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利用麻醉家兔,常规颈动脉插管术记录动脉血压方法,按5ml/kg耳缘静脉注射麻黄果多糖,实验分为(1)单纯应用麻黄果多糖组;(2)应用M受体阻断剂阿托品 麻黄果多糖组;(3)应用β受体阻断剂噻吗酰胺 麻黄果多糖组,结果发现:单纯应用麻黄果多糖后,家兔血压明显下降,由给药前的15.1±0.4kPa变为12.3±0.3kPa,比给药前明显下降(P<0.01);应用M受体阻断剂阿托品后,血压无明显改变,再给麻黄果多糖后,血压变化不明显,由15.4±0.5kPa变为15±0、5kPa(P>0.05);应用β受体阻断剂噻吗酰胺后血压变化不明显,再给麻黄果多糖后,血压迅速下降至8.0±0.2kPa,随后血压进一步降低为零,死亡。此结果表明:(1)麻黄果多糖有明显的降压作用(2)其降压机制是通过兴奋副交感神经而发挥作用的。  相似文献   

现行高中生物课本中,在讲到性别决定和伴性遗传时,指出人类的血友病是伴性遗传病。其实血友病为一组遗传性凝血功能障碍的出血性疾病,并不完全属于伴性遗传。血友病包括:①血友病甲,即因于孤促凝成分缺乏症,也称抗血友病球蛋白缺乏症;②血友病乙,即因于IX缺乏症,又称血浆凝血活酶成分缺乏症;③血友病丙,即因子XI缺乏症,又称血浆凝血活酶前质缺乏症。凝血因子见、皿、及血为凝血活酶生成所必需。缺乏这些因子,凝血活酶形成减少,使凝血时间延长,引起轻微创伤后出血倾向。因子见存在于正常人新鲜血浆中,主要在肝内合成,也有…  相似文献   

目的:观察麻黄果多糖对正常小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法:本实验应用免疫实验手段检测了正常小鼠对照组和实验组巨噬细胞吞噬功能及溶血素水平的测定。结果:麻黄果多糖实验组与生理盐水对照组吞噬率和吞噬指数相比有极显著差异(P<0.01),溶血素产生无明显差异(P>0.05)。可明显抑制巨噬细胞吞噬功能(P<0.01),对小鼠溶血素的产生无明显影响(P>0.05)。结论:麻黄果多糖对正常小鼠的吞噬功能有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   

以火棘果为材料,采用纤维素酶辅助提取火棘果中多糖类物质,以多糖提取率为指标,通过对料液比、酶浓度、酶解温度、酶解时间、乙醇体积分数、缓冲液pH等条件对多糖类物质提取效果的影响研究,经正交试验对各因素影响下的提取工艺进行了优化,确定火棘果中多糖提取的最优工艺为:料液比(g:mL)1:15、纤维素酶浓度0.6%、酶解温度50℃、酶解时间120 min、乙醇体积分数为80%、缓冲液pH为4.0,火棘果多糖的提取率为5.35%。  相似文献   

本实验研究了不同剂量的银白木耳溶液对大鼠凝血作用的影响、实验结果表明:20%的银白木耳溶液除对白陶土部分凝血活酶时间无明显影响外,对延长血浆凝血酶原时间、血浆凝血酶时间均有显著作用(P<0.05),对缩短血浆凝固时间有非常显著作用(P<0.01);10%的银白木耳溶液对这四种血凝时间均无明显影响。  相似文献   

生药麻黄是临床上应用很久的药物。其草质茎可用于发汗、解热、止咳和抗炎等作用。近来报道,麻黄草茎中多糖具有降血糖作用。但对其果实的研究未见报道,我们对麻黄果实多糖含量进行了测定并与麻黄草质茎中的多糖含量进行了比较,经我院生理教研室初步试验其果实水溶液提取物不仅有降血糖作用,而且还具有抗凝血、抗溃疡等作用,为寻  相似文献   

本实验采用超声辅助法对香蜜果多糖提取工艺条件进行研究.以水为溶剂通过提取时间、料液比、超声功率、提取次数等单因素考察对多糖提取率的影响.通过正交试验优选出香蜜果多糖的提取工艺.结果显示,最佳工艺条件:提取温度90℃,超声功率500W,提取时间30min,物料比1:30.在此条件下,香蜜果多糖的提取率可达3.16%,与理论预测值3.50%的相对误差较小.实验结果具有一定的参考价值,为香蜜果有效成分的提取及资源的开发提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:用纤维素酶提取蓝莓果渣多酚,以多酚得率为指标优化提取工艺。方法:选取纤维素酶添加量、酶解pH、料液比、酶解时间、酶解温度等5种因素分别利用单因素试验和响应面分析法,研究蓝莓果渣多酚最佳提取工艺。结果:当纤维素酶用量为6.8 mg/g,提取初始pH为4.8,料液比为1∶20,提取时间为6 h,温度为50℃时,蓝莓果渣中多酚的得率最高,达到8.130 6 mg/g。结论:纤维素酶水解法提取蓝莓果渣多酚,通过调整酶添加量、酶解pH、料液比、酶解温度、酶解时间可以显著增加蓝莓果渣多酚得率。  相似文献   

采用正交实验法分析出绿色木霉 3.3711纤素酶系各组分最适酶解条件组合分别为(pH5 .0、4 5℃ ) (C1酶 ) ,(pH3.5、5 5℃ ) (Cx 酶 )和 (pH4 .5、6 5℃ ) (βG酶 )。分析比较了分别使用纤维素粉和麦麸为单一或混合碳源时在产酶过程中各组分酶的最高酶活 ,比酶活及其形成时间和分泌特性。结果表明 ,同种碳源不同浓度所产酶系中C1比酶活相对稳定 ,C1和Cx 酶活分别形成一个和两个高峰 ,βG酶均为一个高峰。混合碳源使各组分酶活高峰期相对一致 ,高峰期稳定时间延长和酶量增加。  相似文献   

1.3酶 1.3.1什么是酶?酶的化学本质是什么?何证明? 是一类由活细胞产生的具有特殊催化能力的蛋白质。近年来发现某些核糖核酸也具有催化活性,因此目前更广义的定义为:酶是活细胞产生的具有催化能力的生物催化剂。酶的化学本质是蛋白质,有的是单纯蛋白质,仅由蛋白质组成,不含其他成分;有的是复合蛋白质,分子中除蛋白质外,还有非蛋白质成分。那么,怎样证明酶是蛋白质呢?  相似文献   

语言交际意味着引导人们诉说自己的故事,雷一言不发,但却能让你感受到他是多么地渴望能再次弹奏吉他。他时常在空中挥舞着双手,像是弹奏着自己最爱的布鲁斯音阶。每次见我走进会面的礼堂时,他总是轻轻点头示意。他乐于分享自己的吉他逸事。  相似文献   

本实验采用肠淋巴管引流术,在失血性休克大鼠模型的基础上,观察高渗盐水治疗失血性休克过程中肠淋巴流量及其蛋白含量的变化,旨在探讨高渗盐水对失血性休克大鼠治疗的淋巴机制。结果表明,休克大鼠输入高渗盐水或生理盐水后,两组大鼠的血压、肠淋巴流量及其蛋白输出量均比休克期明显升高,高渗盐水治疗组显著高于生理盐水对照组(P<0.01),而且治疗组大鼠肠淋巴流量及其蛋白输出量远远高于休克前水平(P<0.01)。结果提示,高渗盐水的抗休克机制可能与其恢复休克大鼠的淋巴流量及其蛋白输出量、改善休克时肠淋巴循环障碍有关。  相似文献   

一种智能预测方法在电梯群控系统交通分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
交通流预测是电梯群控系统的重要组成部分 .将基于神经网络的时间序列预测理论应用到电梯群控系统的交通分析中 ,构造了一种神经网络时间序列交通流预测模型 .仿真实验表明 ,这种交通流智能预测方法是有效的  相似文献   

以少量胸导管淋巴液和肠淋巴液给予补液干予治疗的重症失血性休克大鼠,用生理盐水做对照,观察其对血压及存活时间的影响,以探讨不同部位淋巴液维持血压的共同特性。结果表明:胸导管淋巴液及肠淋巴液回升血压及延长存活时间作用均显著优于对照组(P<0.05~0.01),而两个治疗组间未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。结果提示:胸导管淋巴液和肠淋巴液对失血性休克大鼠均有较好的抗休克作用。  相似文献   

齐鲁籍作家王禹偁在宋代文学史上的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为宋初文坛“白体”诗的代表作家和“复古派”的核心,齐鲁籍作家王禹偁以丰富而优秀的创作实绩著称于世。本文结合其文学主张及诗文作品,论述了王禹偁为宋初文坛摆脱颓糜之风,重新走上健康发展的道路所做出的独特贡献。  相似文献   

The investigation of leisure time activities through lifespan analysis has revealed the importance of such activities in the prediction of later life achievements and creative products. They may be more reliable predictors of future performance than IQs, creativity test scores or school achievement. In the present paper creative leisure time activities are considered to be creative products. A total of 192 fifteen year old academic secondary school students were involved in the study: Creative leisure time inventories were filled out, Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices administered, and school grades recorded. Results indicated that differences in leisure time inventory scores between boys and girls with high intellectual potential were smaller than those of students with average potential. Girls were overrepresented in the “schoolhouse gifted” group, but in the “creative gifted” and “intellectually gifted” groups the ratio of girls and boys was balanced.  相似文献   

Subjects evaluated the frequency of their participation in activities typical of the scientist's work, the emotional value of these activities (pleasant‐unpleasant) and their stimulating value (motivating‐demotivating). The main stimulator of effective or potentially effective scientists was cognitive problem exploration, which clearly discriminated between professors and associate professors. Moreover, a high sensitivity for collative variables (especially novelty) characterized the potentially effective group. The motivation of the effective group was mainly intrinsic. The main inhibitors found in each group were depression, ineffectiveness of work, excessive organizational duties and time pressure. Effective scientists could work productively despite the negative influences of external circumstances. Both ineffective and potentially effective scientists were more dependent on aspects of the practical setting, especially other people's opinions.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested potential advantages for a new type of item for measuring comprehension in reading and listening. The test items are called “chunked” and consist of groups of meaningfully related words in which certain groups have been changed in meaning from the original passage. A chunked type of test, designed to indicate information stored during reading, was developed and analyzed in two studies. The results of Study 1, indicated that the constructed test items were successful in differentiating between readers and nonreaders of the newly composed reading passages. “Using the results of Study I, test items were revised and two forms of a test were produced, complete with standardized instructions. The major purpose of Study 2 was to evaluate the extent to which the revised and standardization test could discriminate between a group of individuals who took the test in its standard form and another group which was given the same amount of time to work on the test items but was not given the benefit of reading the passages. The major result in Study 2 was that individuals who had not read the passages experienced a 75% decrement in their performance on Form A of the Chunked Reading Test as compared to individuals who had read the passages, and for Form B, nonreaders experienced a 78% decrement. From these re- sults, it was concluded that the Chunked Reading Test is a valid test of information storage during reading in terms of its utility in measuring the differences in information stored between readers and nonreaders of passages, and that it offers many advantages over the traditional standardized reading tests.  相似文献   

This study had two major aims: 1) to establish a reliable data base on the social and demographic origins of nursing students in New South Wales universities since the introduction of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) and the change from diploma to degree level programs; and 2) to compare the social and demographic origins of nursing students in higher education programs in 1995 with the data base established by Wright in New South Wales in 1986 to detect changes over time. Comparison of data from the 1986 group (N=447) and the 1995 group (N=512) revealed that there was a no significant difference between the two cohorts on the socio‐economic variable. There was, however, a significant difference in the SES variable between the 1986 and 1995 sample for the female group. From a household perspective, there was a significant difference in the number of siblings, and income received by the mother between the 1986 and 1995 cohorts. In addition, no support was found for the assertion that country students would be disadvantaged with the move to higher education programs. It was also found that almost 79.3% of the 1995 group chose to delay their HECS payment until they entered the workforce.  相似文献   

背景:氧化应激形成诱导多细胞通路的基础,其能导致糖尿病并发症,最能导致身体虚弱的疾病——是神经系统疾病. 研究的目的是评价跑台运动是否能减轻链脲霉素诱导的糖尿病大鼠海马氧化应激和细胞凋亡率.方法:40只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为4组,每组10只,即对照组、运动组、糖尿病组和糖尿病运动组,通过给大鼠注射链脲霉素诱导糖尿病模型. 所有运动组大鼠在动物电动跑台上进行8周运动,在8周末,大鼠海马在冰冻中立即分离并冷冻保存. 收集上清液于-80°C保存,用于测定抗氧化酶和TBARs,用ELISA试剂盒检测细胞死亡检测细胞凋亡指数. 结果:糖尿病不运动组和糖尿病运动组的TBARs水平显著高于对照组;运动组SOD和GPx显著增高,糖尿病不运动组显著降低;与对照组相比,糖尿病不运动组CAT活性显著降低;与对照组相比,糖尿病不运动组细胞凋亡率显著增加,运动组显著降低. 结论:运动对糖尿病大鼠产生有益影响,部分原因可能是因为运动诱导氧化应激适应能力的改变.  相似文献   

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