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倾听是指有意识地、集中注意力地听。人只有懂得倾听、善于倾听,才能理解语言形式和语言内容;而只有理解语言才能与别人交流和沟通。婴幼儿学习语言就是从"听"开始的,要经过先听后说、先理解后表达的过程。幼儿在学习与他人交谈时,倾听是一种不可缺少的能力。发展幼儿的口语理解和表达能力,首要的是养成倾听的习惯和能力,这是幼儿语言交流的第一步。  相似文献   

倾听是儿童感知和理解语言的行为表现。就学前儿童语言学习和发展而言,倾听是不可缺少的一种行为能力。但在我国以往的语言教育实践中,特别是在英语教育实践中,我们不太注重幼儿倾听能力的培养,这就直接影响了幼儿对语言的理解,同时也影响了他们双语能力的发展。为了培养幼儿的倾听能力,我进行了以下几方面的探索,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

语言是人类表达思想、进行交际的工具。对学生进行语言教育是儿童适应生活、适应未来发展的一种需要。幼儿随着年龄的增长.理解和运用语言的能力会不断提高,这可以促使幼儿更多地运用语言去与同伴、成人交往,更好地理解成人语言所表达的内涵,从而促进幼儿社会性的发展。现代儿童语言教育的目标就是要让儿童通过运用语言来培养交流能力。  相似文献   

<正>倾听是儿童感知和理解语言的行为表现,即仔细、认真地听他人说话,而且还要理解他人话语的意思。就幼儿语言的学习和发展而言,听是不可缺少的一种能力。在以往的幼儿语言教育实践中,有关倾听行为的培养虽然常叨念在口中,但真正如何来实施往往缺少可行的措施、方法,从而影响了幼儿在人际交往时对语言的理解水平,同时也影响了他们对语言能力的发展。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中语言领域里明确指出:"养成幼儿注意倾听的习惯,发展幼  相似文献   

“文学语言”是学前儿童语言学习的核心经验之一。基于学前儿童语言学习核心经验的新理念,教师需要重新审视幼儿学习“文学语言”的价值,分析当前语言活动中对幼儿“文学语言”学习的指导所存在的突出问题,有针对性地加强幼儿的“文学语言”欣赏与感受能力、理解与表达能力,鼓励幼儿运用“文学语言”进行创造性表述。  相似文献   

梁洁 《山东教育》2020,(5):70-72
设计意图幼儿期是人类语言发展的关键期,特别是升入大班,幼儿的词汇量迅速增长,能够清楚地描述自己所见,并能通过观察分析、总结物体的共性和个性特点。《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)明确提出,5~6岁幼儿应具备"愿意与他人讨论问题,敢在众人面前说话;能有序、连贯、清楚地讲述一件事情"的能力,同时也指出:"幼儿的语言学习需要相应的社会经验支持,应通过多种活动扩展幼儿的生活经验,丰富语言的内容,增强理解和表达能力。"  相似文献   

倾听是一个人不可缺少的修养,学会倾听不但能正确完整地听取所要的信息,而且会给人留下认真、踏实、尊重他人的印象。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》在中班行为规则的养成中明确指出:中班幼儿能安静地倾听别人的发言,不随意插嘴。可见,学会倾听是幼儿语言发展的基础。因此教育应当渗透于一日生活所有的活动之中,尤其是倾听能力很容易被成人忽略的能力,更应在各种活动中有意识的培养与训练。对孩子进行良好学习习惯的培养并非是一朝一夕就能达成的,需要我们老师根据幼儿的年龄特点、学习特点,以兴趣为出发点,从小事做起、从一点一滴做起。幼儿园语言教育的目标有四大块,即倾听、表述、欣赏文学作品和早期阅读,其中,倾听排在首位。倾听是幼儿感知和理解语言的行为表现,就幼儿语言学习和发展而言,倾听是不可缺少的一种能力,只有懂得倾听、乐于倾听并善于倾听的人,才能真正理解语言的内容、语言的形式和语言运用的方式,掌握与人进行语言交流的技巧。孩子年龄小,发展余地大,良好的倾听习惯既容易建立,也易于巩固。所以尽早使孩子养成良好的倾听习惯是很重要的。习惯是在人的生活、学习过程中逐渐形成的。幼儿良好学习习惯的形成要有一个过程,是循序渐进的,要求得由底到高,逐步积累,逐渐定型。下面我就如何培养中班孩子的倾听习惯,谈谈一下自己粗浅的看法和认识。  相似文献   

我园是一所实施半融合保教的幼儿园,即全园儿童大多为正常儿童,但在园中有一个特殊儿童班。在这个班中有几个自闭症幼儿,他们普遍存在语言障碍,主要表现为语言的理解及运用能力发展缓慢,不能正确理解他人语言;对语言结构掌握很差,只能讲些简单、有悖于情景的句子,其语言离开了具体情景就令人无法理解。研究表明,2~12岁是人的语言发展的最佳期,而学前阶段更是关键期。在这一时期,对自闭症幼儿的语言进行有效干预,能有效改变他们的语言发展现状,挖掘他们潜在的语言能力,有利于他们回归社会。为了更好地发挥教师和同伴的支持作用,我们在日常保…  相似文献   

<正>《36岁儿童学习与发展指南》对56岁儿童学习与发展指南》对56岁幼儿的语言听与说中的目标2"愿意讲话并能清楚地表达"明确提出了四点要求:1.愿意与他人讨论问题,敢在众人面前说话。2.会说普通话,发音正确、清晰。少数民族聚居地区幼儿会用普通话进行日常简单会话。3.能有序、连贯、清楚地讲述一件事情。4.讲述时能使用常见的形容词、同义词等,语言比较生动。根据我班幼儿实际情况,结合《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》  相似文献   

语言是人与人之间进行沟通与交流的工具,语言教学在幼儿园教学中占有重要地位。探究语言活动的教学策略,有助于培养幼儿的语言逻辑思维,提高幼儿的交际与沟通能力,使幼儿更好地表达自己和理解他人。  相似文献   

Why are spatial metaphors, like the use of “high” to describe a musical pitch, so common? This study tested one hundred and fifty-four 3- to 5-year-old English-learning children on their ability to learn a novel adjective in the domain of space or pitch and to extend this adjective to the untrained dimension. Children were more proficient at learning the word when it described a spatial attribute compared to pitch. However, once children learned the word, they extended it to the untrained dimension without feedback. Thus, children leveraged preexisting associations between space and pitch to spontaneously understand new metaphors. These results suggest that spatial metaphors may be common across languages in part because they scaffold children’s acquisition of word meanings that are otherwise difficult to learn.  相似文献   

英词词汇意义网络,即词义的完整性包括概念意义和内涵意义,这二者既相互独立又相互限存,其中词汇的内涵意义具有灵活性、多变性与辐射性,对人们学习和运用语言产生重要的影响,因此,语言学习者应了解和零握英语的整体意义,尤其不可忽视内涵意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the project was to investigate students' incidental word learning in science classes that depended on discussion and hands-on activities. In separate studies, 4th- and 8th-grade students were given pretests and posttests that assessed depth of knowledge of topical words used in a single unit. In both studies, students made significant improvement in their knowledge of topical words; knowledge of nontopical words did not improve. Students who started the unit with partial knowledge of topical words were likely to learn meanings appropriate for the unit. Depth of topical word knowledge also contributed significantly to improvement on a test of applied problems. While significant incidental word learning occurred over the science units, students with little or no understanding of topical words at the outset tended to make limited progress in both word learning and learning the ideas and information of the unit. The educational implications are potentially serious and need to be explored in further studies. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The present experiments tested bilingual infants' developmental narrowing for the interpretation of sounds that form words. These studies addressed how language specialization proceeds when the environment provides varied and divergent input. Experiment 1 (= 32) demonstrated that bilingual 14‐ and 19‐month‐olds learned a pair of object labels consisting of the same syllable produced with distinct pitch contours (rising and falling). Infants' native languages did not use pitch contour to differentiate words. In Experiment 2 (= 16), 22‐month‐old bilinguals failed to learn the labels. These results conflict with the developmental trajectory of monolinguals, who fail to learn pitch contour contrasts as labels at 17–19 months (Hay, Graf Estes, Wang, & Saffran, 2015). Bilingual infants exhibited a prolonged period of flexibility in their interpretation of potential word forms.  相似文献   

What factors determine whether a young child will learn a new word? Although there are surely numerous contributors, the current investigation highlights the role of causal information. Three‐year‐old children (N = 36) were taught 6 new words for unfamiliar objects or animals. Items were described in terms of their causal or noncausal properties. When tested only minutes after training, no significant differences between the conditions were evident. However, when tested several days after training, children performed better on words trained in the causal condition. These results demonstrate that the well‐documented effect of causal information on learning and categorization extends to word learning in young children.  相似文献   


The article looks at the ‘At‐Risk Program’ set up as a collaboration between teachers in elementary and secondary public schools and the staff of Indiana University.  相似文献   

Children use the presence of familiar objects with known names to identify the correct referents of novel words. In natural environments, objects vary widely in salience. The presence of familiar objects may sometimes hinder rather than help word learning. To test this hypothesis, 3-year-olds (= 36) were shown novel objects paired with familiar objects that varied in their visual salience. When the novel objects were labeled, children were slower and less accurate at fixating them in the presence of highly salient familiar objects than in the presence of less salient familiar objects. They were also less successful in retaining these word-referent pairings. While familiar objects may facilitate novel word learning in ambiguous situations, the properties of familiar objects matter.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have indicated that familiarity with pictures can interfere with single word learning, if the pictures are presented with their written equivalents. Research has also suggested that focusing children's attention on written words while responding to the paired stimuli is not sufficient to overcome this interference. Two experiments were carried out to investigate the possibility of eliminating the adverse effects of pictures by encouraging children to elicit naming‐responses in the absence of the pictures and then using pictures as response feedback. The results indicated that this feedback cueing technique can avoid the adverse effect of pictures and achieve a learning rate equivalent to that obtained when words were presented alone. It was concluded that pictures could be used in a way which did not hinder learning, but there is no evidence to suggest that they can be used in a way to enhance learning.  相似文献   

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