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1.Q :W hy are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么怕日光浴? A :They don’t want to be hot dogs. 因为它们不想成为热狗。2.Q :W here can a dog get another tail? 狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴? A :A t a retail store.在零售商店。3.Q :W hy are politicians no longer concerned w ith snowball fights? 政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了? A :The cold w ar is over. 冷战结束了。 脑筋急转弯@邬鸣…  相似文献   

1.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗为什么害怕日光浴? 2.When can you go as fast as a rac- ing car?什么时候你能像跑车一样快? 3.What can pierce one's ears without a hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?  相似文献   

我们先来看一个脑筋急转弯: If six children and two dogs were under just one umbrella,how come none of them got wet? 你猜到了吗? 给一点提示:  相似文献   

请你把九匹马平均放到十个马圈里 并让每个马圈里的马的数目都相同 怎么刃.” 蹈边电线杆上蹲春一只猴子 司机小李看到就立刻停下来 请问为什L? 哪种比赛 赢的得不到奖。品 输了却有奖品Q脑筋急转弯12则  相似文献   

1.regard...asThey regarded their pets as members of their families.他们把宠物看作他们的家庭成员。2.have...asBefore long,Herriot noticed that people in the country also had dogs aspets.不久以后,赫里奥特注意到农村人也把狗看作宠物。3.keep...asDo many Americans keep dogs as pets?许多美国人把狗当作宠物吗?...but now they keep dogs as friends.但是现在他们把狗当作朋友。4.take...asAre you taking me as a fool?你在把我当作傻瓜?5.look on(upon)...asThey also hoped that the world would look on the pyramids…  相似文献   

15000年前,狗就和人住在一起了。Atthat time,people went hunting with their dogs.这么说来,狗绝对是人类的“老”朋友了。How well do you know about them?Dogs can be our pets.They can also workas guides.Guide dogs are important to blindpeople.These dogs can guide them.They canalso help the deaf people.They are people’s eyes”an“d ears”.小狗其实是色盲。它们分不清楚红绿灯。How can they help bilnd people cross thestreet?它们可以通过车流的情况来判断,没有车过的时候它们就会带着主人过马路。They are clever!Dogs have a super sense of smell.它们能够嗅出毒品的气味。They are a great help topolice.Dogs are also good do...  相似文献   

Brain Twister脑筋急转弯1.How many letters are there in English?English里有多少个字母?2.What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than byyourself?什么东西只属于你,而别人使用它比你使用的还要多?3.What letter is a question?(什么字母是一个问题?)4.What letter is an animal?(什么字母是一种动物?)5.What letter is a vegetable?(什么字母是一种蔬菜?)6.You have it.You read it.There are some pictures in it.What is it?(一学习用品)kooB.6aep-P.5eeb-B.4.yhw-Y.3.emanyM.2个7.1:案答""""""""""""""…  相似文献   

1.一个人爬进了野兽的笼子竟然没有事,为什么?2.最坚固的锁怕什么?《脑筋急转弯》答案:1.笼里没有野兽2.钥匙脑筋急转弯~~  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up 1.Greeting T:Hello , boys and girls. Are you ready for class ? Here are some letters , can you read them ?(教师利用大屏幕出示打乱顺序的字母) C:M-L-S-A-N-I-A T:Can you make a word with them ? C:Animals. 2.Brain storming T:What animals do you know ? S1:Sheep.S2:Cat.S3:Dog. … T:Good.Sheep , cats and dogs are live on the farm.Today  相似文献   

下面是10个英语脑筋急转弯,看看你会多少?1.What will you break onceyou say it?什么东西一说出来就打破?2.Will liars be honest after they die?骗子死了之后会诚实吗?  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Greetings.2.Brainstorm.(脑筋急转弯)多媒体出示"脑筋急转弯",当学生回答出spaceship时,教师出示spaceship的图片。T:In our class,if you dowell,you’ll get a picture  相似文献   

Traveling is a very good activity. When you are fed up with your work or. study, and when you are free, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature and character of other cities. You can breathe fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them. Then, you will forget your tiredness and trouble and build up your health.  相似文献   

1.What can you see if I jump into water?2.Why is a river rich(富的;有钱的)?3.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it.H ow can you di-vide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still rem ainsin the basket?4.W hat kind of dog can never bite(咬)and bark(吠)?5.M y nam e is Jack.M y father and m oth-er have six children.H alf are boys and halfare girls.H ow m any brothers and sisters do Ihave?6.H ow can you drink a glass ofwaterfrom the bottom(底部)?7.W hy do fish live…  相似文献   

3个大人挤在一把很小的雨伞下面,但是没有一个人淋湿。为什么呢?Three large people try to crowd under one small umbrella,but nobody gets wet.Why?(答案在本期找)“脑筋急转弯”答案天上还挂着太阳,根本就不是雨天。脑筋急转弯@何富臣  相似文献   

When failure knocks you down, will you have the guts to get up and get going? Or will you give up? Achieving success can be difficult. At times, distractions, delays and defeats discourage everyone. Giving up seems better than going on. But the principle of rising after each fall to try again applies to all struggles.  相似文献   

1 Can you find six words in the word somewhere?The letters should be in the same order and next to each other.For example:so.你能看出somewhere这个单词中包含着6个单词吗?这些字母要按着同样的顺序,并且彼此相连。如:so2 Mix wet and ears,you can find a new  相似文献   

1.大象与跳蚤的区别是什么?2.什么样的步速最快?3.什么枪可以把人打跑又不会伤人?4.蝎子和螃蟹玩猜拳,为什么玩来玩去都分不出胜负呢?脑筋急转弯答案:1.大象身上可能有跳蚤,而跳蚤身上绝不会有大象。2.一步登天3.发令枪4.都出剪子脑筋急转弯  相似文献   

小小的妈妈在洗衣服,但是洗了半天,她的衣服还是很脏,为什么? 如果你有一只会下金蛋的鸡,你该怎么办? 电话铃声大作,却不见小华和哥哥去接电话,这是怎么回事? 早上,铃铃到小熟食店买煮鸡蛋吃,钱够了可店员不卖给她,为什么?脑筋急转弯答案: z1.妈妈洗的不是自己的衣服。2.电视里的电话响。3.打自己一下,别做梦了。4.鸡蛋还没煮熟。脑筋急转弯@文俭  相似文献   

1.五个人分六个橙(chéng)子,怎样分才合理?2.哪(nǎ)一种竹不生长(shēngzhǎng)在土里?3.什么事情(shìqing)一定(dìng)得(děi)由两个人各出一只手才能(cáinéng)办到?“脑筋急转弯”答案:1.榨成橙汁再分。2.爆竹。3.握手。脑筋急转弯@漆海如 @华华 @文俭 @王光全  相似文献   

Step1.Warm-up(略)Step2.Presentation 1.Teach"lion"Boys and girls,I like dogs.I like animals.They are my friends.Today I take my friends here.Now let’s watch a videotogether.Then answer my question:What animals can you see in the video?(Play the video of Madagascar)T:What animals can you see?S1:狮子T:Good!Please look here.(出示狮子  相似文献   

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