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3 major goals were addressed: (1) to examine whether 3 1/2-7 1/2-year-old children have consistent and meaningful concepts that reflect psychological self-understanding, (2) to uncover individual differences in young children's self-concepts, and (3) to determine whether any observed differences are stable over time. A new method was developed for assessing young children's self-concepts. 180 children between 3 and 8 years of age were presented with pairs of statements representing the high and low end points of 10 psychological dimensions. For example, the statements "It's not fun to scare people" and "It's fun to scare people" represent the low and high ends of the psychological dimension of aggression. Children were then asked to pick the statement that best described themselves. The dimensional scores were factor analyzed and higher-order factor scales were constructed. These factor scales were found to be internally consistent and psychologically meaningful in each age group, indicating that even young children have psychological concepts of themselves. Moreover, substantial individual differences were demonstrated on the scales even among the youngest children. Finally, these differences were found to be moderately stable over a 1-month test-retest.  相似文献   

The current study investigated whether individual and developmental differences in look duration are correlated with the latency for infants to disengage fixation from a visual stimulus. Ninety-four infants (52 3-month-olds, 42 4-month-olds) were tested in a procedure that measured ocular reaction time to shift fixation from a central target to a peripheral target under conditions in which the central-target either remained present ("competition" condition) or was removed from the display ("noncompetition" condition). Look duration was correlated with disengagement latency; longer-looking infants were slower than shorter-looking infants to shift fixation to the peripheral target on competition trials, but not noncompetition trials. Results were similar for 3- and 4-month-olds, although 3-month-olds showed slower latencies on all trials. Furthermore, long-looking infants were not consistently slower, but rather showed greater variability in their response latencies under conditions that required disengagement of fixation. The results support the position that developmental and individual differences in look duration are linked to the development of the neural attentional systems that control the ability to disengage, or inhibit, visual fixation.  相似文献   

每个群体都有其语篇系统,80后和90后两代人也一样。而来自不同语篇系统的人常常因为不了解他人的语篇系统而造成误解。在此以语篇系统中的一类——代别语篇系统为基础,从构成语篇系统的四个部分——意识形态、社会化、语篇形式和面子系统入手,通过一段80后和90后的对话,分析80后和90后的差异及其本质,以利于这两代人能进行友好交流。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来世界教育规划理论和实践的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以前,从雄心勃勃的数学模型,到提出"处在十字路口"的判断,世界教育规划理论与实践经历了转型的艰难。20世纪90年代,随着新公共管理主义的兴起,学术界拥有更多的工具将社会、经济背景和规划实施过程纳入到教育规划的制定中。由于切入角度不同,教育规划在理论和实践中出现了不同方向上的探索,形成了多种流派。OECD教育规划的主要方法是一定框架下的大规模制度扫描和坚实信息基础上的大规模比较;参与式教育规划通过改善教育规划的政治程序和参与人,进而提高教育规划的适用性;基于新公共行政主义理论下的教育战略规划主要包括重新定义外部环境的变化、通过战略规划或情景规划确定发展方向、重构对规划的管理支持体系三个部分。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the authors' experiences during a pilot year of an innovative core curriculum at a state research university and their attempts to create a "collaborative community" characterized by transformative pedagogy. It discusses their students' and colleagues' resistance to their inventive, albeit time-consuming and sometimes noisy, assignments. It analyzes the temptation to give in to bureaucratic inertia and return to an instruction paradigm that prioritizes the transmission of information over the more intensive goals of encouraging students to "claim their education." Finally, they suggest that the development of collaborative communities of like-minded teachers is an important resource in mediating the conflict between transformative pedagogy and bureaucratic practice.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国文学再次全面回归现实主义。80年代缤纷繁杂的各路先锋派偃旗息鼓,纷纷向现实主义投诚靠拢。然受西方现代派影响,加之80年代各路先锋派的实验探索,90年代文学中的现实主义发生了很有意识的裂变。具体可分为驾轻就 传统派、兵出斜谷的自传派、兼采众长的折衷派和走向人性的剖析派四派。90年代的现实主义远较80年代富壮粗实,多样性带来的选择性使作家们有了更多的参照坐标,从而拥有更为广阔的创作天空。更为重要的是,90年代的现实主义裂变包含了相当深刻成熟的社会进步,多元化观念奠定了丰富化的基础,现实主义已不再是一种价值尺度,而是一种真正的创作方法。  相似文献   

90年代以来西方市场社会主义的所有制理论述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代西方市场社会主义是 90年代以来在欧美国家出现的一种极有影响的社会主义思潮。这种思潮的典型特征是它论证了社会主义可以与市场经济“联姻” ,并探索了与市场经济相兼容的新的公有制实现形式。当代西方市场社会主义者认为 ,市场虽是实现社会主义目的的手段 ,但市场又不会自动实现社会主义的目的。为此 ,他们中的大多数人指出 ,要实现社会主义的目的 ,就必须要通过某种形式的公有制作为保障 ,公有制对实现市场社会主义价值目标具有重要的作用。公有制对实现社会主义目的的保障作用马克思主义创始人及传统社会主义者一致认为 ,资本主义…  相似文献   

We explored the etiology of individual differences in reading development from post-kindergarten to post–4th grade by analyzing data from 487 twin pairs tested in Colorado. Data from three reading measures and one spelling measure were fit to biometric latent growth curve models, allowing us to extend previous behavioral genetic studies of the etiology of early reading development at specific time points. We found primarily genetic influences on individual differences at post–1st grade for all measures. Genetic influences on variance in growth rates were also found, with evidence of small, nonsignificant, shared environmental influences for two measures. We discuss our results, including their implications for educational policy.  相似文献   

90后大学生作为被寄予厚望的一代已经进入社会领域,其生活状况日益引起社会各界人士的关注,幸福状况也备受瞩目.然而,种种调查表明,90后大学生的幸福感较低,呈现出一种缺失状态.文章分析了幸福和幸福感的内涵,简要列举了90后大学生幸福感缺失的表现,从个体主观因素出发,指出过高的自我期望、无止境的个人欲望、较强的攀比心理等是影响个体幸福感的主观因素,提出了提升幸福感的对策.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来国内外对二元经济理论的修正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
到20世纪80年代,人们已经广泛接受了二元的结构分析方法,该方法除了在研究发展中国家的经济发展中使用以外,还被用来分析发达国家内部土著居民地区的发展,另外还被引入到企业的分析中去。20世纪90年代以来,国内外在二元经济理论方面的研究,可以总结为用经验数据验证二元经济理论、从新的视角研究二元经济理论、加入新问题扩展二元经济理论和利用新的经济学方法改进二元经济理论四个方面。  相似文献   

Higher education in Australia is seen as having reached the conclusion of one phase of development characterized by a high degree of central planning and to be engineering a new phase in which it is argued that a radically different orientation is required. Recovery of at least shared responsibility by the states and the development of private initiatives should help to promote more creative management through diversification of funding sources and lines of accountability. Pressures for change follow demographic and social changes in the Australian population which are likely to favors increased participation in higher education for both personal and national economic purposes.  相似文献   

It is argued in this paper that from the point of view of education, individual differences in both temperament and intelligence are of the utmost importance, and that their disregard must account for a good deal of the unsatisfactory state of modern education. Bright and dull children, introverted and extroverted children, stable and unstable children react in quite different ways to different methods of education and teaching and, unless these differences are taken into account, overall averages are meaningless and often hide the true effects of any given method or system. It is further argued that genetic factors exert a very strong effect on individual differences in temperament and intelligence and that these genetic differences are fundamental for any realistic improvements in educational methodology.  相似文献   

民间理论与写作在1990年代的互动发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应对1990年代陈思和教授提出的民间理论的价值与意义进行分析。从这一视点出发,1990年代的文学创作,民间理论与写作互动发展,共同创造出了蕴含着民间文化精神的艺术世界,民间文化成为作家生命精神的一部分,但文学创作中出现的“泛民间化”倾向,则可能导致民间世界及其精神的平面化,因此,作家应该在民间生活的体验中,获取民间大地上滋生出的民间精神。  相似文献   

One of the biggest problems teachers face is a lesson where the students are at different levels-some with quite competent English,some whose English isn't very good,and some whose English is only just getting started.Students from the same class are different from one another in many aspects such as aptitude,motivation,personality,and attitude.Teachers face this problem every day,so what are the possible ways of dealing with the situation.In this article,the author can suggest how can we teachers design classroom activities to cater for the students'individual differences.  相似文献   

Relationship initiation research supports the existence of 5 styles of communicating romantic interest in others: traditional, physical, sincere, playful, and polite. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on a large adult sample (N = 5,020) supported the existence of the styles. Styles predictably corresponded with self-monitoring and a 5-factor personality model. Women scored higher on all styles, except the playful style. Predictive validity was demonstrated by correlating styles to courtship initiation behaviors and past relationship experiences. The physical, sincere, and playful styles correlated with more dating success. The physical and sincere styles correlated with rapid relational escalation of important relationships with more emotional connection and greater physical chemistry.  相似文献   

个性是人的心理素质特征的基本要素 ,是素质教育的重要内容。大学生是具有较高文化层次的特殊的社会群体 ,其身心发展处于特殊阶段 ,学生个性不仅在客观上存在着差异 ,而且呈现复杂性、矛盾性和发展性的特点。心理学认为 ,个性差异是指个体之间经常地、稳定地表现出来的心理特征上的差异。学生个性差异主要表现在 :一是个性倾向不同 ,即对社会、集体及个人的态度和行为不同 ,如需要、动机、兴趣、观念、态度等 ;二是个性心理的差异 ,即学生个体之间在性格、气质、能力等方面的差异。这些个性差异形成的原因除遗传因素、天赋素质或生理条件外…  相似文献   

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