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美国研究型图书馆人力资源管理实践研究   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
简要分析图书馆加强人力资源管理研究,建设一流人才队伍的重要性,介绍美国图书馆在人力资源建设方面的做法和有益经验,概述图书馆一流人才队伍的特征、管理机制、发展趋势,为我国图书馆人力资源管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从设施水平与发展过程、地方图书馆组织形式、系统运作、行政管理地方化等四个方面,和全国、地方两个层面,分析美国公共图书馆建设模式,对比中国设定公共图书馆服务体系建设目标、图书馆发展路径、系统协作、推行行业标准等方面提出相应建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):219-236

The practice of collection development faces many challenges in the present and likely future library environment. The following text presents concepts for collaboration as viable solutions to these challenges for collection development in academic libraries. In particular, a model of collaboration involving department faculty representatives and library liaisons is discussed. Consulting professional literature on this topic has offered insight into the establishment of librarian-faculty relationships, the process of collaboration, benefits of collaboration, as well as problems that may result from such cooperative relationships. Examples are illustrated from experiences at three academic libraries: University of Nevada Las Vegas, University of South Florida, and Hillsborough Community College.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]精准扶贫已经成为当前我国图书馆创新发展的热点之一,本文较为全面地调研梳理了我国图书馆参与精准扶贫的进展现状,并分析了当前所面临的主要挑战,对于未来图书馆参与精准扶贫建设具有一定的参考与启迪价值。[方法/过程]本文针对我国图书馆系统的"公共图书馆"高校图书馆"和"专业图书馆"三种类型维度,按照研究思考和实践举措两种建设层面,对我国图书馆参与精准扶贫的相关建设工作进行全面梳理,总结目前我国图书馆精准扶贫建设的进展情况,并分析目前图书馆精准扶贫中所存在的一些挑战。[结果/结论]本文对我国图书馆参与精准扶贫的现有报道进行了较为全面地梳理与全景勾勒,剖析了三类图书馆参与精准扶贫的研究思考与实践举措,充分展示了图书馆参与精准扶贫的重要智慧与经验,并指出了未来发展中有待解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

This article is part of a series in this regular feature which looks at new directions in health science libraries. This paper highlights new initiatives aimed at ensuring health libraries can contribute to the development of Uganda in the 21st century and the challenges facing libraries. It stresses that for libraries to be successful they need to form networks and collaborations for resource sharing; take advantage of the benefits of information technology; computerise their library systems; as well as invest in the development of staff. The paper highlights the main challenge facing the library service as inadequate funding both from government for public‐funded health libraries and the private sector (for privately funded health libraries). The paper concludes that, despite the bottlenecks brought about by inadequate funding, Ugandan health libraries have taken positive steps to support health research and education, as well as patient care, not just for Uganda, but for the whole of the East African region. J.M.  相似文献   

Since the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) unveiled its WorldCat Local library catalog discovery layer in 2008, library instructors have debated how to incorporate this tool into their teaching. WorldCat Local's faceted searching brings both educational benefits and unexpected challenges to the classroom. Instructors frequently hold formal and informal discussions on such topics as which search features are most effective during teaching and which patron groups benefit most from this tool. The authors of this article surveyed instruction librarians at U.S. academic libraries that are using WorldCat Local in order to gather and organize this feedback. This article presents the findings of this survey.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2012,31(4):428-452

This exploratory research investigates how American public libraries have addressed the issue of media literacy in their communities from 2016 to 2018, including programs, partnerships, and other initiatives. The authors selected this period because events, such as the 2016 U.S. presidential election, contributed to an increased national concern about media literacy. This study fills a research gap by providing a broader assessment of public library responses to this issue, as most of the published literature thus far stems from academic libraries. An electronic survey solicited data from both a stratified purposive sample and a self-selecting sample of public libraries throughout the United States (U.S.). Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from sixty-five public libraries revealed several key themes related to media literacy initiatives, including types of initiatives developed, initiatives deemed most successful by staff, community response to initiatives, and reasons for not pursuing initiatives. Findings denote the current state of how public libraries address media literacy and offer practical guidance for those developing media literacy initiatives. Key findings are as follows: lack of staff time is the reason most often cited for not engaging in media literacy initiatives; more effective measurements are needed to assess both community needs and outcomes of library initiatives; “fake news” is a topic of interest in the community and among library staff; and there appears to be a relationship between staff interest in the topic and perceived interest on the part of the public, which may impact efforts to address the issue. Implications for practice resulting from those findings include engaging in initiatives that maximize service while minimizing staff time involvement; measuring and assessing community interests as well as outcomes of initiatives; using trending topics such as “fake news” to increase interest in library services; and continuing to increase staff awareness of and training in issues deemed important by the library community.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前基础薄弱的地市级公共图书馆的发展陷于困境,尤其是中西部、少数民族地区等经济欠发达地区的地市级公共图书馆,基础设施普遍薄弱,办馆理念、人才队伍建设、资源建设等与发达地区的差距日益扩大的现状,探讨地市级图书馆的发展方略。[方法/过程] 结合内蒙古赤峰市图书馆发展的实践过程,总结阻碍地市级公共图书馆发展的共性问题及具体的解决办法。[结果/结论] 提出地市级公共图书馆发展的治人、治馆、治业、治学的"四治"发展方略,以期对我国地市级公共图书馆,尤其是贫困地区地市级公共图书馆的发展有所助益。  相似文献   

趋势种种--图书馆数字化网络化研究札记   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
文章认为近年来图书馆的主要发展和趋势包括馆藏数字化、业务网络化、技术商业化、馆员参考化、合作全球化、服务人性化、发展两极分化等七个方面,分析了图书馆发展变化的特点,提出了图书馆数字化网络化和全球信息资源共享中存在的各种问题.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):57-73

Public librarians derive the philosophical and ethical principles that guide our practice from transcendent ideals which are also embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This article reviews the foundation of the U.S. public library and key documents that have characterized its development. Recent violations of human rights in U.S. libraries include closure; exclusion of the homeless; refusal to purchase Spanish-language materials; ordinances against gay pride display; and filtering. The importance of the public librarian's commitment to human rights as the ethical basis for library service is defined and discussed.  相似文献   

文章以第五次公共图书馆评估数据为基础,运用计量分析的方法,对安徽地市级公共图书馆的发展状况进行了总结,对存在的问题进行了分析。结合安徽实际,提出发展地市级公共图书馆事业的对策。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过探讨突发公共卫生事件下图书馆应急服务的实践方案,为图书馆在处理应急事件时提供一个切实可行的参考方案,可提高图书馆馆员信息素养与应急处理能力,并进一步完善馆藏资源建设策略。[方法/过程] 以北京市委党校图书馆在突发公共卫生事件下资源服务实践为例,从现有图书馆应急服务的现状与不足,馆员团队远程协同合作模式,应急服务实践的策略制定、设计与实现等角度出发,全面分析突发公共卫生事件下图书馆应急服务的探索与实践过程,并提出若干问题与建议。[结果/结论] 北京市委党校图书馆从突发公共卫生事件下的用户需求出发,构建了多个基于当前地域下的多方位应急服务案例,有效地提高了图书馆面向社会提供更好服务的能力以及图书馆用户的信息素养,驱动图书馆资源建设的进一步发展。  相似文献   

在美国国家宽带计划出台后,政府重视民众数字素养的提升,把公共图书馆作为数字素养教育的重要机构,给予政策、资金等多方面的支持。在政府的倡导下,与公共图书馆相关的行业协会积极对数字素养教育开展研究,并以此指导公共图书馆。行业协会与商业公司合作,以资源、项目支持着公共图书馆的数字素养教育。我国公共图书馆应重视数字素养教育,以社会弱势群体为重点服务对象,专业组织对此予以声援和引导,同时政府应加大投入,引导全社会支持公共图书馆的数字素养教育。  相似文献   

Results of a 2017 survey of 983 public librarians in the U.S. and Canada show that libraries increasingly provide opportunities for both youth and adults to practice yoga at the library. This article examines how these public library yoga programs work and what impacts they have. Most libraries have limited means to assess the impact of these programs. Nonetheless, over 80% of responding librarians said participation in yoga programs had met or exceeded their expectations, and 60% said yoga programs have brought new users into their libraries. These results suggest that yoga programs in public libraries are having significant effects.  相似文献   

根据公共图书馆的基本功能、原则,借鉴国外图书馆的管理体制与经验,结合国内发达地区公共图书馆服务与管理的实践,针对西南地区公共图书馆服务管理现状与存在的问题,理清思路,提出解决问题的策略,规范西南地区公共图书馆服务管理的标准,促进西南地区图书馆事业的健康发展。  相似文献   


The National Curriculum for England and Wales, implemented following the 1988 Education Reform Act, has had a profound impact on learning resource needs in schools. Whereas in many other countries the centralization of decision making over the content and delivery, of the curriculum is well established, the education system in the U.K. has, until recently, been characterized by fragmentation and a lack of central political direction. Teachers and librarians in the U.K. had previously worked within a culture which allowed considerable autonomy, with school library services provided by the local education authority as an additional resource for schools. School librarians are now being faced with the need to provide for a centrally directed curriculum, and to support specific information skills teaching in schools, increasingly without the support of a school library service, the service provided by public libraries as agents of the local education authority, to supplement libraries within schools. The use of information technology, has also become more significant.

A British Library funded project, undertaken at Loughborough University's Department of Information and Library, Studies, has investigated the ways in which English secondary, school libraries are meeting these new challenges as the U.K. education system undergoes profound cultural and organizational change. The management of change within school libraries was a major task, and it was here that strategies for planning mirrored those being undertaken in the schools as a whole. Applying the principles of school development planning to the library emerged as a major feature of effective school libraries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 公共图书馆标准规范研究可促进相关标准的制定与完善,有利于公共图书馆事业科学健康发展。分析我国公共图书馆标准问题的研究现状,以期发现研究中存在的不足和盲点,为后续研究和实践提供参考。[方法/过程] 网络调查和实地考察相结合,分析目前国内公共图书馆标准制定和执行现状;通过文献计量与内容分析的结合,系统地调研研究现状;咨询标准领域研究和管理专家。[结果/结论] 目前相关研究主要包括:国外公共图书馆标准介绍与比较、现有公共图书馆标准规范分析和公共图书馆标准规范的建设研究等;相关研究还处于探索阶段,存在诸多问题;提出明确标准体系、关注重点领域、优化监督评价机制等研究展望。  相似文献   

保存人类文化遗产是公共图书馆的社会职能,将数字人文与口述历史引入公共图书馆工作实践,在赓续城市文化记忆、创新公共图书馆服务内容等方面具有丰富的可能性。文章从数字人文角度介绍和分析中美两国公共图书馆参与数字人文与口述历史的实践案例。在此基础上,从价值分析、路径设计两方面展开论证,对广州图书馆参与文化记忆保存与传播工作展开初步设想:整合既有资源、创新资源收集渠道与方法、培养专业人才队伍、加强整理开发与推广应用。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for England and Wales, implemented following the 1988 Education Reform Act, has had a profound impact on learning resource needs in schools. Whereas in many other countries the centralization of decision making over the content and delivery, of the curriculum is well established, the education system in the U.K. has, until recently, been characterized by fragmentation and a lack of central political direction. Teachers and librarians in the U.K. had previously worked within a culture which allowed considerable autonomy, with school library services provided by the local education authority as an additional resource for schools. School librarians are now being faced with the need to provide for a centrally directed curriculum, and to support specific information skills teaching in schools, increasingly without the support of a school library service, the service provided by public libraries as agents of the local education authority, to supplement libraries within schools. The use of information technology, has also become more significant.A British Library funded project, undertaken at Loughborough University's Department of Information and Library, Studies, has investigated the ways in which English secondary, school libraries are meeting these new challenges as the U.K. education system undergoes profound cultural and organizational change. The management of change within school libraries was a major task, and it was here that strategies for planning mirrored those being undertaken in the schools as a whole. Applying the principles of school development planning to the library emerged as a major feature of effective school libraries.  相似文献   

在调查数据的基础上,对南京地区高校、公共和科研图书馆资源共享用户信息需求满足率、满意度及其影响因素,进行了分析、比较与评价,总结出南京地区图书馆资源共享系统在满足用户信息需求中取得的成绩和有待改进之处,并提出有关建议。  相似文献   

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