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《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中指出:"幼儿园教育应尊重幼儿的人格和权利,尊重幼儿身心发展的规律和学习特点,以游戏为基本活动,保教并重,关注个别差异,促进每个幼儿富有个性的发展."家庭中,很多家长不知道如何支持孩子游戏,不知道如何在家里设置游戏区域、梳理游戏材料,常出现介入频繁、控制过多等行为,游戏观察常常停留在表层.  相似文献   

重视在游戏活动中发展幼儿情绪智力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游戏是孩子的天性,也是孩子的权利。在游戏中开发幼儿智力,是幼儿素质教育的重要课题之一。在幼儿教育过程中,无论教师还是家长都很重视在游戏活动中开发孩子的智力,但却普遍忽视了游戏活动对发展孩子情绪智能的独特作用。本文试就游戏的幼儿情绪智能的关系以及如何在游戏活动中发展幼儿情绪智能问题进行初步的讨论,以引起广大幼教工作者对这一问题的关注。情绪智能主要反映一个人感受、理解、运用、表达、控制和调节自己情绪情感的能力。情绪智能高的人也是情绪相对成熟的人。情绪的成熟有两个前提,一是控制,二是渲泄。人类的情绪智…  相似文献   

建构游戏是幼儿园区域游戏中非常典型的创造性游戏,能为幼儿想象力、创造力和动手能力的发展提供巨大的空间。教师作为游戏的参与者、合作者和引导者,适时、有效的介入有利于规避幼儿在游戏中的行为误区,实现建构游戏的教育价值。但在实践中,存在介入指导时机不准、介入指导程度不当、介入指导方式欠佳等现实偏离。基于此,教师应该做到以下几点:通过提升专业能力,准确把握介入时机;明确角色定位,培养积极介入态度;观察游戏进展,选择适宜介入方法等有效介入建构游戏,创设支持幼儿游戏的环境,解读其游戏行为及提供指导,推动幼儿游戏的发展,提升教师的建构游戏指导素养,从而实现理性回归。  相似文献   

杨雨 《教师》2021,(9):119-120
教师能否有效支持幼儿游戏在很大程度上依赖于教师对观察和介入概念的解读、对“教师指导”和“游戏精神”两者之间关系的平衡、对介入时机和介入方式的把握。为真正实现教师作为幼儿游戏指导者的角色,文章认为首先要对幼儿游戏进行细致且有效的观察,其次在对幼儿行为和需要有充分了解的基础上,谨慎地选择恰当的时机和方式对幼儿进行游戏指导,提高幼儿游戏水平。  相似文献   

在游戏中孩子们是需要教师的,他们需要教师成为他们共同游戏的朋友、伙伴,或者需要教师帮助他们解决些他们难以解决的问题。因此,教师如何指导幼儿游戏显得尤为重要。教师指导游戏就需要介入到幼儿的游戏当中,介入的目的是引导幼儿继续游戏,促进幼儿游戏向高一级水平发展,从而提高游戏质量,促进幼儿社会性的发展。那么教师如何介入幼儿游戏?以何种方式、方法介入?介入到什么程度?就是值得研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

幼儿的问题行为一般都可以在幼儿与成人的互动中找到关联性,家长对幼儿行为的不当反应强化了幼儿的问题行为,教师处理问题的方式影响了幼儿行为的发展。面对幼儿的问题行为,成人要接受幼儿的想法和情绪,设置合理界限;学会观察和适当介入,避免幼儿问题行为的恶性循环;倾听幼儿的心声,主动关注幼儿的需求;正确传递成人的感受与想法,给幼儿更多信任与自主权。  相似文献   

李芳芳 《考试周刊》2014,(92):195-195
角色游戏是幼儿学习与人交流、合作,促进幼儿身心健康发展的一种活动方式。孩子的本性使其热爱在一些生动有趣的方法中成长和学习,角色游戏充分满足了孩子的要求,他们可以在角色游戏中模仿成人活动,通过游戏逐渐悉知并掌握与人交往的秘诀。然而由于幼儿的智商和情商水平都处于较低水平,培养幼儿的合作行为,为避免成长和发展的偏差,不能任其自由地发展,而应当加入合理适当的指导,以达到理想的效果。因此,角色游戏中幼儿合作行为的指导策略显得尤为重要。本文针对角色游戏中幼儿合作行为的培养问题,对指导策略进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿能够接受的最自然、最主动的知识探索方式,户外体育混龄游戏是当下幼儿教育中不能忽视的幼儿课程组织形式。如何顺利组织幼儿完成混龄游戏且不损伤幼儿的自主游戏体验、不阻碍幼儿的个性释放,则是幼儿课程游戏化建设中应该思考的重点问题。而通过观察探究我们发现,只有当我们不着痕迹地介入到幼儿混龄游戏活动中时,幼儿们对教师介入的排斥感才会化为乌有,教师介入行为对幼儿游戏产生影响的概率才会越大。所以,在组织幼儿游戏活动之时,我们应充分重视对体育混龄游戏介入方式的无痕化处理,以有心无痕的游戏介入方式,辅助锤炼意志品格,养成良好的社会行为方式。  相似文献   

在幼儿自主游戏过程中,教师的介入恰当与否直接影响游戏的质量。如何找到较好介入时机是笔者一直思考的问题。本文结合豆豆影城楼自主游戏实例剖析,从观察先行,解读幼儿行为入手,根据活动情节的变化、儿童发展水平和儿童发展的需要,采取相应的干预指导,并针对不同的情形采取不同的介入方式进行了积极有益的尝试。适时而又恰当地介入,促进了幼儿游戏向高一级水平发展。  相似文献   

在对3-6岁幼儿负面情绪成因分析的基础上,探讨情境表演游戏对儿童负面情绪迁移的价值及实践操作,以期为一线教师和家长等提供促进幼儿负面情绪迁移和积极正面行为塑造的有效指导。  相似文献   

幼儿教育要遵循孩子成长规律和教育规律。对于孩子身上存在的一些毛病或问题,需要有计划地、循序渐进地疏导和训练,为此,父母应该有一个良好的心态。要遵循孩子发展的次进规律,使教育目标符合“最近发展区水平”;要遵循孩子心理规律,使教育方法与孩子的心理脉膊合拍;要遵循孩子发展的个性规律,区别评价和对待每一个孩子。  相似文献   

在幼儿园的音乐教学活动中,教师通过多种多样的形式和丰富的内容,实施有效的音乐教学,能够为幼儿开启审美与欣赏的心灵之窗、提供自我表现与表达的平台、激活创造性与想象力的源泉、开通情绪与情感的培养路径。在教学过程中,教师应从目标、内容、过程和评价等方面入手,挖掘课堂内外有用的音乐教学资源,营造与音乐教学主题相适宜的情景,选择适合幼儿身心发展特点的内容,通过灵活多样的游戏实施教学活动,根据不同着力点进行音乐教学评价,以此来实现幼儿园音乐活动的有效教学。  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the optimal conditions for the provision of infant mental health services to infants and toddlers. It argues for the importance of the automatic provision of service at all levels of need. The pediatric setting is emphasized as the natural locus for the integration of such preventive services and as the first and often sole contact of parents and infants with professionals. The various kinds of possible service are delineated as are the sources of stress. It is suggested that the understanding of these factors should dictate the kind and level of response which might be most efficacious. Finally, some basic difficulties in establishing a working alliance with parents whose relationships with their infants and toddlers are developing very negatively are discussed. A framework for understanding some of these problems which may interfere with the parents' utilization of services is provided by employing the psychoanalytic concepts of transference and countertransference. The influence of these transference feelings on the relationship between parents and service providers of all kinds is emphasized and explored.  相似文献   

Because the child's world is a world of action and activity, play therapy provides the psychologist in elementary‐school settings with an opportunity to enter the child's world. In the play therapy relationship, toys are like the child's words and play is the child's language. Therefore, children play out their problems, experiences, concerns, and feelings in a manner that is similar to the process of talk therapy. This article provides practical information for developing a play therapy program, a discussion of the skills needed by the psychologist, how to involve parents and teachers in the treatment process, and a review of impressive effect sizes found in play therapy research studies. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Guided by the emotional security hypothesis developed by Davies & Cummings (1994), studies were conducted to test a conceptual refinement of children's adjustment to parental conflict in relation to hypotheses of other prominent theories. Study 1 examined whether the pattern of child responses to simulations of adult conflict tactics and topics was consistent with the emotional security hypothesis and social learning theory in a sample of 327 Welsh children. Supporting the emotional security hypothesis, child reports of fear, avoidance, and involvement were especially prominent responses to destructive conflict. Study 2 examined the relative roles of child emotional insecurity and social-cognitive appraisals in accounting for associations between parental conflict and child psychological symptoms in a sample of 285 Welsh children and parents. Findings indicated that child emotional insecurity was a robust intervening process in the prospective links between parental conflict and child maladjustment even when intervening processes proposed in the social-cognitive models were included in the analyses. Studies 3 and 4 explored pathways among parental conflict, child emotional insecurity, and psychological adjustment in the broader family context with a sample of 174 children and mothers. Supporting the emotional security hypothesis, Study 3 findings indicated that child insecurity continued to mediate the link between parental conflict and child maladjustment even after specifying the effects of other parenting processes. Parenting difficulties accompanying interparental conflict were related to child maladjustment through their association with insecure parent-child attachment. In support of the emotional security hypothesis, Study 4 findings indicated that family instability, parenting difficulties, and parent-child attachment insecurity potentiated mediational pathways among parental conflict, child insecurity, and maladjustment. Family cohesiveness, interparental satisfaction, and interparental expressiveness appeared to be protective factors in these mediational paths. No support was found for the social learning theory prediction that parent-child warmth would amplify associations between parental conflict and child disruptive behaviors.  相似文献   

留守儿童健康的情感对其一生的发展具有重要的影响。本研究在对河南省信阳市部分留守儿童及其家长等访谈的基础上,对当前留守儿童情感教育的相关问题进行调查分析,针对当前留守儿童情感教育方面的问题,提出合宜、灵活的角色定位,大力加强情感教育指导,积极探寻情感沟通技巧的多种支援渠道及开发对留守儿童进行情感教育的多种途径等改进对策。  相似文献   

安全感是婴幼儿期重要的发展课题,是整个儿童期心理健康发展的重要基础。界定婴幼儿的安全感,探析安全感缺乏对婴幼儿认知能力、情绪控制能力、人格以及同伴关系的消极影响,在此基础上,从父母家庭生活环境方面提出相应的培养策略,以期引起人们重视婴幼儿安全感的培养,促进其心理健康发展。  相似文献   

We examined the ontogeny of the infant rhesus monkey's defensive behaviors and the ability to modulate them in response to specific environmental cues. Rhesus infants in 4 age groups (N = 8 per group) were briefly separated from their mothers and tested under 3 conditions: alone, in the presence of a human who averted his gaze, and in the presence of a human staring at them. Infants as young as 0 to 2 weeks displayed defensive behaviors but did not selectively respond to the human's presence or direction of gaze. By 9 to 12 weeks of age, infants modulated their responses in relation to the parameters of the threat. At this age, infant rhesus monkeys undergo cognitive and emotional changes associated with brain development similar to those in human infants 7 to 12 months old. This also is the time when human infants engage in complex emotional and behavioral responses to threatening situations. Understanding the development and expression of defensive behaviors in infant monkeys should be applicable to similar issues in emotional development of human infants.  相似文献   

学科教学指导要关注指导策略的研究与应用。小学语文教学指导中,要选择恰当的指导方式提升语文教师的学科教学理论,同时在学科教育教学技能上强化引领和培训。  相似文献   

体验教育是学校德育的重要形式之一。体验性学习是少年儿童必不可少的一种情感化学习方式。开展体验教育,应遵循“尊重少年儿童在体验学习过程中的主体性、过程性和多样性”等原则。体验教育十分适宜在学校班、队组织中进行。帮助少年儿童实现积极的成功体验,是学校开展体验教育、辅导儿童体验学习的核心价值定向。积极的成功体验具有自信、自发、自主、愉快、道德、善意、发展、创造等基本特征。辅导开展学校体验教育的关键性策略是:重“过程性评价”、重“分层别类”与重“第一资源(即教师资源)”。  相似文献   

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