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Gossip in Class     
Dialogue 你有过逃课的经历吗?相信中学生朋友都能做到按时到校,不过在大学里,逃课就比较普遍了。一旦考试临近,“逃课族”就要喊头疼了!  相似文献   

The research on using video in the classroom to assist with student learning in the foreign language program offers a great deal of insight and application for teachers. It offers a wide variety of tested applications of theory that have shown themselves to produce significant levels of student achievement.  相似文献   

Yesterday,in our English class ,Mr Zhu SAID,“USA is short for the United States of Ameri-ca.People's name”  相似文献   

Itwasthefirstdayofschool.Astheheadmastermadehisinspection(检查),heheardaterriblestir(吵闹)comingfromoneoftheclassrooms.Herushedinandfoundoneboy,tallerthantheothers,whoseemedtobemakingthemostnoise.Heseizedtheyoungman,draggedhimtothehall,andtoldhimtowaitthereuntilhewasexcused(得到许可).Returningtotheclassroom,theheadmasterrestoredorder(恢复秩序)andlectured(训话)theclassforhalfanhourabouttheimportanceofgoodbehavior(举止).“Now,”hesaid,“arethereanyquestions?”Onegirlstooduptimidly(胆怯地).“Pl…  相似文献   

Yesterday,in our English class,Mr Zhu said,“USA is short for the United States of America. People‘s names have short ones too.For example,my name is Zhu Suyu,and you can call me ZSY for short.”  相似文献   

Wu Cui 《美中教育评论》2014,(12):880-886
In the process of classroom education, setting questions in class is an important teaching method, which is used in the whole teaching activity and acts as the link between the thoughts of teachers and students. Hence, creating a wisdom class and using according questions to aid the class are of great significance to both students and teachers. In this paper, 40 elementary students from the 9th grade and 10 of their teachers were studied and the result showed that learning requirements facing to the whole class and students' learning beliefs are essential principles, and questions should be set by having an exhaustive understanding of the textbook, giving previous homework, creating a thinking atmosphere, and setting a proper difficulty for the students. The proper time to set questions is when the old knowledge and new knowledge of the student conflict in the awareness of the student, when the teacher wants to spread thought, and when the teacher wants to make a conclusion.  相似文献   

With the reform of language teaching and learning methods,teachers should use more English in class.However,with the limitation of students’vocabulary,teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of body language,which has perceptual a…  相似文献   

1. Introduction on the importance of writingOf the four basic language skills—listening, speaking, reading and writ-ing, writing occupies an important and indispensable position and it is also con-sidered as the mostdifficultand the mostchallenging. For…  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the characteristics of the spoken English class and proposes the suggestions to the teachers in term of how to design the spoken English class, organize and administrate the class and assess the learners’ oral English ability. The paper introduces the various classroom activities and how to conduct them in teachers’ teaching process as well.  相似文献   

Listening is considered to be one of the most difficult skills in English learning.And it is obvious that the learners do not have enough and effective listening practice in a scientific way.This thesis will focus on listening.The author mainly analyzes how to develop the listening strategies to improve the ability of listening comprehension.  相似文献   

朱周贤 《海外英语》2014,(9):291-292
This paper aims to demonstrate whether students'self-evaluations influence their class performance.A questionnaire is designed and data is collected from 30 sophomore students in English class.The data analysis shows that students who have positive self-evaluation perform better and get higher class performance scores than students who have negative self-evaluation.  相似文献   

陈劲 《海外英语》2013,(5X):17-19
English speaking has been paid more attention today, especially in the age of globalization. Teachers are attempting to find out more effective methods to enhance the teaching results of English speaking. Facing the great demands and present difficulties of oral English classes, teachers have to conduct more study and practice to find out what roles that an oral English teacher has to take in the oral English classroom. Compared with the traditional teaching role in the English classroom, an oral English teacher has to fulfill more than one role in the classroom teaching so as to provide better learning conditions for students. Lacking more exposure to the real interaction with native speakers, students expect the oral English teacher to be a creator of the language environment. With various teaching and learning activities in the oral English classroom, the teacher has to be a good organizer to ensure every student to achieve improvement. An oral English teacher also has to correct students’language errors while ensuring the smooth progress of the classroom teaching. Only when an oral English teacher make clear what roles he or she has to take in the classroom can he or she achieve effective teaching.  相似文献   

Motivation is regarded as the greatest single factor contributing to academic success.Students may vary in ability,in experience and in reaction to learning,but their quality ofperformance will depend on how much they are motivated to perform.Some will study orpractice for hours,while others devote less time and possibly accept a lower level ofperformance.Problems in teaching EnglishIn China,it is very common for students to be treated as passive recipients in class.They are trained in this …  相似文献   

With analysis on the teaching models of English reading comprehension class at present first,this paper aims to point out the necessity to transfer teaching models.With strong back-up of some pragmatics theories,this paper explores the roles that English teachers are expected to play for the sack of more efficient English teaching in reading comprehension class.  相似文献   

Code-switching between English and Chinese usually occurs in students’talk when they are involved in taking com?municative language activities in college English class. This paper studies the situation...  相似文献   

Sunny Class     
“Hello,早上好!”咪咪一进入“Sunny Class”就热情地向“教室”中的同学大送问候。“对你来说很早,可是要知道你在上海,而我在美国,我们之间有时差呢!”Perer在电脑屏幕上回敬咪咪。噢!对了,我还没有向大家介绍呢!2046年的中学不再是21世纪初时的固定建筑物,而是借助高科技互联网,将学  相似文献   

邹缪 《新高考》2013,(12):4-4
针对上课时手机响声影响课堂纪律的问题,河海大学规定:在上课过程中师生必须关闭手机。而近期更有学校明令禁止学生在课堂上使用手机。“为了防止学生上课用手机刷微博、登QQ或者玩游戏,江西某高校开始试行一条新规——上课前,同学们要把手机交出来,集中放置在特制的手机袋中,下课后,大家再把自己的手机拿走。”近日,这条消息引发了网友的热议。  相似文献   

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