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Serious considerations of intersectionality are critical to the future and viability of feminist rhetorical scholarship and scholars have made impressive methodological shifts in response to this exigency. However, though feminist rhetorical scholarship has painted a rich picture of how intersectionality operates at the level of the critic, I suggest that there needs to be more critical investigation of how intersectionality functions at the level of discourse—how it is constituted by and through rhetoric. To this end, I develop a theory of intersectional rhetoric, which I argue emerges at the point where intersectionality as an analytic sensibility and embodied rhetorical praxis converge. I theorize the ways in which intersectional rhetoric manifests junctures between (1) theory and experience, (2) discourse and materiality, and (3) academic and activist intellectual spheres to develop more nuanced political arguments about structural oppression on multiple axes. I use the work of body positive activist Ashleigh Shackelford as a case study for examining how, through what techniques, and to what end rhetors craft these links in performances of intersectional rhetoric. I conclude by discussing the implications a theory of intersectional rhetoric has for rhetorical theory, rhetorical critics, and intersectional feminist activism.  相似文献   

修辞批评的价值和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞批评作为文学批评最重要的一种形式,它在当代的复兴,对文学批评实践具有重要的理论价值和意义,这可以从两方面看:一是从西方现代修辞批评角度看,对修辞本性的哲学反思,将修辞看成是一种话语实践,看成是对真理的认识和表现,有助于人们重新认识文学和文学性问题;另一方面则可以从修辞批评与中国古代文学理论关系看,认识到中国古代文学理论更靠近修辞批评这一特色,以更好地发掘中国古代文学理论的价值。  相似文献   


Developing alliances with industry may be one of the primary factors in creating a technical communication program that blends sound rhetorical theory and pedagogy with the discourse knowledge of technical communication practitioners. Creating an Advisory Board is one way to forge this alliance. This article describes how such a board was created, the influence it had upon program development, and the insights both industry and academia gained from this alliance. Although industry and academia are not the same, both had overlapping goals: to develop a symbiotic relationship that would provide students and faculty with the technological expertise practicing technical communicators could offer, but, at the same time, to provide a construct true to the missions of a liberal education.  相似文献   

李军教授的《话语修辞理论与实践》是一部颇具新意的修辞学论著,构拟了新的话语修辞理论体系,探索了修辞手段的新系统和修辞学研究的新领域,展示了话语修辞研究的方法论原则,在理论上和实践上为修辞学的发展作出了贡献。  相似文献   

走出技巧层面的修辞学批评,一是向修辞诗学延伸。二是向修辞哲学延伸。前者研究文本的修辞设计和诗学关联;后者从话语方式向人的存在方式提升,研究修辞如何参与人的精神建构。结论是:人创造了修辞,修辞也塑造着人。  相似文献   

柏拉图的诗学思想是建立在他的"理式"论基础之上的,而亚里士多德的诗学思想则是建立在他的"四因"说(特别是其中的"形式"因)基础之上的。本文比较深入地分析了柏拉图"理式"论的来源及其在诗学思想方面的矛盾性,阐释了亚里士多德的"四因"说在其希腊艺术理论中的具体运用,辨识了理式论与四因说之间的联系与区别。  相似文献   

面子不仅是语用学研究的热门话题,而且与以言语交际为基准的修辞学紧密相关。在面子的言语形式修辞策略中,话语建构和话语理解的关键是对话语中社会角色的认知和把握;在面子的逻辑形式修辞策略中,积极和消极两类面子分别与传统的演绎和归纳模式相对应。东西方在上述两点既有共性,又有个性,在言语交际中予以重视是十分必要和有益的。  相似文献   

亚里士多德哲学对实践活动(praxis)和技术活动(techne)作出明确的区分,但是,如何处理两者之间的关系,是一件有关反思的事情。哈贝马斯规范语用学思想涉及的有效性条件对这个问题具有一定的积极意义。据此,"理解"、"课堂对话"、"教师的角色"都得以重建。课堂对话分化出交往行动式、潜在的策略行动、策略行动、纯粹的权力运用等四大谱系。  相似文献   

亚里士多德形而上学体系以"存在"作为研究对象,调和了米利都学派和柏拉图的理论。在"形式"与"质料"的关系问题上,亚里士多德形而上学暴露了其固有的矛盾。呈现亚里士多德形而上学体系的内在矛盾,是清理西方形而上学思想的必修课。  相似文献   

Advances in computing technologies, growth of business involvement on the Web, and our culture's affinity for image-intensive communication have forced technical communicators to become more involved with making and using a wide variety of images in their compositions. Too often our theories about how to write and read images are limited to a functional view, which stresses objectivity, ignores interpretation, and sees design as preset layout formulae. Combining current graphic design theory with rhetoric's understanding of techne, I argue for a configural view of images that stresses their artificiality and cultural significance and articulates design in strategic terms.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how rhetorical criticism can be utilized to clarify the rhetorical nature of interpersonal discourse. Bitzer's situational theory, Bormann's fantasy theme analysis, and Arnold's criticism of oral rhetoric are synthesized to explain the nature and form of selected portions of taped and transcribed interpersonal dialogue.  相似文献   

Covering a wide range of public discourse from 2003 to 2010 about CIA agent Valerie Plame, this essay contributes a novel rhetorical theory of secrets. By contrast to other critiques of the Bush-era secrecy that focus on policies the administration kept concealed from the public, I suggest that rhetoric is the means by which subjects figure the secret, to be understood as knowledge in the fact that the subject cannot know. To make this argument, I draw on the theoretical tools of psychoanalysis and the rhetorical tropes of repetition, caesura, and synecdoche.  相似文献   

本文拟从西方修辞学的角度探究构建和谐社会的途径.关于修辞学在发展和维护社会和谐方面的作用是一个值得探究的广泛而深刻的问题,它探索在建立和维护一个社会时修辞学的特殊功能,探讨人类是否依靠修辞创造和谐,达到一个理性社会所需要的在工作和生活中的协作、最终取得同一性以及共同的社会价值取向.本文将修辞置于社会结构关系和社会人际互动的背景中进行考察,分析社会心理认知、话语认知与修辞行为的动态共变关系,揭示修辞的规律与目的,探讨修辞的本质与功能.  相似文献   

本演讲探讨了欧洲早期艺复兴期间(大约1350—1700)为解读亚里士多德的(修辞学)中的论述所做出的努力,讨论了欧洲的注释在理解亚里士多德的(修辞学〉中所遇到的困难,关注了当时学意料之外的某些论争,并力图阐释引起这些论争的原因。作认为,人们力图阐释关于一种化的论述并力图从另一种化的需求和兴趣来解读这种论述的努力对中美两国具有重要意义,这些阐释所可能引发的结果也具有积极意义。作的这种解读对当今世界——对中国和“西方”国家富有更为广泛的意义——因为他在试图解读产生于一种化而被转译到另一种化的修辞学和传播学理论。作指出,在欧洲艺复兴时期,人们相信修辞学和社会很大程度上是一回事。修辞学能够使人们避免暴力、摆脱兽性,使许多不同人的思想统一起来,促成一种包容各种矛盾的和谐社会。修辞学使我们变得明。[第一段]  相似文献   

本演讲探讨了欧洲早期文艺复兴期间(大约1350-1700)为解读亚里士多德的《修辞学》中的论述所做出的努力,讨论了欧洲的注释者在理解亚里士多德的《修辞学》中所遇到的困难,关注了当时学者意料之外的某些论争,并力图阐释引起这些论争的原因。作者认为,人们力图阐释关于一种文化的论述并力图从另一种文化的需求和兴趣来解读这种论述的努力对中美两国具有重要意义,这些阐释所可能引发的结果也具有积极意义。作者的这种解读对当今世界——对中国和“西方”国家富有更为广泛的意义——因为他在试图解读产生于一种文化而被转译到另一种文化的修辞学和传播学理论。作者指出,在欧洲文艺复兴时期,人们相信修辞学和社会很大程度上是一回事。修辞学能够使人们避免暴力、摆脱兽性,使许多不同人的思想统一起来,促成一种包容各种矛盾的和谐社会。修辞学使我们变得文明。  相似文献   

Daoist (Taoist) philosophical rhetoric is an integral part of China's magnificent cultural heritage, and analysis of Daoist rhetoric offers the potential to enhance understanding of human communication and inform rhetorical theory and practice. While studies of Daoist rhetoric are increasing, a masterpiece of Daoist thought, Sun‐zi's (Sun‐tzu's) Art of War, has not been examined for its rhetorical implications. This study suggests that war is a useful metaphor for rhetoric, and that Art of War provides a comprehensive, insightful, and unique rhetorical theory based on parsimony: extreme economy in the expenditure of resources.  相似文献   

Boy Trouble: Rhetorical framing of boys' underachievement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article examines discourse in the United States used to socially construct an “underachieving boys” moral panic. Employing discourse analysis I examine the adversarial rhetoric of claims-makers and the frames they deploy to undermine alternative and conflicting accounts (of females as disadvantaged) and to forestall any challenges to the scientific authority of their own (biological essentialist) account of crisis. I illustrate how this discourse adapts the rhetorical frame of gender equity from the discourse it politically opposes, and uses it to legitimate its own goals. I find that the framing of innocent victimized boys as scientific “truth” is aligned with a broader masculinity politics that blames certain “folk devils”, and a synchronic moral panic about fearsome (black) male youth. I conclude by considering the success of this moral panic as evidenced by changes in educational policies and practices in the United States.  相似文献   

电视公开辩论已经成为美国政治传播中的一种重要手段,它们通过精心设计的话语来实现其说服性功能。亚里斯多德把修辞划分为三类,其中就包括以说服为核心的商讨辩论的修辞。通过分析作为实证案例的2000年美国大选中戈尔与小布什的三场电视公开辩论,我们具体探讨两位修选人如何通过情绪法来进行说服,从而达到政治传播的目的,并重点分析了三组对立的情绪及其作为修辞说服手段在政治传播中的应用。  相似文献   

在王易先生的《修辞学通诠》中,修辞理论约占该书的1/4,是上个世纪三十年代较有影响力的一部修辞学作。其修辞理论主要由三部分构成:一是总论,二是辞藻的内容及外形,三是体论,尽管各种修辞现象繁多,但体是各种修辞现象的统一。其理论为后来的修辞学研究提供了一个科学的修辞理论体系。  相似文献   

语境是修辞的“娘胎”,修辞是语境的“生命”。修辞与语境之关系犹如古人所言:“辅在颊则美,在颡则丑。”言语交际活动触手可及,言语交际中的修辞行为及其现象不胜枚举;修辞行为及其现象中潜在的修辞功能已随修辞学尘封太久,故笔者就修辞与语境的“鱼水情深”之关系以及尚未引起足够重视的修辞功能,作管中窥豹似的探讨与分析。  相似文献   

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