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创造力教育是建立在创造力开发基础上的一种教育理念,适应创造力经济的现代大学教育,无疑应当注重学生的创造力发展,因此创造力教育是现代大学的一种必然选择。作为大学的创造力教育,要以创造力开发(创造力的发现、创造力的培养、创造力的整合)为基本目标、以学科创造力为核心、以主动性实践为关键来构建其教育体系。  相似文献   

研究大学创造教育的特点,明确大学创造教育的任务,针对大学创造教育的现状,提出注重大学生创造性培养的必要性,认为大学创造教育的主要任务是使学生学会做人,学会学习,学习做事,培养大学生创造精神和全面的人格。  相似文献   

在国家推行教育改革的今天,改革的目标就是培养具有创新精神和创造性才能的人才,以适应现代化建设和国际竞争的需要。而创造精神和创造性才能培养的关键在于创造性的思维。在历史教学中打破旧有的惯性思维的束缚,通过联想思维、逆向思维和发散思维等方法,培养学生的创新精神和创造能力。  相似文献   

面对飞速发展的科学技术和知识经济,职业技术教育不创新就不能适应社会的需要。创新的关键在于教育者群体创新精神的塑造。其目的包含了教育实施主体的进步和教育组织目标的实现两个层次,重点在于更新教育者传统的教育观念,培养教育者的探索精神,以期增强职业技术教育活动的有效性。基于此,本文就塑造群体创新精神的着力点以及主要途径和手段进行了分析和阐述。  相似文献   


The dominant results-driven/performance-oriented culture and the pressures of performativity in education have meant that the promotion of creativity has been narrow in scope and the translation into practice less apparent than the rhetoric would suggest. Creativity can survive even in times of standardisation, but it is more likely to be confined to interstitial zones. Interstitial zones are in-between social spaces outside the formal teaching zones in which creativity may give voice to those students whose voice is not always heard in the formal teaching context.

Often, creativity is equated exclusively to substantial creative outputs and, as a result, teachers who are not sensitised to creativity in a broader sense may underestimate their own creative ability and the positive impact this might have on the relationship with their students. A shift in teacher education that results in a more meaningful appreciation of both the nature of creativity and its benefits is therefore required. A developmental approach which starts with teacher cultivation of creative sensibility is essential to achieve greater infusion of creativity. The paper posits that teachers who resist rigid social structures and engage in critical pedagogy are also more likely to be receptive to creativity and its the pastoral potential in education.  相似文献   

学生创造力的培养是现代教育的重要目的,课堂是培养学生创造力的主渠道。深入探讨课堂环境与学生创造力之间的关系,营建安全、自由的课堂环境,有助于促进学生创造力的发展。  相似文献   

We will present a case study result from a cross-disciplinary education called Medialogy, which is taught in the Technical and Science Faculty at Aalborg University. The aim of Medialogy is to facilitate creativity within technical solutions. The intention of this paper is to answer the following: how do the Medialogy teachers perceive creativity and how do they facilitate it? Many of the answers point to the pedagogical approach used in problem-based learning, which are perceived as an important element for the creative process. In this paper we will also argue the importance of including the social context (both at a macro and at a micro level) in the definition and use of creativity in engineering education.  相似文献   

现代社会,教育已由单纯的传统性能转向开放性和创造性,未来文明的真正财富越来越表现为人的创造性;教师是教育事业和人类精神生命的重要创造者.本文通过对教师创造力外在表征和内在特质(人格特征)的研究,进一步揭示教师创造力的社会性价值,个体性价值及教育性价值.  相似文献   

知识经济初露端倪 ,催生了创新教育理念的产生。现代教育教学目标重在培养学生的创新能力。在思想政治课教学中 ,如何通过开展研究性学习 ,培养学生的创新精神、创新思维和创新能力。文章试从教育理念的转变、教师角色的转换、教学方法的更新以及考核、评价方式的创新等方面加以阐述  相似文献   

The Limits To Creativity In Education: Dilemmas For The Educator   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since the end of the 1990s, creativity has become a growing area of interest once more within education and wider society. In England creativity is now named within the school curriculum and in the curriculum for children aged 3–5. There are numerous government and other initiatives to foster individual and collective creativity, some of this through partnership activity bringing together the arts, technology, science and the social sciences.
  As far as education is concerned, this growth in emphasis and value placed on encouraging creativity can be seen as being in stark contrast with the government policy prevalent from the late 1980s onward. One of the underpinning themes and justifications for this re-kindling of interest in fostering creativity is that the individual and collective empowerment which is fostered by the development of creative skill is seen to be a good thing at the social and economic level in particular (Craft, 2002). These justifications have been discussed elsewhere (Jeffrey and Craft, 2001).
  But an important question to ask is, how desirable are the cultural norms of continual change and innovation in Western society?
  This paper examines some possible social, environmental, cultural and ethical limits to creativity, in the context of educating for creativity (NACCCE, 1999). It argues that the notion of creativity may be value- and culture-specific and that this poses the so-called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle and pedagogy, which are explored.  相似文献   

创造力系统观及其对创造教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
创造力研究经历了一个从单维到多维、不断系统化的演进过程。近来,人们倾向于从系统观的角度研究创造力。创造力系统观认为,创造力是多种因素相互作用的产物,包括个体的知识背景、认知风格、人格特质、动机,以及个体所处的生活背景、文化背景乃至整个社会大背景。在创造力系统观的视野里,创造教育是一种“系统化”的教育。实施创造教育,除了重视个体因素,还要重视文化和社会因素。  相似文献   

计算机基础教育模式与信息能力和创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用基于因特网的计算机基础模式促进信息能力和创新能力培养模式的改革 ,是 2 1世纪素质教育与教学改革的主题。本文分析了 2 1世纪信息社会发展总趋势、我国当前的计算机基础教育发展现状和西方发达国家对于信息能力和创新能力培养模式的改革动态 ,提出了一种全新的信息能力和创新能力培养模式。  相似文献   

学生创造力的培养是现代教育的重要目的,课堂教学是培养学生创造力的重要方式。然而,当前的课堂教学中存在着诸多妨碍学生创造力培养的因素,如创造力观念的偏差,课堂教学观念的偏颇,师生关系的僵化,课堂气氛的沉闷。基础教育改革就应克服以上弊端,营造出有利于学生创造力培养的课堂教学氛围,促进学生创造力的发展。  相似文献   

Recent studies have argued a shift of thinking about engineering practice from a linear conception to a system understanding. The complexity of engineering practice has been thought of as the root of challenges for engineers. Moreover, creativity has been emphasised as one key capability that engineering students should master. This paper aims to illustrate deeply why engineering education needs to foster creative students to face the challenges of complex engineering work. So a literature review will be provided by focusing on the necessity of developing creativity in engineering education. As the literature demonstrates, this paper reveals the understanding of complexity in engineering practice and the roles of creativity in engineering practice. In addition, the barriers to creativity in current engineering education and some implications of pedagogic strategies will be discussed. So this paper contributes to rethinking the engineering profession in a social context and a link between creativity research and engineering education.  相似文献   

Despite a more prominent role of arts education in the school curriculum, artistic creativity does not occur to a great extent in primary school practice. More opportunities for teachers to strengthen their know‐how in the field of artistic creativity can therefore be considered important. Arts education projects focus on pupils' development of creativity by means of introducing artists with their divergent working methods into primary schools. Beside fostering pupils' creative openness and skills, arts education organisations aim to transfer artistic enthusiasm to teachers in each project. Collaboration with artists can encourage teachers' artistic creative work. New working methods, techniques or ways of experimenting are more likely to be adopted in daily teaching practice when the project duration consists of several years. However, most projects are short‐lived and the means for a long‐term project policy are limited. Consequently, results in the area of sustainable outcomes concerning artistic creative work with teachers are limited. To create a long‐term view, the availability of financial resources is an important condition in order to realise a mentality change towards artistic creativity in education. Finally, continuing debate with several participants about making artistic creative work sustainable remains necessary.  相似文献   

计算创造力是人工智能研究领域的前沿,有望成为促进教育变革的重要推动力。本文综述了创造力与计算创造力的定义,运用文献计量法和文献分析法对国际计算创造力领域研究进行了可视化分析和内容分析。研究发现,计算创造力研究大体历经酝酿期、形成期和发展期三个阶段,计算创造力研究呈现出理论研究与实践应用相互促进的发展逻辑;主要研究主题为系统设计与评估、基本概念与理论、创造力认知计算模型、创意构思计算方法四个关键聚类和计算思维一个与教育相关的特殊聚类;创造性思维与计算思维的结合、计算创造力系统的教育应用是研究热点。计算创造力与教育结合的未来研究方向是《计算创造力》课程研究、创造力支持系统研究和计算创造力促进教学变革研究。  相似文献   

“人是价值的存在”及其教育学意蕴   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教育的根本目的是“成人”,教育学乃是“成人之学”。但价值“关系说”由于从“物”的层面来把握价值 ,因而不能提供一个很好的考察教育的视角。为此 ,需要从根本上树立“人是价值的存在”的思想。这一思想的确立赋予教育学一种新的内涵 :它内在地要求把人性化、个性化和创造性放在首要位置。这对于扭转教育的“无人”局面 ,确立一种以人为本、以人为目的的教育观具有重大意义  相似文献   

Across continents, creativity is a priority for education and is central to the discourse on 21st century learning. In this article, we explore how a greater focus on ‘everyday creativity’ in schools changes the dynamics of teaching and learning. We look briefly at the main concepts in the literature on creativity in education. We then focus on examples from the Centre for Creative Education's creative partnerships, which bring together educators, learners and creative professionals. This is followed by a discussion on how teachers assess learners’ creative dispositions, as well as the quality of creative processes and products. We conclude with recommendations for school-level strategies and policy and research to support learner and teacher creativity.  相似文献   

随着信息社会的推进,面对以人才为核心的传媒竞争,中国的传媒教育肩负着艰巨的任务,创新成功信息时代传媒教育的基本理念。通过分析传媒教育思维创新的创造性品质,探讨了传媒教育中应该树立的开放、整合和互动为主的思维创新观念,以及价值判断能力、信息创造能力和艺术表现能力等创新思维素养。  相似文献   

创造力是正常人普遍具有的潜在的心理能力,创造力内隐理论对创造力的非正式评价及培养都起着重要的潜在作用。创造意识的产生在一定程度上建立在创造力内隐理论基础之上,可以说内隐理论是创造意识产生的最初形态。正因为创造力内隐理论的存在,随着逐步的显现、认识,不断的深化、发现,会逐渐明朗,最后成为创造意识。教师是否具有创造意识将直接影响中小学生创造潜能的开发和创造力水平的提高。所以培养每位未来教师形成正确的创造意识,是当前教师教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

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