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通过劳伦斯在《马贩子的女儿》中对梅宝形象的细腻刻画和描写,去解读劳伦斯的女性意识。劳伦斯希望打破男尊女卑性别不平等的现状,拥有推翻父权制思想对女性的压制的现代女性主义意识。但是他仍然无法超越主流意识,更无法摆脱父权文化对自身的影响。劳伦斯在这篇小说中所体现出的女性意识仍然带有明显的时代局限性,他的女性主义意识是父权文化笼罩下的矛盾产物。  相似文献   

女性主义文体学是20世纪90年代中期由美国学者米尔斯提出来的一个新的文体学流派,研究作品中性别歧视和性别差异。通过对命名、情境、爱情片断和对话等女性主义文体学重点元素进行分析,可以看出肖班在《黛西蕾的婴孩》中形象刻画出黛西蕾作为妻子在家庭和社会中的地位:黛西蕾意为"被渴望的"谕示着她总在满足他人的意愿,自然情境和社会情境都将黛西蕾置于被动和被否定地位,爱情片断体现出她的无助,对话内容隐含结局。所有这些都反映出黛西蕾是一位传统妻子遵循着父权社会设定的标准,不得不接受命运的安排。  相似文献   

从《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代的男性思维与女权意识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在《德伯家的苔丝》中,哈代接受了父权制社会中的妇女观念,在小说创作中使用男性观察视角、男性叙述模式、男性话语和人物的二元对立语言,体现一定的男性思维。但小说中又含有一定的女权主义意识,这显露出哈代创作意识中的矛盾性。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是当代女性主义文学批评家们不可回避的先行者,她的女性主义思想修正了传统的男性化的理论建设,肯定了女性自身的价值,使女性主义文学理论粗具规模。论著《一间自己的房间》是她女性主义思想的集中体现,她认为女性要想独立,首先应该有真正属于自己的写作空间,本文即从物质空间与精神空间两个方面简要分析了弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫女性观。  相似文献   

Educators in all fields are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their familiarity with issues concerning gender equity, specifically in terms of how and what they choose to teach. In some cases this pressure is driven by an identification of economic or market advantages that are associated with a willingness and ability to respond to ‘women's’ perceived needs. In other cases, it is a more philosophical commitment to the ideas which underpin feminist projects that sparks off educational reform. Both positions are frequently accompanied by a consciousness that there is some ‘legitimate’ way in which to perform an equity agenda that is automatically and unproblematically better than other ways. This sensitivity to the perceived existence of ‘a’ feminist orthodoxy serves to paralyse many educational reform projects even before they begin.

In this paper I respond to this context by exploring some of the territory associated with gender and educational practice, without attempting to suggest a final, fixed and valid interpretation of that territory or the destinations to which it can lead. To this end, the paper has three principal goals: first, to provide an overview of some of the factors which have often generated the desire for a gender inclusive educational environment; second, to chart some common responses to this desire; and third, to explore some significant obstacles encountered by people in their own attempts to generate change. My aim throughout this paper is to highlight the need for feminist and pro‐feminist educators to recognise the multiple ways in which feminist consciousness can inform pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

海明威的作品素以"硬汉"形象著称,也有评论家认为它具有强烈的女性意识。本文在前人研究的基础上,运用碎片化和及物性分析这两种女性文体学的重要研究方法,分析其短篇小说《在密执安北部》中的女性形象,旨在阐释其女性意识在文本中的具体体现,同时说明女性文体学为读者理解和鉴赏小说语言提供了一个新的视角,为文学批评提供了一种更为客观的分析方法。  相似文献   

刘宇驰 《海外英语》2012,(1):233-234
《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫最出色的一部长篇小说,作者通过大量意象传达了自己的女性主义思想。时至今日,她的这种寻求自我个性解放、妇女解放、不依附于男性但又与男性和睦相处的观点仍是人们所追求的最佳状态。展现了作者所理想的两性相互依存的社会关系。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to pose some questions concerning kairos and feminist activism. In recent years state feminism in Spain has been presented as a ‘success story’ of legislative victories and policy programmes regarding women’ equality and equal opportunities. Only two years ago, feminist movements in Spain showed unexpected vitality in forcing the government to withdraw the intended reform of the abortion law. However, relations between state feminism and feminist movements in Spain are weak and ambivalent, and feminism in Spain, as in other parts of Europe, is said to be in crisis. I refer to ideas elaborated by Antonio Gramsci in order to identify possible barriers to the formation of relationships between state feminism and feminist movements that could impact favourably upon possibilities of collective political subjectivity and social transformation. Education plays a two-fold role in this argument. In its formal manifestations, it is a component of the institutional feminism that this article critiques, and as a series of informal pedagogical networks, education is understood here as entangled in the different expressions of feminist activism and can thus contribute significantly to the development of feminist aims.  相似文献   

本文用系统功能视角下的及物性系统对埃兹拉.庞德的意象派诗歌《地铁车站》进行了阐释,通过分析揭示了及物性系统有助于话语意义的理解。  相似文献   

小说《简·爱》是19世纪反映女权主义思想的代表作品,书中通过对简·爱人生经历的呈现,宣扬了女性谋求自由、独立和平等进步思想。但因作者深受小资产阶级思想影响,以及时代局限性的束缚等,导致书中简·爱的人物形象男性化,男女平等被物化,女性的生存出路依旧没有着落。  相似文献   

现代主义作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫被称作女性主义先驱者,她通过书写女性来为女性及女性作家获得“声音”。在《一间自己的房间》中,伍尔夫提出了“双性同体”的女性主义思想,并把它贯彻到小说《奥兰多》中。基于SusanS.Lanser的《虚构的权威》一书中提出的叙事模式,通过分析伍尔夫在《奥兰多》中采用作者型叙述与集体型叙述相结合的叙事模式,揭示其体现出的“双性同体”的女性主义思想和伍尔夫对女性作家遭受不平等侍遇状况的讽刺。  相似文献   

This article explores how higher education is being conceptualized as part of a neo-liberal ‘feminist’ social change project in the post-imperial context of the Arab Gulf. Challenging the tendency to essentialised treatments of gender and women in Muslim countries, it makes visible the diverse experiences and views of a particular group of Gulf purposively sampled women – students, graduates and academics – as it explores how they are situating themselves against available feminist narratives, how they are seeing themselves as citizens and political actors, and how higher education’s spaces and constraints are mediating these processes. A conflicted picture emerges, of mass higher education helping provide women with radical ideas and ambitions, and helping to make public demands and assert self-representation, while their freedoms to act are limited by underlying hegemonic structures that are still predominantly male and against which women variously rationalize their strategic conformity.  相似文献   

张丽秀 《海外英语》2012,(17):212-213,221
The"She-devils"or"wicked women"in Fay Weldon’s fictions are frequently discussed among many readers and critics.Some pluralistic narrative strategies including parody,anti-genre and non-linear and so on are employed to refract her pluralistic feminist ideas.Her new novel Kehua!:A Ghost Story is a metaficiton which indeed breaks the traditional linear structure of a novel.She gives us ample room and encouragement in this novel as we contemplate the future of women,which surely can be of our own making.  相似文献   

Critical action research emphasises participation, democracy and social critique, and thus has had considerable potential for feminist scholarship and action. Feminist action research, in turn, has gained a foothold in education, for example, through the work of Hollingsworth, Miller, Lather and others, although much action research might still be termed gender blind. This theoretical resource provides a discussion of recent developments in feminist ideas and their relevance for critical action research, suggesting that there is much to unite the two paradigms. The resource's overall aim is to call attention to the importance of feminist ideas for action research, and to demonstrate what feminist action research has to offer, not only for girls and women pupils and teachers, but for other marginalised and discriminated groups.  相似文献   

通过对秋瑾作品的全面阅读,着重分析了作者的女权主义思想。认为秋瑾的女权主义思想虽有偏激之处,但总的来说是进步的,并对后来的妇女解放运动产生了深远的影响,秋瑾无疑是中国女性主义伟大先驱,她的作品是中国女性文学史上的一块丰碑。  相似文献   

南希·弗雷泽立足于女性主义理论和实践的历史与现实,对全球化、多元化时代的女性问题进行了新的思考,给女性解放定位了再分配、承认与代表权的新坐标;她图绘了在公共领域和全球范围寻求女性解放的新框架,同时指出了女性参与协商对话和元民主制度化的女性解放新路径。弗雷泽的女性主义思想走向了反思和建构,实现了女性主义理论研究范式的突破和女性解放实践目标的新导向,探索和借鉴其女性主义思想中的全球化视角和制度化方法并进行本土化研究将对中国女性解放大有裨益。  相似文献   

Teaching a one-off session on a colleague’s course is a commonplace occurrence in higher education teaching practice, but it is not an area that has received sufficient attention in pedagogical literature. This article focuses on the scenario where a feminist teacher is invited to give a guest lecture, but is not sure if working with feminist pedagogy will be welcome. Guest lecture pedagogy is outlined: (i) guest lectures are always and yet never a one-off, because they are always embedded in wider teaching practice (ii) guest lecture pedagogy is both a struggle between time and pedagogical principles and an opportunity to break with convention. The challenges and risks of implementing feminist pedagogy in a guest lecture are considered; ultimately the article argues that a feminist teacher cannot simply ‘lay aside’ feminist pedagogy for a guest lecture, but that some compromises will be necessary in adapting practice for this type of teaching.  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪初期的英国文学家,她在作品中用女权主义视角审视了父权制社会里妇女的政治、经济和文化状况,批判了男性文化霸权和男性政治,开创了女权主义文学批评。以文化诗学语境为切入点,以伍尔夫的女性主义观点为依据分析其代表作《到灯塔去》,可以看出20世纪初英国男性文化的霸权地位和女性自我缺失的社会现实。作品体现了作者希冀超越性别、实现两性融合的美好愿望。伍尔夫独特的女性思想对人类和谐发展,对争取"人"的解放,促进两性携手同行具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

优秀的宣传语能对产品的推销起到锦上添花的作用。以功能语言学派代表人物韩礼德的功能语言学理论为基础,从及物性过程的角度出发,分析在中国较著名的三大国外快餐品牌,即肯德基、麦当劳和必胜客的宣传语,认为三者各自运用的不同及物性过程及语言策略,即肯德基的物质过程,麦当劳的心理过程,必胜客的关系过程,这表明及物性能实现文字上的运筹帷幄和意义传达的深入人心,这是宣传语的关键。  相似文献   

作为好莱坞中具有的著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆的电影中时常显现出人文意识和女性思想,他的电影成为推动社会和谐以及女性主义运动发展的重要力量,詹姆斯的女性主义思想从初现端倪到走向成熟,有着拨乱反正、重塑女性形象的历史意义。他的人文意识也在他对环境和人道主义的关心中走向成熟。  相似文献   

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