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Don't wait to show your charitable face until a smile has come. 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈爱. Don't wait to love until you have been loved 不要等到被爱了以后,才去爱别人. Don't wait to know the value of friends until you have felt lonely. 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值.  相似文献   

正GOING FOR A WALK Roger:What did you say?Claire:I said that it’s a lovely day.Why don't we go for a walk?Roger:Can you wait for a few minutes?I have to finish this letter.Claire:Don't take too long.It would be a shame not to take advantage of  相似文献   

“Don't you…”经常用于反意疑问句中,希望对方给予“肯定”的答复,例如:A:Don't you understand?你明白吧?B:Yes.是,我明白。但是 Don't you…?在口语中还可以表达其它一些意思。1.Advising sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事Don't you think it might be a good idea to wait a moment?(=You'd better  相似文献   

Don’t wait for a smile to be nice.不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。Don’t wait to be loved,to love.  相似文献   

Rosco and I wait for the fishermen to return.I sit at a wooden bench near the store at Mt.Baker Resort and watch the clouds change shape. Rosco has my belt around his neck and an eight foot tow chain hooked to a tree. Dogs must be on a leash. Ducks and rabbits are loose.  相似文献   

Happy Birthday Taurus (Apr. 21-May 20)金牛座Tauruses[属金牛座的人] are often stubbom[固执的];so this May for a change try listening to whatother people have to say more and you willunderstand them better. Don't be so afraid toshow your feelings to the people close toyou! Be wise with your money thismonth-it's not a good time for youto be spending.  相似文献   

A Japanese Imperial Navy subma rine, thought to be the first one sunk by a U. S. destroyer during the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pear Harbor, was discovered in an underwa ter military junkyard in the harbor.According to a press release from NOAA, the sub was one of five that was supposed to slip into Pearl Harbor and wait for the air attack from the Japanese.  相似文献   

Activity 1 Think about the following questions,and write down your answers before reading the essay?(1)When you happen to stay with a stranger,for example,another passenger sitting next to you on a train over a long haul,which are you more likely to do,to initiate talks,or to wait for him or her to do so?How would they be different?  相似文献   

Don't be a doormat"Remember that politics does not mean sucking up to the boss. You will find "yes" people in every organisation. The world is full of suck-ups who tell people exactly what they want to hear. Some managers love to be surrounded by people who tell them they are right even if they aren't. Don't agree just to be agreeable or because of your boss's title. This does you, your boss and your company a great disservice. If you have a better way of doing something or an opposite opinion, present it. Don't allow yourself to be walked on.  相似文献   

Don't wait to show your charitable face until a smile has come. 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈爱?  相似文献   

How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500?All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for am usem ent.You can’t leave until the week is up. And a cam era will be recording your every m ove. Two people actually took the job. The idea cam e from Rob Thom pson, a video artist.H e wanted to m ake a film about the way anim als are treated. H is goal was to r...  相似文献   

"Sam," says his father, "put on your cap and let us go for a walk."Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says, "Father, I am ready." Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb:'A barking dog does not biterb?"Does The Dog Know﹖…  相似文献   

At The Tuckshop     
Recess is a busy time in our school. I believe it is the same in all schools. Soon after the bell for recess rings, all the pupils come out of their classrooms. However, we do not run as our teachers have told us to be orderly at all times. Almost all the children go to the tuckshop which sells a variety of food and drinks. We line up in front of the different stalls and wait patiently for our turn. Nobody tries to jump the queue or push others. Our prefects make sure that discipline is observed by all.  相似文献   

Our life will be different in the future. In hundreds of years,the earth will be crowded and the cities will be bigger.There will be lots of high buildings.There will be fewer trees and more pollution.People will go to work by subway or plane,because they will be faster.There will be a robot in each family.The robot will help us to do the housework.We will have more free time to relax.People will fly to the moon for vacation.Some people will live in space.In the future,our life will be very easy and interesting.We will be very happy.I can’t wait!  相似文献   

I’m a novelist.My work is humannature.Real life is all I know.Don't everconfuse the two, your life and yourwork.You will walk out of here this af-ternoon with only one thing that no oneelse has.There will be hundreds of peopleout there with your same degree;therewill be thousands of people doing whatyou want to do for a living.But you willbe the only person alive who has sole  相似文献   

问:有这样一道选择题: The dean is having ameeting. But you can wait here.The meeting will be over. A. in a moment; for a moment;at the moment B.for a moment; in a moment; at the moment C. at the moment; for a moment; in a moment  相似文献   

1.do wonders创奇迹,取得惊人奇迹 A: I'm so nervous about tomorrow's audition. B: Don't worry about it; I believe your talent in playing. A: If I were a robot, I'd be able to do wonders. B: What, for example? A: I' d be able to go under the sea and go into the outer space.I wouldn' t have to worry about anything. B: But all of these have nothing to do with an actor, if you want to be, because the robots have no feelings. A:明天的表演面试我好紧张。  相似文献   

First Aid Quiz     
How much do you know about First Aid? First Aid is the science of giving medical to a person before a doctor can be found. First Aid, if it is quickly and correctly given, can save a person's life. Do you know the answer to the following questions?1 .Your friend has an asthma (哮喘) attack but she doesn't have her medication (药物), You:a.get a paper bag for her to breathe into.b.get her a cup of coffee.c.take her outside for fresh air.2.You should wait at least five minutes before touching someone who has been struck by lighting, or you might get a shock.  相似文献   

JEFF: Amy.AMY: Oh, Jeff. I'm so sorry. I came as soonas I heard. JEFF: Thank you.AMY: I spoke to your mother. She's withyour dad. JEFF: She is?AMY: Yes. She's waiting for you. You cango in now.JEFF: Oh ... Well, maybe I should wait.AMY: It'll be OK. Don't worry.  相似文献   

Test 8     
Part One: Quick Responses Please make a quick response to the sentence you will hear.1. Where did you get this MTV disc?2. Don't forget to mail the letter for me on your way back.  相似文献   

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