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Oral cancer has emerged as an alarming public health problem with increasing incidence and mortality rates all over the world. Therefore, the implementation of newer screening and early detection approaches are of utmost importance which could reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease. Sensitive and specific biomarkers for oral cancer are likely to be most effective for screening, diagnosis, staging and follow-up for this dreaded malignancy. Unlike other deep cancers, oral cancer is located in oral cavity. Hence, the direct contact between saliva and oral cancer lesion makes the measurement of tumor markers in saliva an attractive alternative to serum and tissue testing. The DNA, RNA and protein molecules derived from the living cancer cells can be conveniently obtained from saliva. Thus, salivary biomarkers, a non-invasive alternative to serum and tissue-based biomarkers may be an effective modality for early diagnosis, prognostication and monitoring post therapy status. In the current post-genomic era, various technologies provide opportunities for high-throughput approaches to genomics and proteomics; which have been used to evaluate altered expressions of gene and protein targets in saliva of oral cancer patients. The emerging field of salivary biomarkers has great potentials to prove its clinical significance to combat oral cancer. Hence, we have reviewed importance of several salivary genomics and proteomics biomarkers for oral cancer.  相似文献   

现实英语口语教学强调语音教学,而英语口语教学的目的还在于训练学生具备口语交际能力。在口语交际能力训练中,学生学习的内驱力和教师角色的多样性是保证口语交际活动成功开展的两个重要因素。而在现实的教学中,因为这两个因素还未受到足够的重视,口语教学在不同程度上达不到教学目的。本文论证了内驱力和教师角色与口语交际活动训练的关系,旨在强调口语教学新观念的真正建立和引导教学技巧的正确使用。  相似文献   

英语口语课程的设置旨在改善学生的英语交际能力,教师在英语口语课堂中发挥着重要作用,扮演着"编剧"、"导演"以及"演员"等多重角色,本文主要分析教师在"教师为主导、学生为主体"教学理念的指导下,熟练适应多重角色的转换,不断提高英语口语课堂的教学效果。  相似文献   

张庆 《科教文汇》2013,(19):120-121
英语口语课程的设置旨在改善学生的英语交际能力,教师在英语口语课堂中发挥着重要作用,扮演着"编剧"、"导演"以及"演员"等多重角色,本文主要分析教师在"教师为主导、学生为主体"教学理念的指导下,熟练适应多重角色的转换,不断提高英语口语课堂的教学效果。  相似文献   

Oral squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies recognized. Biomarkers which can predict presence of cancer and its progression can help in better management of these disorders. Over production of lipid peroxidation byproducts and disturbances in antioxidant defense system have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases including oral cancer. Studies have shown a correlation of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), with tumourigenesis, cell proliferation and cell differentiation. Earlier we have observed a significant elevation in plasma BChE and protein thiols in oral cancer patients which correlated well with stages of cancer. As it was not clear whether the above markers will be altered in saliva of oral cancer patients this study was undertaken. Institutional Ethics Committee gave permission to carry out this study. Total of 55 subjects comprising healthy controls (n = 30) and biopsy proven oral cancer patients (n = 25) consented to participate in this study. Salivary samples from cases were taken before any definitive treatment. Protein thiols and BChE were estimated in salivary samples using validated assay methods. Oral cancer patients had a significant increase in pre-treatment salivary BChE levels (p ≤ 0.001) and a significant decrease (p ≤ 0.001) in salivary thiols as compared to respective values in controls. Salivary protein thiols and BChE may have a role in pathophysiology of oral cancer. Saliva can be used as a potential non-invasive screening tool in oral cancer patients.  相似文献   

金耀清  郭勇 《科技通报》1997,13(4):258-259
应用光敏疗法治疗口腔癌15例,其中CR1例,PR8例,MR4例,NR2例,总有效率为60%(CR+PR),观察表明对浅表肿瘤疗效较好  相似文献   

人文教育在医学教育中的重要地位不言而喻,但当今医学人文教育仍面临诸多困境。作为高等院校临床专业课教师,如何在日常工作中践行人文教育值得探讨。口腔颌面外科局部麻醉是口腔临床专业学生第一次接触的具有侵入性的临床实践技能训练,也是口腔医学生临床实践的开端。本文以口腔局部麻醉临床技能教学为切入点,采取医患角色互换的方式将人文教育灌输其中,对具体方式进行讨论。  相似文献   

R&D项目的成功与否与该项目团队关键角色密切相关,团队角色模型尤其是Belbin团队角色模型对关键角色选择具有重要指导作用。对Belbin团队角色模型在我国企业中的应用作了实证研究,揭示了其重要的应用价值:不同类型的企业R&D团队关键角色不同,关键角色的缺乏和错位是R&D失败的重要原因,关键角色具有重叠性和交叉性。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the estimation of total carbohydrate, protein bound carbohydrate, bound fucose and sialic acid along with total protein in disease conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis and their comparison with the normals. The neutral hexose values in gingivitis (8.08±2.20mg/100mg protein) and periodontitis (12.5±2.16mg/ 100mg protein) decreased significantly when expressed per 100 mg protein compared to normals (19.8±1.89mg/100mg protein). This might be because of higher protein concentration in these two clinical conditions. The ethanol insoluble hexose values were significantly reduced in both these conditions compared to controls (3.71±1.64,5.91±1.63,7.65±0.86mg/100mg protein respectively). The ethanol soluble hexose values were also found to be drastically reduced. This decrease in saliva appears to be characteristic feature of oral diseases. In gingivitis and periodontitis fucose level was found to be increased compared to normals when expressed as a function of salivary volume. However in terms of protein concentration the values in gingivitis (2.95±1.59), periodontitis (3.26±0.98) and normals (3.20±0.50mg/100mg) were not different. Sialic acid in ethanol insoluble fraction of salivary samples mg/100mg protein was found to be significantly reduced in both gingivitis (0.78±0.33) and periodontitis (0.95±0.31) compared to controls (1.92±0.33)  相似文献   

<正>Scientists from the CAS Institute of Zoology (IOZ) and CAS center for Excellence in Biotic Interactions have discovered that tobacco plants can recognize a potential elicitor protein cathepsin B3(CathB3) in aphid saliva,and suppress aphid feeding by triggering ROS accumulation in phloem. This study was recently online published in Current Biology.  相似文献   

吴迪 《情报探索》2006,(12):113-114
阐述了对CIO在供应链管理中的作用,分析了供应链中CIO缺失所产生的问题,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

文章系统地分析了数学图书馆在数字校园中的作用,指出数字图书馆应该建设成为数字校园中的知识资源中心、教学科研信息中心、学科信息导航门户、终身学习社区与培养创新人才基地和开展数字校园用户教育的场所。  相似文献   

咨询业在市场经济中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就现代咨询业的类型与任务阐述咨询业在市场的经济中所扮演的角色以及对社会经济发展所起的作用。  相似文献   

论新兴技术概念的商业内涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“新兴技术”是一个全新的概念,在技术商业化的背景下,这一概念从全新的角度对技术进行了诠释,描述了技术商业化过程的可能性。论述了新兴技术这一概念的商业属性及其对我国科技成果转化的一些启示。  相似文献   

Elastase activity was found to be significantly increased in periodontitis (0.872±0.4270 absorbance units/mg protein, mean±S. D., 1.05±0.61 units/ml saliva), gingivitis (0.772±0.416 units/mg protein, 1.515±0.952 units/ml) and diabetes (0.549±0.286 units/mg protein, 1.20±0.769 units/ml) compared to normals (0.255±0.089) units/mg protein, 0.264±0.079 units/ml). Chymotryptic activity was not found to be increased in these disease conditions over the normal level (0.284±0.096 units/mg protein). Aminopeptidase activity was elevated only in periodontitis (0.670+0.140 units/mg protein) compared to normals (0.349±0.100 units/mg protein). Trypsin-like activity was also found to be significantly raised in periodontitis compared to normals when Pro-Phe-Arg-p-nitroanilide (0.666±0.204 units/mg protein), Ile-Pro-Arg-p-nitroanilide (1.59±0.260 units/mg protein) and Pyroglu-Pro-Arg-p-nitroanilide (1.82±0.380 units/mg protein) were used as substrates. The normal values with these three substrates were respectively, 0.454±0.110, 1.04±0.231 and 1.15±0.312 units/mg protein. Total protein level in saliva was found to be significantly elevated in gingivitis (209±66.8 mg/dl) and diabetes (204±68.0) compared to normal values (107±20.7). Increase in periodontitis was marginal (127±28.3 mg/dl). Expression of proteolytic activities normalized to protein level was useful in differential diagnosis. Increase in elastase level in saliva is not a specific marker for periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

中国新兴技术的产业化面临达尔文之海,亟需企业家发掘创业机会、整合创新资源,进而推动新兴技术的变革和商业化。基于胜任力理论,构建了新兴产业创业企业家胜任力的分析框架;进而借助跨案例研究方法,比较了马云、马化腾和李彦宏三位企业家的胜任力结构特征,探究了新兴产业创业企业家胜任力构成的共性和异质性特征,进而探讨了创业企业家胜任力结构与创业模式选择的内在关系。研究表明:(1)新兴产业创业企业家的胜任力主要由元胜任力、认知胜任力、个人胜任力、职能胜任力、价值观构成,且企业家胜任力结构具有异质性。(2)新兴产业企业家胜任力结构的差异不仅会影响企业家创业机会的发掘,而且会影响企业家创业资源的整合利用,从而影响企业家创业模式的选择。(3)能够准确判断市场发展趋势,善于捕捉市场机会,并能高效整合市场资源的企业家倾向于选择商业模式变革导向的创业模式;而具有技术研发先验知识,善于捕捉技术创业机会,并且热衷推动技术变革和转化的企业家通常会选择技术范式变革导向的创业模式。  相似文献   

In `real' space, third partieshave always been useful to facilitatetransactions. With cyberspace opening up, it isto be expected that intermediation will alsodevelop in a virtual fashion. The articlefocuses upon new cyberroles for third partiesthat seem to announce themselves clearly.First, virtualization of the market place haspaved the way for `cybermediaries', who brokerbetween supply and demand of material andinformational goods. Secondly,cybercommunication has created newuncertainties concerning informational securityand privacy. Also, as in real space,transacting supposes some decency with one'spartners. These needs are being addressed byTrusted Third Parties, anonymizers, escrowarrangements, facilitators and externalauditing. Virtual reputation trackingmechanisms are being developed as well.Finally, in order to resolve disputes,mediators and arbitrators have started offeringtheir services online. In the closing sectionthese emerging cyberroles are assessedcritically. It is argued in particular, thatboth cybermediaries and cyberjustice poseserious threats to privacy. Moreover, onlinedispute resolution, as it is practised now,neglects its duties of public accounting.  相似文献   

物理演示实验不再仅仅是作为理论教学的一种辅助和补充,而被作为一门独立的课程被提出,它在教学中的作用也越来越受到的重视.论文在总结课程建设实践的基础上,对物理演示实验在教学中的作用和演示实验的课程建设进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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