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体育节事的旅游价值与营销策划   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
体育节事是传统节事旅游的一种。随着我国节庆活动的进一步发展,体育节事越来越具有重要的旅游价值,但由于种种原因,体育节事本身并没有发挥出应有的优势。以荆州国际龙舟节为例,通过对其运作过程中存在问题的分析,提出了相关体育节事旅游活动的营销策划方案。  相似文献   

节事旅游专指以各种节日、盛事的庆祝和举办为核心吸引力的一种特殊旅游形式。体育节事是传统节事旅游的一种。其价值是:(1)体育节事活动的目的是吸引本地和国内甚至是境外的旅游者,使其参与到其中,感受其中激烈的竞赛氛围。从而树立举办地健康向上的形象并以此带动整个地区经济的发展。(2)体育节事的内容除了包括本身固有的传统竞赛项目之外,还从旅游者的角度出发,根据其不同的旅游需求,设计具有特色的旅游项目,并努力突出整个节事活动的地方性和民族文化性。(3)体育节事的形式大多表现为轻松活泼且亲和力强;与此同时,体育节事作为一个整体…  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法,以中国黄河三角洲体育节为例,对区域性体育节事文化活动发展进行分析.研究表明,区域性体育节事文化突出体现出鲜明的地域文化特色,传统与现代体育有机结合;突出"和谐体育"理念与地理环境优势;运行机制高效实用.建议推动我国体育节事文化向广泛性、经济性、娱乐性、健身性联动式效应高效率发展.  相似文献   

我国城市体育节事的内涵及品牌化发展探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市节事活动作为一种重要的活动形式,在中国城市的飞速发展中正在扮演着越来越重要的角色。文章运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对体育节事做了相关探讨,通过对体育节事的品牌化内涵的把握,提出了中国城市体育节事品牌化的发展策略。  相似文献   

从“体育节”概念的界定,分析其本质:是一个国家或地区根据社会和民众的需要设立的以开展体育活动为主题的社会活动日,其本质是项目管理,是围绕着“一件事情”来考虑问题、分析问题的?又基于项目管理的视角来分析“体育节”的运作机制,主要讨论运作中涉及的利益相关者及全过程各阶段管理,  相似文献   

现代体育节事对传播节事品牌、塑造城市形象和推动地方经济的发展具有重要意义。基于旅游凝视理论,以越野e族阿拉善英雄会为例,运用UGC网络文本,探讨现代体育节事活动中游客的凝视过程及其对节事活动发展的影响。结果表明:(1)在阿拉善英雄会这个节事空间中,游客的凝视对象涵盖目的地凝视和游客间凝视。其中,目的地凝视包括实体景观、精神符号和基础设施与服务三类对象,游客间凝视包括深度参与者与一般参与者的相互凝视和人群凝视。(2)旅游凝视下,现代体育节事的发展动力源于精神符号构建的“推力”与实体景观再生产的“拉力”的相互叠加;基础设施与服务的供给滞后和深度参与者、一般参与者之间的矛盾从内外两方面阻碍着英雄会的发展;人群凝视是影响英雄会发展的动态力量。最后根据研究结论对英雄会未来发展提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

传统的普通中学田径运动会因其自身存在的弊端,已逐渐脱离了现行的学校体育教育方向和目标,在推动学校广泛开展群众性体育活动等方面的作用也越来越小。本文以莘县一中开展的学校体育节进行个案分析,提出构建普通中学"综合体育文化节"的目的、意义、内容及组织实施方法,使体育节成为对学生进行素质教育、终身体育教育的载体,促进校园体育文化建设。  相似文献   

植智勇 《体育师友》2010,33(3):79-80
落实素质教育,全面贯彻"健康第一"为指导思想的课程改革开展如火如荼,"健康、快乐、主动、创新、发展"己成为学校体育教育的目标和任务。而举办学校体育节恰好就是体育活动在推进素质教育过程中的一种较好的实践形式。然而,传统的学校体育节由于竞技性强、参赛人数少、活动时间短、项目设置不合理等,未能很好地发挥学生的积极参与作用,学生的体育兴趣不浓。我校尝试改革体育节,经过三年的实践,取得了很好的效果。现将我校的做法与大家分享。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等对新疆多民族地区体育节事旅游的现状进行分析,认为新疆体育节庆活动数量众多,各地态度积极;大型体育赛事旅游少,本土民运会是主流;体育会展旅游已成为新疆节事旅游的一种新方向.提出开展主题体育节事活动,力求多样化、立意新颖的表现方式发展新疆体育节事旅游的策略.  相似文献   

由教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央三部门联合推出的首个以"青少年体育"为主题的大型综合类体育活动,即全国青少年"未来之星"阳光体育节,将于7月27日至30日在山东青岛举行。  相似文献   

体育赛事经济影响的机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从体育赛事经济影响的概念、产生、衡量指标对体育赛事经济影响的机理进行探讨.认为:体育赛事给举办地带来新的消费是体育赛事经济影响产生的根源;体育赛事经济影响可以分为直接影响、间接影响和引致影响3个层级;衡量体育赛事经济影响主要包括对举办地GDP的影响、对举办地就业水平的影响、对政府税收收入的影响、对举办地居民收入水平的影响4个指标.  相似文献   

对我国冰雪体育经济政策发展趋势的思考   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
张晓辉 《冰雪运动》2007,29(5):84-86
为进一步加强政府对冰雪体育事业的管理,提高宏观调控能力,增强冰雪体育事业的发展活力,需要我国各地方政府对冰雪体育经济政策进行进一步调整。通过理论分析和调研,阐述冰雪体育管理体制及其走向,分析经费来源及其结构,指出了冰雪体育经济政策发展趋势和促进冰雪体育经费来源结构多元化发展的对策。  相似文献   

内蒙古高校学生参加课外体育活动特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用问卷调查、访谈调查、数理统计等方法,对内蒙古高校学生参加课外体育活动的特征进行调研,结果表明,大多数学生是依据个人的爱好、兴趣、习惯参加课外体育活动,每次活动时间长短根据自己的承受能力而临时决定。由于地区经济发展不平衡,一些学校教学环境及体育活动场所仍然处于比较滞后状态,是影响大学生参加课外体育活动的主要原因。  相似文献   

体育文化资源与旅游结合的核心是在全面推进文化建设的同时发展经济,作为地方政府在当今的文化大发展浪潮中,如何结合自身实际,并运用旅游手段来实现这一目标,台山传统体育文化资源与旅游相结合的创新模式是一种尝试,它的研究值得关注.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the actors’ interactions around this tourism diversification process based on outdoor sports, and in particular trail running, in the Pays of Allevard. To understand the tourism diversification process, it is necessary to analyze the way the local actors use the sport, take ownership of it, and transform it according to their interests, in particular to make it a tourism resource. The results show that the actors supporting the diversification project all practice the sport in question, and therefore have an interest in its development. Thus, trail running was considered as a godsend by certain economic actors, enabling them to offer new services. Sport therefore becomes an economic resource, but also a communication and territorial marketing tool when the objective is to rejuvenate the image of the territory. However, certain local elected officials question the relevance of this diversification project, whose economic impacts remain difficult to quantify. Moreover, this opposition to the development of a new sports activity within the destination illustrates the resonance of traditionalism with respect to the management of a territory. And disagreements concerning the positioning to be adopted make it difficult to construct a tourist identity for the destination.  相似文献   

The Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, are an emerging surfing tourism destination. Surfing tourism has the potential to provide significant economic income and employment opportunities for remote communities in less-developed destinations. However, much of the current surfing tourism development is controlled by foreign investors and the actual reported benefits to local community are marginal. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to explore the local community participation in the Mentawai Islands surfing tourism industry. The paper also investigated possible future directions for increasing the local community involvement in the surfing tourism industry. Field research was conducted in the period between July and September of 2010, through in-depth interviews with local stakeholder representatives. In conclusion, the local community perceived foreign ownership and lack of government support as the major barriers to participation. A key finding of this paper was that the local community recognised education and training as the most effective way to increase their participation in the surfing tourism industry; therefore, it is recommended that future studies examine the viability of implementing tourism-specific education and training.  相似文献   

为找出影响海峡西岸体育产业的因素,提出海峡西岸体育产业发展的对策,从而实现以排球为依托,拉动整个海峡西岸体育产业的发展。以文献综述、举例、类比等方法,对海峡西岸地区体育产业发展的现状与特点、海峡西岸经济与新时期“发挥体育理论创新在海峡西岸经济区建设的作用”总目标结合情况进行分析,找出了经济发展水平、体育发展规划、体育社会化程度、政府的重视程度、居民的文化水平、收入水平等影响海峡西岸体育产业的因素。提出了加大宣传力度、充分利用明星效应、加强组织、管理保障力度、改善城市大环境、提升城市竞争力等建议。  相似文献   

在国家大力援助新疆的新时期,为新疆的体育产业带来了新的发展空间,新疆本土少数民族传统体育运动达瓦孜也步入市场并成为全国最具品牌意义的民族体育项目之一。就其产生的价值来看,其无形资产的经济价值及其有限,文章从体育经济学的角度,分析达瓦孜无形资产的经济价值,探讨达瓦孜无形资产的开发措施与保护策略。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a major blind spot in the history of Australian sport by investigating women's participation in sport with relation to social class. This is a question that has been largely overlooked in the current literature on the history of women's sport, but stands out as an issue deserving of further attention. The paper considers whether the obstacles faced by Australian sportswomen have been irrespective of social class and status, or if working-class women faced a double burden of both gender and economic barriers to sporting activity? Drawing upon an in-depth examination of sport and identities in an inner-city working-class Australian suburb, the paper examines and analyses the sporting experiences of local women in the early part of the twentieth century. Based on an extensive evaluation (and critique) of the local, city and sporting press and local histories, the paper argues that not only did working-class women have far fewer opportunities to participate in sport than their working-class male counterparts, but that they also had much less access to sport than middle- and upper-class women. It concludes that issues relating to class were the most significant deterrent to sporting involvement amongst local women.  相似文献   

The authors report the economic impact of a strategy change for a nonprofit sport association, Hoopfest, over an eight year period. Hoopfest organizes the largest annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world. The study employs an economic impact methodology because the local community expressed a concern with related economic development issues. An initial assessment indicated the two-day tournament had an overall economic impact on the region of about seventeen million dollars. Twenty-two thousand people competed in the tournament and at least another one hundred thousand people watched the event. Hoopfest officials were challenged by a simple question: how could they enhance the economic benefits of this basketball tournament?  相似文献   

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