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Ricardo Trumper 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):205-218
This paper study analyzes differences in motivation towards science subjects among kibbutz and urban high school students in Israel. Students' motivational traits in science were explored by a questionnaire whose items corresponded to four motivational patterns: achievement, curiosity, conscientiousness and sociability. The major findings of this study are that a) Kibbutz students were mostly sociability oriented in the learning of science, b) city students were mostly sociability and achievement oriented in the learning of science, c) city students were better achievers than kibbutz students in junior high school, while in senior high school the difference between them was nonsignificant, d) there was a significant increase in kibbutz students' achievement motivation in learning science when passing from junior to senior high school.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a quasi-experimental study examining the effectiveness of flipped instruction in a 9th grade biology classroom. This study included four sections of freshmen-level biology taught by the first author at a private secondary school in the Pacific Northwest. Using a block randomized design, two sections were flipped and two remained traditional. The quiz and posttest data were adjusted for pretest differences using ANCOVA. The results suggest that flipped instruction had a positive effect student achievement, with effect sizes ranging from +0.16 to +0.44. In addition, some students reported that they preferred watching video lectures outside of class and appreciated more active approaches to learning.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in Israel, examined how learning strategies and motivational orientations contributed to high school students’ sense of achievement in a massive open online course. The objective was to integrate an innovative teaching–learning strategy into the educational system that is based on online learning for students in subjects that are rich in knowledge and technology. The researchers used a motivated strategies learning questionnaire modified to fit the purpose of this study. In addition, the researchers built and used a sense of achievement index based on social pedagogy as a leading principle in the current learning model. Structural Equation Modeling path analysis results suggested that projects-based learning subjects had a significant positive impact on motivational orientations and learning strategies, and they in turn had a significant positive impact on students’ sense of achievement.  相似文献   

从高一到高三学生的数学价值认可、数学自我效能感、表现目标、学习目标、内部归因都极其显著地下降;同普通班相比,优秀班学生的学习更倾向于学习目标,并且更加注重对所学数学内容的理解;理科学生在数学学习成就动机诸维度的得分要显著高于文科的学生;班主任不是数学老师班级的学生对数学价值的认可、数学成就内部归因都极其显著地高于班主任为数学老师班级的学生;男生对数学价值的认可和内化要明显高于女生,同时男生的数学自我效能感极其显著地高于女生.在私立中学的数学教学中要落实人本主义的教学理念,培养积极健康的数学学习心理,拓宽中学生的关联性知识和策略性知识.  相似文献   

翻转课堂是国际上较为流行的以学生为主体和激发学习兴趣为主旨的一种教学创新模式。翻转课堂与高中法治教育在教育理论和学习行为方式上具有天然的契合性。在高中法治教育中采取翻转课堂是我国未来教育教学改革的一种可选方式。  相似文献   

中学优生的时间管理倾向与成就动机的相关研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究探讨时间管理倾向与成就动机之间的关系。对四川成都市两所中学的175名中学优生的问卷调查研究发现:(1)中学优生的时间管理倾向各维度对追求成功动机存在着显著的正相关,与避免失败动机存在显著的负相关(时间监控观除外),(2)中学优生的时间管理倾向对成就动机具有显著的预测作用,表明时间管理倾向可能是影响学生成就动机的一个重要因素;(3)中学优生在时间管理倾向与成就动机上具有显著的年级差异,研究表明初二可能是培养时间管理倾向的关键时期。  相似文献   

为了解初中生考试焦虑和自尊、成就动机的现状及关系,为初中生的心理健康干预提供依据,通过问卷调查法对300位初中生的自尊、成就动机和考试焦虑状况进行测查。结果发现:初中生追求成功的动机明显高于避免失败的动机;追求成功的动机越高的人,考试焦虑程度越高,而避免失败程度越高的人,考试焦虑也相应较高;自尊水平越低的人,考试焦虑程度越高;自尊、追求成功的动机能在一定程度上预测考试焦虑。  相似文献   

周群 《考试研究》2012,(6):3-19
学业水平考试中学科能力内涵及其结构居于核心地位,也是考试有效性或效度的核心内容。本文以教育考试设计的理论框架模型为指导,提出了建立高中学业水平学生模型与课程内容标准的关系,指出应当依据课程内容标准确立学业水平考试学科能力内涵及其结构,提出了确定学业水平考试学科能力内涵及其结构的程序和方法,并以上海市普通高中思想政治学科学业水平考试为例,呈现了该学科考试的学科能力内涵及其结构。同时,命题、组卷和评分标准的制定是学业水平考试的中心环节,根据教育考试设计理论框架模型中的任务模型及评分模型,命题阶段必须保证命制的每一道试题要考查一定的学科知识和认知技能;试题考查的认知技能应该与考试大纲或课程内容标准相应知识内容的认知要求保持基本一致;每道试题的评分标准的评分准则应该与试题考查的认知技能的认知要素保持一致,且评分的等级应该能够真实地反映考生在相应认知技能上的实质差异。高质量的试卷还要求其考查的认知结构和知识内容结构与课程内容标准的认知结构和知识内容结构保持基本一致;整卷试题考查的认知能力与课程内容标准相应知识内容认知要求的一致性也应达到一定的指标。在我国当前的考试实践下,知识内容结构与课程内容标准的知识内容结构保持一致存在一定的难度。目前可行的操作方法是试卷考查的知识内容领域(或一级主题)及其权重必须与课程内容标准保持基本一致;每个内容领域(或一级主题)内尽可能覆盖比较多的知识内容主题(或二级知识内容主题);每个内容领域(或一级主题)内以考查主干知识内容为主,主干知识内容权重应明显高于次要知识内容的权重。  相似文献   


While evaluating a project designed to improve certain skills and motivation of disadvantaged tenth graders, the authors developed a unique scoring system for measuring college interest with the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (OIS) Form DD. This system permits the user to obtain a single score which if obtained from both pretest and posttest administrations attempts to measure change in interest toward college related occupations. In effect, it is anticipated that this would reflect change in interest in pursuing a college education.  相似文献   

成就动机(Achievement Motivation)指个人追求成就的内在动力。近些年,我国研究者在成就动机的实证与调查研究方面做了一些工作。有关成绩反馈对不同成就动机取向的学生后继成绩的影响研究发现,在我国文化背景下,从总体上,追求成功者的后继成绩高于避免失败者的;成就动机取向与目标类型在学生后继成绩上存在交互作用,这种交互作用只表现在目标差异的成绩反馈条件下,在目标协调的条件下无此现象。[1]陈俊等发现,重点中学学生的成就动机总分及追求成功动机的得分均显著高于普通中学学生,但避免失败的动机分数却明显低于普通中学学生。[2]周爱…  相似文献   

The Urban Review - In response to the underrepresentation of minoritized groups employed in the computer science (CS) field, this study aims to enhance underrepresented minoritized (URM)...  相似文献   

翻转课堂也叫颠倒课堂,是把对知识的讲解与知识的巩固进行了颠倒安排的一模式。其改变过去课堂教学中的师生角色。随着新课程改革的逐渐深入,翻转课堂教学模式在我国逐渐得以发展,它成为新课程改革的一种趋势。对"翻转课堂"的基本理论以及在英语课堂教学中的一系列运用进行分析将有效提高翻转课堂的运用实效。  相似文献   

作为现代信息技术与教育深度融合的教学实践范式,翻转课堂教育理念已成为教育改革的新思潮。通过反思、剖析翻转课堂在高中数学教学实践中的应用,为翻转课堂模式的本土化创造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

尝试"翻转课堂"阅读教学模式为出发点,探讨如何改变传统的授课思路与方法,增加师生间的互动和个性化接触时间,让所有学生阅读能力都都得到个性化提高。  相似文献   

This study examined the motivation and mathematics achievement of Asian-American, Caucasian-American, and East Asian students. Subjects were 304 Asian-American, 1,958 Caucasian-American, 1,475 Chinese (Taiwan), and 1,120 Japanese eleventh graders (mean age = 17.6 years). Students were given a curriculum-based mathematics test and a questionnaire. Mathematics scores of the Asian-American students were higher than those of Caucasian-American students but lower than those of Chinese and Japanese students. Factors associated with the achievement of Asian-American and East Asian students included having parents and peers who hold high standards, believing that the road to success is through effort, having positive attitudes about achievement, studying diligently, and facing less interference with their schoolwork from jobs and informal peer interactions. Contrary to the popular belief that Asian-American students' high achievement necessarily takes a psychological toll, they were found not to report a greater frequency of maladjustive symptoms than Caucasian-American students.  相似文献   

Students from a school in Hong Kong (n?=?199) responded to 22 items asking about their school motivation and aspirations in a survey. Structural equation models found four school motivation factors consistent with the task, effort, competition, and praise scales of the Inventory of School Motivation, one education aspiration factor, one career aspiration factor, and significant relations of the motivation factors with the aspiration factors. Task and effort orientations were found to be stronger than the other orientations and to have relatively stronger associations with education aspirations, whereas task and praise had stronger associations with career aspirations. In examining potential change in students’ goal orientations and aspirations through high school years, analysis of variance found that 7th‐graders had significantly higher scores in task and effort orientations and career aspirations than 9th‐graders, and higher scores in praise orientation than 11th‐graders. The apparent drop in motivation scores from Grade 7, especially in task and effort orientations, both pertaining to a mastery orientation dimension that has been assumed to be a major driving force for excellence, calls for urgent attention to student motivation in junior high school classes.  相似文献   

以268名高中生为有效被试,采用英语课堂焦虑问卷,考察不同性别、独生与非独生子女、城市与农村高中生英语课堂焦虑的差异。研究结果发现:不同性别高中生在英语课堂焦虑总均分及担心、紧张不安、害怕课堂提问三个因子均分上存在显著差异,男生得分均高于女生;独生与非独生子女、城市与农村高中生在英语课堂焦虑总均分及各因子均分上均没有显著差异。最后,给出了未来英语教育教学研究与实践的启示。  相似文献   

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