想主要表现为从山水诗派的崛起,到李自自由浪漫、壮丽夸张诗风的形成;佛教美学思想主要表现为从田园诗派的崛起,到王维平淡自然、素朴宁静诗风的形成;儒家美学思想则主要表现为从边塞诗派的崛起,到杜甫忧患黎元、沉郁顿挫诗风的形成.探讨这一问题,不仅有助于对盛唐诗歌美学流变及其繁荣原因的理解,而且有利于以此来进一步分析宗教、哲学与审美文化之间交互影响的复杂关系.  相似文献   

本文以魏初刘劭所著<人物志>中品评人物的标准,与魏晋思潮中"溺乎玄风,嗤笑徇务之志,崇盛忘机之谈"的思想作一评比,以探讨<人物志>中审美标准对魏晋思潮的启发与影响.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a mutually beneficial interchange of models and ideas between the sociology of science and the economics of technological innovation. Concepts such as the paradigm and the network seem to lend themselves to useful application in both fields. To these is added the concept of the selection system. The major aim of this paper is to show that the development of the arts can be described using the same conceptual framework. This allows the development of hypotheses concerning the relationship between art, science and technology, and also about the effect of appropriability conditions.  相似文献   


This essay diagnoses how humanitarian non-governmental organisations are filling a sovereign vacuum created ironically by governments outsourcing their governing functions; this outsourcing marks a transformation of the Westphalian order of states. The proliferation of non-state actors facilitates the politicisation of human rights around how to recognise who or what is a human being endowed with natural rights, and who is a terrorist or outlaw. By tracing the connections between human rights and governmentality, I contend that human rights advocates must acknowledge that their cosy relationship with powerful militaries has resulted in humanitarian interventions using the language of rights to justify neocolonial projects that often intensify human suffering. Humanitarianism may function as a deterritorialised form of governmentality that offers a theatrical illusion of protection and security, while undermining their possibilities structurally. Indeed, I demonstrate how powerful states not only use human rights and humanitarian legitimations for their particularist geopolitical and economic ends, but also direct humanitarian NGOs strategically by proxy for their own interests.  相似文献   

This essay investigates the possible relationship between noise and ethics through the music of improvising musician Evan Parker and the ‘post‐post‐structuralist’ philosophy of Alain Badiou. According to Badiou, one of the most important features of an ethical attitude is the recognition of a void in a situation, that is, the attention for something that cannot be thought, felt, or experienced within a conventional system, something that always already escapes established and existing structures. This seems to bear some resemblance to the way French thinker Jacques Attali describes noise. According to Attali, noise interrupts and disconnects. It is an aggression against all sorts of code, against all kinds of order. Noise is an evental break from the status quo or ordinary situation, which compels recognition of something new. Rethinking noise this way means that noise does not exist in and of itself, but only in relation to the system within which it is inscribed. Noise is a void in a situation and can therefore be connected to Badiou's ideas about ethics. In a relative rather than an absolute sense, the improvised music of Evan Parker – and this essay especially draws attention to one of his projects, Drawn Inward, in which electronics and acoustical instruments meet and hold a dialogue – produces noise, precisely in and through improvisation; in many ways it disrupts musical conventions. The essay thus explores the space within the triangle noise–improvisation–ethics.  相似文献   

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