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Recent advances in the cognitive sciences along with theoretical perspectives from a Vygotskian learning paradigm are used to provide a justification for direct instruction in religious education. Direct instruction is not seen as the end of the learning process but one way in which students can be equipped to engage in more complex learning tasks which both challenge and engage them. To be pedagogically effective, direct instruction must be part of a wider teaching strategy and be based on a number of key principles, such as coherence, signalling and recognition of prior learning. The paper argues that direct instruction is especially relevant when dealing with conceptually difficult material. In addition, it also has a place when working with students who lack strong content knowledge.  相似文献   

In the early childhood education field, the way children are conceptualised has substantially shifted in recent times. Child development theory has been unsettled as the single canon of early childhood practice. This has in turn challenged constructions of educators as keepers of a universal knowledge base, and as apolitical, non-interventionist facilitators of the natural unfolding development of individuals. While reconceptualising the early childhood knowledge base has oriented theorists and activists towards equity, unsettling educator subjectivities requires careful consideration in a feminised profession such as early childhood education. There is a need for greater discussion about how educators experience the uncertainties that accompany profound changes in teaching practice and identities and how educators can harness these uncertainties in ways that strengthen the profession. In this paper, I offer excerpts from teacher research that show how theories of affect support practitioners to engage productively the reflexivity needed to reconceptualise their roles as educators. I use affect theory to consider how the intra- and inter-personal dimensions of critically reflective practice can bolster the democratic and collectivist orientations in the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Reem Ramadan 《Open Learning》2017,32(3):196-213
This paper aims to analyse the role of Facebook in academia during the Syrian crisis. Data were collected by means of an online survey from 726 students at Damascus University (Males = 446, Females = 280). Results indicated that Facebook facilitated communication and resource sharing in times of war and crisis where safe commuting posed a challenge for students. It served as an alternate trustworthy medium within the failure of the official web sites at Damascus University. The study suggests that Facebook is an effective pedagogical tool for countries going through crisis and war situations, and a promising educational tool that warrants further attention in underdeveloped and Arab countries in general.  相似文献   


In common with other parts of the United Kingdom, teacher education in Scotland is facing a period of rapidly changing demands with respect to the use of information and communications technology (ICT), together with high levels of investment, rising expectations, and increased scrutiny and accountability. In this article, we present an account of a national survey of the ICT skills and attitudes of students entering and exiting from the teacher education institutions in Scotland in the session 1996-97. The students are extremely positive in their attitudes, their enthusiasm for ICT use in education is high and their aspirations clear – they expect ICT to permeate their professional work now and in the future. Their experiences during their period of training fall considerably short of their expectations. We discuss the reasons for some of the difficulties and consider the challenges faced by tutors in initial teacher education courses who must now ‘model the message’ of a learner-centred approach to the education of their students.  相似文献   

Despite a long tradition, conventional anatomy education based on dissection is declining. This study tested a new virtual reality (VR) technique for anatomy learning based on virtual contrast injection. The aim was to assess whether students value this new three‐dimensional (3D) visualization method as a learning tool and what value they gain from its use in reaching their anatomical learning objectives. Several 3D vascular VR models were created using an interactive segmentation tool based on the “virtual contrast injection” method. This method allows users, with relative ease, to convert computer tomography or magnetic resonance images into vivid 3D VR movies using the OsiriX software equipped with the CMIV CTA plug‐in. Once created using the segmentation tool, the image series were exported in Quick Time Virtual Reality (QTVR) format and integrated within a web framework of the Educational Virtual Anatomy (EVA) program. A total of nine QTVR movies were produced encompassing most of the major arteries of the body. These movies were supplemented with associated information, color keys, and notes. The results indicate that, in general, students' attitudes towards the EVA‐program were positive when compared with anatomy textbooks, but results were not the same with dissections. Additionally, knowledge tests suggest a potentially beneficial effect on learning. Anat Sci Ed 2:61–68, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The history of pedagogics gives the impression that pedagogics has never had an identity of its own. Throughout history it has borrowed its identity from philosophy, theology, psychology and sociology. Against the background of this historical challenge, the article proposes pedagogical practice as an alternative identity to pedagogics, although not in the classical sense of an absolute and self‐sufficient identity, and it develops one particular ontological theory of pedagogical practice viewed from a life‐world approach with the ambition of suggesting a theoretical point of departure for pedagogical research.  相似文献   

Classes are key software components in an object-oriented software system. In many industrial OO software systems,there are some classes that have complicated structure and relationships. So in the processes of software maintenance,testing,software reengineering,software reuse and software restructure,it is a challenge for software engineers to understand these classes thoroughly. This paper proposes a class comprehension model based on constructivist learning theory,and implements a software visualization tool(MFV-Class)to help in the comprehension of a class. The tool provides multiple views of class to uncover manifold facets of class contents. It enables visualizing three object-oriented metrics of classes to help users focus on the understanding process. A case study was conducted to evaluate our approach and the toolkit.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The increasingly complex and large number ofsoftware products in today’s software industrymakes the tasks of software maintenance, softwarereuse and software restructuring more and moredifficult. With the popularity of the object-orientedprogramming paradigm, the ability to reverse en-gineer and understand object-oriented legacy sys-tems has become an important problem to be ad-dressed. In the object-oriented reverse engineering(OORE) research area, most researchers f…  相似文献   

The Finnish social pedagogical curriculum for early childhood education directs early childhood teachers to use documentation to assess and develop pedagogy and practise. This empirical study examines the challenges and benefits a group of Finnish preschool teachers experienced when they learned to document their work. Although the idea of documenting appears fine in theory, and international experiences of constructing child-centered pedagogy through documents are promoted in the literature, accomplishing this task successfully is challenging in practise. In this study, as the features of documentation in early childhood education and care practise were considered critically, ideological discord was found within the national and local policy-making process, including problems with pedagogical leadership, which reduced the power of documentation in practise. However, the study also revealed that using documentation empowered the teachers as professionals, helped them communicate with parents and children, and guided them to focus on the children’s views.  相似文献   

In recent years, multimedia technologies have become increasingly common in teaching practice. Digital video has provided a welcome alternative to traditional instructional techniques. Though it has been used to facilitate research collaboration [Armstrong, V., & Curran, S. (2006 Armstrong, V., & Curran, S. (2006). “Developing a Collaborative Model of Research Using Digital Video.” Computers & Education 46 (3): 336–347  [Google Scholar]). “Developing a Collaborative Model of Research Using Digital Video.” Computers & Education 46 (3): 336–347], it remains an under-utilized resource for presentation and research dissemination in doctoral education. The Innovation Academy at Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin has established innovation and entrepreneurship alongside research and education as an integral element of the PhD programme. Since 2010, the Innovation Academy has facilitated the use of digital video within an interactive multidisciplinary learning environment. While enrolled on a Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, over 100 doctoral students have planned, shot, edited and presented a short video, ‘pitching’ their PhD research. This paper details the rationale and process of capturing complex research findings using this medium. We explore the challenges of using video to organize empirical data, visually represent theoretical concepts and evaluate its effectiveness in communicating PhD research to non-expert groups, the wider academic community and potential industry partners. Based on our findings, we reflect on how digital video may be used as a valuable tool for learning in action.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the discourse of teachers and instructors in a TEAMS (Teaching Exploratively for All Mathematics Students) professional development (PD) setting and on the discursive mechanisms that afford such learning. We conceptualize learning in this PD as a change in a teacher's pedagogical discourse—from alignment with Delivery Pedagogical Discourse (DPD) to alignment with Explorative Pedagogical Discourse (EPD). This change in pedagogical discourse involves commognitive conflicts between the DPD and EPD. Data for the study include 8 videotaped sessions from a 2-year TEAMS PD for middle school mathematics teachers. Results show that conflict revolved around four themes. The most common was about students' abilities and its relation to instruction. The others were: Who is responsible for constructing mathematics knowledge in class? Limited view of the EPD, and what is considered ordinary instruction? We also identified four levels of conflict, ranging from commognitive conflict that is implicit to the participants, to conflict that is made explicit and reflected upon. Finally, results show movement from implicit conflict towards explication of conflict during the two years of the PD.



Modeled after Horace Miner's classic article “The Body Ritual of the Nacirema,” an explanation of modern day Nacirema undergraduates as “academic deviants” is used as a pedagogical tool for negotiating criminological theory. Similar to the question, why do people commit crime, this paper asks why are some students “criminal”, i.e., poor students?  相似文献   

The study examined a project aimed at helping students develop professional interpersonal skills. Groups of university students in social work, teacher training, and a student mentoring program for children at-risk participated in seminars where they developed narratives derived from personal experience in interaction with others. The theoretical framework for the project was inspired by the idea of “stories to live by” developed by Clandinin and Connelly. Data for the study were collected from questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. Results indicated that narrative-building activities, when implemented in a structured and consistent manner, can contribute to improving empathy and perspective-taking abilities, developing self-knowledge, and enhancing communication skills.  相似文献   

A brief review of the history of pedagogical content knowledge reveals various definitions and conceptualizations of the construct, as well as some conceptual problems. A new conceptualization—teacher pedagogical constructions—is offered to address some of the problems associated with PCK. Seven assertions that comprise the new conceptualization are presented, explained and defended. These are: (1) PCK represents personal and private knowledge; (2) PCK is a collection of basic units called teacher pedagogical constructions; (3) teacher pedagogical constructions result mainly from planning, but also from the interactive and post‐active phases of teaching; (4) pedagogical constructions result from an inventive process that is influenced by the interaction of knowledge and beliefs from different categories; (5) pedagogical constructions constitute both a generalized event‐based and a story‐based kind of memory; (6) pedagogical constructions are topic specific; and (7) pedagogical constructions are (or should ideally be) labeled in multiple interesting ways that connect them to other categories and subcategories of teacher knowledge and beliefs. The proposed definition results from a reconceptualization of the nature of PCK as originally proposed, taking the results of major later studies and conceptualizations of PCK into consideration, appropriating new ideas about the structure of memory, and undertaking a reanalysis and presentation of data from a previous study. The article calls for viewing PCK as neither a subcategory of subject matter (subject matter knowledge for teaching) nor as a general generic form of knowledge. It presents a view of PCK as a collection of teacher professional constructions, as a form of knowledge that preserves the planning and wisdom of practice that the teacher acquires when repeatedly teaching a certain topic. Viewing PCK as a collection of TPCs, more precisely defining it, clarifying its relations to other knowledge and beliefs entities, and speculating about its development should facilitate future investigations of PCK.  相似文献   

Ethnology museums have a troubled lineage as they are inheritors of a violent colonial legacy while being steeped in a positivist epistemology that seeks to order and categorize an otherwise disordered world. Educational research, similarly, is often predicated on realist knowledge principles as people are made objects to demonstrate their interactions to predict likely outcomes of various interventions. This article considers how an ethnology museum, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City, can be used as a learning site by student teachers as they experience reading a museum. Student teachers, having considered examples of postcolonial theory, use this scholarship to think through and critically read AMNH. The inquiry into how student teachers read AMNH as a pedagogical space is reframed, however, by multitext interjections offered by participants themselves. The study, then, is oriented around two principal areas: how student teachers can read an ethnology museum critically and how multitexts may work to address representational problems inherent in social science research, such as education.  相似文献   

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