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Markers of bone formation in serum include total and bone specific alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and Type 1 collagen carboxy terminal extension peptide. Bone resorption can be assessed by measuring plasma tartarate resistant acid phosphtase and urinary excretion of collagen degradation products: hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine glycosides and more recently the pyridinium crosslinks and associated peptides. We compared the excretion of hydroxyproline in women of reproductive age group to those of menopausal age group and found a significant difference in the two age groups. Urinary hydroxyproline was found to be significantly raised in post menopausal women. Thus hydroxyproline maybe used as the earliest indicator in the prognostic assessment of postmenopausal women of their risk of developing osteoporosis and fracture.  相似文献   

Indian ethnicity by itself is a strong risk factor for development of CAD in Indian postmenopausal women due to lower HDL levels as compared to Whites and women of oriental origin. We evaluated and compared the short-term effects of menopause, estrogen replacement therapy and combined estrogen and progestin replacement therapy on various atherogenic indices. 40 postmenopausal women, both surgical and natural (20 each) were selected. 10 surgical postmenopausal women were given 0.625 mg conjugated estrogens daily for 6 months and 10 natural postmenopausal women were given 0.625 mg conjugated estrogen with 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate daily. 20 women were included in the control group and given placebo. Fasting venous blood samples were analyzed for extended lipid profile and calculated atherogenic indices before starting the therapy and after 1,3 and 6 months. LDL and Apolipoprotein B increased (p<0.05) and those of Apolipoprotein A1 and HDL decreased in the control groups. In both the study groups levels of serum cholesterol and LDL decreased (p<0.05) and those of HDL and Apolipoprotein A1 increased (p<0.01). LDL/HDL, Apo B/ApoA1, Total Cholesterol/HDL decreased significantly (p<0.05) in both the study groups compared to the control groups. The effect of estrogen alone was more significant as compared to combination therapy. Log Triglycerides (TG)/HDL ratio showed a decrease in women on estrogen alone but the difference was not significant. Our study confirms that short term HRT has a favorable effect on atherogenic indices in Indian postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Serum paraoxonase (PON1) and antibodies to oxidized-LDL (anti ox-LDL) were measured in chronic renal failure subjects on renal replacement therapy such as hemodialysis (HD) peritoneal dialysis (PD) and transplantation (Txp). Paraoxonase activity was significantly lower in HD and PD group (P<0.001) than in control subjects. In transplant patients, paraoxonase activity was not significantly different from that of controls. Antibodies to ox-LDL was significantly higher in HD, PD and Transplant patients (P<0.0001) compared to control subjects. High titers of antibodies were observed in the HD group compared to the PD and Transplant subjects. A decrease in paraoxonase activity and high titers of Antibodies to ox-LDL in the dialysis group suggest a decreased cardio protective effect of HDL and enhanced risk of premature cardiovascular complications. Whereas in case of transplant subjects, there seems to be restoration of PON1 activity, but elevated levels of anti-oxLDL could still be a potential atherogenic factor. Hence, we propose that estimation of these two parameters can be used as a useful index to measure the cardiac risk in the above patient category  相似文献   

BackgroundCecropin P1, acting as an antimicrobial, has a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity with some antiviral and antifungal properties. It is a promising natural alternative to antibiotics which is originally isolated from the pig intestinal parasitic nematode Ascaris suum. Many studies have shown that Cecropin P1 is helpful for the prevention or treatment of clinical diseases. Therefore, it is very necessary to establish a safe, nontoxic, and efficient expression method of Cecropin P1.ResultsThe results indicated that the recombinant protein was about 5.5 kDa showed by Tricine–SDS–PAGE and Western blot. And Cecropin P1 was efficiently secreted and expressed after 12 h of induction, with an increasing yield over the course of the induction. Its maximum concentration was 7.83 mg/L after concentration and purification. In addition, in vitro experiments demonstrated that Cecropin P1 not only exerted a strong inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., and Pasteurella sp., but also displayed an antiviral activity against PRRSV NADC30-Like strain.ConclusionsCollectively, the strategy of expressing Cecropin P1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is harmless, efficient, and safe for cells. In addition, the expressed Cecropin P1 has antiviral and antibacterial properties concurrently.How to cite: Jiang R, Zhang P, Wu X, et al., Expression of antimicrobial peptide Cecropin P1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its antibacterial and antiviral activity in vitro. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2020.12.006  相似文献   

目的:用HPLC-ELSD法测定血栓通注射液中人参皂苷Rg1和人参皂苷Rb1的含量。方法:HPLC-ELSD法,色谱柱:WaterODS色谱柱(4.6x150mm,5um),流动相:乙腈-水(20:80-40:60)。结果:人参皂苷Rg1回收率为99.0%,RSD=1.02%;人参皂苷Rb1回收率为99.3%,RSD=1.31%。结论:本法简便、准确,可作为该制剂的质量控制方法。  相似文献   

国家重点生态功能区是国家为保护、恢复和提高区域水源涵养、防风固沙、保持水土、调蓄洪水、 保护生物多样性等重要生态功能而划定的需要重点保护和限制开发的区域。分析国家重点生态功能区人类活动空间变化,是环保等相关部门把握国家生态功能区宏观生态环境状况,并对其进行量化监管的重要手段。为此,本文基于面向对象方法提取了国家重点生态功能区510个县2010年、2015年两期的生态环境变化空间分布信息,并在此基础上采用土地利用转移矩阵及核密度法对两期人类活动造成的生态环境变化时空分布进行了分析。研究结果表明:国家重点生态功能区的生态环境变化中,71.77%的变化为耕地、工矿、建设用地的转入,27.53%为植被的转入;核密度提取出5个热点区域,包括燕山地区、吕梁山地区、黄土高原地区、武当山地区、大别山地区,占总变化图斑数的24.64%,黄土高原地区和大别山地区变化主要来自于工矿和建设用地的扩张,燕山地区和吕梁山地区变化主要来自于工矿用地的扩张,武当山地区变化主要来自于建设用地的扩张;以变化面积加权的核密度提取出1个热点区域,即西拉木伦河地区,占总变化面积的20.53%,该地区的变化主要来自于耕地的扩张。  相似文献   

采用Trivelli等报道的Bio-Rex70阳离子交换树脂微柱层析法和Roger等报道的果糖胺法(两法均作了适当修改),分别对73例糖尿病患者及61例正常人进行了HbA_(1c)、HbA_1及糖基化血浆蛋白(Gpp)的测定.结果显示患者与正常人之间HbA_(1c)、HbA_1、Gpp均值有非常显著性差别.患者空腹血糖均值与HbA_(1c)、HbA_1、Gpp均值之间均有极显著的相关性.患者HbA_(1c)与HbA_1之间相关系数有极显著意义.证明HbA_(1c)、HbA_1与Gpp均可作为糖尿病控制较准确的客观指标.作者在提高微柱法分离度的关键问题上作了改进,找出了恰当的洗脱液Ⅰ与Ⅱ的Na~+浓度,分别为0.020mol/L与0.070mol/L.分离HbA_(1a+b)与HbA_(1c)结果尚称满意,柱间CV分别为3.1%与2.2%.在降低洗脱液Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ中剧毒物质氰化钾的浓度问题上也作了研究,找出了较文献报道低2.5倍的氰化钾浓度,即由0.010mol/L降低到0.004mol/L.在果糖胺法中,采用5min与15min两次比色,用10%冰醋酸终止反应,提高了此法的精密度与重复性,批内CV为2.3%,批间CV为2.7%.  相似文献   

杨建华  石一复  周彩云  王国萍 《科技通报》2006,22(6):781-784,791
目的探讨AQP1及AQP5在卵巢上皮性肿瘤的表达及临床意义。方法采用免疫组化法检测105例卵巢上皮性肿瘤和10例正常卵巢组织AQP1和AQP5蛋白的表达。结果AQP1主要表达于毛细血管及小血管内皮细胞.而AQP5表达于卵巢肿瘤细胞。随着卵巢上皮性肿瘤由良性向恶性发展,AQP1和AQP5的表达逐渐增加(P〈0.05)。Ⅲ、Ⅳ期卵巢癌AQP1的表达明显高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ期(P〈0.05),伴淋巴转移者AQP1明显高于无淋巴转移者(/9〈0.05);腹水大于1000mL者AQP1和AQP5的表达明显高于小于1000mL者(P〈0.01):低分化卵巢癌AQP5的表达明显高于高、中分化者(P〈0.05);AQP1及AQP5的表达与腹水量呈正相关(r分别为0.40,0.31;P〈0.05)。结论AQP1和AQP5高表达与卵巢癌的发生、发展及预后有关,可能是卵巢癌腹水产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

全国一级学科整体水平评估及思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对我国首次一级学科整体水平评估的目的、范围、对象、指标体系、评估技术与方法等进行了详细的说明与讨论,对评估的结果进行了分析,并对今后如何开展一级学科整体水平评估进行了探讨。  相似文献   

使用5-D-谷氨酰-D-半胱氨酰甘氨酸(D-谷胱甘肽)及其同分异构体1-L-谷氨酰-D-半胱氨酰甘氨酸作为稳定剂,在水溶液中合成了碲化镉(CdTe)量子点.通过控制反应回流时间,研究了在不同的反应时间内由2种同分异构体稳定的CdTe量子点的紫外光谱,发现分子结构的细微差别能够引起量子点的表面状态不同,进而导致制备的量子点荧光性质不同.通过荧光光谱研究了2种分子稳定CdTe纳米粒子荧光性质的差异,并结合紫外-可见光谱,讨论了引起2种CdTe量子点荧光性质不同的原因.  相似文献   

We measured serum soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and receptor 2 (sVEGFR2) levels in healthy Japanese individuals in order to establish a reference value using a specific ELISA. Significant differences were observed in serum sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 levels between children and adults. To demonstrate the usefulness of the reference value for children, we measured serum sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 levels in children with diarrhea positive (D+) hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) as a preliminary study. Serum sVEGFR2 levels in children with HUS were markedly higher than those in healthy children from the onset of D + HUS. The reference value for healthy children in the present study will allow normal and pathological conditions to be discriminated from each other in future study  相似文献   

基于CBERS-1图像的干旱半干旱区土地利用分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以中巴资源卫星CBERS 1图像数据为信息源,分别采用最大似然法、BP神经网络和Fuzzy ARTMAP神经网络 3种分类器,以位于干旱区的中国新疆石河子地区为例,进行了土地利用计算机自动分类。结果认为,3种方法中以Fuzzy ARTMAP神经网络法分类精度最高,分别比最大似然法和BP神经网络法提高了 1 0.69%和 6.84%。同时也证实了CBERS 1图像在土地利用调查中的实用性  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an evolutionarily conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase with essential cellular function via processing various extracellular and intracellular inputs. Two distinct multi-protein mTOR complexes (mTORC), mTORC1 and mTORC2, have been identified and well characterized in eukaryotic cells from yeast to human. Sin1, which stands for Sty1/Spc1-interacting protein1, also known as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) associated protein (MAPKAP)1, is an evolutionarily conserved adaptor protein. Mammalian Sin1 interacts with many cellular proteins, but it has been widely studied as an essential component of mTORC2, and it is crucial not only for the assembly of mTORC2 but also for the regulation of its substrate specificity. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the structure and functions of Sin1, focusing specifically on its protein interaction network and its roles in the mTOR pathway that could account for various cellular functions of mTOR in growth, metabolism, immunity and cancer.  相似文献   

Platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) has role in atherosclerotic plaque development as well as in thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction (MI). Present study was aimed to analyse the association of PECAM-1 Leu125Val gene polymorphism with MI in Indian population. Subjects included healthy individuals as control (N = 116) and MI patients (N = 100) divided into two groups; MI patients at presentation of the acute event (MI-Group-1, N = 46) and patients with recent event of MI stabilized with treatment 4.5 days from their symptoms (MI-Group-2, N = 54). The difference in the distribution of Leu125Val genotype frequencies of controls and patients did not reach statistical significance. However Leu allele frequency (0.57) was more associated with MI patients as compared to control (0.504). sPECAM-1 levels were significantly elevated in patients at acute event of MI (MI-Group-1) by 44.1% (P = 0.009) as compared to controls and by 95.2% (P = 0.001) as compared to stabilized MI patients (MI-Group-2).  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 is a highly contagious viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, member of coronaviridae family. It causes life threatening complications due to complexity and rapid onset course of the disease. Early identification of high-risk patients who require close monitoring and aggressive treatment remains challengeable till date. Novel biomarkers which help to identify high risk patients at the early stage is high priority. Objective of this review to find utility of P-SEP, sTREM-1 and suPAR for diagnosis, risk stratification and prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 infected cases. Soluble receptors like, P-SEP, sTREM-1 and suPAR have been involved in immune regulation in SARS-CoV-2 infection and elevate more in severe cases. A comprehensive research of databases like PubMed, EMBASE, CNKI and Web of Science was performed for relevant studies. A total of nine out of fifteen research literature in initial screening were included for this review. Interestingly all studies have reported high levels of P-SEP, sTREM-1 and suPAR in SARS-CoV-2 infected cases and the biomarkers positively correlated with severity of infection. This implies that P-SEP, sTREM-1 and suPAR can be implemented as surrogate marker in blood profile for early diagnosis, risk stratification and prognosis in SARS-CoV-2 for better management in Indian population at the current situation.  相似文献   

IntroductionBased on the hypothesis that there is a substantial rate of adults with prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM), our aim was to perform haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)-based screening in a cohort of Croatian adults and estimate the prevalence of prediabetes and undiagnosed DM according to American Diabetes Association criteria.Materials and methodsThis multi-center, cross-sectional study performed in six Croatian hospitals included 5527 patients aged 40 to 70 years admitted to the Emergency Department or undergoing a primary care check-up. Haemoglobin A1c was measured from leftover whole blood samples using the enzymatic method on either Alinity c or Architect c-series analyser (Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA). Haemoglobin A1c between 39-47 mmol/mol was classified as prediabetes, while ≥ 48 mmol/mol as undiagnosed DM.ResultsAfter exclusion of 435 patients with known DM, the final cohort included 5092 patients (median age 57; 56% males). A total of 882 (17.3%) patients had HbA1c values between 39 and 47 mmol/mol. There were 214 (4.2%) patients with HbA1c ≥ 48 mmol/mol. Prediabetes prevalence ranged from 14.2% to 20.5%, while undiagnosed DM from 3.3% to 7.3%, with statistically significant differences among settings (P < 0.001). Age-stratified analysis showed that prediabetes and undiagnosed DM prevalence increase with age (P < 0.001), being 25.4% and 5.8%, respectively, in patients aged 60 to 70 years.ConclusionUnderlying impairment of glucose metabolism was identified in about one in five adults, with significant number of patients with already overt DM. These results should serve as a starting point for further steps directed towards promotion of preventive measures for DM in Croatia.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate whether serum levels of interleukin-1β (IL–1β) has any possible correlation on inflammatory parameters such as C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and fibrinogen concentration in patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) patients during attack-free period.

Materials and methods:

The serum levels of IL-1β, as an indicator of cytokines status, and the acute phase response proteins, CRP, ESR and fibrinogen levels were evaluated in 35 attack-free patients with FMF and 25 healthy volunteers.


Serum IL-1β levels were significantly higher in patients with FMF than control subjects (P = 0.018). There was no statistically significant difference in the serum levels of ESR, CRP and fibrinogen between two groups (P = 0.181, P = 0.816, P = 0.686, respectively). There was a significant correlation between IL-1β and CRP (r = 0.513, P = 0.002) values of FMF group.


In conclusion, our results confirm the presence of increased IL-1β levels in FMF patients during attack-free period. Serum IL-1β values seems to correlate with CRP levels. The elevation of IL-1β levels may be important in monitoring subclinical inflammation of attack free period in FMF patients.  相似文献   



The enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) catalyzes the conversion of the hormonally inactive cortisone to active cortisol, thus facilitating glucocorticoid receptor activation in target tissues. Increased expression of 11β-HSD1 in adipose tissue has been associated with obesity and insulin resistance. In this study, we investigated the association of two 11β-HSD1 gene (HSD11B1) polymorphisms with the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its characteristics in the Bosnian population.

Materials and methods:

The study included 86 participants: 43 patients diagnosed with MetS and 43 healthy controls. Subjects were genotyped for two HSD11B1 gene polymorphisms: rs846910: G>A and rs45487298: insA, by the high resolution melting curve analysis. Genotype distribution and an influence of genotypes on clinical and biochemical parameters were assessed.


There was no significant difference in the mutated allele frequencies for the two HSD11B1 gene polymorphisms between MetS patients and controls. In MetS patients, no significant associations between disease-associated traits and rs45487298: insA were found. Regarding rs846910: G>A variant, heterozygous patients (G/A) had significantly lower systolic (P = 0.017) and diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.015), lower HOMA-IR index (P = 0.011) and higher LDL-cholesterol levels (P = 0.049), compared to the wild-type homozygotes. In the control group, rs45487298: insA polymorphism was associated with lower fasting plasma insulin levels (P = 0.041), lower homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index (P = 0.041) and lower diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.048). Significant differences between rs846910: G>A genotypes in controls were not detected. Haplotype analysis confirmed the association of rs45487298: insA with markers of insulin resistance in the control subjects.


Our results indicate that a common rs45487298: insA polymorphism in HSD11B1 gene may have a protective effect against insulin resistance.  相似文献   

目的为了研究冠心病发病的机制. 方法测定了16例正常人血清胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1)水平和40例冠心病患者血清IGF1水平,且把冠心病患者血清IGF1水平与冠脉造影的血管病变支数进行了比较分析. 结果冠心病患者外周血IGF1水平显著低于正常人(分别为27.23±15.48 μg/L和48.02±33.43 μg/L,P<0.01);且在冠脉造影血管病变支数增加时其血清IGF1水平下降变得更加明显. 结论 IGF1可能参与了冠心病的病理生理过程.  相似文献   

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