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This paper focuses on the Primary PGCE at Keele University, which is now in its third year of a new course structure, fulfilling the requirements of the DFE circular 14/93. As the school‐based partnership has developed, teacher‐mentors have gained new understanding of both their role in teacher training and their relationship with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This paper seeks to outline how the process of mentoring has developed teachers’ skills in a way which has promoted their understanding of, and interest in, school‐based research. Four key issues are explored in probing the link between mentoring and school‐based research: the difference between theory and practice; links between teacher‐mentors and HEI tutors, the process of reflective practice; teachers as knowledge constructors. These are examined in relation to the process of mentoring and to the way in which each contributes to developing mentors’ participation and interest in school‐based research.  相似文献   

Ifyouaskme,“Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?”Iwillsay,“Iwanttobeateacherlikemymother.”Mymotherworksinamiddleschool.SheteachesEnglish.Sheal-waysleaveshomeearlyandcomesbacklate.Sheworkshardatschool.Sheisonlythirty-sevenyearsold,butshelooksmucholder.Whensheworksatschool,shelookslikeayoungteacher,fullofvigour.Everyeveningmymotherisbusypreparingherlessonanddoingsomereading.Sheoftensays,“Todayateachermustmastermoreandfreshknowledge.”SometimeswhenIwakeuplateatnight,Ifindherstillworking.Mym…  相似文献   

My name is Li Jiani and I'm a girl of ten years old. I love all my teachers. So I would like to be a teacher very much. I want to be a teacher because I want to teach the children a lot of knowledge and help the blind children read and write.  相似文献   


This study explores teacher educators’ (TEs’) activity as they support mathematics and science teacher collaboration in co-designing and jointly implementing tasks. We view TEs’ activity through the lens of Activity Theory and expansive learning and draw evidence from data generated within the mascil project that linked mathematics and science teaching with workplace situations through inquiry-based teaching. We focus on five TEs’ actions and goals, use data from their professional development sessions with teachers and from the TEs’ interactions during their own meetings, and highlight the illuminating case of one teacher educator. We trace evidence indicating paths of actions followed by each Teacher Educator and look for indications of their professional learning. Our analysis reveals generic and content-focused actions. All TEs faced different kinds of contradictions and had difficulties handling them. In terms of professional learning, all TEs adapted their prior teacher education practices and appreciated the critical role of epistemological differences between the two disciplines.


Although scholars and popular press writers are critical of school district failures to remove inadequately performing teachers, little has been said about the thinking of principals on this issue. Because principals are the front-line implementers of evaluation policy, their beliefs about barriers (real or perceived) are likely to influence their actions. This study asked elementary and middle school principals in the state of Oregon to identify barriers to deal effectively with inadequately performing teachers. Results demonstrated that principals believe teacher unions to be the most significant barrier, and blame the union representatives more often than the language of the negotiated contract. In addition, principals identify the amount of time required to engage in the process as a barrier. Continued study of principal beliefs about these factors may suggest (1) areas of needed reform in the implementation of evaluation and (2) administrative training needs.  相似文献   

This article draws on research in one teacher education course in England and examines the ways in which the programme prepares student-teachers for inclusive practice in science teaching. We frame our analysis by drawing on aspects of institutional mediation of official policy in teacher education, as well as theories around inclusion and critical pedagogy. Using data from official sources, lecture material, and interviews, we argue that in order to achieve real inclusion in teacher education programmes, we need pedagogies of praxis that move beyond (and sometimes against) the official policy definitions of inclusion, and draw instead on a more critical approach to the formation of future professionals.  相似文献   

In this study, I examined the validity of a performance-based, subject-specific teacher evaluation system by analyzing the relationship between teacher evaluation scores and student achievement. From a policy perspective, establishing validity was important because it is embedded in a knowledge-and skills-based pay system, which attached high stakes to evaluation scores. In the first stage of the study, I used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to estimate value-added teacher effects, which were then correlated with teacher evaluation scores in literacy, mathematics, language arts, and a composite measure of student achievement. Additionally, teacher evaluation scores were inserted into the HLM models as subject-specific predictors of student achievement. Results indicate a strong, positive, and statistically significant relationship between teacher evaluation scores and student achievement in reading and a composite measure of teacher and student performance and a positive, although not statistically significant, relationship in mathematics. In the second stage of the study, I used document analyses and interviews with teachers to explore factors affecting the relationship between teacher evaluation scores and student achievement across subjects. Findings suggest that the relationship is stronger in reading than mathematics because both teachers and evaluators have more pedagogical knowledge and better alignment to standards and assessments in reading than in math.  相似文献   

也许在传统的中国人眼中,一个学生在文章中大谈自己的老师,这多少有点“不敬”,尤其当一个学生来戏说Teacher时,更会被称为“不尊师重教”。那么,嘘,我们小声点。先从谁说起呢?就先从我们的班主任兼数学老师Miss陈说起吧! Miss陈第一次带班,自然没经验,一切琐事都与大伙商量着办。Miss陈能“与民同乐”,不以班头自居,常  相似文献   

Teacher Quality     
相同的职业, 不同的地域和文化, 全球的教育同仁怎样直 面职业压力和社会困惑? 不同的天空下,社会所赋予 老师的内涵有什么相同和异 同?也许这是一个很沉重的 话题,但却不容忽视。因为 教育本身就是一个很严肃 的事业。这里以文字为 平台,让全球教育同 仁开始对话!  相似文献   

Whose memory is the best in your school?  相似文献   

My Teacher     
Mr Zhang is our English teacher.He is am iddle-aged man with thickglasses.He is talland handsome.There is always a smile on his face.Mr Zhang is good at teaching English and he always tries his best tom ake his lessons lively and interesting.We can easily understand and re-mem ber his lessons.He uses different ways to im prove our abilities in lis-tening,speaking,reading and writing.He often tells us some funny sto-ries.Som etimes he even draws funny pictures on the blackboard and singsbea…  相似文献   

My Teacher     
Miss Lin is my English teacher. She is tall and slim. She has watery eyes, a high-bridged nose and a small mouth. She is very friendly. She is a humourous woman. She often jokes with us. She works hard. She is very responsible and kind, She usually helps those students who are poor at Eng-  相似文献   

餐饮部经理终于在黑板上拭去了孔乙己的名字。“把孔乙己还欠我们酒店那十九元一角划作坏账准备吧。”经理对我吩咐。我的笔在会计册的贷方唰唰划了起来。我所兼职的这家酒店是与别处不大一样的,五颜六色的彩灯招牌显示着“爱新觉罗BIG酒店”,大厅门口站着四个穿着校服和解放鞋的迎宾小姐。孔乙己是惟一一个为我们酒店抄抄书就能获得一个美女飞吻的市三中的语文老师。孔乙己好久没有来酒店抄书了。经理打了N次他的小灵通也联系不上,那个题为“标准间一天180元,两天150元”的横幅酬宾广告只好考虑换人抄了。酒店里人来人往,只有我知道孔乙…  相似文献   

My Teacher     
每个人都有老师,我也有我的老师。她是一位好老师,她不仅给我们传授知识,而且告诉我们生活的道理。在她的课上,我们不会觉得沉闷。我们常常做游戏,有时还开开玩笑。她是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。  相似文献   

李渝  胡登攀 《时代教育》2007,(8Z):30-31
A test, in plain, ordinary words, is a method of measuring a person's ability or knowledge in a given area (Brown, 2001:252). There are varieties of tests, each with a specific purpose, a particular criterion to be measured. The chief types of test are: proficiency tests, achievement tests, diagnostic tests, and placement tests. Nowadays in china the most popular tests, TOEFL, EPT, CET, are all belong to proficiency tests. Construction of these kinds of formal tests is the duties of professional testers and examining boards, what involves the efforts of most common teachers is the preparation of final examination paper.[第一段]  相似文献   

The literature suggests that radical changes to teacher education are common but rarely well-planned or resourced. Such changes can be detrimental to the quality of learning and it is challenging for educators to know how to respond. Joseph Schwab argued that for balanced curriculum development to occur, deliberation must take place with the four commonplaces (teachers, learners, subject matter and milieu). In this study, three teacher educators in a research intensive university in New Zealand were forced to combine three distinct courses (Health, Outdoor and Physical Education) into one course. Concerned that student learning would be compromised, we embarked on a series of deliberations informed by Schwab’s ideas. The deliberations involved meeting regularly over six months, inviting representatives from the commonplaces (program leaders, pedagogical specialists, pre-service teachers and teachers) into our deliberations and reflecting on the process. Analysis revealed that our deliberations could be characterized by phases: (1) creating the necessary conditions, (2) the problem emerges, (3) the solution emerges, (4) evaluation and (5) beyond deliberation. These phases of deliberation were distinguished by different concerns and timeframes and roughly reflected the stages of deliberation identified by Schwab. Convergence and divergence from Schwab’s stages are discussed. While much of Schwab’s work on deliberation remains relevant today, we recommend the addition of an initial phase focused on establishing a collaborative basis at the beginning of the process. We found this phase not only generated respect and care amongst the collaborators, but also helped frame the problem and enabled new solutions to emerge.  相似文献   

Mr.Zhang is our English teacher.Hehas worked in our school more than 11years.He works very hard,he is good atteaching,we all like his English class.Healways makes his English lessonsinteresting.He knows a lot of knowledge  相似文献   

MyEnglishteacherisaforeigner.HeisfromCanada.Ithinkheismorethansixtyyearsold.Heisverytallandhehastwobigeyesandabignose.Hehasveryshorthair.Ithinkheisveryclever.Heisveryhumourtoo.LastChristmasdaywehadan责任编辑张彩萍Englishclass.Usuallyhegoestotheclassroom,c  相似文献   

Our English teacher is a Canadian. Her name is Lucie. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. She has five children, and two small ones live together with her in our school. She loves her children and she love us students, too.  相似文献   

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