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高职职业规划教育必须改革。本文介绍了四段分期与四种方式职业生涯规划教育模式,以及所取得的初步成效。  相似文献   

论化学污染与环境化学教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从化学污染对环境和生态破坏的状况论述出发 ,引出在师范院校加强环境化学教育的重要性 ,促进学生形成对地球人类、资源的积极态度和自觉的环境保护行为 ,正确的教育下一代 ,增强全民的环保意识。  相似文献   

美国高中化学教材中的职业生涯教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学科教学融入职业生涯教育内容,不仅有利于培养学生的职业意识与职业素质,还有利于学科教学多维目标的实现。美国高中化学教材《Chemistry Concepts and Application》中职业生涯教育内容以专栏形式呈现,以案例访谈方式融入,对于学科教学的健康发展;课程资源的丰富;学科教学与技术教育的融合,促使学生形成终身学习的愿望与能力均有促进作用。  相似文献   

针对高师化学课程体系存在的内容重复设置、重理论轻实践及不利于学生能力培养的弊端 ,对分析化学理论和实验课教学从教学内容和学时安排等方面进行了一系列改革 ,收到了较好的教学效果 .  相似文献   

专业德育教育是人才培养的重要组成部分。本文讨论了化学化工相关专业开展专业德育的必要性和面临的机遇与挑战,并对专业德育的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

作业一个班的任教者,他(或她)关心着这个班的这门课在他(或她)的努力下是否取得了进步,一所学校的管理者同样关心着学校各年级各学科的整体教学水平是否有了实质性的提高.而这一切目前百分制的分数是很难解释的,比如××教师所教某班某科上次测验的成绩为70分(班平均),这次测验班平均分为75分,这不能认为是班的教学水平有所提高.因为这可能是由于试卷难度降低所至.  相似文献   

The study is aimed at generating knowledge on how faculty teachers reflect and justify their choice of subject content logic in teacher education, exemplified by a concurrent pre-service Subject Teacher Education in design, art, and crafts. Focus-group interviews generated data. Three topics were discussed: too many choices, different logics, and avoiding confrontation. Faculty teachers expressed various understandings of content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), linked to the teachers' intuitive and reasoned reflections and preconceptions through the anchoring effect and attribute substitution. The study contributes to the knowledge base by reframing problematic sides of education, and by expanding the understanding of CK and conditions for PCK by exploring the thread between educational psychologist Lee Shulman and psychologist Daniel Kahneman.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Chemistry curriculum should account for learning in context and understanding chemistry at the macroscopic and microscopic levels: the symbol level and...  相似文献   


In response to the increasing number of Spanish-speaking students at public schools, Spanish-speaking teachers are in demand. In regards to this high demand, how are Latina/o bilingual education teachers treated at school? Using critical race theory's counter-stories, this study investigated the working conditions of two Latina bilingual teachers. The participants’ stories reveal that the schools found the participants’ language skills to be both financially and instructionally beneficial. However, the participants experienced heavy workloads, which did not offer them the time and opportunity to develop stronger professional networks at school. They began to feel isolated and marginalized from their colleagues. Although eagerly hired by their respective school administrators, it seems that the participants were systematically exploited by the schools for which they worked.  相似文献   

1是收费好,还是降低录取率好?最近,各界人士对普通高校收费偏高表示了强烈的不满。如张贵峰在文章“对‘读书无用论’的经济学分析”(《中国青年报》2005年11月11日)中就认为:“目前大学学费比1989年增加了25~50倍,…学费涨幅10倍于居民收入增长”。虽然,我也认为普通高校学费不能过高,但是,综合各方面的情况看,普通高校学费的提高,对扩大普通高校规模,让更多人享受高等教育,是功不可没的。在某次教育经济学授课过程中,有学生问我:“对我国普通高校收费提高,您是怎样看的?”我的回答是:作为家长,我当然希望孩子上大学的时候,学费不要提高,最…  相似文献   

校园文化理念是“现代”教育理念 ,蕴含着以人为本、自主创新等丰富的创新教育内容 ,在本质上与创新教育理念是一致的。校园文化理念引入构建高师院校创新教育教学模式的可行性在于 ,校园文化的发展历来就是课程与教学改革的支持力量 ,校园文化建设在高师院校具有比较优势 ,高师校园文化的发展也是基础教育改革的需要。以校园文化理念构建创新教育教学模式 ,其核心课题就是改造课程文化。  相似文献   

This paper will outline answers to the two central questions regarding improving engineering education: (1) What is the full set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that engineering students should possess as they leave the university, and at what level of proficiency? (2) How can we do better at ensuring that students learn these skills? The suggested answers lie within an innovative educational framework, the CDIO (conceive–design–implement–operate) Initiative. This initiative will be described along with the needs it meets, its goals, context, vision and pedagogical foundation. The first question is answered by the CDIO Syllabus and the process for reaching stakeholder consensus on the level of proficiency that students should attain in a given program. The second question is addressed through a best practice framework, which discusses curriculum design, design-implement experiences, teaching and learning, student assessment, program evaluation and faculty competence. Examples are provided of the implementation of best practices within the CDIO program in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Reprinted with the permission from International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) www.icas.org This paper was originally presented at ICAS 2006 Congress in Hamburg, Germany and included in the congress proceedings.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育对于学生未来发展和提高国家竞争力有着举足轻重的作用,但在我国目前的教育体系中却呈现明显缺失.因此,尽快启动职业生涯教育,并使其日臻完善和本土化,便成为当务之急,势在必行.本文以武汉市为个案来研究基础教育阶段实施职业生涯教育的状况,发现其中存在的问题并进行分析,在此基础上提出可供政府、学校及社会参考的相关建议.  相似文献   

素质教育的实施对中学化学教师提出了新的更高的要求。本文对素质教育和中学化学教师的基本情况进行了分析,并提出了培养化学教师的途径。  相似文献   

This investigation examines the career development of a sample of engineers from pre-degree to, in many cases, post-chartered status. Their personal and academic characteristics are evaluated and linked to their effectiveness as professional engineers, as measured by salary rewards. Although these personal and academic factors are commonly believed to be an important component of industrial effectiveness and a valid predictor of future performance, they appear to have only a marginal influence and questionable value as predictive mechanisms. None the less, the study gives insight into the personal motivations and aspirations of engineering graduates and makes a number of recommendations for educationalists. Whenever possible, the findings of this study are compared with those of other authors.

SOMMAIRE La présente recherche examine le profil de carriere d'une echantillon d'inginiéurs et techniciens, depuis la périod precedant l'octroi de la licence jusqu'au moment ou, dans un grand nombre de cas, ils ont obtenu le status d'experts brevetes. Les caractéristiques personnelles et academiques de chacun y sont évaluées et associées a lews capacityés professionnelles, mesurees selon lew niveau de rémunération. Bien que cesfacteurs académiques et professionals soient communement consideréres comme un élement important de leur efficacité industrielle et un indicateur valable de leurs performances futures, ils semblent n'avoir qu'une influence marginals et une valeur douteuse en tant que mécanism de prédiction. La présent etude permet cependant d'eclairer les motivations personnelles et les aspirations des ingénieurs et techniciens diplômés et offre un certain nombre de recommandations aux enseignants. Lorsque les circonstances le permettent, des paralleles sont etablis entres les resultats de cette recherche et ceaux obtenue par d'autres auteurs.  相似文献   

实施卓越工程师教育培养计划是我国高等工程教育面临的重大任务。本文介绍了我校在借鉴国内外高等工程教育成功经验的基础上,根据我国化工行业发展与对化工专业设置的要求,结合我校化学工程与工艺专业的现状,以工程技术为主线,着力提高学生的工程意识、工程素质和工程实践能力,进行化学化工课程体系改革的经验和措施,以期为地方院校化学工程人才培养提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of two different career education courses on career decision making for college freshmen in Taiwan. Two different career education courses were designed for college students; one was a cognitive restructuring intervention and the other was a career decision skills training intervention. The cognitive restructuring career education course was compared to two other conditions. Approximately 164 college freshmen were administered the Career Decision Scale, a demographic sheet, and a follow-up questionnaire. The design selected for the study was a pre- and post-test design, using two experimental groups (two approaches to career education courses) and one control group. A total of 152 subjects completed both pre- and post-analyses. A 3 × 2 multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was performed. The factors were treatment and gender. In the comparisons of the students who took the two different approaches to career education courses and the students who did not, statistical analyses of the data indicated that regardless of gender, a significant treatment main effect on the indecision scale of the Career Decision Scale was found. However, there were no significant treatment group differences between the two experimental groups. Implications and suggestions for designing a college career education course were also discussed.  相似文献   

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