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随着Internet的兴起和以网页为载体的网络信息的广泛传播,使得网站建设及网页制作得到空前的发展,大至大型企业的产品推销、售后服务、解决方案,小至个人Web页面开发,形形色色,五彩缤纷,网站建设及网页制作也成为计算机网络领域最热门的话题。本文介绍网站建设前的准备,网页制作的一些方法与技巧,以及在网站建设和网页制作中值得注意的某些问题。  相似文献   

随着Internet的兴起和以网页为载体的网络信息的广泛传播,使得网站建设及网页制作得到空前的发展,大至大型企业的产品推销、售后服务、解决方案,小至个人Web页面开发,形形色色,五彩缤纷,网站建设及网页制作也成为计算机网络领域最热门的话题。本文介绍网站建设前的准备,网页制作的一些方法与技巧,以及在网站建设和网页制作中值得注意的某些问题。  相似文献   

浅谈网页制作的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着Internet的兴起和以网页为载体的网络信息的广泛传播,使得网站建设及网页制作得到空前的发展,大至大型企业的产品推销、售后服务、解决方案,小至个人Web页面开发,形形色色,五彩缤纷,网站建设及网页制作也成为计算机网络领域最热门的话题.本文介绍网站建设前的准备,网页制作的一些方法与技巧,以及在网站建设和网页制作中值得注意的某些问题.  相似文献   

DIV+CSS作为目前网页设计的标准,得到了广泛的应用阗页重构,最主要的好处在于实现了网页设计的标准化,摒弃传统的表格布局方式,充分达到内容、表现和行为三者的分离,使得HTML代码更加容易阅读和维护,同时文件也变得更小。分析了DIV+CSS网页重构在网站设计中的优势,并总结了在网页重构中的一些编程技巧.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展和网站访问者的多样化,单一的网页布局形式已经不能满足用户需求,个性化的网页布局形式必将成为网站发展的方向.就目前固定式网页布局形式所存在的一些问题,提出利用Flash交互技术和CSS技术实现网页个性化布局的思路和方法.  相似文献   

Dreamweaver8.0是一款优秀的专业网站开发软件,其应用范围很广,但对于初学网页设计的人来说不易掌握。文章就管理站点、网页布局和网页编辑三个方面的技巧来做详细的阐述,为初学者提供帮助。  相似文献   

廖纯 《广西教育》2009,(18):123-124,127
网页作为传播信息的一种载体,它的设计工作是关于网页版式编排的技巧与方法。网页艺术设计是技术和艺术的结合、内容和形式的统一。本文在明确网页艺术设计与网站主题的关系的基础上,提出了“美”和“功能”都是为了更好地表达网站主题这一观点。  相似文献   

张彤  于冰 《考试周刊》2013,(24):119-119
英文网站是国家、城市及企业对外宣传的重要窗口。利用眼动技术提升英文网站可用性的研究主要包括对网页浏览习惯的研究和网站页面布局的研究。眼动技术为网页设计者提供了全新的视角,使网站的页面设计越来越具有体验性,使用户获得耳目一新的浏览感受,从而进一步提升英文网站的可用性。  相似文献   

从教学网页构图中存在的问题入手,结合教学网页的构成元素和页面布局方法,着重分析了教学网页的构图设计.并提出了在具体的设计实践中需要把握的几个技巧。  相似文献   

网页氛围营造应根据网站的主题定位,运用色彩、网页版式和多媒体视听元素等的技巧来进行,作者结合在网站实际制作中的经验,探讨了营造网页氛围的方法。  相似文献   

This empirical study explores the perspectives of eight preservice teachers on the meaning and assessment of creativity and the role of web design in developing creative potential. Data sources included eight semi-structured interviews analyzed by three independent raters, web design checklists, and interviewer’s notes. Five themes emerged from participant responses during data analysis: a) definition of creativity, b) assessment of creativity, c) creativity and instructional strategies, d) creativity and problem solving, and e) creativity and web design. Web design is viewed as a process of ill-structured problem solving that educators can integrate in the curriculum to link content knowledge with the construction of a tangible product. Each of the web design steps, according to these preservice teachers, is important in developing and realizing the creative potential because they require comprehension, analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation skills to create a unique product.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a project‐based learning (PBL) environment targeted towards introducing student teachers to the design and development of educational web sites. The participants were 46 student teachers who constructed 16 web sites for primary school. A survey of their views, before and after the projects, and an evaluation of the web sites created by them were conducted with a view to assessing their responses to the learning environment, its impact on them, as well as the challenges faced during web site creation. The results showed that the PBL approach has been motivational and effective regarding the acquisition of web site design and development skills. The participants demystified the process of educational web site creation and became more interested in and self‐confident about it, although they encountered certain difficulties in image processing, file management and design of navigational structures.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国刑法》第222条规定了虚假广告罪的客观要件,其中虚假宣传是其核心,但对虚假宣传没有进一步诠释,导致对虚假宣传理解不一。通过对虚假宣传与虚假广告类型的解析,界定了虚假广告罪中的“虚假宣传”应是违反了全国人大及其常委会和国务院制定的规制广告的相关法律法规,对广告内容作与事实不符的,足以让一般人陷入错误认识的信息传播活动。  相似文献   

未来的互联网将是以移动网络链接为主的互联网,社会、市场、企业都需要具备相关技能的人才。《移动互联网站设计》课程应从就业岗位的需要出发,选择与设计课程教学内容,培养学生五大关键能力:网站策划建设、网页设计能力、创新能力、与客户沟通能力、项目组团队合作能力。  相似文献   

Design education should integrate design concepts and skills with practical and theoretical knowledge through collaborative learning. Computer‐mediated communication systems used in web‐based education systems are quite appropriate for this principle by enabling global access to course material as well as allowing interaction of participants at distributed learning environments at anytime. Course design broadly requires the organization of time, space and activities considering the tools and methods used. Based on these issues, this study proposes a framework for the design of a web‐based studio course with respect to the nature of the design process. An implementation of a sample web‐based course design is included to support the idea. Considering the benefits and limitations, the nature of web‐based design courses is explored first. Then, the sociological, ideological, epistemological and pedagogical aspects of a design studio are examined within the framework of objectives (why), objects (what), methodology (how) and management (who) with special emphasis given to synchronous and asynchronous communication.  相似文献   

In this article we describe and discuss a three‐year case study of a course in web literacy, part of the academic literacy curriculum for first‐year engineering students at the University of Cape Town (UCT). Because they are seen as ‘practical’ knowledge, not theoretical, information skills tend to be devalued at university and rendered invisible to the students. In particular, web‐searching skills are problematic, given the challenges that the Web poses to academic values and traditional research practices. Consequently, the technical skills of web searching are often taught separately from academic curricula or left entirely unaddressed. We illustrate an alternative, integrated approach to the development of this aspect of information literacy. We apply a critical action research methodology to document, evaluate and reflect on students’ use of evaluative frameworks. Focusing on the facilitation of critical and evaluative use of the Web for exploratory learning, we interrogate the role of ‘cultural capital’ and evaluate the effectiveness of the scaffolding provided by the course design. We find important connections between developing knowledge of academic discourse and successful academic use of the Web, and note that, for students to transfer their skills to a range of contexts, these skills will require sustained attention throughout the undergraduate curriculum. We present evidence that the most effective strategies integrate everyday practical knowledge of research techniques with teaching about academic discourse and building students’ knowledge in a specific domain.  相似文献   

提出基于网络计算机辅助的产品造型设计系统的基本构成,就设计过程的总体构成及拟解决的关键技术进行了说明,对产品造型设计中的形态设计和材料设计方法进行了比较和归纳。利用计算机辅助技术进行产品造型设计,可在虚拟环境中使虚拟产品与人发生交互作用,实现设计过程中造型信息的及时反馈和实时评价,并利用网络环境直接面向消费者展示产品外观、性能,克服传统的表现手法的局限,减少了设计周期和费用,使产品更加符合消费者需求。  相似文献   

教学网站会经常对信息及资源进行管理,需要及时准确显示动态的信息,如何快速实现设计统一风格的页面及操作是很重要的。GridView控件进行数据显示和操作,方法简单易用,设计灵活。给出了GridView控件绑定数据源,编辑列和编辑模板等设计方法及应用技巧。  相似文献   

This article analyses data from over 1000 student questionnaires dealing with how students currently use the web to support their learning. It discusses student understanding, needs, and expectations of the web and the overwhelming perception that the web now forms an integral part of their study and research practices. However, these practices require greater definition and refinement for and by the student. Evidence from some teaching staff is compared with that from students for validation purposes and has also revealed striking differences in perception and attitudes between the two groups. We identify specific needs on the part of most students in our survey who require greater guidance and study skills when using the web. These “Netskills” are described and recommendations are made concerning their acquisition and future development by students who are demanding that such skills become part of their own learning strategies.  相似文献   

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