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为改善经典层次分析法用于科研绩效评价时主观性强、导向性弱、定量成分少的缺陷,对一种新的自适应层次分析法进行研究和探讨。该方法能够根据被评价对象在科研评价指标上的数据分布特征,对评价指标的权重进行动态调整,从而在评价过程中充分体现稀缺性指标的导向作用,实现更为合理的绩效分配。以某高校科研数据为例,检验该方法在科研评价体系中的应用效果,评价结果符合预期。  相似文献   

为改善经典层次分析法用于科研绩效评价时主观性强、导向性弱、定量成分少的缺陷,对一种新的自适应层次分析法进行研究和探讨.该方法能够根据被评价对象在科研评价指标上的数据分布特征,对评价指标的权重进行动态调整,从而在评价过程中充分体现稀缺性指标的导向作用,实现更为合理的绩效分配.以某高校科研数据为例,检验该方法在科研评价体系中的应用效果,评价结果符合预期.  相似文献   

张光进  廖建桥 《科研管理》2007,28(5):163-169
本文通过一个准试验研究,验证了以第三层次学科目录作为划分同行标准的相对有效性;并比较分析了以此标准划分的同行和非同行对自然科学类和人文社科类科研申请评价效果的差异;研究还验证了源于"棋局试验"的系统优劣评判思想并不适宜于科研申请评价,进一步证明了专业性同行在科研申请评价中的关键角色。  相似文献   

研究型大学重点学科科研评价实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了基于科学计量的研究型大学重点学科科研评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算了各层指标的权重,并构建了评价模型.以拥有材料科学与工程一级国家重点学科的10所高校的该学科为评价对象,进行了实证研究,对这10所高校的材料科学和工程学科的科研水平进行了综合评价.  相似文献   

【目的】 依据结构功能理论和期刊数据政策的相关研究,科学设计评价期刊数据政策的指标体系。【方法】 通过层次分析法打分赋值评价指标体系中4个一级指标和14个二级指标,计算权重。【结果】 构建的期刊数据政策评价体系中,提高期刊质量、规范数据质量、便捷读者应用等指标权重较高,在期刊数据政策中较为重要。【结论】 建立了较为系统、全面、可操作的量化期刊数据政策评价体系,有利于全面分析已有期刊数据政策实施的效果。  相似文献   

建立科学有效的创新驱动导向评价体系是创新驱动发展落地有效的重要保障。目前学术界关于创新驱动导向评价体系的研究主要涵盖国家、区域、企业三个层面,研究方法主要以“投入——产出分析法”和“多维层次分析法”,指标选择以定量指标为主。本文系统梳理了国内外有关创新驱动导向的理论和方法研究,从创新驱动导向的发展脉络、研究方法和指标选择三个角度,阐述了创新驱动导向的研究现状和存在问题。并从建立R D资本化的国民经济核算体系、增强创新体系评价的政绩考核多元化以及建立国有企业和科技创新型小微企业的创新激励机制等方面指出未来研究方向为我国新常态经济下,建立和完善创新驱动导向的评价体系提供了科学的理论指导和政策启示。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国家自然科学基金委员会三个层次资助政策研究的主要内容及研究工作的现状,论述了科学选择理论研究的主要内容,提出了科学选择理论和方法与科学基金资助政策研究相关的理论框架。在此基础上,分析了在不同学科层次上科学选择采用的不同方法以及这些方法在研究科学基金资助政策中运用的可行性。  相似文献   

通过对科研能力评价指标体系构成相关研究的分类回顾与梳理,提出了评价指标设计原则,逐步搭建了一套包含三个层面的科研能力评价指标框架.通过专家访谈和问卷调查的方式,对初步建立的评价指标框架进行修正.运用层次分析法、专家咨询法得出各指标的权重.为了保证指标评分的准确性,对各指标项下的不同等级选项进行了归一化处理,最终完成科研...  相似文献   

高校教师科研能力评价模型构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对科研能力评价相关研究的回顾与梳理,构建了包含三个层面的高校教师科研能力评价指标框架,运用层次分析法、专家咨询法得出各指标的权重。为了保证指标评分的准确性,对各指标项下的不同等级选项进行了归一化处理,最终构建了高校教师科研能力评价模型。  相似文献   

王娜  龙影 《情报科学》2019,37(6):42-48
【目的/意义】从用户体验角度出发,设计并确立一套社会化标注系统评价指标体系,以期为社会化标注系 统的优化发展提供一定的参考。【方法/过程】文章以用户体验为中心,以社会化标注系统为研究对象,通过文献分 析、专家调查,研究设计了基于用户体验的社会化标注系统评价指标体系,包括5个评价准则和10个评价指标;然 后,对本专业的专家和普通网络用户分别进行问卷调查,并运用层次分析法和加权平均法计算评价指标权重。【结 果/结论】本文通过对比发现专家与用户对于社会化标注系统评价指标的影响力有不同的看法,在分析原因的基础 上利用层次分析法的结果,采用加权平均法确定了基于用户体验的社会化标注系统评价体系的权重。  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of a study on the potentialities of “bibliometric” (publication and citation) data as tools for university research policy. In this study bibliometric indicators were calculated for all research groups in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Leiden. Bibliometric results were discussed with a number of researchers from the two faculties involved.Our main conclusion is that the use of bibliometric data for evaluation purposes carries a number of problems, both with respect to data collection and handling, and with respect to the interpretation of bibliometric results. However, most of these problems can be overcome. When used properly, bibliometric indicators can provide a “monitoring device” for university research-management and science policy. They enable research policy-makers to ask relevant questions of researchers on their scientific performance, in order to find explanations of the bibliometric results in terms of factors relevant to policy.  相似文献   

As the costs of certain types of scientific research have escalated and as growth rates in overall national science budgets have declined, so the need for an explicit science policy has grown more urgent. In order to establish priorities between research groups competing for scarce funds, one of the most important pieces of information needed by science policy-makers is an assessment of those groups' recent scientific performance. This paper suggests a method for evaluating that performance.After reviewing the literature on scientific assessment, we argue that, while there are no simple measures of the contributions to scientific knowledge made by scientists, there are a number of ‘partial indicators’ — that is, variables determined partly by the magnitude of the particular contributions, and partly by ‘other factors’. If the partial indicators are to yield reliable results, then the influence of these ‘other factors’ must be minimised. This is the aim of the method of ‘converging partial indicators’ proposed in this paper. We argue that the method overcomes many of the problems encountered in previous work on scientific assessment by incorporating the following elements: (1) the indicators are applied to research groups rather than individual scientists; (2) the indicators based on citations are seen as reflecting the impact, rather than the quality or importance, of the research work; (3) a range of indicators are employed, each of which focusses on different aspects of a group's performance; (4) the indicators are applied to matched groups, comparing ‘like’ with ‘like’ as far as possible; (5) because of the imperfect or partial nature of the indicators, only in those cases where they yield convergent results can it be assumed that the influence of the ‘other factors’ has been kept relatively small (i.e. the matching of the groups has been largely successful), and that the indicators therefore provide a reasonably reliable estimate of the contribution to scientific progress made by different research groups.In an empirical study of four radio astronomy observatories, the method of converging partial indicators is tested, and several of the indicators (publications per researcher, citations per paper, numbers of highly cited papers, and peer evaluation) are found to give fairly consistent results. The results are of relevance to two questions: (a) can basic research be assessed? (b) more specifically, can significant differences in the research performance of radio astronomy centres be identified? We would maintain that the evidence presented in this paper is sufficient to justify a positive answer to both these questions, and hence to show that the method of converging partial indicators can yield information useful to science policy-makers.  相似文献   

根据指标选取的若干原则,结合学者们的相关研究成果及反复咨询多名专家意见,将国家科技奖励制度运行绩效的测算指标分为奖励投入和奖励产出两大类,共包含6个二级指标、20个三级指标。再根据投入产出分析的测算公式,选取国家科技奖励制度1980—2010年的运行数据进行统计分析,对不同年份和不同奖种的投入产出状况进行了纵向和横向的比较,并在比较结果的基础上提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

The rapid developments in high temperature superconductivity research in recent years have confronted the USSR with its first real test of restructuring (perestroika) in science. The breakthrough in this field in 1986–1987 posed a number of major problems for the traditional Soviet system in science. In particular the field required the cooperation of scientists from different fields and the ability to respond rapidly to the new developments. Soviet science has not been noted for its rapid response in its planning, its supply system and its information and publication procedures. In addition, the investigation of the new substances required modern sophisticated equipment, the provision of which has been a particular weakness of Soviet science.Academician Osip'yan saw the new field as a key test of perestroika in science and largely as a result of his influence it was used as a test-bed for new ideas for the organisation of science. It became the first of a new series of major programmes in which funds were allocated to groups of scientists on a competitive basis and the groups themselves, rather than their organisations, controlled the use of these funds. Despite some success in keeping up with world developments the programme has been hampered by bureaucracy and the lack of modern equipment.The study highlights the changes which have occurred in Soviet science under Gorbachev and shows that many aspects of the traditional system still remain.  相似文献   

谭红玲  李非 《科研管理》2014,35(12):94-102
科学技术创新政策研究是国际上一个新兴的、前沿性的交叉学科研究领域,一个新的研究范式。美国、日本、澳大利亚等国相继开展"为政策的科学"研究,我国相关研究却刚刚起步。基于政策与科学互动的科学技术创新政策,运用政府-创新者"反馈环"构建政府、高校、科研机构和企业"四位一体"螺旋式科学技术创新政策机制,耦合"为政策的科学"和"为科学的政策",增加科学、技术和创新预期效用,为经济增长或社会效益作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

以1984——2019年国家层面上发布的298项专利政策为主要研究对象,对我国专利政策的历史演进、发文府际关系、不同阶段的政策结构特征、总体演进逻辑和趋势等进行系统分析。研究发现:随着科学技术与市场经济的发展,中国的专利政策具有明显的阶段性特征,自1984年我国专利制度建立以来历经了改革开放内需驱动下的初步确立阶段、迫于国际压力下的与国际接轨阶段、全力提升自主创新能力阶段和由专利大国迈向专利强国的全面治理阶段。整个演进过程也反映了专利技术在整个国家社会经济发展中重要性的变化过程、不同阶段专利事业发展重心的变化以及政府运用政策工具的特点和规律。在总体演进过程中专利政策的体系结构不断扩张,体现出与国家创新体系、科技管理体系、产业经济体系不断融合的特征,同时其自身功能定位从传统的权利保护鼓励创造向激励创新、促进产业化应用和经济体制变革等综合功能转变。  相似文献   

University research centers have been institutionalized as a part of the science policy repertoire committed to strategic use of science and technology. Based on a representative sample of academic scientists and engineers in American research universities, this study investigates the selection dynamics, attempting to unfold the determinants of department-affiliated faculty members to be center affiliates. The findings suggest that university research centers select their affiliates on the basis of individual scientific and technical human capital. Scientists from prestigious departments are more likely to be center affiliates, so are prolific scientists, former postdoctoral scholars and the elder cohorts. In the meantime, university research centers are able to overcome the incentive incongruity with academic departments, as is evidenced by a higher likelihood among junior scientists to secure center connections. Dedicated to diversity and equity, university research centers provide a level playing field for women, minority and foreign-born scientists. The study concludes with a discussion of the scientific and technical human capital theory and policy implications in the science enterprise.  相似文献   

在新一轮科技体制改革的浪潮中,必然涉及到众多新的科技政策的制定和实施。科技决策必须坚持科学化和民主化原则。科技政策学在美国的兴起,是美国追求科技政策科学化的必然结果。科技政策学是交叉学科研究,具有多种研究进路。科技政策学已经引进到中国,并已出现了中国特色的科技政策学研究成果。中国特色的科技政策学研究,一方面要为科技体制改革、国家创新体系的建设服务,另一方面要加强学科建设和人才培养。  相似文献   

融合(convergence,或译为“会聚”)研究是一种基于多学科交叉来解决重大经济社会问题的科研范式,近年来成为主要国家高度关注的发展趋势。本文首先从本体论、认识论和方法论上揭示融合研究的基本特征,进而基于熵理论研究提出测度融合研究的指标——融合熵,并以脑科学研究为例开展该指标的实证研究。结果表明:融合研究的本体(研究问题或对象)主要来源于自然或者社会中的重大挑战,而非单纯从现有知识体系推演而来;在认识论上,融合研究不仅要求个人层面的知识建构,也强调组织层面和国家层面对知识的主动性、系统性和协调性管理和应用;在方法论上,根据研究问题的不同,融合研究可吸收不同学科,通过学科之间的“化学”作用形成新的研究框架和研究语言,并最终发展形成融合领域;以脑科学为例开展的融合熵测度与专家定性研判结果具有高契合度,表明应用“融合熵”这一指标来测度融合研究具有科学性和可行性。  相似文献   

广东省重点实验室是广东省科技创新体系的重要组成部分,是广东省组织高水平基础研究和应用基础研究的核心力量。从科技资源配置的视角分析广东省重点实验室建设与发展过程中存在的定位与边界模糊、结构性布局失衡、资源配置方式不合理、绩效评价机制不健全、运行管理监督机制缺失等问题,进而从宏观(重点实验室的顶层设计)、中观(重点实验室的定位和布局)和微观(重点实验室的资源投入、绩效评价和日常运行管理)3个层次对广东省重点实验室的建设与发展进行系统的研究,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

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