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在新疆偏远、经济欠发达地区,作为培养人才、生产和传播新知识、新思想的高校,应当义不容辞地承担起区域协同创新体系建设的重任,但是偏远、欠发达地区高校在协同创新中发挥自身作用方面却面临着诸多的困境与问题。作为学校科研工作对内、对外联系桥梁的欠发达地区高校科研管理部门,应在提升学校科研竞争力、建设科研团队、制定科研规划和创新科研管理体制等方面切实发挥好自身的引领作用。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的科学、技术、经济一体化促使美英两国重视产学研协同创新,美国和英国分别形成了合作式创新生态和竞争式创新机制。美国在制度支持和产学研合作的良性循环中激活了学术知识的经济引擎作用。而英国低水平、不合理的政策干预未能扭转校企相对隔离的状态,大学在市场机制影响下难以充分发挥高质量学术知识的预期经济效益。为有效促进学术知识的生产与转移,政府应在国家创新体系中合理施为,成为政策目标的执行者、信息沟通的桥梁、政策实效的支持系统,直接并积极参与创新生态的构建、激活并稳固产学研合作的社会基础、保障创新活动的质量,促进产学研合作以保障国家创新的可持续发展。  相似文献   

In 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) set a target to lift Australia’s Year 12 or equivalent attainment rate from 83.5 to 90% by 2015. In the context of global financial uncertainty, the target was rationalised as a means for boosting national productivity and developing human capital to help Australia compete in the global knowledge economy. Historically, Year 12 attainment targets have been designed to pressure state and territory education systems to innovate and reform senior secondary curriculums and certificates, as retention and attainment rates depend largely on how flexible, diverse and inclusive the senior years are. In this paper, however, we argue that the COAG Year 12 attainment agenda is flawed and does very little to inspire innovation or reform in Australian senior secondary schools. Our argument comprises three parts. First, we argue that the COAG agenda is based on a weakened measure of attainment which is misleading and directs the burden for innovation away from senior secondary schools. Second, we argue that there are inherent limits in Australian secondary school systems which prevent the depth of innovation required to significantly contribute to raising Year 12 attainment. Third, we argue that the COAG agenda is further weakened by issues of equivalency, quality and comparison. Together, these arguments cast doubt over the value and meaningfulness of the COAG Year 12 attainment agenda and of target setting as a governmental strategy in this context.  相似文献   

东北三省作为我国老工业区,长期以来均以国有经济企业、重工业企业为发展重心,但随着社会发展,自然资源枯竭以及在种种外界因素的影响下,东北地区经济发展逐渐迟缓。如今面对较为严峻的经济形势,企业产业转型已经成为东北地区企业发展、改革的重点。与此相应,为加快转型效率,大学生创新创业已成为现今企业人才引进,推动创新、创造,促进经济发展的重要方式。文章以大学生创新创业的角度,探讨东北地区经济发展思路,研究其对该地区经济的促进作用。  相似文献   

图书馆知识管理的特点及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着世界经济从工业经济时代进入到知识经济时代,知识资源成为社会经济发展中至关重要的生产要素,知识管理应运而生。图书馆作为一种社会保存和传播知识的知识资源基础设施,必然要实现知识管理。图书馆引入知识管理将具有不同于企业知识管理的一些特点。在知识经济下,图书馆知识管理将熔入国家创新体系。  相似文献   

If everyone is contributing, if action learning involves collective learning, then new knowledge is created through a collaborative process. This is not expert knowledge and no ‘one truth’ is produced, this is a collective knowledge arising from a common purpose and a shared quest. Such knowledge continues to evolve without the intention to fix or commodify. Collaborative knowledge can be a source of innovation and sustainability, and as such a key process in the knowledge economy and the learning society. However, whilst knowledge economies require constant innovation to promote economic development and trade, this often takes the form of intellectual property production (IP), with the consequent establishment and policing of IP rights, notions that are antithetical to collaborative knowledge creation.  相似文献   

Large classes have increasingly become a feature in many countries around the world. This paper present a two-pronged analysis of this phenomenon, drawing on the political economy of higher education as well as the sociology of knowledge to contribute to a principled discussion about why we have large classes, and when a large class is too large. I argue that much of the justification for expansion in higher education is not borne by an analysis of the political economy of higher education. I then explain why the expansion of higher education through increasing class sizes is self-defeating: because contact between lecturers and students is necessary for the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, and it is difficult to achieve such contact in large classes. I conclude that the current discourse on large class teaching, which suggests that lecturers must accept ever increasing class sizes in the name of access and development, is unrealistic, both in terms of the political and economic imperatives, and also in terms of the nature of education, and the conditions for the development and acquisition of knowledge.  相似文献   

城市经济是区域经济发展的“增长极”,而城市经济的发展受外生因素和内生因素两个方面的作用。尽管区位交通、资源禀赋、产业基础、宏观政策等外生因素对城市经济发展的影响显著,然而,表现为知识创新、技术创新和管理创新三种形式的科技创新才是区域经济发展的关键内生动因。  相似文献   

人类社会正悄然从工业经济时代迈向知识经济时代。知识经济的实质在于以科技创新带动经济发展 ,因此 ,教育要尽快改革传统模式 ,着力培养具有创新意识、创新精神和创新能力的人才。  相似文献   

由于信息技术革命,人类社会进入了"加速时代",经济与技术范式随之发生深刻变革。在新的经济与技术范式中,为实现创新驱动发展,知识与教育的地位将显著提升。当前面对信息技术革命、知识经济和创新创业的多重挑战,为避免机构失灵,旧的大学范式需要向新的范式转变。在基于知识的经济和社会里,创新创业的成败将成为影响经济繁荣与社会进步关键的因素,大学需要以正确的方式做正确的事。作为驱动工业社会向后工业社会转型的"轴心机构",大学只有选择"创新创业"才能成就真正的卓越。  相似文献   

产业经济的转型亟需复合型营销人才。复合型营销人才的培养必须在“三育人”理念的指导下进行,强调在“营销+行业管理拓展”或“营销+校企协同拓展”的育人模式下进行。校企协同是培养高质量营销人才的动力源。“百丽国际店长”校企协同育人班取得成效的关键在于创新管理体制,构建运行机制和瞄准行业领先并占领制高点。  相似文献   

产学研协同创新已成为知识经济时代知识创新的主要模式.高校作为创新主体,探究其如何进行组织变革以适应多方协同的要求非常必要.从协同创新的组织协同层面探讨了目前高校组织结构存在的问题,根据组织内外部协同的要求,提出未来高校组织变革的方向:构建基于矩阵式的组织结构,并提出具体的构建思路和配套措施,为高校在协同创新中的组织变革提供一个新的思路.  相似文献   

当今社会的快速发展,知识和技术的创新与创造是最主要的原动力.在职业学校中培养学生的创造思维能力,是历史赋于我们教育工作者的伟大使命.作为物理学教师,应用物理实验教学培养学生的创造思维能力,为新的历史时期培养合格的人才,对社会和历史都有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

Doctoring the knowledge worker   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper I examine the impact of the new ‘knowledge economy’ on contemporary doctoral education. I argue that the knowledge economy promotes a view of knowledge and knowledge workers that fundamentally challenges the idea of a university as a community of autonomous scholars transmitting and adding to society's ‘stock of knowledge’. The paper examines and then dismisses the proposition that professional doctorates are the principal vehicle through which ‘working knowledge’ is incorporated into doctoral education. While professional doctorates may have been tactically useful for universities, there are broader transformations in doctoral education that transcend the professional doctorate/Ph.D. distinction. I argue that as doctoral education adopts the practices of ‘self’ pertinent to the knowledge economy, the ‘subject’ of doctoral education shifts from that of the ‘autonomous student’ to that of the ‘enterprising self’.  相似文献   


The one-drop rule refers to the process of being racialized Black when someone contains any amount of Black ancestry, i.e. one drop of Black blood. In this article, I use what I call ‘the new one-drop rule’ to explain how even the smallest presence of white discourse can disrupt racial equity work in schools. Based on a critical race study in a racially desegregated elementary school, I illustrate how one drop of white discourse from even one less racially literate white teacher can cause usually more racially literate white teachers to support white supremacy. I also share how collaborative research utilizing critical race theory (CRT) can help schools build greater racial literacy and resist white discourse. I argue that critical research on race with in-service teachers should not forefront the consciousness-raising of resistant white teachers but rather center the wants, needs, and racial knowledge of racially literate teachers and especially teachers of color.  相似文献   


In 2014, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century rocked the economic and political world, with its argument that inequality is destined to increase; in the field of education, however, this book has been almost entirely ignored. I argue that Piketty’s treatise is relevant to educational theories for three reasons: his rejection of meritocracy contributes to theories of social mobility; his critique of human capital theory provides fodder for debates about educational purpose; and his interdisciplinary analysis supports the political economy tradition in education. However, I also argue that it is necessary to move beyond the economic determinism in Piketty’s arguments, to explore the transformative potential of education as a consciousness-raising process, the agency of communities, the production process, and alternative solutions to inequality. I argue that education scholars should use the renewed interest in inequality generated by Piketty’s book to shift the dominant discourses about education, schools, and social justice.  相似文献   

The knowledge economy is a dominant force in today's world, and innovation policy and national systems of innovation are central to it. In this article, we draw on different sociological and economic theories of risk to engage critically with innovation policy and national systems of innovation. Beck's understanding of a risk society, Schumpeter's innovation thesis, and Perez's techno-economic paradigm are used to consider the risk economy, and the broader risk implications of knowledge economy policies and their associated innovation systems. Derrida's theory of haunting provides the methodological framework for our discussion. We use his notion of “hauntology” to conceptualize the risk economy as a ghost that haunts knowledge economy policies and systems. The spectral risk economy draws attention to the inherent instability of the knowledge economy, and challenges the certainty of its economic dogma by offering an alternative perspective. The risk economy problematizes knowledge economy policies and systems by revealing the uncertain and “undecidable” future of social, political and cultural hazards ignored in the interest of commercial gain.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue for the need to improve teacher preparation (TP) courses for elementary education student teachers to teach English-language arts (ELA). In particular, these TP programs need to support student teachers in delivering culturally responsive pedagogy within rural classrooms. Twenty-three student teachers participated in this research, which was aimed at investigating effective teaching pedagogy both within a place-based TP course and within teaching experiences within a rural border county. The student teachers took a course in literacy methods for 16 weeks, taught ELA in elementary schools using specific methods, and participated in videotaped collaborative reflections. Data collection for the study involved the student teachers’ responses to reflective questions, field notes, and evaluative essays. The findings suggested that providing student teachers with project-based, cooperative, inquiry-based activities, as well as opportunities for collaborative reflection during their university classes provided a learning context for the student teachers that connected ELA instruction to the economic situations of the rural communities. In addition, the findings indicated that the activities prepared the student teachers to develop the skills to relate instruction to people, culture, and social practices of rural the communities, value pupils’ local knowledge and community resources, and learn from diverse perspectives and experiences of their peers.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,形成并发展于工业经济时代的公司财务在许多方面显示其不适应性,面临着严峻的考验,因而必须考虑在知识经济下的财务管理创新与发展问题,探讨知识经济下的财务管理的必要性。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that when university researchers engage in democratic participatory action research with schools the process requires a special type of attention to the ethical difficulties which can arise. We note how current professional standards of ethics are inadequate to fully address many of the dilemmas faced in collaborative research. We then share examples of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in our work with schools and demonstrate how each has contributed to the (developing) framework we have created to avoid or manage the kinds of messy ethical issues we describe. We argue that this framework reflects a continuous commitment to an ethics of practice. We believe that those engaged in this type of work must assume an ethical stance and view all decisions in the research process as ethical ones that potentially affect the lives of all of those involved.  相似文献   

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