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古人自然方位尊卑的主要特征是崇阳。在君位之下,现实世界的朝堂礼仪场景以东为尊;神灵世界和室内场景以西为尊;在面位过滤的作用下,自然方位的阴阳因素投射是形成左右尊卑的基础因素,自身位的性质是影响左右尊卑意义演变的重要因素。  相似文献   

左右和东西南北是我们常用的方位名词,它们现在除了表示方位意义和由方位衍生的特殊意义(如"左倾"、"右倾"、西方国家、南北对话等)外,再别无它义。但在古代,它们却有着丰富的尊卑礼俗内涵。一、左右体现官位的尊卑。秦汉以前,朝堂及官位多以右为尊,以左为卑。《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》曾有这方面的涉及:"(渑池会)既罢,  相似文献   

我们在阅读古代文学作品的过程中,经常会遇到左右尊卑的问题:有时“左”为尊,如信陵君“虚左”请侯生(空着左边的位子,让侯生上坐);而有时则右为尊,蔺相如“位在廉颇之右”;还有司马迁不惜笔墨叙述鸿门宴的坐次安排,是何用意?这些都涉及到我国古代左右尊卑的问题,弄清了这些问题,不仅可以“解惑”,而且可以深达其旨。  相似文献   

在古代,所处方位的不同即表示尊卑的不同,这是文言阅读中务必要掌握的一种古代文化常识。一古代官职右尊左卑例如“既罢,归国,以相如功大,拜为上卿,位在廉颇之右”(《史  相似文献   

我国古代“左”、“右”可表尊卑,“左”与“右”究竟哪一边为尊,不能简单地用一句话来回答,因为在不同的时期和朝代,对左右何者为尊有着不同规定。周朝规定,天子面南而坐,诸侯朝于天子,则面向君王按尊卑顺序一字排开,官位高者在右边,官位低的就在左边,这样就自然形成了右贵左贱的场面,这也许就是古代尚右的原  相似文献   

在现代汉语中,"左"和"右"主要用来表示方位。而在古代,"左"和"右"除了表示方位以外,还有一些特殊的用法——表示尊卑古人崇"右",以"右"为上,为贵,为尊。《廉颇蔺相列传》中"以相如功大,拜  相似文献   

“左右”本为一个方位概念,是无所谓好坏高低正误之分的,但在中国这个特殊的国度里,却是一个极敏感的词儿。“文革”中,以“左”为时尚,甚至有提议将汽车靠右行驶改为靠左者,几乎闹出天大笑话。有将自己名字加上或改为“左”者,倘若汉之李左车、明之左光斗有幸活到“文革”时,必是最酷的名字。 同是方位,因何有了尊卑正误之分?几十年来因何“左祸”不断?为何邓小平反复强调“防右,更要反左”?在教育界,还有哪些“反左”的大任未完成? 不查不知道,一查吓一跳。原来,“左右”在老祖宗那里就摇摆不定。有时是尊左,有时又尊…  相似文献   

本文认为"东、西、南、北"及组合类型应该定义为"自然方位词",这些词是以自然界的事物为参照物的.方位观念与民族文化有着相互影响、相互制约的关系,特别体现在自然方位词上,汉民族的方位词有着尊卑的象征,最后本文对自然方位词的文化内涵进行了分析.  相似文献   

《廉颇蔺相如列传》的“以相如功大,拜为上卿,位在廉颇之右”明确地告诉我们古人以“右”为尊,怎么《信陵君窃符救赵》的“公子从车骑,虚左,自迎夷门侯生”又说“左”是上位? 严格说来,“古人以右为尊(上)说”的表述是不科学不准确的,准确的表达应该是:在一般情况下,座次的尊卑是通过方向来表  相似文献   

在古汉语中,“左”和“右”两字的用法和意义比较复杂。它们可以分开用,也可以合用,分别表示不同的意义。当“左”和“右”分开用时,它们常有以下两个意义。首先是表尊卑。不过,表尊卑又分为两种情况。一种是就名位而言,古代尚右,往往以右为尊,以左为卑。《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:赵王“以相如功大,拜为上卿,位在廉颇之右。’句中的“右”,即是  相似文献   

企业法人能否成为合伙企业的合伙人的问题,学术界有两种对立的观点。事实上,企业法人参加合伙既是企业法人自主权利的回归和自身经营的需要,又可为合伙企业发展增加动力,同时企业法人也完全具备参加合伙的理论基础,再从世界各国合伙制度的发展来看,赋予企业法人参加合伙的选择权和决定权有其合理性和自身价值。  相似文献   

Five experiments examined 79 newborns’ ability to discriminate and categorize a spatial relation, defined by the left–right spatial position of a blinking object‐target with respect to a vertical landmark‐bar. Three‐day‐old infants discriminated the up versus low position of an object located on the same side of the landmark‐bar (Experiment 1) and recognized a basic left–right spatial invariance of the object‐target and the landmark‐bar in conditions of low (Experiment 2) and high (Experiment 3) perceptual variability of the object’s positions. Additional evidence ruled out the possibility that newborns were unable to discriminate the within‐category left–right spatial positions of the object‐target (Experiment 4) or made a categorical distinction based on spatial distance rather than on categorical spatial relations of left of and right of (Experiment 5).  相似文献   

This study investigated the neural correlates of experts and novices during biological object pattern detection using an fMRI approach in order to reveal the neural correlates of a biologist’s superior pattern discovery ability. Sixteen healthy male participants (8 biologists and 8 non-biologists) volunteered for the study. Participants were shown fifteen series of organism pictures and asked to detect patterns amid stimulus pictures. Primary findings showed significant activations in the right middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule amongst participants in the biologist (expert) group. Interestingly, the left superior temporal gyrus was activated in participants from the non-biologist (novice) group. These results suggested that superior pattern discovery ability could be related to a functional facilitation of the parieto-temporal network, which is particularly driven by the right middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule in addition to the recruitment of additional brain regions. Furthermore, the functional facilitation of the network might actually pertain to high coherent processing skills and visual working memory capacity. Hence, study results suggested that adept scientific thinking ability can be detected by neuronal substrates, which may be used as criteria for developing and evaluating a brain-based science curriculum and test instrument.  相似文献   

完形感知是人们对事物的各种不同属性及其相互关系在大脑中的整体反映。语言一方面是人们对事物完形感知的结果;另一方面,它本身又是被人们再认知的对象。完形感知对语言意义的组织作用体现在人们对信息的简化过程中;对语言意义的解释作用体现在人们能以自己的经验使抽象的语言符号成为形意结合的整体结构。  相似文献   

Response Modality Affects Human Infant Delayed-Response Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Delayed response performance was assessed in 120 7-, 9-, and 11-month-old infants with correct response defined as either retrieval of a hidden object or gaze toward the location where the object was hidden. Performance improved with age, was above chance for each age group in each condition, and was more often correct with the gaze response. When direction of gaze and reach differed, direction of gaze was more likely to be correct. Infants in the reach condition were more likely to fail to reverse a previously correct response (i.e., to make the A-not-B error). Perseverative responding occurred frequently and was more likely in the reach than the gaze condition. This effect emerged primarily in the context of an incorrect response, which suggests modality-specific sensitivity to the effect of priming rather than reinforcement. Many infants showed strong side biases, and there was a tendency for more reaches to the left but gazes to the right. In a second experiment, 12 5-month-olds gazed toward the correct location more frequently than would be expected by chance but failed to reverse a previously correct response more often than older infants. These findings indicate that response modality has a significant effect on delayed-response performance.  相似文献   

赵颖 《平原大学学报》2002,19(3):105-106
左脑半球作为语言中枢,在青春期以前是语言习得的必要条件,但其功能在青春期以后却迅速消退,而只具有初步语言能力的右脑半球将处理所有语言信息,环境这一外在因素给语言习得提供了观察和模仿的机会,同时外部世界的不可知性刺激了儿童与外界交流的欲望也加速了语言习得的步伐。  相似文献   

法人人格权的发展经历了漫长的发展过程。对于法人是否享有人格权,理论界有三种不同的观点:即法人拟制说,法人否认说,法人实在说。本文从法人人格权的发展入手,通过分析其存在的理论依据,认为法人享有人格权。  相似文献   

论文认为 ,康德关于艺术的论述中存在着这样的矛盾 :一方面 ,作为审美鉴赏力对象的艺术只能引起人性中社会交往的兴趣 ,籍着艺术的教化 ,可以使人远离人性中倾向与欲望的统治 ,使人变得更文明 ,就此而言 ,它低于自然美 ;而另一方面 ,作为天才作品的艺术 ,因其所具有的不可解释的精神创造性的作用 ,可以启发我们达到一种有机整体的自然观念 ,就此而言 ,它具有自然美、乃至科学知识不可比拟的优越性 ,由此形成了康德的艺术悖论。论文指出了这种悖论形成的原因及可能的解决  相似文献   

Psychological research suggests that foreign‐language vocabulary acquisition recruits the phonological loop for verbal working memory. To depict the neural underpinnings and shed light on the process of foreign language learning, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging of Japanese participants without previous exposure to the Uzbek language using learning of novel Uzbek words. During encoding, spoken Uzbek words and corresponding visual objects were shown, and subjects either overtly repeated the words (phonological rehearsal) or overtly rehearsed numbers (phonological suppression). Phonological rehearsal improved the encoding performance. A learning‐related decrease in rehearsal‐specific activation was found in the left fusiform gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus, and right cerebellum. Recollection of the phonologically rehearsed words activated the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus more prominently than recollection of the phonologically suppressed words in a performance‐dependent manner. The phonological loop might provide the temporal and fragile registration of the articulatory pattern that is converted into a more durable form in the right cerebellum, which is in turn integrated with the object information in the fusiform gyrus.  相似文献   

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