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As a rapidly evolving sector the international wine industry represents an interesting subject for analysis. Over the past two centuries the industry has experienced a number of major innovations and direction changes. The organizational shifts involved in these changes have been profound. From a monopolization of wine culture through the nineteenth and much of the twentieth century by Europeans, to the emergence of New World operators and their democratic influence, the international wine industry now stands at the edge of another major paradigm shift. This paper traces the industry’s historical changes and speculates on the implications of such issues as global production, distribution, technology transfer, branding and the escalation of mergers and alliances. It argues that with the increasing global tendency of the industry, ‘New’ and ‘Old World’ distinctions may blur and disappear. Furthermore, as the wine landscape continues to evolve, we may well see a new set of rules, where the emergence of localized branding, an enhanced role for small to medium enterprises and the decline of national industries results in an irrevocable reconfiguration of the industry.  相似文献   

本文阐述了科研与科普的内在联系,界定了科研与科普相结合的内涵;基于人力资源、财力资源、物力资源、信息资源等四种科技资源,总结梳理了科研人员参与科普工作等科研与科普相结合的主要模式;在此基础上,提出了激发科研人员参与科普的动力、拓宽支持科研人员开展科普工作的经费渠道等促进科研与科普相结合的对策建议。  相似文献   

黎晖  梁多煦 《大众科技》2012,(6):290-292,284
文章阐述了目前地方高校科研成果转化率普遍较低,存在着成果有效供给少、企业有效需求不足等问题,这与高校科研团队结构不合理、科研机制不健全等因素有很大的关系.因此,地方高校必须建立有效的科研团体机制,从源头、过程、利益分配、服务体系等多层面寻求机制上的突破,构建科研创新团队,提高科研成果转化率,切实提高高校服务地方经济社会的能力和水平.  相似文献   

《科学世界》是中华自然科学社在20世纪30年代创办的科普期刊,是中国近代科技传播的重要媒介。《科学世界》以广博的内容,新颖的材料,丰富多样的体裁,传播了大量科技信息,在中国科技传播史上占有重要的地位。论述了《科学世界》的发展历程、办刊宗旨与内容特色,揭示了该刊在中国近代科技知识的介绍与普及,国民科学化运动中发挥的积极作用。  相似文献   

Highly skilled return migrants contribute to the establishment of ties between the home and host systems. This paper studies how the professional ties, which Argentinean researchers built up during the time spent in foreign research systems, influence their collaboration patterns and their research outputs upon return. It confirms the expectation that having foreign work experience helps to explain the propensity to co-publish internationally and it also shows that researchers collaborate to a higher degree with their former host system. Another central finding is that foreign work experience has a positive effect on the propensity to publish in journals with a high impact factor. Additionally, a large share of this type of research is published without international co-authorship. We therefore do no not find evidence of a lack of publication autonomy in the case of Argentinean returnees.  相似文献   

【目的】探索在移动互联网时代,英文科技期刊如何通过高效的宣传推广活动快速提升其国际能见度和国际影响力。【方法】 结合工作实践,探讨利用大型网络数据库、新兴社交网络、国际出版商发行平台等资源进行期刊宣传推广的新方法。【结果】 经过卓有成效的宣传推广,《仿生工程学报》的影响因子、学科排名、下载频次等指标显著提升,同时作者群和读者群的国际化程度进一步提高。【结论】 实践表明,利用移动互联网时代新兴的网络资源,有利于我国科技期刊的宣传推广,可以加速我国科技期刊的国际化进程。  相似文献   

【目的】 分析《护理学报》审稿人科研能力现状,探讨提升其科研能力的策略,以提高护理学科技期刊审稿人的审稿质量。【方法】 采用一般资料问卷和科研能力自评量表网络发放方式对《护理学报》审稿人进行调查。【结果】 《护理学报》审稿人科研能力总分为(95.36±17.39)分,得分指标为79.47%,处于高水平组。科研能力量表6个维度得分指标由高到低依次为论文写作能力、问题发现能力、科研实践能力、文献查阅能力、科研设计能力和资料处理能力。【结论】 护理学科技期刊审稿人科研能力总体处于较高水平,其中论文写作能力和问题发现能力较强,科研设计能力和资料处理能力相对较差。需采取策略提升其科研能力水平,加强相关知识学习,以提升其审稿质量。  相似文献   

Does the adaptation of incumbent firms to new methods of inventing follow similar patterns across industries and inventions? We investigate this question in the context of the revolutionary scientific advances enabling biotechnology and nanotechnology, both of which represent inventions of methods of inventing for incumbent firms. We hypothesize that an incumbent firm's ability to exploit these new methods of invention depends initially on access to tacit knowledge on how to employ the new methods. Over time, however, as firms learn and/or the knowledge becomes codified in routine procedures or commercially available equipment, inventive output is more highly dependent on traditional R&D investments. We empirically test these hypotheses on two longitudinal samples over the 21-year time period between 1980 and 2000: 80 incumbent pharmaceutical firms generating 15,607 biotechnology patents, and 249 firms across a diverse set of industries that were granted a total of 3236 nanotechnology patents. We find broad support for our conjectures.  相似文献   

对高校科研效率的客观评价,是反映科研效率、提升科技创新力的重要举措。文章利用我国A区省份2009年-2015年科研投入与产出的平衡面板数据,比较了同一窗宽不同窗口以及不同窗宽对决策单元效率的影响,结果表明在不同的窗宽中,高校科研效率呈现出逐渐下降的趋势;在同一窗口下,各个省份的科研效率变化较大;东部地区的总体效率值低于中部地区。总之,近年来政府加大了高校科研活动的投入并没有得到相应程度的提高,我国高校的资源配置效率仍较低,科研活动效率有待提高。  相似文献   

This article measures the impact of public grants, private contracts and collaboration on the scientific production of Canadian nanotechnology academics. The paper estimates a time-related model of the impact of academic research financing and network structure on the research output of individual academics measured by the number of papers. Results suggest that the effect of individual public funding follows a J-shaped curve. Although contracts have no effects, the impact of patenting follows an inverted-U shaped curve. In addition, a strong central position in the past collaborative network has a positive effect on research output.  相似文献   

“Scientific and technical human capital” (S&T human capital) has been defined as the sum of researchers’ professional network ties and their technical skills and resources [Int. J. Technol. Manage. 22 (7-8) (2001) 636]. Our study focuses on one particular means by which scientists acquire and deploy S&T human capital, research collaboration. We examine data from 451 scientists and engineers at academic research centers in the United States. The chief focus is on scientists’ collaboration choices and strategies. Since we are particularly interested in S&T human capital, we pay special attention to strategies that involve mentoring graduate students and junior faculty and to collaborating with women. We also examine collaboration “cosmopolitanism,” the extent to which scientists collaborate with those around them (one’s research group, one’s university) as opposed to those more distant in geography or institutional setting (other universities, researchers in industry, researchers in other nations). Our findings indicate that those who pursue a “mentor” collaboration strategy are likely to be tenured; to collaborate with women; and to have a favorable view about industry and research on industrial applications. Regarding the number of reported collaborators, those who have larger grants have more collaborators. With respect to the percentage of female collaborators, we found, not surprisingly, that female scientists have a somewhat higher percentage (36%) of female collaborators, than males have (24%). There are great differences, however, according to rank, with non-tenure track females having 84% of their collaborations with females. Regarding collaboration cosmopolitanism, we find that most researchers are not particularly cosmopolitan in their selection of collaborators—they tend to work with the people in their own work group. More cosmopolitan collaborators tend have large grants. A major policy implication is that there is great variance in the extent to which collaborations seem to enhance or generate S&T human capital. Not all collaborations are equal with respect to their “public goods” implications.  相似文献   

创新驱动发展是国家战略,科技创新在我国全面创新中具有核心地位和引领作用。科技创新对我国北斗卫星导航定位系统及北斗卫星导航与位置服务产业发展意义重大,不仅对我国北斗产业发展指明了新方向,提出了新要求,也推动北斗产业步入了新的发展领域。文章通过探索浅析科技创新对我国北斗产业发展的驱动引领,为我国北斗系统积极参与国际竞争,提高我国北斗产业市场竞争力打下基础。  相似文献   

科技成果价值的评估是促进科技成果转移转化的重要环节,本文基于我国科技部最新提出的对科技成果价值评估的四个方面,综合考虑了科技成果的研发与转化这两个阶段。通过AHP分析法对影响科技成果价值的因素进行重要程度排序,构建科技成果价值评价模型,为提高科技成果转化率、促进市场化水平提供理论依据。  相似文献   

许燕  麻思蓓  郑彦宁 《科研管理》2022,43(2):170-175
   提高科技报告质量是实现科技资源有效积累、促进科技信息高效传播、提高科技成果转化应用的重要方式。构建融入科研管理流程的科技报告质量控制机制,将科技报告撰写主体、管理主体、评价主体行为纳入统一的科研管理平台,对科技报告进行精细化审核与评价。审核、评价行为将直接决定科技报告质量、科研项目进程与科研绩效。将科技报告质量控制与科研管理相融合能够实现对科技报告撰写、审核、评价行为的有效统一与衔接,达到降低管理成本,提高工作效率,实现科技报告质量有效控制的目的。  相似文献   

由于科学技术是经济社会发展中最活跃、最具革命性的因素,国家对财政研发的投入显得尤为重要。对比发达国家的政府财政科技投入体系,找出制约我国科学技术发展的政策因素,并借鉴发达国家的政策投入经验与政策,针对我国现行的财政科技投入实践提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

采用案例研究方法,对"老科学家学术成长资料采集工程"第一批出版的10本传记进行研究,旨在了解中国情境下,老科学家职业使命感的内涵结构与的影响因素。研究发现:(1)职业使命感是一种高层次的职业动机,老科学家均具有较高的职业使命感;(2)老科学家的职业使命感是在个体的内省反思与环境的交互作用中逐渐形成的,受到个人自身因素、组织、家庭因素与社会因素的影响,并存在"社会-组织-个人"三个层面的交融关联。研究合理利用了"采集工程"的研究成果,进一步丰富了职业使命感的本土化概念,并拓展了职业使命感影响因素的相关研究。  相似文献   

采用扎根理论并借助Nvivo10质性分析软件,深入剖析高校科技创新能力的内涵与外延,在定性分析的基础上结合概念、范畴的定量分布特征,制定出一个包含91个概念20个范畴及8个主范畴、4个核心范畴的评价模型,并根据三级编码过程中参考点与材料来源的数量分布拟定各主范畴与核心范畴的权重系数,以期为高校科技创新能力的评价提供有益参考。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, concepts have appeared that have influenced and even defined entire science and technology policies in Western countries: high technology, national system of innovation, information economy, knowledge-based economy, and the new economy. In all these policy developments, the OECD, acting as a think tank for its member countries, has been an important promoter of the concepts, turning them into buzzwords. This article looks at the concept of the new economy as the culmination of decades of work on technology and productivity, and explores the crucial role of the OECD in its dissemination and, above all, the role statistics have played in shaping science and innovation policies.  相似文献   

【目的】 在PDF格式科技论文中添加视频和动画等动态视觉表征形式以反映科学实验连续变化的视觉过程。【方法】 采用格式工厂和狸窝全能视频转换器转换并同步合并和编辑视频和动画,再利用Adobe Acrobat XI将视频和动画添加入PDF文档。【结果】 视频和动画转换为FLV、F4V、SWF格式后,可利用Adobe Acrobat XI嵌入到PDF文档中,并可用Adobe Reader播放。【结论】 学术期刊数字出版普遍采用PDF作为标准格式,在PDF格式科技论文中可以嵌入视频、动画,直观呈现科学研究动态视觉过程,从本质上提升科技论文的表现形式和内容,使其变得形象生动和易于理解。  相似文献   

基于2005—2014年长江中游城市群28个城市的面板数据,运用PVAR模型对新型城镇化与科技创新间的关联性进行估计,结果显示:科技创新有助于新型城镇化的发展,且近期的科技创新对新型城镇化的影响程度为正,较远期的科技创新会对新型城镇化的发展产生反向效果;新型城镇化的发展有利于科技创新,远期影响为正,中期影响效应变为负,近期又会由负转正。即科技创新与新型城镇化之间的动态关联关系具有时滞性,前期两者之间的互动效应为负,随时间的推移两者之间的影响由负转正;且新型城镇化对科技创新的影响效应强于科技创新对新型城镇化的影响效应,两者的互动关系存在较强的区域差异性。  相似文献   

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