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It is widely believed that many queries submitted to search engines are inherently ambiguous (e.g., java and apple). However, few studies have tried to classify queries based on ambiguity and to answer “what the proportion of ambiguous queries is”. This paper deals with these issues. First, we clarify the definition of ambiguous queries by constructing the taxonomy of queries from being ambiguous to specific. Second, we ask human annotators to manually classify queries. From manually labeled results, we observe that query ambiguity is to some extent predictable. Third, we propose a supervised learning approach to automatically identify ambiguous queries. Experimental results show that we can correctly identify 87% of labeled queries with the approach. Finally, by using our approach, we estimate that about 16% of queries in a real search log are ambiguous.  相似文献   

This paper examines a real-time measure of bias in Web search engines. The measure captures the degree to which the distribution of URLs, retrieved in response to a query, deviates from an ideal or fair distribution for that query. This ideal is approximated by the distribution produced by a collection of search engines. Differences between bias and classical retrieval measures are highlighted by examining the possibilities for bias in four extreme cases of recall and precision. The results of experiments examining the influence on bias measurement of subject domains, search engines, and search terms are presented. Three general conclusions are drawn: (1) the performance of search engines can be distinguished with the aid of the bias measure; (2) bias values depend on the subject matter under consideration; (3) choice of search terms does not account for much of the variance in bias values. These conclusions underscore the need to develop “bias profiles” for search engines.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new collection selection strategy to be operated in search engines with document partitioned indexes. Our method involves the selection of those document partitions that are most likely to deliver the best results to the formulated queries, reducing the number of queries that are submitted to each partition. This method employs learning algorithms that are capable of ranking the partitions, maximizing the probability of recovering documents with high gain. The method operates by building vector representations of each partition on the term space that is spanned by the queries. The proposed method is able to generalize to new queries and elaborate document lists with high precision for queries not considered during the training phase. To update the representations of each partition, our method employs incremental learning strategies. Beginning with an inversion test of the partition lists, we identify queries that contribute with new information and add them to the training phase. The experimental results show that our collection selection method favorably compares with state-of-the-art methods. In addition our method achieves a suitable performance with low parameter sensitivity making it applicable to search engines with hundreds of partitions.  相似文献   

Web search engines are beginning to offer access to multimedia searching, including audio, video and image searching. In this paper we report findings from a study examining the state of multimedia search functionality on major general and specialized Web search engines. We investigated 102 Web search engines to examine: (1) how many Web search engines offer multimedia searching, (2) the type of multimedia search functionality and methods offered, such as “query by example”, and (3) the supports for personalization or customization which are accessible as advanced search. Findings include: (1) few major Web search engines offer multimedia searching and (2) multimedia Web search functionality is generally limited. Our findings show that despite the increasing level of interest in multimedia Web search, those few Web search engines offering multimedia Web search, provide limited multimedia search functionality. Keywords are still the only means of multimedia retrieval, while other methods such as “query by example” are offered by less than 1% of Web search engines examined.  相似文献   

Search Engine for South-East Europe (SE4SEE) is a socio-cultural search engine running on the grid infrastructure. It offers a personalized, on-demand, country-specific, category-based Web search facility. The main goal of SE4SEE is to attack the page freshness problem by performing the search on the original pages residing on the Web, rather than on the previously fetched copies as done in the traditional search engines. SE4SEE also aims to obtain high download rates in Web crawling by making use of the geographically distributed nature of the grid. In this work, we present the architectural design issues and implementation details of this search engine. We conduct various experiments to illustrate performance results obtained on a grid infrastructure and justify the use of the search strategy employed in SE4SEE.  相似文献   

Query suggestion is generally an integrated part of web search engines. In this study, we first redefine and reduce the query suggestion problem as “comparison of queries”. We then propose a general modular framework for query suggestion algorithm development. We also develop new query suggestion algorithms which are used in our proposed framework, exploiting query, session and user features. As a case study, we use query logs of a real educational search engine that targets K-12 students in Turkey. We also exploit educational features (course, grade) in our query suggestion algorithms. We test our framework and algorithms over a set of queries by an experiment and demonstrate a 66–90% statistically significant increase in relevance of query suggestions compared to a baseline method.  相似文献   

Controversy is a complex concept that has been attracting attention of scholars from diverse fields. In the era of Internet and social media, detecting controversy and controversial concepts by the means of automatic methods is especially important. Web searchers could be alerted when the contents they consume are controversial or when they attempt to acquire information on disputed topics. Presenting users with the indications and explanations of the controversy should offer them chance to see the “wider picture” rather than letting them obtain one-sided views. In this work we first introduce a formal model of controversy as the basis of computational approaches to detecting controversial concepts. Then we propose a classification based method for automatic detection of controversial articles and categories in Wikipedia. Next, we demonstrate how to use the obtained results for the estimation of the controversy level of search queries. The proposed method can be incorporated into search engines as a component responsible for detection of queries related to controversial topics. The method is independent of the search engine’s retrieval and search results recommendation algorithms, and is therefore unaffected by a possible filter bubble.Our approach can be also applied in Wikipedia or other knowledge bases for supporting the detection of controversy and content maintenance. Finally, we believe that our results could be useful for social science researchers for understanding the complex nature of controversy and in fostering their studies.  相似文献   

A growing body of research is beginning to explore the information-seeking behavior of Web users. The vast majority of these studies have concentrated on the area of textual information retrieval (IR). Little research has examined how people search for non-textual information on the Internet, and few large-scale studies has investigated visual information-seeking behavior with general-purpose Web search engines. This study examined visual information needs as expressed in users’ Web image queries. The data set examined consisted of 1,025,908 sequential queries from 211,058 users of Excite, a major Internet search service. Twenty-eight terms were used to identify queries for both still and moving images, resulting in a subset of 33,149 image queries by 9855 users. We provide data on: (1) image queries – the number of queries and the number of search terms per user, (2) image search sessions – the number of queries per user, modifications made to subsequent queries in a session, and (3) image terms – their rank/frequency distribution and the most highly used search terms. On average, there were 3.36 image queries per user containing an average of 3.74 terms per query. Image queries contained a large number of unique terms. The most frequently occurring image related terms appeared less than 10% of the time, with most terms occurring only once. We contrast this to earlier work by P.G.B. Enser, Journal of Documentation 51 (2) (1995) 126–170, who examined written queries for pictorial information in a non-digital environment. Implications for the development of models for visual information retrieval, and for the design of Web search engines are discussed.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity and social influence of search engines in IR, various studies have raised concerns on the presence of bias in search engines and the social responsibilities of IR systems. As an essential component of search engine, ranking is a crucial mechanism in presenting the search results or recommending items in a fair fashion. In this article, we focus on the top-k diversity fairness ranking in terms of statistical parity fairness and disparate impact fairness. The former fairness definition provides a balanced overview of search results where the number of documents from different groups are equal; The latter enables a realistic overview where the proportion of documents from different groups reflect the overall proportion. Using 100 queries and top 100 results per query from Google as the data, we first demonstrate how topical diversity bias is present in the top web search results. Then, with our proposed entropy-based metrics for measuring the degree of bias, we reveal that the top search results are unbalanced and disproportionate to their overall diversity distribution. We explore several fairness ranking strategies to investigate the relationship between fairness, diversity, novelty and relevance. Our experimental results show that using a variant of fair ε-greedy strategy, we could bring more fairness and enhance diversity in search results without a cost of relevance. In fact, we can improve the relevance and diversity by introducing the diversity fairness. Additional experiments with TREC datasets containing 50 queries demonstrate the robustness of our proposed strategies and our findings on the impact of fairness. We present a series of correlation analysis on the amount of fairness and diversity, showing that statistical parity fairness highly correlates with diversity while disparate impact fairness does not. This provides clear and tangible implications for future works where one would want to balance fairness, diversity and relevance in search results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use time series analysis to evaluate predictive scenarios using search engine transactional logs. Our goal is to develop models for the analysis of searchers’ behaviors over time and investigate if time series analysis is a valid method for predicting relationships between searcher actions. Time series analysis is a method often used to understand the underlying characteristics of temporal data in order to make forecasts. In this study, we used a Web search engine transactional log and time series analysis to investigate users’ actions. We conducted our analysis in two phases. In the initial phase, we employed a basic analysis and found that 10% of searchers clicked on sponsored links. However, from 22:00 to 24:00, searchers almost exclusively clicked on the organic links, with almost no clicks on sponsored links. In the second and more extensive phase, we used a one-step prediction time series analysis method along with a transfer function method. The period rarely affects navigational and transactional queries, while rates for transactional queries vary during different periods. Our results show that the average length of a searcher session is approximately 2.9 interactions and that this average is consistent across time periods. Most importantly, our findings shows that searchers who submit the shortest queries (i.e., in number of terms) click on highest ranked results. We discuss implications, including predictive value, and future research.  相似文献   

A new concept of a bipolar query against collections of textual documents, i.e. in the context of information retrieval (IR), is introduced using recent developments in bipolar information modeling and bipolar database queries. Specifically, a particular approach to bipolar queries with an explicit “and possibly” type of an aggregation operator is used. An effective and efficient processing of such bipolar queries using standard IR data structures is briefly discussed. The bipolar queries proposed combine a flexibility provided by fuzzy logic with a more sophisticated representation of user preferences and intentions. This combination can make the search of vast resources of textual document, notably those available via the Internet, more intelligent.  相似文献   

With increasing popularity of the Internet and tremendous amount of on-line text, automatic document classification is important for organizing huge amounts of data. Readers can know the subject of many document fields by reading only some specific Field Association (FA) words. Document fields can be decided efficiently if there are many FA words and if the frequency rate is high. This paper proposes a method for automatically building new FA words. A WWW search engine is used to extract FA word candidates from document corpora. New FA word candidates in each field are automatically compared with previously determined FA words. Then new FA words are appended to an FA word dictionary. From the experiential results, our new system can automatically appended around 44% of new FA words to the existence FA word dictionary. Moreover, the concentration ratio 0.9 is also effective for extracting relevant FA words that needed for the system design to build FA words automatically.  相似文献   

The Web and especially major Web search engines are essential tools in the quest to locate online information for many people. This paper reports results from research that examines characteristics and changes in Web searching from nine studies of five Web search engines based in the US and Europe. We compare interactions occurring between users and Web search engines from the perspectives of session length, query length, query complexity, and content viewed among the Web search engines. The results of our research shows (1) users are viewing fewer result pages, (2) searchers on US-based Web search engines use more query operators than searchers on European-based search engines, (3) there are statistically significant differences in the use of Boolean operators and result pages viewed, and (4) one cannot necessary apply results from studies of one particular Web search engine to another Web search engine. The wide spread use of Web search engines, employment of simple queries, and decreased viewing of result pages may have resulted from algorithmic enhancements by Web search engine companies. We discuss the implications of the findings for the development of Web search engines and design of online content.  相似文献   

The analysis of contextual information in search engine query logs enhances the understanding of Web users’ search patterns. Obtaining contextual information on Web search engine logs is a difficult task, since users submit few number of queries, and search multiple topics. Identification of topic changes within a search session is an important branch of search engine user behavior analysis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the properties of a specific topic identification methodology in detail, and to test its validity. The topic identification algorithm’s performance becomes doubtful in various cases. These cases are explored and the reasons underlying the inconsistent performance of automatic topic identification are investigated with statistical analysis and experimental design techniques.  相似文献   

Systems for searching the Web based on thematic contexts can be built on top of a conventional search engine and benefit from the huge amount of content as well as from the functionality available through the search engine interface. The quality of the material collected by such systems is highly dependant on the vocabulary used to generate the search queries. In this scenario, selecting good query terms can be seen as an optimization problem where the objective function to be optimized is based on the effectiveness of a query to retrieve relevant material. Some characteristics of this optimization problem are: (1) the high-dimensionality of the search space, where candidate solutions are queries and each term corresponds to a different dimension, (2) the existence of acceptable suboptimal solutions, (3) the possibility of finding multiple solutions, and in many cases (4) the quest for novelty. This article describes optimization techniques based on Genetic Algorithms to evolve “good query terms” in the context of a given topic. The proposed techniques place emphasis on searching for novel material that is related to the search context. We discuss the use of a mutation pool to allow the generation of queries with new terms, study the effect of different mutation rates on the exploration of query-space, and discuss the use of a especially developed fitness function that favors the construction of queries containing novel but related terms.  相似文献   

Developing a tourism forecasting function in decision support systems has become critical for businesses and governments. The existing forecasting models considering spatial relations contain insufficient information, and the spatial aggregation of simple tourist volume series limits the forecasting accuracy. Using human-generated search engines and social media data has the potential to address this issue. In this paper, a spatial aggregation-based multimodal deep learning method for hourly attraction tourist volume forecasting is developed. The model first extracts the daily features of attractions from search engine data; then mines the spatial aggregation relationships in social media data and multi-attraction tourist volume data. Finally, the model fuses hourly features with daily features to make forecasting. The model is tested using a dataset containing several attractions with real-time tourist volume at 15-minute intervals from November 27, 2018, to March 18, 2019, in Beijing. And the empirical and Diebold-Mariano test results demonstrate that the proposed framework can outperform state-of-the-art baseline models with statistically significant improvements at the 1% level. Compared with the best baseline model, the MAPE values are reduced by 50.0% and 27.3% in 4A attractions and 5A attractions, respectively; and the RMSE values are reduced by 48.3% and 26.1%, respectively. The method in this paper can be used as a function embedded in the decision support system to help multi-department collaboration.  相似文献   

Professional, workplace searching is different from general searching, because it is typically limited to specific facets and targeted to a single answer. We have developed the semantic component (SC) model, which is a search feature that allows searchers to structure and specify the search to context-specific aspects of the main topic of the documents. We have tested the model in an interactive searching study with family doctors with the purpose to explore doctors’ querying behaviour, how they applied the means for specifying a search, and how these features contributed to the search outcome. In general, the doctors were capable of exploiting system features and search tactics during the searching. Most searchers produced well-structured queries that contained appropriate search facets. When searches failed it was not due to query structure or query length. Failures were mostly caused by the well-known vocabulary problem. The problem was exacerbated by using certain filters as Boolean filters. The best working queries were structured into 2–3 main facets out of 3–5 possible search facets, and expressed with terms reflecting the focal view of the search task. The findings at the same time support and extend previous results about query structure and exhaustivity showing the importance of selecting central search facets and express them from the perspective of search task. The SC model was applied in the highest performing queries except one. The findings suggest that the model might be a helpful feature to structure queries into central, appropriate facets, and in returning highly relevant documents.  相似文献   

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