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Lexical cohesion is a property of text, achieved through lexical-semantic relations between words in text. Most information retrieval systems make use of lexical relations in text only to a limited extent. In this paper we empirically investigate whether the degree of lexical cohesion between the contexts of query terms’ occurrences in a document is related to its relevance to the query. Lexical cohesion between distinct query terms in a document is estimated on the basis of the lexical-semantic relations (repetition, synonymy, hyponymy and sibling) that exist between there collocates – words that co-occur with them in the same windows of text. Experiments suggest significant differences between the lexical cohesion in relevant and non-relevant document sets exist. A document ranking method based on lexical cohesion shows some performance improvements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to improve query expansion for ad-hoc retrieval, by proposing a more fine-grained term reweighting process. This fine-grained process uses statistics from the representation of documents in various fields, such as their titles, the anchor text of their incoming links, and their body content. The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we propose a novel query expansion mechanism on fields by combining field evidence available in a corpora. Second, we propose an adaptive query expansion mechanism that selects an appropriate collection resource, either the local collection, or a high-quality external resource, for query expansion on a per-query basis. The two proposed query expansion approaches are thoroughly evaluated using two standard Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) Web collections, namely the WT10G collection and the large-scale .GOV2 collection. From the experimental results, we observe a statistically significant improvement compared with the baselines. Moreover, we conclude that the adaptive query expansion mechanism is very effective when the external collection used is much larger than the local collection.  相似文献   

明确政府在开展从突发公共事件中学习时应平衡利用式学习和开发式学习这两种学习方式,提出政府在开展从突发公共事件学习时可以采取叙述、分类、编码和解析这四个循序渐进的步骤,结合当前实际为我国政府推进从突发公共事件中学习提供对策与建议。  相似文献   

Controversy is a complex concept that has been attracting attention of scholars from diverse fields. In the era of Internet and social media, detecting controversy and controversial concepts by the means of automatic methods is especially important. Web searchers could be alerted when the contents they consume are controversial or when they attempt to acquire information on disputed topics. Presenting users with the indications and explanations of the controversy should offer them chance to see the “wider picture” rather than letting them obtain one-sided views. In this work we first introduce a formal model of controversy as the basis of computational approaches to detecting controversial concepts. Then we propose a classification based method for automatic detection of controversial articles and categories in Wikipedia. Next, we demonstrate how to use the obtained results for the estimation of the controversy level of search queries. The proposed method can be incorporated into search engines as a component responsible for detection of queries related to controversial topics. The method is independent of the search engine’s retrieval and search results recommendation algorithms, and is therefore unaffected by a possible filter bubble.Our approach can be also applied in Wikipedia or other knowledge bases for supporting the detection of controversy and content maintenance. Finally, we believe that our results could be useful for social science researchers for understanding the complex nature of controversy and in fostering their studies.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology, like other emerging technologies that increasingly characterize the dynamic of our era, makes specific demands on datamining to track and interpret efficiently what is happening, through publications and other scientific output. We here propose and describe a strategy based on an automated lexical modular methodology to overcome rapidly evolving content and classification problems, which may otherwise accommodate poor quality of data and expert bias, with potential dire consequences for interpretation, decision and strategy. The proposed methodology is based on an initial nanostring enriched and screened by eight subfields, automatically identified and defined through the journal inter-citation network density displayed in the initial core nanodataset. Relevant keywords linked to each subfield are then tested for their specificity and relevance before being sequentially incorporated to build a modular query. We then, as a first test, compare the database constructed using this methodology for years 2003 and 2005 with those obtained by other approaches previously used to cover and explore the nanotechnology dynamic. Finally, using the inherent transparency, portablity and replicability of our methodology, we offer, in order to help our initial query evolve and develop, a set of evaluation processes for tests by researchers in the nano field, other scientometric teams and intelligence experts involved in decision-making processes.  相似文献   


The forces pushing management researchers inexorably closer to the managers they study are strong, strengthening and generally welcomed. This paper sees disadvantages in such proximity and common interest. Much of the work of management researchers is not rigorous, not sensible, and not useful, even to the managers it is supposed to serve. While it is probably impractical to suggest that management researchers keep their distance from managers, they may have something of value to learn from management consultants. Consultants are able to work closely with their clients without being overwhelmed by them. This is not to suggest that the efforts of consultants are scholarly, but then they do not pretend to be.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the structure and components of queries written by experimental participants in a study that manipulated two factors found to affect end-user information retrieval performance: training in Boolean logic and the type of search interface. As reported previously, we found that both Boolean training and the use of an assisted interface improved the participants' ability to find correct responses to information requests. Here, we examine the impact of these training and interface manipulations on the Boolean operators and search terms that comprise the submitted queries. Our analysis shows that both Boolean training and the use of an assisted interface improved the participants' ability to correctly utilize various operators. An unexpected finding is that this training also had a positive impact on term selection. The terms and, to a lesser extent, the operators comprising a query were important factors affecting the participants' performance in query tasks. Our findings demonstrate that even small training interventions can improve the users' search performance and highlight the need for additional information retrieval research into how search interfaces can provide superior support to today's untrained users of the Web.  相似文献   

We report on the progressive investigation of techniques for supporting interactive query reformulation in the TREC Interactive Track. Two major issues were explored over four successive years: methods of term suggestion; and, interface design to support different system functionalities. Each year's results led to the following year's investigation, with respect to both of these issues. This paper presents first the general motivation for the entire series of studies; then an overview of each year's investigation, its results, and how they influenced the next year's investigation. We discuss what has been learned through this series of investigations about effective term suggestion, usable and useful interface design, and the relationships between these two in support of the TREC Interactive Track task. We conclude with comments about the general methodology employed over this series of studies, and its relevance to the development and evaluation of interactive information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

Query suggestion is generally an integrated part of web search engines. In this study, we first redefine and reduce the query suggestion problem as “comparison of queries”. We then propose a general modular framework for query suggestion algorithm development. We also develop new query suggestion algorithms which are used in our proposed framework, exploiting query, session and user features. As a case study, we use query logs of a real educational search engine that targets K-12 students in Turkey. We also exploit educational features (course, grade) in our query suggestion algorithms. We test our framework and algorithms over a set of queries by an experiment and demonstrate a 66–90% statistically significant increase in relevance of query suggestions compared to a baseline method.  相似文献   

构建了心理资本、心理安全感与失败学习的概念模型。实证研究表明:心理资本的四个维度即自我效能感、希望、乐观和坚韧性对失败学习具有显著的正向影响,自我效能感、希望和坚韧性对心理安全感具有正向影响,而乐观对心理安全感的积极作用未通过验证。同时,心理安全感在心理资本和失败学习之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

简述了美国NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC的主要办刊经验,诸如:准确、客观、严谨的科学性报道,科学的策划和选题,在变革中谋求发展,国际化和会员制发行方式等。这些经验均值得我国期刊产业学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

“知识与学习”视角下的中国企业全球学习战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从分析国内企业面临的新挑战及不足入手,以“知识与学习”为视角,研究中国企业全球学习战略的思路和架构,它由基于国内市场的互动型学习战略和基于国外市场的本土化学习战略构成。从这两个方向展开,系统地设计互动型学习战略与本土化学习战略的层次、内涵以及动态实施流程。并提出构建全球学习机制、实现内外向战略协同与全球知识共享的新观点。  相似文献   

1986年7月全国软科学研究工作座谈会的召开,标志着我国软科学事业的发展进人了新的阶段。当时的国务院副总理万里同志在会上作了题为“决策民主化和科学化是政治体制改革的一个重要课题”的报告,钱学森同志也作了题为“软科学是新兴的科学技术”的报告,这次会议明确了软科学在我国社会主义建设中的作用,也确立了“软科学”这一术语在我国“约定俗成”的地位。  相似文献   

李宁 《科学与管理》2012,(3):5-9,15
本文评述了不同经济学学派关于技术创新在经济增长中的关键作用的观点,强调了制度安排对于经济增长和技术创新的重要作用。从国家创新系统框架入手,论述了学习在技术创新中的源泉与作用机制,并从反垄断、知识产权、技术标准、政府采购、科学研究等方面提出了促进企业学习的公共政策建议。  相似文献   

于伟 《科技管理研究》2012,32(17):137-141
结合组织学习和过程管理的相关理论,以及高科技企业的特点,构建了高科技企业组织学习的模型,将高科技企业的组织学习分为过程维度和在层次维度。在实现组织学习的过程中要从人力资本、激励方式、组织变革和制度化保证以及信息和协同手段的运用等四个方面出发,为高科技企业的组织学习构建良好的运作环境。组织学习的两个维度都是循环的改进过程,通过持续实施、并优化这些过程,高科技企业可以实现组织学习过程价值的最大化,从而使组织学习的效果得到不断的提升。  相似文献   

Failure to meet the preferences and needs of users has been consistently stressed as a major cause of unsuccessful R&D for over 30 years. Yet little seems to change. An important element in this “producer-user paradox” is a lack of frameworks able to inform empirical research and the work that people do when they bridge designing, implementing, using and managing new technology. “Learning economy” and “social learning in technological innovation” appear promising as such integrative frameworks not least due to their emphasis on learning between producers and users. The present paper examines the value in the way learning is treated in these frameworks for empirical research and for the practitioners, and to this aim contrasts these frameworks to findings from a line of studies on learning between producers and users of new health technologies.  相似文献   

This article uses a carefully screened patent database in automobile emission control technologies and a detailed regulatory action analysis to examine firms’ innovation in response to U.S. technology-forcing auto emissions standards enacted between 1970 and 1998. The study finds that under the performance-based technology-forcing (PBTF) auto emissions regulations, both automakers and component suppliers innovated and introduced more advanced emission control technologies for automobile applications. The study also shows that stringent PBTF regulation temporarily induced domestic U.S. firms to become more innovative than foreign firms that operated in the local U.S. market during the early phase of the regulatory regime. Findings of this research strongly imply that government intervention in the form of technology-forcing regulation can drive firms to invest in technological innovation.  相似文献   

将创新搜寻和失败学习理论引入组织创新绩效研究,在文献分析的基础上,对外部创新搜寻、失败学习和组织创新绩效之间的关系分别进行了理论假设和实证检验.研究结果表明,外部创新搜寻的搜寻宽度、本地搜寻深度分别对失败学习和组织创新绩效具有显著的正向影响,远程搜寻深度的显著作用未得到验证,失败学习对创新绩效具有显著的正向影响,并在外部创新搜寻和组织创新绩效之间起部分中介作用.最后,对结论进行了简要探讨并提出了相关启示.  相似文献   

The internationalisation process has been described as a process of learning under which a business increases its commitment abroad as the company acquires knowledge on new markets and on the nature of the process itself. The present work proposes a model that relates the possession of a base of knowledge originated in supra-organisational, organisational and individual sources, as the actively new decision of seeking knowledge related to the start of the exporting activity. Integrating the literature on the pre-export behaviour of the business and the theory of organisational learning, we propose that such relationship is influenced by two dimensions: the export intention and the context of unlearning. The sample included 103 SMEs in the pre-exporting phase. Results support the conception of the process of internationalisation as a process of learning under which a prior base of knowledge is combined with periods of unlearning and a search for new knowledge.  相似文献   

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