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心理效应是指社会心理、心理规律的作用,使人在社会过程中对人或事所持有的一些特殊的反应效果。它普遍地存在于每个人身上,普遍地存在于各种场合。心理效应有积极作用,也有消极作用,要会恰当地利用它。面对新课程,学校管理者应认真学习和研究一些心理效应,充分发挥各种心理效应的积极作用,克服其消极影响,无疑将使学校管理收到事半功倍之效。  相似文献   

加强心理素质教育是构建素质教育模式的关键任务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、心理素质是人的素质结构的核心内容   心理素质是指人的心理调节系统为满足持续个体的心理需要,而与外界进行信息交换,并保持系统自身平衡的性能。心理素质不是来自先天的物质性结构,而是个体在适应环境过程中,通过后天学习而建立起来的一种经验结构。基础的心理需要,如安全感,也是自然属性,但大多数心理需要是在社会生活中建立起来的,如荣誉感、成就感等。社会性心理需要是建立在自然性心理需要基础上的。心理素质受到生理素质 (神经系统 )的影响,但心理素质水平主要取决于后天的社会经历。心理素质的提高过程可表述为“外…  相似文献   

文化管理是以人为中心的管理,强调以人为本,坚持把人作为管理工作的中心,把关心人、满足人、发展人、完善人作为管理的主要目的。学校文化管理是学校管理的最高境界,这不仅是一种管理思想,更是一个实践模式。抓好学校文化管理,有利于充分发挥学校文化的作用,调动学校一切积极因素,提高学校办学水平,提高办学效益。  相似文献   

学校管理是对人的管理,因而需要关注学生和教师,注重人文关怀和心理疏导。校长需要运用崭新的思想观念,以人文关怀为视角,指导和推进学校管理创新,特别是需要在充分尊重人的基础上,制订学校管理创新策略,由此确保学校管理的各项工作获得顺利推进,以及挖掘每名教师和学生的潜力。  相似文献   

人际沟通即为人与人之间传递信息,沟通思想和交流情感的过程。它具有协调人际关系,满足人的社会需要,维护人的心理健康的作用。在学校这个特殊的环境中。沟通是管理方面的基础性工作。它是管理者收集资料的主要手段,能满足教职工互通思想和感情的心理需要,改善人际关系,并且如果沟通有效,还可以调动职工积极参与学校的管理和决策。因此,学校领导应重视开发和畅通渠道,促进学校人员之间的信息和情感交流,改善学校的心理环境。  相似文献   

文化管理是以人为中心的管理,强调以人为本,坚持.把人作为管理工作的中心,把关心人、满足人、发展人、完善人作为管理的主要目的.学校文化管理是学校管理的最高境界,这不仅是一种管理思想,更是一个实践模式.抓好学校文化管理,有利于充分发挥学校文化的作用,调动学校一切积极因素,提高学校办学水平,提高办学效益.  相似文献   

管理者应注意的八种心理效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理效应是指由于社会心理、心理规律的作用,使人在社会认识过程中,对人或事所持有的一些特殊的反应效果。心理效应既有积极作用,也有消极作用。因此,在学校管理工作中,学校管理者要注意以下八种心理效应。首因效应所谓“首因”,就是指第一印象。第一印象所产生的作用称之为“首因效应”。现实生活和社会心理学实验研究都表明:人在初次交往中给对方留下的印象很深刻,人们会自觉地依据第一印象去评价一个人。人在交往中给对方留下的第一印象的好与坏,关系到今后人们对其的评价,它往往决定着一个人今后的人际交往和人际关系。首因效应对我们学…  相似文献   

情感特征是学校管理的最基本、最重要的特征。它贯穿于学校管理的始终,因此学校管理必须以人的情感为基础。如果学校管理者把自己的情感投入到管理中去,他会赢得尊重,形成一呼百应、众望所归的良好的人际氛围。教职工最需要的是领导的尊重、理解、信任、关爱。结合学校管理实际以及自身多年管理经验,我认为作为校长应从以下几方面满足教职工的情感需要,优化学校管理。一、尊重需要作为知识分子的教师对平等的渴求是很强烈的,他们希望自己的价值得到认可,人格受到尊重,心理得到平衡。所以校长在对教师进行管理时,要掌握教师的心理。首先,拥有…  相似文献   

马克思早就提出过人的全面发展的理论,强烈抨击资本主义把工人变成机器的附属物。现代管理思想把集体事业的成就和人的完美发展密切结合在一起。把个人的需求和群体的目标融合在一起,是管理心理学中最重要和核心的原则。 在学校工作管理上,必须坚持以人为本,坚持依法管理。其中,极其重要的是人的管理。人是社会的人,学校也是一个微型的社会,每一个人必定属于这个社会中的某个群体和数个群体之中,学校中的教师群体(正式和非正式的)错综复杂,且呈多样性。学校领导要切实重视各群体的发展与建设,引导、协调其间的关系,才能保证学校各项工作顺利发展,并朝着既定的目标前进。  相似文献   

美国社会心理学家杜保尔通过研究认为,在一个家庭中,每一个优秀成员的标准分别是:一、好爸爸的标准1.把孩子当成一个独立的人而不是附属品;相互理解和沟通;3.注重孩子自己提出的目标;4.注意孩子的心理发展;5.从孩子成长为一个成熟的人中来寻求满足;6.把做父亲作为自己希望承担的义务和责任。二、好妈妈的标准1.培养孩子的自信心、独立性,教育他们怎样适应生活2.注意孩子的情绪,使孩子保持愉快满足和无忧无虑3.帮助孩子在社会性方面不断发展,指导孩子游戏;4.培养孩子的阅读能力,为他们提供各种心理教育;5.引导孩子理解事物,使他们能为自己安…  相似文献   

1. Introduction A multi-wavelet is a wavelet generated by a multi-scaling function consisting of several functions. Multi-wavelets have some advantages in practical application over scalar wavelets because they possess all these properties such as short support, orthogonality, symmetry and higher approximation order at the same time. But in practical application the discrete scalar data need prefiltering when they are transformed by discrete multi-wavelets. Prefiltering makes some pro-perties …  相似文献   

There continues to be a critical shortage of school psychologist practitioners and academicians. Undergraduate students in psychology, education, and other majors (N = 674) from a large comprehensive university in the southwest completed an examiner‐made web‐based questionnaire designed to assess their attitudes and preferences for choosing graduate training in psychology. There were differences among the participants on Interest in Graduate School, Child Interests, Attitude toward Research, and Exposure to School Psychology. Psychology majors were more interested in graduate school than all other majors in the sample and were more interested in research than “other” majors. Psychology majors reported significantly less exposure to school psychology than “other” majors. Examination of the endorsement patterns of the participants indicated the following. Generally, misconceptions about school psychology were not endorsed at high levels. Sixty seven percent of the sample indicated they would attend graduate school. And 77% of the participants also endorsed items indicating they had interests in focusing on children and child related problems. The participants did specify there were some geographic restraints related to choice of graduate school. Fifty to 60% of the participants agreed they had personal qualifications which would make them highly competitive for graduate school admission. Implications for school psychology recruitment are offered.  相似文献   

"积极心理学"作为一种影响广泛的心理学运动,在本世纪初的五年当中获得了重要的研究进展。通过对《美国心理学家》2000年积极心理学专辑和《普通心理学回顾》2005年积极心理学专栏等十余份主要期刊和出版物的研究,文章回顾与比较了积极心理学发展的趋势和特点,评价了其从对"人的积极品质"的研究到"人性积极力量"的研究的发展过程,并总结了关于积极心理学运动发展的启示。  相似文献   

当前,在实现义务教育阶段优质教育资源均衡分配的基础上,人们正将目光逐渐聚焦于学校的内涵发展,致力于让每一个学生获得成功的机会。本文在分析导致学生间不公平的深层机制的基础上,从家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育、学前教育等多方面综合切入,寻求共同应对的联动机制,为构建一个全方位的教育基本公共服务体系提供参考。  相似文献   

王湖滨  黄忠敬 《中学教育》2011,8(2):46-50,24
教育委托管理一方面是为了促进政府职能转型,从教育管理向公共治理的转变,由全能型政府向服务型政府的转变,形成政府宏观管理,学校自主办学,中介优质服务的新格局;另一方面是为了促进基础教育的均衡发展,扩大优质教育资源,缩小城乡差距.其优点是改善政府治理结构,整合优质资源,加强学校内涵建设,促进教育均衡.主要问题体现为行为主体...  相似文献   

Many school psychology faculty are required to publish for purposes of retention and promotion. It is useful to have an understanding of the different outlets for scholarly publications. In the present study, we investigated the peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published between 2010 and 2015, the number of articles in each journal, and the acceptance rates and impact estimates for each journal. We identified school psychology faculty using the National Association of School Psychologists website and conducted a search of the publications using EBSCO databases. Results indicated that there were a total of 3,675 articles and a total of 832 peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published during the 6‐year span. Among the peer‐reviewed journals, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology Quarterly, School Psychology Review, and Journal of School Psychology were the journals in which school psychology faculty members most frequently published. Acceptance rates ranged from less than 5% to 98%, with an average of 29.7%. H‐indexes ranged from 1 to 890, with an average of 52. These results illustrate the variety of journals that publish works from school psychology faculty and the need for school psychology faculty and other authors to consider a variety of options when seeking publication.  相似文献   

义务教育均衡发展是国际教育发展的新趋势,而基于资源的学区集群管理模式则是我国众多地区促进义务教育均衡发展的途径之一。本文以资源管理为逻辑起点,从学区集群管理模式的内涵与特点、操作和优势与不足三方面来探讨促进义务教育均衡发展的途径。  相似文献   

In 1984, the National School Psychology Inservice Training Network (NSPITN) published School psychology: A blueprint for training and practice (Blueprint I), which recognized that America's public schools were troubled and focused on how school psychology could help with a transformation; the role of school psychologists was divided into 16 practice domains. In 1997, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) published a successor, School psychology: A blueprint for training and practice II (Blueprint II), which credits the first edition with having “driven much of the progress in school psychology.” To better understand the impact of the Blueprint I, this study analyzes responses from Nebraska and Iowa school psychologists about it, finding that doctoral-level respondents believed that they were more competently trained than subdoctoral school psychologists in the research domain; quality of training was rated higher by respondents receiving degrees after 1984 in class management, classroom organization and social structures, interpersonal communication and consultation, legal/ethical and professional issues, multicultural concerns, parental involvement, research, and systems development and planning. Analyses revealed numerous areas of congruence and dissonance between training and practice. Respondents reported a preference to decrease the amount of time spent in assessment and increase the time spent in all other domains (except basic academic skills). The relevance to the Blueprint II and the implications for school psychology training and practices are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Educational balance refers to the ideal that educational organizations and people who receive education enjoy equal treatment in educational activities under the thought of fair education and principle of educational equity, and the educational policy as well as legal system that guarantee its actual operations. The essence of balanced education development is to pursue educational equity and realize fair education. In terms of macroanalysis, it is the balance of educational supply and demand. In terms of mesoanalysis, it is the balance of educational resource disposition. In terms of microanalysis, it is the balance of school teaching processes, including the balance of the internal curriculum teaching resource disposition, and the balance of educational results as well as educational evaluation. Balanced education development is a historical category, which can be divided into four stages according to its achievement level. It is of great actual significance to establish the balancing index of fundamental educational development, especially the compulsory educational development, which is suitable for our national conditions and realities, to scientifically select the elements and to clarify the target of fundamental balanced education development. The data analysis indicates that the balancing index of our fundamental education in China is approaching this balance. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教育研究 (Educational Research), 2006, (6): 16–28  相似文献   

随着中国教育服务均等化进程的深入,急需一种新工具来测度基本公共教育服务均衡发展的状况,新平衡计分卡模型应运而生。新平衡计分卡是基于平衡计分卡模型,针对教育服务测度进行专门创新而产生的新型工具,它不仅是一种测度工具更是一种管理工具;它既能对教育服务均等化进行测度,又能平衡教育管理过程中产生的财务与非财务、短期与长期、子目标与总目标、结果与过程等因素之间的关系,保障基本公共教育服务均衡朝着更深层次切实有效地发展。  相似文献   

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