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1.thatthetradebetweenthetwocountriesreacheditshighestpoint.A.Duringthe1960蒺sB.Itwasinthe1960蒺sC.Thatitwasinthe1960蒺sD.Itwasthe1960蒺s2.Ifyouwantyouhavetogetthefundsomewhere.A.thattheworkisdoneB.theworkdoneC.tohavedonetheworkD.theworkthatisdone3.Ifittoomuchtrouble,I蒺dlovetohaveacupoftea.A.isn蒺tB.wasn蒺tC.weren蒺tD.hadn蒺tbeen4.Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copperitclosely.A.followedB.followingC.tofollowD.beingfollowed5.Shewasgladthathersuccesswouldforthewomenwhowouldfollow.…  相似文献   

ool den 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空或根据括号内所给的汉语提 示,写出空白处所缺的单词。 1. Taiw an Island (lie)in the southeast of China? 2.Last night,we went to the cinem a and the m usic of the film (sound)sweet. 3.—W hen did you see Carl,Tom ? —I saw him while I (get)offthe train. 4.Every teacher (希望)his or her students to work hard to m ake progress. 5.Jim always (赢)m e atsw im m ing.I think I need m ore training. 6.If he (lose)the books you borrow from the library,he m ust pay f…  相似文献   

曹力城 《新高考》2007,(4):48-55
1.With everyone silent,I knewI had failed tomy joke to the crowd.A.get;over B.get;acrossC.get;up D.get;down2.Now that the students are burdened withmore work to do,after school do they havesports as they used to.A.usually B.seldomC.occasionally D.al ways3.—I guess you might have missed your traintoShanghai yesterday.—Well,I al most.A.might B.hadC.have D.did4.The development of industry affects the envi-ronment.,the environment affects the devel-opment of industry.A.In turn B.In retur…  相似文献   

1.WhatIwouldsuggestis______workatonce.A.startB.startedC.startingD.tostart2.ThefirstthingIcandonowis_______youtohospitalimmediately.A.sendB.sentC.sendingD.toend3.Whatthechildisdoingis_______amodelplane.A.makeB.madeC.makingD.tomake4.Whatshehasdoneis_______areport.A.writeB.writtenC.writingD.towrite5.WhatIreallywantedtodowas_______allnight.A.driveB.drivenC.drivingD.todrive6.Theprofessoryouaretalkingaboutis_______atthemeetingtonight.A.speakB.spokenC.speakingD.tospeak7.Itoldmyteacherthee…  相似文献   

(A) Mrs Simon: What are you going to do this weekend? Mr Simon: I相似文献   

一Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how___________(become)cleverer because hismother always called him“foolish boy”.“That iseasy,”answered the fisherman.“I know one wayto make you_______(be)a clever boy.”“Really?”“Of course.A fish head is good f  相似文献   

l一Do you think our baskerballers Played very well yesterday? A .Theyw峨not nervous atall B.They were stUI you嗯 C.仆ey Played natu司ly D·Th叮couldn’t havedonel〕etter 2一Can 1 look at the menu fora few mo代minutes阮- 6,l.e ldee记e? 一of eourse.,Sir.  相似文献   

根据句意,用下列各句括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。1.W hata wind.It (blow )so hard.I hope it (stop)later on.2.It w as said that M r H unt (ride)his horse along when som ething(hit)him from behind.3.—W hen K ate (leave)for London?—Last M onday.She (be)there for about five days already,Ithink.4.M rs Addison told m e she (pay)a visit to H ong K ong som etim elater,and (be)back in abouthalfa m onth.5.—It蒺ll take you a lotoftim e (learn)C hinese.—Itdoesn蒺tm atter.I蒺llspend allm y spare-…  相似文献   

18.Bythe end oflast termTom five thousand English words.A.learned B.has learned C.had learned D.would learn19.Don!t get ofthe bus until it.A.will stop B.stopped C.shall stop D.has stopped20.Nobodyknows what happed next.A.will B.is goingto C.shall D.are to21.The mooncake delicious.A.tastes B.taste C.is tasting D.is tasted22.The teacher often told us that practice perfect.A.made B.was made C.makes D.is making23.Howbeautiful she sings!I a better voice.A.have never heard B.have ever hea…  相似文献   

1 .15 the baby—(wake)or asleeP?2.We日re tlred.Let’5 stoP—(have)a rest.3 .Ensllsh 15 very useful.You ean,t stoP— (Iearn)it.4 .Can you stoP the ehlldren from—(swlm)In th6 Iake?5 .May 15 weak In Chlnese.She 15 trylns_ (study)It well.6 .You need to try—(eat)anything.7.Jaek seems一一‘(tlred)than Tom today.8.Th6 Chlld 15 too youns一—(take)eare of hlrn-- Sslf.9 .The car hlt the young man—(bad).1 0.If you eat leSS food and take more exer一 clse,you Wl!1 be—(health)and—(thln).1 1 .…  相似文献   

任丽卿老师是北京理工大学外语系副教授、研究生导师。她还是著名的英语考试辅导专家,对各类考试的命题原则、思路有过深入的探究。做好单项选择题,不仅要往意题目的语境和句子结构,而且应该抓住其中的关键词所传递的信息,这祥才有利于找到解题的突破口。如果同学们在做题的同时不忘及时总结每道题的考点,要明显提高答题能力并不困难。  相似文献   

用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. The two sisters ______ (not see) each other since the elder sister went to London in 1948. 2. I ______ (do) my homework when Mike came last night. 3. I will return the book to him as soon as he ______ (come) back tomorrow. 4. She usually ______ (wash) her clothes on Sunday. 5. I won’t go to see the film tonight because I ______ (see) it twice. 6. My little sister ______ (finish) middle school half a year ago. 7. My parents will go out with me if they ______ (be) free next Sunday. 8. I do...  相似文献   

阅读下列短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必要时加助动词或情态动词)AMy aunt is an engineer in America.She1(work)in the Company of Microsoftsince1986.Last month she2(come)back to China.We were happy to see her onMay Day.After we finished lunch,we showedher around our hometown.“This hotel3(build)last year.Look,the workers4(put)up anotherone over there.”“What a great change!”my aunt said.“We5(plant)more trees and flow-ers in the town soon.And we’ll do somethingto stop the factories…  相似文献   

In modern society there is a great deal ofargument about competition.Some value it36,believing that it is responsible37social progress and prosperity.  相似文献   

1.The children are——. A.in the pa出 B.in the school2.Betty is——. A.100king and smiling C.I_eading a b00k3. feels hot.C.in the lake D.in a hotelB.making a planeD.eating and“nking A.DaVid B..Lily c.Mary D·Sam4.David feels——.. A.tried B.hot C.happy D.hungry and tllirsty5.Lily is——. . A.嘲ndil唔 B.出1wing C.雌Lking a pb【ne D.e撕ng and商nl(ing (答案本期找)≮看图选择填空》答案:、I.1lI lI.看图选择填空(英文)@刘世一…  相似文献   

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