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胡改荣 《林区教学》2012,(10):31-31
小组合作学习有利于学生自主学习,自主探究;有利于学生相互合作,资源共享。小组合作学习能够实现优势互补,促进知识的建构,培养学生的合作意识,给每一个学生创造主动参与学习过程的机会,促进学生的个性发展。  相似文献   

浅谈合作学习的组织与实施——以形势与政策课为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是以小组活动为主体而进行的一种学习活动。开展合作学习有利于拓宽获取知识的渠道,促进学生能力的发展,有利于培养学生的合作意识和合作能力,有利于丰富学生的情感,有利于促进学生良好个性的形成,有利于教学信息的反馈。合作学习的组织实施包括确定目标、选拔组长、培训组长、合理分组、建立保障制度、开展合作研究和考评学习效果。在形势与政策课中开展合作学习,能够提高学生的政策意识,促进学生创新能力的提高,增强学生的责任感。  相似文献   

合作学习又称协作学习,是当今国内外呼声最高的学习理论之一。小组合作学习是一种以学生为中心、以小组合作形式进行语言交际的学习活动。在英语教学改革实践中,小组合作学习有利于培养学生的社会适应性,合作学习有利于体现学生的主体地位,为学生提供了更多的锻炼机会,促进了学生的全面发展,有利于师生关系的和谐;同时合作学习也有一些缺点如,难以对学生进行调控,学习效果是否切实有效难以衡量等。  相似文献   

合作探究学习是新课程背景下对于转变学生学习方式的一种提倡,目的在于通过合作探究,培养学生相互尊重、心理相容、关系和谐的学习习惯,进而达到最佳的学习效果。化学教学中开展合作探究学习可以组建小组,有效组织学生讨论,加深学生对问题的认识;设置问题应有利于学生合作探究能力的发展;建立合理的评价体系对学生的合作探究学习进行评价,有利于促进学生综合能力的提高。  相似文献   

刘开梅 《贵州教育》2008,(10):31-32
自主探索与合作学习是新课程倡导的重要学习方法之一,自主探索、合作学习有利于形成探究性学习的情景;有利于促进学生创新的发展进程;有利于提高学生开拓性学习的能力.我认为,自主探索、合作学习的能力是一种比简单学习知识更重要的能力,是一种更能体现个人创新品质的能力,是素质教育的重要内容.……  相似文献   

一、恰当选择合作学习内容并非任何学习内容都适合让学生在小组内合作学习。在小组学习的选择上,应主要从以下几方面考虑:一看是否有利于增加学生的知识积累,发展学生的知识水平;二看是否有利于促进学生动脑思考,发展学生的思维能力;三看是否有利于激发学生的参与意识,培养学生的合作精神;四看是否有利于激发学生的创造精神,培养学生的实践能力。二、积极参与小组合作学习小学生因为年龄小,自制力较弱,很容易在小组合作学习中离题万里,不知所云。为避免此类现象发生,教师要参与到学生小组的合作学习中去,即教师要做小组合作学习的促进者、激…  相似文献   

小组合作学习是新课改背景下构建高效课堂的教学方法,也是新课改倡导的重要教学方法之一,小学合作学习是适应社会教育发展要求的,尤其适应学生个性发展需要,小组合作学习有利于促进学生去探究、去创新,对促进学生综合能力提高起到重要作用。  相似文献   

提高课堂学习效率是有效提高教学质量的重要环节。语文课堂的学习模式,要有利于唤起、增强学生学习的合作参与意识;要能促进学生合作时机形成,拓宽学生合作学习深度与广度;能激发学生求知的欲望,从而提高学生学习的效率和语文能力。  相似文献   

合作学习是新课程改革积极倡导的新型学习方式,它不仅有利于激发学生参与学习、乐于学习的兴趣和动机,满足学生的求知欲、成功欲和表现欲,也有利于培养学生合作探究的习惯,促进学生自主学习能力和创新能力的发展。然而走进品德课堂,我们会发现合作学习并没有取得应有的实效。  相似文献   

小组合作的学习方式不仅能提高学生的竞争能力,更有利于学生合作行为与团队精神的养成,培养和提高学生的综合素质,是促进学生自主学习、探究学习、全面发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Research evidence from UK primary and secondary schools suggests that students expect teachers to engage in character development and values education and that this assists in their holistic learning. This article is based on a major UK research study which indicates that explicit and implicit attention to values in schools is positively welcomed by students. Students of all ages believe that the teacher can make a difference in contributing to their personal moral development. According to the students in this study, a successful values education program relies on the teacher as model and mentor, as well as pedagogue. This article considers the role of teachers on the character development of young people aged 10-19, largely based on the perceptions of over 5000 students in England. The data includes documentary analysis, interviews and surveys with teachers and students.  相似文献   

High-quality professional development is needed to prepare teachers to help students learn how to conduct online academic research and meet Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. This study created and evaluated a Web-based professional development program with five instructional modules designed to prepare middle-school teachers to teach their students nine strategies for conducting academic research online. The online professional development program was specifically created to help teachers implement the previously developed online SOAR Student Toolkit curriculum with all students in inclusive classrooms. Results of a 2015–2016 pilot study conducted with 13 teachers and 477 students in sixth to eighth grades indicated that most teachers perceived the professional development program to be of high quality and relevant in helping them teach online research skills to their students. Students significantly improved online research skills after learning from trained teachers (27 percentage points improvement, from 18% at pretest to 45% at posttest).  相似文献   

A supportive relationship between teachers and students has been shown to have positive effects on students’ performance and social development. Preservice teachers’ relational competence is, however, an unexplored area. The purpose of this study is to contribute to educational research about relational competence in teacher education by introducing a Swedish project which focuses on interpersonal aspects. The study has three parts. In the theoretical part, a conceptualization of teachers’ relational competence using Thomas Scheff’s theory of interpersonal relationships is outlined. In the empirical (pilot) part, a methodology for prompting preservice teachers’ analyses of teacher–student relationships is described, as well as a thematic analysis of their responses. The theoretical conceptualization is then used together with the empirical data in the third part, in order to identify development needs of preservice teachers in terms of relational competence. According to the conceptualization, relational competence includes three sub-concepts: communicative, differentiation, and socio-emotional competence. From the analysis of preservice students’ texts, the article identifies development needs in relation to the three sub-concepts. The concluding discussion focuses on lessons learned from the study regarding how to promote teacher students’ relational competence.  相似文献   

新课改下,小学教师课堂教学失范行为主要表现为:有失"职业道德规范"、违背"教学发展规律"、违背"学生发展规律"。针对此,提出以下改善策略:明确教师职业道德规范,建立监督考核机制;树立正确的教师观、学生观和发展观;形成自我控制和自我反思的意识,从而使教师的教学活动将自己的生命与学生的生命相结合,通过生命来唤醒生命、通过智慧来启迪智慧、通过行为来影响行为。  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ beliefs regarding linguistic diversity and their approaches to teaching Spanish as a second language (SSL) in the inclusion of immigrant students whose first language is not Spanish. Grounded in a qualitative study in multicultural schools in Andalusia (Spain), we compared the voices of two groups of teachers: regular teachers and specialist language teachers. Teachers reflected monolingual beliefs -from assimilationist to deficit approaches- and attached great importance to the role that SSL has for immigrant students. Results indicated the need for professional development for teachers to promote multilingualism based on beliefs of language-as-resource or language-as-right.  相似文献   

The study explores teachers’ experiences of teaching a context‐based chemistry course, Salters Advanced Chemistry, as compared with teachers of a conventional course. Second, main factors that appear to influence decisions over whether or not to adopt context‐based courses are investigated. Two hundred and twenty‐two teachers’ views of a context‐based and a conventional school advanced chemistry course were obtained from a questionnaire. Responses were analysed in six dimensions: motivation, chemical knowledge and development of concepts, learning activities, assessment, challenge to teachers and students, and teacher support. Both sets of teachers agreed that the context‐based course is more motivating to study and teach, that students would be more interested in chemistry and more likely to go to university to study chemistry, that students would be better able to study independently but that it is more demanding to teach and study. The groups differed principally about concept development and teaching strategy. The context‐based teachers believed that their course gave as good a foundation for further study as a traditional course and that the spiral curriculum was advantageous. Conventional course teachers disagreed with both statements. One significant implication to emerge from the study is the crucial role played by in‐service support in influencing the impact of a curriculum innovation.  相似文献   

学生核心素养的发展需要转变传统的教师知识结构,需要构建可引领学生的深度学习与合作学习的新教师素养。欧盟、美国以及新加坡等国际组织和国家的教师核心素养内涵和框架的比较研究可为我国教师的专业发展提供有益启示。促进学生核心素养发展的教师核心素养是知识、技能与价值的复杂融合,其核心是教师需要成为反思性实践者,其构建是一个终身学习的过程。  相似文献   

在社会发展的新时期,中学师生冲突在社会、家庭、教师及学生等方面有着新的成因,对此,在处理冲突时,首先要勇于面对冲突,因为冲突的产生及被处理的过程,也是教师及学生的成长、发展过程。在此基础上,教师要根据冲突产生的原因采取相应的、合适的方法使教师与学生在冲突中达成一致。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the various roles that early elementary teachers adopt when questioning, to scaffold dialogic interaction and students’ cognitive responses for argumentative practices over time. Teacher questioning is a pivotal contributing factor that shapes the role teachers play in promoting dialogic interaction in argumentative practice and that different roles serve different functions for promoting students’ conceptual understanding. The multiple-case study was designed as a follow-up study after a 4-year professional development program that emphasized an argument-based inquiry approach. Data sources included 30 lessons focusing on whole class discussion from three early elementary teachers’ classes. Data were analyzed through two approaches: (1) constant comparative method and (2) enumerative approach. This study conceptualized four critical roles of teacher questioning—dispenser, moderator, coach, and participant—in light of the ownership of ideas and activities. The findings revealed two salient changes in teachers’ use of questions and the relationships between teachers’ question-asking and students’ cognitive responses: (1) teachers increasingly used multiple roles in establishing argumentative discourse as they persistently implemented an argument-based inquiry approach, and (2) as teachers used multiple roles in establishing patterns of questioning and framing classroom interactions, higher levels of student cognitive responses were promoted. This study suggests that an essential component of teacher professional development should include the study of the various roles that teachers can play when questioning for establishing dialogic interaction in argumentation and that this development should consist of ongoing training with systematic support.  相似文献   

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