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当前大学出版社面临的资本壁垒、治理结构和技术与理念等问题,可以从转企改制的视角进行反思调整。转企改制对大学出版社的发展是手段,不是目的。让大学出版社回归大学二级学院,是大学出版进行调整的一个可供参考的选项。  相似文献   

大学出版社的转企改制不是像以前“事业单位,企业化管理”的改革那样仅限于机制,而是以企业制度为基础的体制改革。转企改制为国有独资有限责任公司,转企改制为多元化投资主体的有限责任公司或股份有限公司是大学出版社转企改制可选择的两种基本模式。由于大学出版社的行业特殊  相似文献   

转企改制后大学出版社凸显了两方面的问题:一是企业文化再构建及其实施路径,通过比较分析转企改制前后大学出版社企业文化的构成要素,论证作为企业的大学出版社再构建企业文化的必要性及其实施路径;二是产权结构缺陷及深化改革探讨,从法理层面阐述转企改制后大学出版社作为独资出版企业的缺陷和由此导致的难以全面建立健全现代企业制度的问题,并进一步探讨大学出版社产权多元化及对外股权投资的产权深化改革设想。  相似文献   

谢琴  段维 《中国出版》2012,(1):26-29
大学出版社至2010年8月已基本完成了转企改制,按照我国《公司法》的要求,成立了有限责任公司,广西师范大学出版社、北京师范大学出版社等还组建了出版集团。为顺利完成转企改制的任务,大学出版社多数采取了改革期过渡政策[1]。但这种渐进式的改革过程自然意味着改制的不彻底,因此大学出版社公司治理结构的完善就必然成为后改制时期的中心议题。  相似文献   

出版业的转企改制工作按照既定的步骤正在紧锣密鼓地进行中,地方出版社基本上已经完成了转制工作,大部分的大学出版社也接近尾声,中央部委出版社的改制工作已经启动,进展应该说比较顺利。然而,这是否就意味着出版业转制改革即将大功告成呢?这是出版人所关心的问题。转企改制不是目的,改革是为了发展,这个道理在理论上几乎人人都懂得,然而令人遗憾的是,成为今天转企改制顺利进行的动力却主要是因为有退税的优惠政策。因此,在许多已经完成转企改制的出版社,出现了一种令人尴尬的局面,除出版社的牌子和印章上多了有限(责任)公司几个字外,  相似文献   

全国大学出版社体制改革现已基本完成,转企改制后的各个大学出版社脱离了"事业性单位,企业化运营"的体制。绝大多数大学出版社也进行了机制改革,建立了适应出版规律和市场经济的运营方式,但也有一些大学出版社机制缺乏创新。在体制和机制改革的背景下也出现了一些新问题,这些问题只有完善改革才能解决。  相似文献   

大学出版社的主要使命不是商业利润,而是它的学术使命.本文对我国大学出版社转企改制后应秉承的学术使命、文化追求、出版特征等进行深入的探讨,并提出当下我国学术出版所存在的问题及对策.  相似文献   

出版单位改制的方向是让出版社成为独立法人,建立现代企业制度.因此,如何进行企业化运作,进行科学的公司治理,是出版社转企改制后不得不面对的一个现实问题.  相似文献   

人员安置是高校出版社转企改制最重要、最关键、最敏感的问题.试点高校出版社在劳动人事关系处理上进行了有益的尝试,积累了一定的经验.改制后的出版社壮大了实力.按照转企改制中劳动人事关系的处理原则,结合新时期高校出版社的现状.就高校出版社转制后如何正确处理劳动人事关系提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

大学出版社转企改制工作正全面展开.但作为主办单位的高校和出版社及其员工,其思想观念和转制步骤与出版管理部门既定的规划目标存在一定程度的差异,因此在转企改制初期,很多出版社向主办高校争取了一些"过渡性"政策,或者说主办高校采取了一些过渡性策略,力求兼顾多方的要求和利益.本文本着实事求是的态度,对这种过渡性策略的合理性与局限性进行了分析.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全国各类图书馆的中文图书采购量急剧上升,针对这块新兴的团购市场,出版业应予以足够的关注.文章通过对高校图书馆团购的特点及大学出版社的图书结构进行剖析,就出版社的营销策略提出自己的认识和思考.  相似文献   

网络媒体尤其移动媒体的发展对传统出版业带来很大的冲击,通过社交媒体进行品牌传播树立与提升出版社的品牌形象已经成为其发展的必由之路。本文将研究对象集中于大学出版社微博,采用内容分析法与回归分析法探究其微博传播的现状以及传播内容的类型、丰富程度、互动性、微博发布数量以及出版社自身的实力等因素对其粉丝量与好友数的影响,最后基于以上视角提出大学出版社的发展策略。  相似文献   

Academic book and journal publishing constitutes the majority focus of university presses. Besides commercial scholarly publishers, academic scholars and researchers view the opportunities provided by university presses as important venues for the dissemination of their research. This discussion focuses on the disciplinary imperative to publish scholarship that is ever more fluid and specialized as academic disciplines continue to become further nuanced in their response to the increasing knowledge produced by humanities and social science inquiry. The focus is on university presses and not commercial scholarly presses, although constitute a significant locus of scholarly publishing. What are the general characteristics of academic specialization and university press publishing? Further, how is disciplinary fluidity, especially evolving specialization, reflected in university press book publishing nomenclature and how scholarship is tied to the intellectual preoccupations of academic specialization? Multi- and inter-disciplinarities further articulate disciplinary publishing, accelerating disciplinary fluidity. Examples from disciplinary and emerging configurations of disciplinary nomenclature utilized by university presses offers insight into specialization and publishing. Academic history publishing is used to illustrate newly emerging fluid disciplinary configurations.  相似文献   

Have university presses shifted their focus toward trade books? It so, when did this shift occur and why? Changes in funding of research and education, in consumer spending and publishers' sales, and in trade publishers' attitudes toward “midlist” books are discussed as influential factors. The article also examines the way university presses define trade books and the impact of publishing trade books on university press lists. Finally, the article describes current trends in university press publishing.  相似文献   

高校科技期刊的出版模式初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
根据高校科技期刊的编辑出版现状和新的出版形势,分析高校科技期刊的办刊优势与影响力,提出高校科技期刊出版的4种模式:学术与经营分离,基本维持现有体制,与校内出版单位整合,独立设置科技期刊出版单位.  相似文献   

University press books play a pivotal role in the transmission of knowledge among academics and to serious readers outside universities. Yet the market for these books underwent substantive changes and posted lacklustre increases in net publishers' revenues and unit sales between 1985 and 1999. In this article, statistical data on university presses' net publishers' unit and dollar revenues, covering the years 1985 through 1999, are analysed to ascertain: (i) shifts in the channels of distribution; (ii) the future demand for university press books for the years 2000 through 2004; and (iii) the price elasticity of demand for these titles. Other issues addressed briefly include competition from commercial academic publishers, consolidation in the publishing industry, the rise in importance of the global market for university press books, and financial issues.  相似文献   

The age of information has made university presses more important than ever before. The Internet has placed knowledge at our fingertips, but limited budgets and reluctance to embrace digital technologies have left many university publishers struggling to prove their worth rather than gathering and disseminating that knowledge. To demonstrate how a university publishing house can make it in this changing climate, this report will analyze the industry by using a specific publisher as an example, however this analysis can be applied to any small press. Pace University Press, an extremely small press, but one with the potential to survive and grow, can do so by implementing new practices in marketing, distribution, and digital content that will not only bring it into the twenty-first century, but ensure its continued role in the communication of scholars for years to come. These strategies can be beneficial to any university press.  相似文献   

张建军  李春风 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):394-396
随着新闻出版行业改革的推进,学术期刊改革也提上了日程。尽管业界对学术期刊是否要全面改企、如何进行改企等问题还存在诸多争议,但学术期刊的编辑已经感到了前所未有的压力。随着市场竞争的加剧,编辑人员也必将优胜劣汰。不管学术期刊如何改革,作为学术期刊的编辑,要充分认识自身的不足,并进行积极有效的弥补。只有具备专业学术能力和编校能力,才能更好地提升自身的竞争力,才能在日趋激烈的市场竞争中把编辑工作干得更好。  相似文献   

In this article the author addresses the abandonment of the mid-list trade book market by commercial publishing houses and the development of that market niche by entrepreneurially oriented but beleagured university press directors in the 1970s. How many presses are issuing trade books? Hard statistical data is difficult to obtain. Yet a review of university press catalogues reveals a surge of interest in this book area. However, this niche does not belong exclusively to university presses. Intense competition is now surfacing from new, small but aggressive publishing houses interested in this market. This means that university press directors will be compelled to develop and utilize sophisticated marketing strategies if they plan to remain active and successful in this potentially lucrative but hotly contested market.  相似文献   

吴星 《出版科学》2011,19(3):48-52
在当前报刊退出机制环境下,以57家河北省高校学报为研究对象,从类别分布、区域分布、创刊时期、出版周期、传播途径、影响因子和特色建设等方面对河北省高校学报的出版状况进行统计分析,指出只有增强高校的科研实力,借助积极的市场元素,向专业性方向发展,才能提高高校学报的影响力。  相似文献   

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