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Graham Dutfield is professor of international governance at Leeds, research affiliate of the Intellectual Property Law and Technology Program at York University, Toronto, and adjunct professor at the Center for Studies of Intellectual Property Rights at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan. His research on intellectual property crosses several disciplines, including law, history, politics, economics and anthropology.  相似文献   

The CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD) is es-tablished on June 1, 1955. At present, it has sixdivisions of mathematics & physics, chemistry,life sciences & medical sciences, earth sciences, in-formation sciences and technical sciences. In 1984,the State Council defined its principal function inclear terms, i.e. “the highest advisory body of theState in science and technology” while the CAS mem-bership is “the highest academic title conferred bythe State to an individual in the fields of …  相似文献   

The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), a third-generation of synchrotron radiation light source, has opened its door to users recently.  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is among the initiators of the China Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), and has directly contributed to this grand program.The Academy proposed the scientific goals of the program;as a coorganizer and important contributor, it has overseen its implementation to secure the fulfillment of the presetgoals, providing strong S&T support.  相似文献   

I. S&T Innovation Capacity as aStrategic Resource for SustainableDevelopment.Over the past two decades, China’s economy haswitnessed burgeoning growth at an average rate of9.4% per year, and by 2004, its per capita GDP sur-passed US$1,000, marking the beginning of the take-offstage of China’s industrialization. In line with nationalrealities, however, China cannot completely follow thetraditional route of industrialization taken by developedcountries. Instead, a brand-new road should b…  相似文献   

The opening for the Australian Garden was jointly held by the BHP Billiton China and the CAS South China Botanical Garden (SCBG) in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province on 18 January. Those present at the ceremony included Prof. Andrew Smith and Prof. Sue Serjeantson from the Australian Academy of Science, Prof. Dave Paterson from the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, and representatives from the CAS Headquarters, CAS Guangzhou Branch, PHB Billiton China and SCBG.  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED) in 1992, when the international community reached a consensus on sustainable development. On the one hand, some progress has been made in advancing sustainable development worldwide and in achieving the  相似文献   

本文从技术链的视角,基于演化理论和均衡理论阐释了政府在我国汽车产业技术发展中的作用,认为当前我国汽车产业的技术发展是从整车架构技术到核心元件技术再到前沿研究开发的技术积累过程,政府在不同的技术环节具有相异的作用形式和内容,依次表现为前沿研究开发的推动者、核心元件技术的支持者和整车架构技术的引导者,政策设计应从基于均衡理论的弥补"市场失灵"转向基于演化理论的弥补"系统失灵",呈现出从专注于直接投资向着力于系统完善的演变。  相似文献   

Researchers at the CAS In-sti tute of Hi gh EnergyPhysics have been suc-cessful in developing China’s firstminiature positron emission tomog-raphy (PET). Preliminary tests showthat its technological indexes basi-cally reach the design specifications.PET …  相似文献   

In the present-day world, the focus of competitionamong countries has apparently shifted from theterritories or market shares as a conventional prac-tice in the 20th century to the race at the S&T frontiers.It is predictable that the future challenge facing Chinaas a primary strategic restraint will be the high-tech mo-nopoly by developed countries since science and tech-nology are the critical and fundamental factor in theinternational contest of overall national strength in com-ing years. O…  相似文献   

The Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences was honored for its outstanding contributions to China’s manned spaceflight program at a special ceremony held in Beijing on December 16, 2011. The Center, established in 2011 to replace its predecessor, the General Establishment of Space Science and Application of CAS, has successfully completed the test missions of the Shenzhou spacecraft series and the Tiangong-1 target spacecraft. It has also developed nearly 300 sets of payloads by far to serve earth observation,  相似文献   

A 20-ha Tropical Rainforest Dynamics Plot, located in Xishuangbanna in southwestern Yunnan Province, was recently established by the CAS Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) and the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Administration recently. The Plot is the largest of its kind in China.  相似文献   

In collaboration with their colleagues from the ROK and Mongolia, CAS scientists achieved their first success in obtaining a 40.18m ice core in a drilling operation from 5 to 20 June in an expedition to the (Hovd) Tsambagarav glacier in Altay Mountains of Mongolia.  相似文献   

Advances in biotechnologyhave created more andnew large-scale data-setswhich in turn require better integra-tion of data-analysis, hypothesis-formation and experiments. To ad-dress the issue, a new institute, theCAS-MPG Partner Institute forComputational Biology (PICB), hasbeen set up in Shanghai under thecooperation of CAS and Max PlanckSociety (MPG).The major tasks of the newinstitute, an affiliate of the CASShanghai Institutes for BiologicalSciences (SIBS), are to create andap…  相似文献   

A brainchild of researchers of the CAS Institute of Coal Chemistry, a production unit capable of turning out 20,000 tons of maleic anhydride (MA) per year, the largest of its kind in China, has come into operation recently at the Shanxi Regent Taiming Chemical Co Ltd in Taiyuan, capital of north China's Shanxi Province.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary research consortium led by Prof. HE Hong from the Research Center for Eco- Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences has been tracing the culprits of the toxic haze above China. In about ten years' time, they will strive to identify the hazardous particulates in the air, figure out where they come from and how they evolve, and help policymakers develop targeted and cost-effective measures to curb the pollution. As Prof. HE told BCAS reporter XIN Ling in an interview, "China's haze problem is very sophisticated, involving multiple pollution sources including coal burning, car emission and sandstorm'; There are plenty of challenges in understanding and managing the situation. Primary research results showed that NOx plays a key role in haze formation, so the control over vehicle exhaust, especially diesel exhaust, should become a policy priority in the future.  相似文献   

Software, the core and soul of the information technology industry, is a fundamental and strategic pillar of an economy. The new century has witnessed a soaring development of China’s software industry with  相似文献   

In response to the scientific re-search program SOLAS (SurfaceOcean-Lower AtmosphereStudy), which was newly introducedby International Geosphere and Bio-sphere Program (IGBP) Phase II,the fourth session of the standingcouncil of the Chinese NationalCommittee for the IGBP, (CNC-IGBP) has unanimously reached aresolution to set up a ChinaSOLAS task force for undertak-ing related research.The team will be composed ofspecialists in oceanography, atmo-spheric sciences, and geochemis…  相似文献   

After three-and-half-year efforts, the National As- tronomical Observatories at CAS (NAOC) has constructed two arrays of radio antennae: a 50m an- tenna at Miyun Station in Beijing and a 40m antenna in Kunming, capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Provinc…  相似文献   

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